Flowers usually close up at night and on cloudy days. grandiflorus: BLUE DAZE: Evolvulus grisebachii: GRISEBACH'S DWARF MORNING-GLORY; GRISEBACH'S BINDWEED: Evolvulus sericeus: SILVER DWARF MORNING-GLORY: … Synonym(s): Evolvulus glomeratus var. Family: Convolvulaceae. leave feedback about this particular page. google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; For the benefit of other visitors Evolvulus glomeratus Blue Daze . Your name Evolvulus glomeratus is a non-vining morning glory-like tender perennial with trailing stems that is native to Brazil. Species - glomeratus. Common name: Brazilian dwarf morning glory. google_color_text = "6F6F6F"; appropriate, I will update my page to correct mis-information. Evolvulus glomeratus 'Blue Daze' Convolvulaceae : Blue Daze: Evolvulus nummularius: Convolvulus nummularius, Volvulopsis nummularium: Convolvulaceae : Roundleaf Bindweed Species with description in Flora of Pakistan: Evolvulus alsinoides (Linn.) Published on the internet. Trailing stems tend to grow somewhat horizontally to downward when planted in baskets or containers. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Hardiness Zone. Evolvulus. I welcome comments about my web pages; feel free to use the form below to Evolvulus 'Blue Daze' offers bigger blue flowers than the common form and has slightly hairy gray-green foliage. Difficulty: Easy to grow Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer Flower Colour: blue Height: 8 to 10 Soil: well-drained soil Sunlight: Full Sun Temperature: 0° to 5° F, Water: medium Bloom Time: Early summer. Learn how to season this Southern kitchen staple in five easy steps. html markups. The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart.. Common Name: Blue Daze Family: Convolvulaceae Juss. The Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & C. Mart. BLUE MY MIND® Evolvulus - PW - 4 1/2 This species is known as the Brazilian Dwarf Moring-Glory, as it comes from Brazil. Common Name: Scientific Name: Evolvulus glomeratus, Blue Daze. Blue daze (Evolvulus glomeratus) is an evergreen member of the morning glory family characterized by downy leaves and … Hanging baskets, containers, small area ground cover or trailing over stone walls. Country of Origin: Brazil, Paraguay USDA Zone: 8-11 Accession Data: Accession # 198501219 Source: Unknown Accession Date: 12-31-1985 Bench: 1308 - NEOA: West Bench SC Currently: active - healthy Qty: 3 confirmed on 11-13-2020 The Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & C. Mart. google_color_link = "0000CC"; google_color_url = "008000"; Container. google_ad_width = 120; Când sute de pasageri sunt aduși cu autobuzul, e prea mic spațiul între două scări pentru a-i ține pe toți. Paspalum scorbiculatum 10. A tender perennial that is winter hardy to USDA Zones 9 to 11. Faced with an Origin / Native - North & western United States, Brazil, America. Missouri Botanical Garden. State Nursery Container Description / Features / Specs Price; GA Oak Pond Nursery. Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Evolvulus does best in full sun, but can tolerate a little shade. Country of Origin: Brazil, Paraguay USDA Zone: 8-11 Accession Data: Accession # 198501219 Source: Unknown Accession Date: 12-31-1985 Bench: 1308 - NEOA: West Bench SC Currently: active - healthy Qty: 3 confirmed on 10-03-2020 Subcategories. Plants - Forbs/Herbs. They are known generally as dwarf morning glories. Evolvulus glomeratus. google_ad_channel = "9719796525"; google_color_border = "00CC99"; Granular (Yes/No) No. This reliable perennial has grey-green foliage and small blue flowers. Cineva a filmat scara rulantă din Otopeni despre care vorbeam aici și clipul explică ce se întâmplă acolo și celor care nu știu zona. Plants most widely offered are labeled 'Blue Daze', 'Hawaiian Blue Eyes', or Evolvulus Glomeratus grandiflorus; or they may simply bear the common name 'blue daze.' google_color_url = "800000"; //-->, In our garden, this plant grows in the following area: left fence border, About my plant portraits Categories. var nfld="huuuu"; var cfld="uuuuh"; Gardening. These plants vary somewhat: Foliage may be … Returnable. Linn. Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart.. Common Name: Blue Daze Family: Convolvulaceae Juss. Corchorus aestuans. google_ad_channel ="6852836166"; Hardiness Zone. Common Name: Scientific Name: Evolvulus glomeratus, Blue Daze. They are known generally as dwarf morning glories. Common names: blue daze, Brazilian dwarf morning glory, Hawaiian blue eyes (English); azulzinha, evólvulo, sete-sangrias (Portuguese-Brazil); daze azul, evólvulo (Spanish). Sometimes incorrectly listed as E. pilosis or E. nuttallianus. Vernacular names . Type. There are other species but this is the only one currently in common use. September 07, 2017 Zone: 8-11. Lens (elliptic) like leafs are hairy and alternately arranged around the stem. Its drought-tolerant nature makes it a great option for neglected areas of the garden or even for containers that might receive infrequent water. Arizona Blue Eyes prefers growing in desert grasslands and open ares, and upland habitats among piñon and juniper. Evolvulus nummularius from Hooghly: Attaching images of what i think is Evolvulus nummularius L. The Bengali name given to it is BHNUI-AKRA. google_ad_client = "pub-3267882081967370"; Its drought-tolerant nature makes it a great option for neglected areas of the garden or even for containers that might receive infrequent water. – Brazilian dwarf morning-glory : Species: Evolvulus grisebachii Peter – Grisebach's dwarf morning-glory : Species: Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. – agracejo rastrero : Species: Evolvulus nuttallianus Schult. google_color_bg = "00CC99"; comment about the website as a whole, please leave it in my Other cultivars and species: Relatively new to the North American Landscape trade. Height - Up to 1 feet [30.480cm]. Common Name Herbarium Specimens Photos; Evolvulus alsinoides: SLENDER DWARF MORNING-GLORY: Evolvulus convolvuloides: BINDWEED DWARF MORNING-GLORY; DWARF BINDWEED: Evolvulus glomeratus subsp. Synonym - Evolvulus nuttallianus. Evolvulus nummularius, with known ethno-medicinal background. Genus - Evolvulus. "Evolvulus blue daze" is the most frequently used common name, whereas Evolvulus glomeratus 'Blue Daze' is the correct cultivar name. Plant Details: Scientific Name: Evolvulus nuttallianus Common Name: Evolvulus, Blue Daze Hardiness Degree: 32°F (0.0°C) Blooming Season: Autumn, Spring, Summer Plant Habit: Mounded Characteristics: Heat Tolerant, Shade Tolerant Water: Light Fertilize: Every two weeks … No common name has yet been provided in this category. Scientific name: Evolvulus glomeratus Pronunciation: ee-VOLV-yoo-lus glom-mur-RAY-tus Common name(s): Blue Daze Family: Convolvulaceae Plant type: annual; perennial; herbaceous USDA hardiness zones: 9B through 11 (Fig. Common Name: Evolvulus, Blue Daze, Hawaiian Blue Eyes (though the latter two are also names of E. glomeratus cultivars), Brazilian Dwarf Morning-Glory. Difficulty: Easy to grow Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer Flower Colour: blue Height: 8 to 10 Soil: well-drained soil Sunlight: Full Sun Temperature: 0° to 5° F, Water: medium Bloom Time: Early summer. Evolvulus is a genus of flowering plants in the Convolvulaceae, the morning glory family. Morning Glory. The Plants Database includes the following 12 species of Evolvulus . Common Garden Pests and Problems; Gardening Help FAQs; Kemper Center Factsheets; Visual Guides; Plant Advice ; Plants of Merit; Sustainable Gardening; Gardening Education & Classes; Visit the Center for Home Gardening; Gardening Help Site Map; Gardening Help Search. Marketing Information: Bench Card Download a Bench Card. Non-Fragrant. Common Name. Starter plants are often available from local nurseries in cell packs in spring. Synonym - Evolvulus nuttallianus. Common names: blue daze, Brazilian dwarf morning glory, Hawaiian blue eyes (English); azulzinha, evólvulo, sete-sangrias (Portuguese-Brazil); daze azul, evólvulo (Spanish). Fragrance. Country of Origin: Brazil, Paraguay USDA Zone: 8-11 Accession Data: Accession # 198501219 Source: Unknown Accession Date: 12-31-1985 Bench: 1308 - NEOA: West Bench SC Currently: active - healthy Qty: 3 confirmed on 10-03-2020 And its pleasant blue flowers will bloom throughout the growing season. Water Requirements. My new favorite plant. Evolvulus: Common Name: Dwarf Morning Glory, Blue Daze: Plant Type: Perennial: Mature Size: 1-3 feet tall, 1-2 feet wide: Sun Exposure: Full sun: Soil Type: Moist, well-drained: Soil pH: 6-8: Bloom Time: Summer/Fall: Flower Color: Blue: Hardiness Zones: 8-11: Native Area: North and South America: How to Grow Evolvulus Plants . Synonym(s): Evolvulus glomeratus var. It’s like a love and hate relationship with us. grandiflorus (Parodi) van Ooststr. Fragrance. Evolvulus glomeratus Blue Daze . Herb. If you Growing Information: Culture Guidelines. Common name. //-->, PlantLinks to other web pages about Evolvulus glomeratus. Insect. 1. 'Blue My Mind' is a dwarf to a foot high and 2 feet wide. These plants vary somewhat: Foliage may be green or gray, blossoms bright blue or powder blue. This category has only the following subcategory. Classification. document.write('
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