
vision of catholic schools

The vision for Catholic schools will be shared by stakeholders (bishop, pastors, principals, teachers, parents, students, parish personnel), as the guiding principles of our Catholic schools. We accomplish this by building an active partnership between our families, school, and parish. Authored by Dr. Gerard O'Shea in Issue #4.2 of The Catechetical Review. St James's is a Catholic school in which each individual grows in the knowledge and love of Christ. Are we pointing to that vision? Catholic education is at its best when we work together to accomplish the mission of our Church in making life-long disciples embedded in our faith. The system of Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta provides solid faith formation and academic excellence. The Catholic Schools Office, driven passionately by faith in Christ, provides leadership, service, oversight, and support to the Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. We honor the Regis Catholic schools' tradition... Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment.We are united by Our Core Values of Living Faith, Accepting Responsibility, Promoting Teamwork, Achieving Excellence, and Inspiring Leadership. In my conversation with Sr. Elizabeth Anne Allen, OP on the Church Documents series on the Catholic School Matters podcast about The Catholic School, the Vatican’s 1977 document on Catholic schools, we both pointed out the importance of paragraph 34 in establishing a Catholic school’s vision and mission: Christ is the foundation of the whole educational enterprise in a Catholic school. Bringing Christ’s message of service to others above self; the promise of eternal life that raises Catholic education to a higher level. Defining features of Brisbane Archdiocesan Catholic schools: promote the dynamic vision of God’s love manifest in the life and mission of Jesus Christ recognise and nurture the spirituality of each person are a place of quality learning and teaching Catholic schools in the Diocese of Fort Worth are committed to opening the doors so that our students can reach further than the walls that would otherwise enclose them and therefore are able to recognize and cherish the eternal and transcendental goods of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. How often do we see this? The Catholic schools of our Archdiocese must continue to be vibrant communities of academic, social, and spiritual excellence. Mission and Vision The mission of the Department of Catholic Schools is to provide services and direction to the pastors, principals, teachers and other school leaders so that the vision of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of San Antonio can be realized. It makes Pope Francis’s call for “a poor Church for the poor” all the more relevant. Tuition Assistance & Scholarships. The Catholic vision of the person is often summarized in terms of the imago Dei, which means at least that human beings have an intrinsic dignity, with the gifts of free will and intelligence; that we are creatures instilled by God with a natural orientation to truth, goodness, and beauty. We invite you to call, tour, or shadow for a day to learn more about our schools. The Vision for Catholic Schools I often find “Christ-centered” and “Gospel-centered” in mission and vision statements. A Catholic education gives students a strong foundation as members of society and the Catholic community. Or are they simply intended to get our students into college and heaven? Learn More. From that meeting, came a new vision of renewal. Copyright © 2020 Regis Catholic Schools. Our Vision: To offer quality Catholic education so that each person may know and come to identify more fully with the living Spirit of Christ. Our vision of Catholic education invites each one of us– parents, students, teachers, principals, chaplains, support staff, trustees, clergy, supervisory personnel — to work together as a community of believers committed to putting the values of our faith into practice in the daily life of the school, the home, and in all of society. His revelation gives new meaning to life and helps man to direct this thought, action and will according to the Gospel, making the beatitudes his norm of life. 2018 NCEA Visions for Excellence Soul of Youth Sports Conference, How to Help Families Support Math Learning at Home, Financial Aid Applications for the 2021-2022 School Year: Considerations for the COVID-19 Era, Top 4 Reasons Not to Sign Up for the New Certificate in Catholic School Management. Archdiocese of Washington Catholic schools provide the right mix of faith, family and lifelong learning to prepare your child for the realities of the modern world. Mission and vision of catholic education Saint Ambrose College is one of twelve schools in England in the Edmund Rice Schools Network and it was rated ‘Outstanding’ by both Ofsted and the Diocese of Shrewsbury upon our last inspections. The Lansing Catholic High School community, faithful to the Church and all that is contained in the Depositum Fidei*, seeks to live the joy of the Gospel by serving one another in the truth as revealed by Jesus Christ. We are united by Our Core Values of Living Faith , Accepting Responsibility , Promoting Teamwork , Achieving Excellence , and Inspiring Leadership . Helping students realize the full potential of their God given abilities. We prepare our students for college, life’s vocations, active participation in society and in the life of our Church, and ultimately for Heaven. Sacred Heart School is committed to providing an excellent academic education in a welcoming environment of faith and virtue. Do we believe in the “privileged” environment of our schools? Click on the image to download our Mission, Vision, and Values document. Catholic school education in the Archdiocese and a subsequent process to develop a strategic plan for Catholic schools. The fact that in their own individual ways all members of the school community share this Christian vision, makes the school “Catholic,” principles of the Gospel in this manner become the educational norms since the school then has them as its internal motivation and final goal. Preparing and inspiring students to lead meaningful lives, rooted in the teachings of Christ in our Catholic tradition. A final indicator of a school's authentic catholicity is the vital witness … After all, Catholic schools are founded in faith. Terms & Conditions, Regis Catholic Schools Virtual Wellness Room, Regis Catholic Schools Logo & Brand Identity Guidelines, Regis Catholic Schools Social Media Commenting Guidelines, Recursos en Espanol (Resources in Spanish), 2020-21 School Year + Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information, Theme for 2020-21 School Year: Healthy Habits. Vision & Mission The Philosophy of OLV Catholic School Our Lady of Victory Catholic School, a school of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, serves children in Preschool through Eighth Grade by fostering their spiritual, intellectual, moral, social, emotional, and physical development. We also discuss the “salvific” mission of the church. In partnership with parents and the whole community, our purpose is to provide a high standard of education, giving the maximum opportunity to realise each person’s potential. The vision of Immaculate Conception Catholic School is to teach as Jesus taught. A New Vision for Catholic Religious Education 03/09/2016 By Jared Dees If we were to evaluate the impact of our religious education programs in the Catholic Church today based solely on the number of students whose lives were transformed, do you think we would score well? This comprehensive initiative required the involvement of the full spectrum of Catholic school education stakeholders and the sustained efforts of the Vision Steering Committee (VSC). (34). Keep in touch. Do our Catholic schools exist to save souls? Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment. ICCS strives for the development of the whole child through participation in the sacramental life of the Catholic Church. Vision for Catholic Schools. Catholic schools … Catholic Education - The Vision Catholic Education takes place in communities inspired by the Spirit of Christ.Christ’s commandment to love God and neighbour inspires a caring ethos which is expressed in relationships within and beyond Catholic schools. The Beatitudes should form the basis of our Catholic schools. The Catholic school loses its purpose without constant reference to the Gospel and a frequent encounter with Christ. We believe the Holy Spirit inspires all that we do, We embrace the Gospel of Jesus Christ and encourage a personal relationship with God the Father, We acknowledge the diversity of others & their beliefs, We lead through example and are accountable for our actions, We believe and promote our Catholic values, We affirm good judgement and trustworthy behavior, We communicate honestly, openly and consistently, We build community by cooperating in the classroom and in all co-curricular activities, We work together to achieve common goals with all members of our school and parish community, We respond to challenges and pursue continuous improvement, We nurture a love of learning that will last a lifetime, We strive for academic growth in all subject areas, We prepare students for leadership and service in church and society, We celebrate integrity and seek fair choices. School faculty and staff will be State certified, competent and committed to academic excellence. The Catholic Schools Office (CSO) is responsible for the leadership, operation and management of systemic schools which educate more than 19,600 students in 44 primary schools, 12 secondary schools, one K-12 school and one special school in the Catholic Diocese of … Vision Statement. Our schools are rooted in Gospel values and the teaching mission of the Catholic Church. Vision Statement. Recently, a highly gifted colleague of mine told me of a visit she had made to officials of a nearby diocesan school system. Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore provide a Christ-centered education that is academically excellent and empowers students to reach their full potential –spiritually, intellectually, physically, socially, and morally. Privacy Policy They are learning communities of faith and service. I often find “Christ-centered” and “Gospel-centered” in mission and vision statements. Virtue Project. Our Vision for St James’s. Parent Resources. Department of Catholic Schools 12 State Street Detroit, MI 48226-1823 313-237-4661 About the CSO. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL VISION STATEMENT St. Joseph Catholic School is committed to educating students in Catholic values and traditions, developing a firm foundation in academics, and fostering respect and service. In the midst of our contemporary culture, schools seek to be a bridge between the world in which our families live and embracing the promise of God’s new world by following the Gospel vision of justice, peace, respect for all creation, and the common good of the whole human family. Catholic Education is person-centred. Sacred Heart School is a Catholic community of faith, service, and academic excellence. At the heart of Catholic education lies the Christian vision of the human person. After all, the document points out that our students have a remarkable opportunity for formation by a supernatural vision. The Catholic school is committed thus to the development of the whole man, since in Christ, the perfect man, all human values find their fulfilment and unity. At Regis Catholic Schools, we lead through example and are accountable for our actions. Our schools must be on mission, dedicated to forming intentional disciples of Jesus Christ. VISION: Assisting Catholic schools in promoting faith formation, academic excellence, and individual growth rooted in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. School faculty and staff will share the vision of Catholic Christian education, helping young people grow and mature in their faith. We are deeply committed to supporting the proclamation of the Gospel through our primary and secondary Catholic Schools, Catholic higher education, campus ministry, certification for ecclesial ministry, and support of children and parents through advocacy and public policy in our Nation's Capital. Our Vision. Protecting Children & Youth. Vision With a determination to carry on the contribution of the Catholic Church to education, a Catholic School, as its vision and mission, shall uphold and pass on the following core values to young people to prepare them properly for their life and future responsibilities– Truth: It … Herein lies the specifically Catholic character of the school. This vision is explored in religious education (RE) making RE the core subject in a Catholic school. We are united by Our Core Values of Living Faith, Accepting Responsibility, Promoting Teamwork, Achieving Excellence, and Inspiring Leadership. Sustained by Gospel Witness. Vision. Regis Catholic Schools is dedicated to educating students of all faiths in a Catholic, Christ-centered environment. Guided by the Pastoral Vision of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Welcome to the Catholic Education website. The specific contribution to the life of the Catholic school of curriculum RE is primarily educational. SHORT FORM OF VISION: A vision of greatness for Catholic schools. Notice that the document points to the specific part of the Gospel which illuminates the values of the Gospel and thus, are Christ-centered. All Rights Reserved. Individual faculty members will be regularly evaluated based upon their spiritual involvement and professional growth. A Vision of Education for Catholic Schools. Do we foster this environment—building, growing, and celebrating?

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