
vestibule in a sentence

2 Able to smash vestibule windows with a single brick. 4 Every time the vestibule door opened, he tensed up. To be rebuilt as an end vestibule corridor composite. In 1779 his bust of Moliere, at the Theatre Frangais, won universal praise, and the celebrated draped statue of Voltaire, in the vestibule of the same theatre, was exhibited at the Salon of 1781, to which Houdon also sent a statue of Marshal de Tourville, commissioned by the king, and the Diana executed for Catharine II. Define vestibule. Tentacles infolded, during retraction, into a vestibule which can. The vacationing family wheeled their luggage through the vestibule and into the lobby to the concierge’s counter. They were quietly dropping melted wax into snow and looking at the shadows the wax figures would throw on the wall, when they heard the steps and voices of new arrivals in the vestibule. 34 Both lateral and medial nasal vestibule have a knurl. Examples of vestibule in a Sentence please leave your wet boots in the vestibule Recent Examples on the Web The walls have been strengthened, the entrance vestibule uncluttered, and the acoustics and lighting immeasurably improved, while Rothko’s paintings themselves were left untouched. The vestibule, in the Cosmatesque style, is supported by ten ancient columns resting upon recumbent lions, with a mosaic frieze upon them. Among the other wonders of the Alhambra are the Sala de la Justicia (Hall of Justice), the Patio del Mexuar (Court of the Council Chamber), the Patio de Daraxa (Court of the Vestibule), and the Peinador de la Reina (Queen's Robing Room), in which are to be seen the same delicate and beautiful architecture, the same costly and elegant decorations. ISSN : 2393-073X; ijdmsr.editor@gmail.com; Home; About Us; Call For Paper; Paper Submission; Editorial Board; Issue. Male and female genital apertures open into a common vestibule, except in Vaginulidae and Oncidiidae. The fundamental American vestibule patent, issued to H. It consists of three parts: a cloistered court, from which rises the massive and stately minaret, the maksura or mosque proper, and the vestibule. The Pitti collection is in the royal palace (formerly the residence of the grand dukes), and a fine new stairway and vestibule have been constructed by royal munificence. The Early Renaissance vestibule (after 1491) is fine. A large vestibule in the house led from the kitchen to the garden. We entered a tiny vestibule and the girl picked a folded white gown from a pile, undid the plastic wrapping and asked me to wear it over my clothes. The spectator, having climbed ten steps and left behind him a gateway, reaches a vestibule in which are statues of Lully, Rameau, Gluck, and Handel. The vestibule boasts a tiled floor shoe rack and coat stand to dry your wet walking shoes and jackets if necessary. Vestibule quotes from YourDictionary: Even if this earth is only a vestibule, we ought undoubtedly to make such a use of its blessing that we are assisted rather than delayed in our journey. Reproductive organs with ducts leading to the vestibule. means a small entrance hall or antechamber between two doors. Maclean, Alistair THE LONELY SEA (2002) He walked along the corridor, came out on to the landing above the vestibule, and turned to come down … The tourists walked through the vestibule into the main exhibit room and were astounded by the beauty of Degas’ ballerinas. The present church bell is not the original, but the bell in the vestibule of the church has an interesting history. vestibule definition: 1. a small room just inside the outer door of a public building where you can leave your coat…. Learn VESTIBULE from example sentences, some of them are from classic books. The vestibule took him. Jul 13, 2020 - Explore Jenna Holdaway's board "Entrance vestibule" on Pinterest. It tells us that the grave of Leo the Great was in the vestibule below the sacristy. The vestibule now forms the Piazza del Duomo or cathedral square; to the north-east of this lies the temple of Jupiter, or perhaps the mausoleum. › Vicarate [vīˈkerēət, vəˈkerēət, vīˈkerēˌāt, vəˈkerēˌāt], › Enduringur [inˈd(y)o͝oriNG, enˈd(y)o͝oriNG], © 2020 UseEnglishWords.com. A ceramic mosaic of special design covered the floor of the new vestibule and the entrance was an ornate display of early English Architecture. The vestibule is encased in the temporal bone of the skull. Your nasal vestibule is the area inside your nostrils. ENTRANCE VESTIBULE: Wooden paneled front door with an opaque single glazed fixed pane to the side. The doors lead into a vestibule under the west gallery, and this opens with three arches into the nave proper. When the Reformers attacked the abbey church in March 1560, they spared the nave, which served as the parish church till the 19th century, and now forms the vestibule of the New church. Gerasim and the porter, who had followed Makar Alexeevich, stopped him in the vestibule and tried to take the pistol from him. It felt like a piece of theater as we watched from the west vestibule. Yet he did not profess the haughty contempt for science and philosophy which his followers the Victorines expressed; he regarded knowledge, not as an end in itself, but as the vestibule of the mystic life. vestibule entrance to the North end of Carriage 21. 🔊. Heron-Royer and C. Van Bambeke, "Le vestibule de la bouche chez les tetards des batraciens anoures d'Europe," Arch. Examples of Vestibule in a sentence. Vestibular definition is - of, relating to, or functioning as a vestibule. Suddenly a fresh sound, a piercing feminine scream, reverberated from the porch and the cook came running into the vestibule. I'll wait for you in the. The small entrance vestibule has become a repository for many memorials. Examples of vestibule in a Sentence please leave your wet boots in the vestibule Recent Examples on the Web The area would act as a vestibule and entryway for the building. Mk 2b designs were introduced in 1968 and their vestibule end panels and gangway doors were of orange-red glass fiber. A vestibule was made by removing some pews at the back of the church. They were vestibules of hell. Define Vestibule. A courier who galloped to the castle in advance, in a troyka with three foam-flecked horses, shouted "Coming!" The vulva or pudendum comprises all the female external generative organs, and consists of the mons Veneris, labia majora and minora, clitoris, urethral orifice, hymen, bulbs of the vestibule, and glands of Bartholin. The most distinguished names in French literature have been among its contributors, for whom it has been styled the " vestibule of the Academy.". Definition of vestibule a hallway or room that leads into a larger main room Examples of vestibule in a sentence The tourists walked through the vestibule into the main exhibit room and were astounded by the beauty of Degas’ ballerinas. 2. ‘A vestibule behind and to the left provides access to the building's interior at grade, in effect a bridge over this sunken area.’ ‘She made it a point to rearrange donated canned goods in the outer vestibule to insure that Jimmy's heard her enter.’ ‘He stood in the small vestibule locking the … Sentence with the word vestibule Even in this strange landscape the vestibulewas an impressive display of pink Aswan granite and white alabaster floor. In front, on the east, was a portico extending along the front of all three buildings; and east of this again a large trapeze-shaped vestibule or fore-hall, enclosed by a colonnade. Examples of vestibules in a sentence: 1. Are you talking about vestibule pertaining to architecture or vestibule pertaining to the anatomy? 1 An antechamber, hall, or lobby next to the outer door of a building. Vestibules (1) If access is provided through a fire separationbetween a storage garage and a Group A, Division 1 or Group B occupancy, the access shall be through a vestibule conforming to Sentence (3). Input your word, you get not only its meaning and example, but also some sentences' contexts in classic literature. In the ceremony of beatification the essential part consists in the reading of the pontifical brief, placing the Venerable in the rank of the Blessed, which is done during a solemn mass, celebrated with special rites in the great hall above the vestibule of the basilica of St Peter. 🔊. [from the 17th c.] | (rail transport) An enclosed entrance at the end of a railway passenger car. 68. The alimentary canal persists and revolves in the median plane through an angle of 180°, accompanied by part of the larval vestibule, the space formed by the retra^tion of the oral surface. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Craig's square entrance vestibule has a ribbed and groined vault with the royal arms in the center. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], In the vestibule I scanned the column of buzzers while she fumbled in her purse for her keys, Within the vestibule[wwwSentencedictcom] red lighting ached drearily on the eye, Miguel felt sad as Firebug disappeared into the vestibule the ugly steel door closing behind him with a clank, Harriet went out into the vestibule which was already darkening with the approaching night, Stepping into the vestibule he propositioned her immediately, The last person to John alive was having a cigarette with him in the carriage, He wore corrective goggles which must translate the rubicund gloom of this, The hotelier family's punning motif-a bull with its horns to the ground-was woven into the, On Wednesday night a -year-old Baptist minister was shot dead by robbers in the, A team of builders from the coast are still plastering the vaults of the, This dear woman brought the clean washing in a black bag to church and left it in the, From the drawing room door she turned to her right into the small, A pottery plaque has been placed at the entrance and her picture on the wall in the, Mass heard amid a crowd of boys packed into the rear, To the notables and the men of affairs Sergeant Janeway was a picturesque menial at the, Vestibular system, apparatus of the inner ear involved in balance. At the vestibule door a porter, somewhat befuddled by saturnalian merry-making, was waiting sleepily. comprising a beautiful entrance vestibule, leading to the hallway which splits in two levels. Vestibule in a sentence. STEPHEN C. GIDLEY, AGING-IN-PLAC. and Konovnitsyn rushed into the vestibule to inform Kutuzov, who was waiting in the hall porter's little lodge. Notices are displayed on the Honors boards in the ground-floor vestibule of the Department. Pressing a cylindrical disc of some base metal into the gratified waiter's hand, McCrimmon emerged into the vestibule. They drove up to the gloomy old house on the Vozdvizhenka and entered the vestibule. The vestibule was filled with the discordant sounds of a struggle and of a tipsy, hoarse voice. The bulbs of the vestibule are two masses of erectile tissue situated one on each side of the vaginal orifice: above they are continued up to the clitoris; they represent the bulb and the corpus spongiosum of the male, split into two, and the fact that they are so divided accounts for the urethra failing to be enclosed in the clitoris as it is in the penis. The vestibule was decorated with stucco mouldings by Domenico di Paris of Padua. The vestibule is the common cavity with which all the other portions of the labyrinth connect. Andy Cooper continued to work on the completion of the vestibule entrance to the North end of Carriage 21. Current Issue The chief monuments and statues of the city are the statue of Queen Victoria in the vestibule of the Houses of Parliament, and a colossal group commemorating the explorers Robert O'Hara Bourke (b. 1 I'll wait for you in the vestibule. The addition of a narthex before the main front and a vestibule on the northern side brings the whole western arm of the cross to a square on plan. 69. ENTRANCE VESTIBULE Entered via a solid wood exterior door with glazed panels and original door knocker. together with currents of water induced by the action of the vibratile cilia which are abundant along special tracts on the sides and roof of the vestibule of the mouth and in the walls of the perforated pharynx ("ciliary ingestion"). The vestibule breaks through to the exterior, and the tentacles, which have been developed within it, are brought into relation with the external water. It has a magnificent open roof of carved oak, and is used as the vestibule of the Houses of Parliament. Vestibular definition is - of, relating to, or functioning as a. In the vestibule of the entrance corridor stands a suit of black armour believed to have been worn by Provost Sir Robert Davidson, who fell in the battle of Harlaw, near Inverurie, in 1411. Down in the vestibule they faced each other again. The west bay has entrance vestibule with upper gallery, further five bays to the nave, wide, with a flat paneled ceiling. The temple, which usually stands in the middle of a court, is as a rule a building of very moderate dimensions, consisting either of a single square chamber, surmounted by a pyramidal structure, or of a chamber for the linga and a small vestibule. Comprising a beautiful entrance vestibule, leading to the hallway which splits in two levels. vestibule synonyms, vestibule pronunciation, vestibule translation, English dictionary definition of vestibule. In the Entoprocta the tentacles are withdrawn by being infolded into the "vestibule," a depression of the oral surface which can be closed by a sphincter muscle. The vestibule of the mouth is the space bounded by the oral hood; this arises by secondary downgrowth of lid-like folds over the true oral aperture, and is provided with a fringe of tentacular cirri, each of which is supported by a solid skeletal axis. 62 sentence examples: 1. On the north side is the great hall (Fyapov), with an outer portico supported by two columns (alOovva) and an inner vestibule (TrpOSopos) with three doors. Kate wandered blindly back to pick up the post and close the vestibule door. 3. The central cavity of the inner ear that leads to the eardrum is an example of a vestibule. The inner narthex of the church formed a magnificent vestibule 205 ft. The southern side is occupied by the "refectory" (K), from the west end of which by a vestibule the kitchen (L) is reached. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. In the lavatory, or vestibule connecting the chapterhouse with the choir, Marjory Anderson, a poor half-crazy creature, a soldier's widow, took up her quarters in 1748. climb more stairs from the vestibule to the Exhibition Hall. At one end of the trench, steps were cut out and these formed the entrance and vestibule. The former, well restored by Ricci in1898-1900(except for the dome with its baroque frescoes which has not been altered), is a regular octagon, with a vestibule, originally flanked by two towers on the west, a choir added on the east, triangular outside and circular within; it is surrounded within by two galleries interrupted at the presbytery, and supported by eight large pillars, the intervals between which are occupied by open exedrae. Vestibules sentence examples To remedy these defects vestibules were introduced, to enclose the platform with a housing so arranged as to be continuous when the cars are made up into trains, and fitted with side doors for ingress and egress when the trains are standing. It was intended to be the vestibule to a palace, but now contains a number of collections of great value. The Ontario Building Code | Vestibules Entrance vestibule, reception hall, cloakroom, sitting room, dining room, breakfast kitchen, rear lobby. The church vestibule is still being used on Saturday mornings for the sale of Traidcraft products. it stands free, isolated from the rest of the plan by corridors, is entered from a vestibule on a short side, and has a central hearth, surrounded by pillars and perhaps hypaethral; there is no central court, and other apartments form distinct blocks. 13. 🔊. Above platform level is a vestibule with a number of shops. 32 A staircase opens up in a vertical link vestibule. From the fourth vestibule he brought the female devil Ruha, daughter of Kin, and set her over the whole four. The carriages have been designed with larger vestibule areas beside the doors. Vestibules can reduce the infiltration losses (or gains) from wind and stack effects by creating an air lock entry. The vestibular system consists of two structures of the bony labyrinth of the inner ear, the. ‘The trio rounded the end of the shelves and saw a crouched form behind the stone archway that made up the division between the vestibule and the main hall of the library.’ Examples of Vestibule in a sentence The tourists walked through the vestibule into the main exhibit room and were astounded by the beauty of Degas’ ballerinas. East of the vestibule is a large hall, and to the south is the great library, corresponding in size, &c. with the museum of natural history; the small library; rooms for the librarian, for apparatus, and also another large theatre. Since you didn't indicate which, here's a link that will hopefully help you decide on a proper sentence for the vestibule you're talking about. A Practical Physiology. - A " Vestibule "; the " lazytongs " gate is folded away when two cars are coupled together, giving free passage from end to end of the train. All Rights Reserved. The bather first entered a vestibule, where he could leave his clothes in a niche or locker. Examples of vestibule in a sentence: 1. n. 1. Find more ways to say vestibule, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. century. Hussars, ladies, witches, clowns, and bears, after clearing their throats and wiping the hoarfrost from their faces in the vestibule, came into the ballroom where candles were hurriedly lighted. Subsequent improvements on the Sessions patent have resulted in a modified form of vestibule in which the housing is made the full width of the platform, though the contact plate and springs and the flexible connexions remain the same as before. English Translation of “vestibule” | The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Having released Mavrushka, Natasha crossed the dancing hall and went to the vestibule. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases. On days on which it is in use, members come through the tower entrance and by wide staircases ascend to the first vestibule. The word vestibule is a noun, a word for a thing. Accommodation The main entrance from Queen Street gives access to the large vestibule, which leads to the spacious, fully carpeted outer hall. A second advantage of the vestibule developed in use, for it was found that the lateral swaying of the cars was diminished by the friction between the vestibule frames.

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