
bifen xts label

Control Solutions Inc. Bifen I/T Available in 4 fl.oz / 1 pint / … Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control. Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water-resistant, long lasting residual control. H�tTKo�8��W̥ @���D���f�C�h�@Ѓj���RR 55 0 obj <> endobj Bifen XTS is a broad-spectrum bifenthrin insecticide that will effectively provide contact and residual control of insects in lawns, ornamentals, shrubs and trees. bifen it label csia bifen xts quart. x�b```�V�``��0p,���Z��Z(���;��_g}ò����g���{;:V�l�iqWⱉ͚���q�Rp�yW��"Eר�c��%�[|Y 0000001259 00000 n Follow all precautions on the label and keep pets away while you are spraying so it does not happen to get in their eyes. 0000010637 00000 n See attached booklet for additional precautionary statements NET CONTENTS: 5903 Genoa-Red Bluff 1 GALLON … How Bifen XTS Insecticide Works Bifen XTS Insecticide for Termites gets its name from the active ingredient bifenthrin. COMPARES TO : Onyx: ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Bifenthrin 23.4%: EPA SIGNAL WORD: Warning: … Bifen XTS is an oil-based formula insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin with water resistant long lasting residual control that lasts for up to 90 days making it unlike the Bifenthrin in Talstar Pro, Bifen I/T and Masterline Bifenthrin. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN WARNING/AVISO Si usted no entiende la etiqueta, busque a alguien para que la explique a usted en detalle. Shop Black Friday deals now. Bifen XTS and Japanese beetles. Restrictions on Use: See product label for any restrictions on the use of this product. You will be using a small … Do not water to the point of run-off. Bifen XTS insecticide contains 25.1 % bifenthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid that effects an insect's nervous system, first causing paralysis and then death. The key risk-reduction measures being proposed on the label of Capture 240 EC to address the potential risks identified in this assessment are as follows. 0000046704 00000 n Bifen XTS controls over 70 types of bugs, insects and other pests. Do not broadcast apply more than 0.4 lbs. Do not apply BIFEN 2 LB or allow it to drift to crops or weeks on which bees are actively foraging. The active ingredient is bifenthrin and it is labeled to kill over 70 different types of insects instantly. ��=f8�?r؎�]�ݶ� �&� 0000011508 00000 n 0000001555 00000 n Try Prime. Bifen XTS Control Solutions Inc. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. 0000003927 00000 n Bifen IT has a long residual control with a product label of over 75 insects. It's perfect for use as a pre- and post-construction termite treatment, preventing unnecessary damage to structures. � ^DO���� \��74&�ې��M}�S h�GԛH�C�y��;��~�g����%I�#��軑��a��c%M��m��BB5����S(��K��l4à��LĮ�EH������4��g��oL ¯x֏òف�t�M��p���ݼi>��A�����es�|������&� O A���9���L)]�n4m#�8�֜#"*g��7�c5O6��0!�U�D�`�@�� Labels of registered pesticide products include specific instructions for use. Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control. The product should have detailed instructions on the label but I will mention a few . Directions include risk-reduction measures to protect human and environmental health. After the product is diluted in accordance with label directions for use, and/or when mixing and loading using a closed spray tank transfer system, or an in -line injector system, shirts, pants, socks, shoes and waterproof gloves are sufficient. All. 1 Gallon 756242; 32 Ounce 753985; Find a ProCenter (800) 888-4897 . Bifen IT Insecticide Termiticide 32 OZ. In addition to the beetles, Bifen XTS … Make your work easier by using a label. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution. Not For Sale To: NY, SC. Bifen XTS contains 2 pounds active ingredient per gallon. Bifen XTS may also be combined into full tanks of water. Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control. Choose size: Single (1) 32 oz quart - $49.95 ; Buy (2) 32 oz quarts - $44.50 each *SALE* Single (1) 3/4 gallon jug - $99.95 each; Add to cart > Product Information Page. Provides long residual activity for improved pest control Fast-acting synthetic pyrethroid with low odor and quick knock down Controls over 50 unwanted pests including termites, ants and surface feeding … Bifen XTS is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 25.1% bifenthrin. Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking … ��p��TY�T�A�@D�V��G���oPV�����!Άg�>P�t �z��!SI#`o07)�Q.�I���nb$���.�lZ15���bwDjCK��P��Ⱥ��1�&����ɽ+�H0��~�AM���wmH�#�(�\;� . Add to cart. (200 lbs. If you have a 3,000 square foot area to be treated, you would need 1 oz of Bifen XTS … Bifen L/P, on the other hand, is labeled to control common insects like ants, chinch bugs, fleas, mole crickets, ticks, armyworms, sod webworms and billbugs. �E�2�U!��w�o߾���u��*��� ��/߬���ay���F �� �9Ni�Ř�P0�`֢z0kD���繆5��������ziu+�h�9�YEӿ}�����כo���Q0+r�Ơ�/sI�kRzL�D)n�7�U������\}y�Q�t�\��m�\���n���N|��ի��B;�f��Ήo�m�q��P+������i��:����1 ��o*��a�b���N͖��ț��(va�] ��鑿[��m��y�yj7@�.����Ð6��S&H��0Z|�1'|�s$�ϯ>j����ū���L����"� `?�_��ܔXO�%�ŕk�� startxref It is a commonly used insecticide with a … applications, consult the product label. If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution. Note to Physician- This … Free Shipping by Amazon. Bifen XTS Insecticide for Termites gets its name from the active ingredient bifenthrin. Broad label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP’s looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre- and post-construction termite treatment. Description Additional information Description. Bifen 25% EC EPA Registration Number: 83520-4 Date of Submission: April 26, 2013 Dear Ms. Miller: The Agency is in receipt of your Application for Pesticide Notification under Pesticide Registration (PRN) 98-10 dated April 26, 2013, for the above mentioned product. S>\�O,QX�\zH�KG��v�ݵh�}���B�iߡ�-�Y [L1�/qi��r�3 �I�52��y�C�]�N�� x��� � W�Z�d�23�1��@���SJ��Z��n0�:��������Q����-^$4Ӣ����)v�4�U� L��'��uhM\�_�O��J9�tX����Q� s;��LQ�������0�7�� 0000006993 00000 n Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. For a medical emergency involving this product, call 800-222-1222. Summary: Insecticide/Termiticide for use around residential and commercial structures and on lawns and landscape areas. Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre and post construction termite treatment. Post by FoldsPocketAces » Sun Aug 23, 2020 4:45 pm. ft. Broad label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP’s looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre- and post … Label Directions Safety Data. Applications to soil or vegetation, as listed on this label… Bifen XTS. 0000007793 00000 n 1-16 of 169 results for "bifen xts" Skip to main search results Eligible for Free Shipping. Secondly, which is better bifenthrin or permethrin? This synthetic chemical emulates a naturally occurring substance known as pyrethrin found in chrysanthemums, which works to protect the flowers in the wild. 0000001179 00000 n Bifen XTS - “Lawn” vs “outside surfaces” rates. Refer to the Bifen XTS product label and Bifen L/P product label … w�ʋ��1�x�������@�ͬc�1H�r� �ƚ��g���0�|ߣ���[�. Bifen XTS contains 2 pounds active ingredient per gallon. 0000006214 00000 n The Registration Division (RD) has conducted a review of this request for its applicability under PRN 98-10 and finds … Hello, Sign in. Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre and … With its broad label and long residual control, PMPs and customers will be pleased and satisfied making BIFEN XTS for their high performance, most cost effective Bifenthrin … <<5D90B465F1A42347AA72D3F1D7A477C4>]>> Permethrin has a much shorter residual vs bifenthrin. ��_S�Ԭ���gl�]�?�2��/�%+!/XQ��~����mV0]`�Lkܯ͔%K�����6 Q%D�@�Hh�d5��;��3Ch�ٍ��[��AW�bU��L_"��*ʂI�Wj��I0��'�Џf5�UL�6��q{��Wq!l ����A�R�F�0@S+]310v����3^z��"�Y+�� ����WL�#-� `��}��ۍ���#쐠g���F��2i�#C���^2�5`pgh^��l�8�k~Z�q�H1���l�q�&����i�.�8v4Ǥ����C3�K}��Oʊ*�@�}�nXϫid`���+Q�0. Markets: IVM/Aquatic Manufacturer: Control Solutions, Inc. 0000009704 00000 n Broad label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP’s looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, ... Bifen IT Spider … With its broad label and long residual control, PMP's and customers will be pleased and satisfied making Bifen XTS their high performance, most cost effective Bifenthrin … Bifen XTS is an oil-based formula insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin with water resistant long lasting residual control that lasts for up to 90 days. All outdoor applications, if permitted elsewhere on this label, must be limited to spot or crack- and-crevice treatments only, except for the following permitted uses, if allowed elsewhere on this label: 1. 0000004843 00000 n 80 0 obj<>stream 0000003606 00000 n 32 Oz Quart Bottle. ��vt y, K��l�$�c�l��@YF!���N�j10���ŁX�p%�/'233�1�3\`8�p�A���!���L��L��W0w373�vFI72f��p�1���˛!���y�?W�4[�O` �XM_ Bifen XTS penetrates porous surfaces far better than Bifen IT making it the product of choice for boring bark beetles such as black turpentine beetles, mountain pine beetles, western pine tip beetles, southern pine tip beetles, and engraver beetles. xref If combined into full tanks of water, allow sufficient time for agitation and/or recirculation to ensure consistency of the dilution. Control Solutions Inc. Bifen I/T Available in 4 fl.oz / 1 pint / 1 quart / 3/4 gallon / 1 gallon. Following is the hazard information as required on the pesticide label. Date published: 2019-03-16. 0000003851 00000 n Commercial & Residential New Construction - Borates Soil Treatments Post Treatments Termite Inspection Rodent Control Tree Services Spraying 0000008763 00000 n ��>d;N! trailer Bifen L/P, on the other hand, is labeled to control common insects like ants, chinch bugs, fleas, mole crickets, ticks, armyworms, sod webworms and billbugs. In addition to the beetles, Bifen XTS is labeled for a full range of … All customers get FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. %PDF-1.4 %���� $�Yd)8�?X��E�f�K✎@�%:�� Labels are a means of identifying a product or container through a piece of fabric, paper, metal or plastic film onto which information about them is printed. Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control. Happy Labeling! �샢F 7I�@r�Ѓ{ۻ���nAZ>M�\N�S�� H �K�>te�tt!&�>B��ųߣ�,Ƭ�Ѫ��e��QP3�H������Z�f��B*B_s��<0�0G9a�m�=ea�� p�4M(l*��쇊���]N�~�D� jG�"acW��� �pF0`A�)�9y�K��);�qd���s�l�(�����:4���qu�� Cart Hello Select your address Black Friday Deals Gift Cards Best Sellers Customer Service New Releases Find a Gift Whole Foods AmazonBasics Sell Registry Free Shipping Coupons #FoundItOnAmazon Shopper Toolkit Disability Customer Support. CSI - Bifen XTS 25.1% - Gallon. So I’ve been reading my labels on my spare time, and ran across this on the Bifen XTS label. Bifen XTS is an emulsifiable concentrate containing 25.1% bifenthrin. 0000001928 00000 n Bifen XTS quantity. endstream endobj 56 0 obj<> endobj 57 0 obj<> endobj 58 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 59 0 obj<> endobj 60 0 obj<> endobj 61 0 obj<> endobj 62 0 obj<> endobj 63 0 obj<> endobj 64 0 obj<> endobj 65 0 obj<> endobj 66 0 obj<>stream Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP’s and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre and post construction termite treatment. 0000003379 00000 n +F��z Bifen XTS may also be combined into full tanks of water. Bifen XTS is an oil-based formula insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin with water resistant long lasting residual control that lasts for up to 90 days making it unlike the Bifenthrin in Talstar Pro, Bifen … Categories: Bark Spray, Insecticide, Rainbow Treecare, Rainbow Treecare Insecticide, Soil Drench, Systemic Soil/Bark applied, Topical Insecticide/Miticide Product, Turf Tag: Rainbow Treecare. Trustpilot. Broad label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP’s looking for a high … Refer to the Bifen XTS product label and Bifen L/P product label for a full list of controlled insects. Bifenthrin … Bifen XTS is an oil based insecticide that contains 25.1% bifenthrin and provides water resistant, long lasting residual control. Bifen XTS Page 1 of 7 Revision Date: June 30, 2017 SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Bifen XTS EPA Registration No. Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and … Benefits: Provides long residual activity for improved pest control; Fast-acting synthetic pyrethroid with low odor and quick knock down; Controls over 50 unwanted pests including termites, ants and surface … A 25.1% Bifenthrin product used for pre and post construction termite treatment, turf and ornamentals, and outdoor perimeter pest control. 0000000016 00000 n %%EOF Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre and post construction termite treatment. Broad-label Bifen XTS is an excellent choice for PMP's and customers looking for a high performance, cost effective Bifenthrin product for outdoor perimeter pest control, turf and ornamentals, or pre and …

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