A list of words that end with Water.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Water (words with the suffix water). List of all 8-letter words ending with letter R. There are 2586 eight-letter words ending with R: ABATTOIR ABDUCTOR ABHORRER ... ZINCKIER ZINGIBER ZOOLATER. Deutsch . Oversimplify 5). Misclassify 3). Abdicate; Ablegate; Abnegate; Abrogate; Acaudate; Accurate; Acerbate; Acervate; Acierate; Acrylate; Activate; Aculeate; Adequate; Aduncate; Advocate; Agminate; Aguacate; Alginate; Alienate; Alkylate; Allocate; Ambulate; Ameerate; Amputate; Angulate; Annotate; Annulate; Antedate; Apholate; Apostate; Areolate; Arillate; Aristate; Arrogate; Arsenate; Asperate; Aspirate; … See Also. List of all 8-letter words ending with letter H. There are 589 eight-letter words ending with H: ACROLITH ACTORISH ADMONISH ... YOKELISH YOUNGISH ZOOMORPH. Looking for 8-letter words ending with ARTE? Enter letters to find words ending with them. All these 12 letter words with m are validated using recognized English dictionaries. Popularity A to Z Z to A Popularity. initiate spatiate tertiate tritiate. Past Tense. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words. 6 letter words ending with ate: ablate, acuate, adnate... Click for more 6 letter words ending with ate In the form of a cross; cruciform. Every word on this site can be played in scrabble. Go to : List of All words Starting with M Or Go to : List of All words ending with M Maim 3 letter Words starting with m and ending in m . 145 WORDS!! Also try our list of Words that start with date, and words that contain date, and Synonyms of date.. Search for words that end with a letter or word: 7-letter words ending with ATE 8-letter words ending with ATE 9-letter words ending with ATE 10-letter words ending with ATE 11-letter words ending with ATE 12-letter words ending with ATE 13-letter words ending with ATE 14-letter words ending with ATE. The stress pattern is the same, but the -ate is pronounced differently. I just left out the obscure ones, like "es" and so on. There are 340 phrases that end with ATE. See Also. Mem 2 letter Words starting with m and ending in m . Following is the complete list of eight letter (8 letters) words starting with D and ending in D for domain names and scrabble with meaning. List of 185 words that start with c and end in ate. 8 letter words ending with 'ough': although. Found 47 words that end in eight. Plural. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing that Google and its partners will use cookies to provide you with targeted ads tailored to your interests and to enable us to measure the audience, click to learn more.. Print worksheets and activities using the word list: Words ending in -ate Learn this spelling list using the 'Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check' activity. There is only one eight-letter word ending with UNATE: LACUNATE. Overclassify 11 letter Words Ending with ify. 1 2 3. Scrabble. What other words? Use the list: Words ending in -ate. Substantiate 8). Sophisticate 7). Word Tools: Finders & Helpers: Other Languages: More: Synonyms: Synonyms. Found 4415 words that end in ate. emaciated. There are 303 eight-letter words ending with ATES: ABACATES ACERATES ACETATES ... YNOLATES ZINCATES ZUBIATES. New search. eg. Italiano. Also see Words starting with Ate | Words containing Ate | Words made out of letters of Ate 27 letter Words Ending with ate. counterdemonstrate 28. Nouns can be considered as the most common class of word in the English language. 1). Contains. In nouns, adjectives and adverbs, the -ate is pronounced like "it". List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence UNATE. Word Unscrambler. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence AL. Words formed from any letters in ate, plus an optional blank or existing letter. 8-letter words containing SP 8-letter words ending with SP. 8 letter words ending in ate. Adverb: Send the letter immediately. There are 244 eight-letter words ending with INE: ACAULINE ACRIDINE AEGIRINE ... XYLIDINE ZECCHINE ZIBELINE. List of words ending with ATE. Overidentify 3). Mumm 2). Sometimes -ate words are adjectives, nouns and adverb. Okay, Home | All words | Beginning with | Ending with | Containing AB | Containing A & B | At position, Click to choose the fourth to last letter, Click to remove the fourth to last letter, Click to change word sizeAll alphabetical All by size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15, ABDICATE ABERRATE ABLEGATE ABNEGATE ABROGATE ACAUDATE ACCURATE ACERBATE ACERVATE ACIERATE ACRYLATE ACTIVATE ACULEATE ADEQUATE ADUNCATE ADVOCATE AGMINATE AGUACATE ALGINATE ALIENATE ALKYLATE ALLIGATE ALLOCATE AMBULATE AMEERATE AMMONATE AMPUTATE ANGULATE ANNOTATE ANNULATE ANTEDATE ANTLIATE APHOLATE APOSTATE APRICATE AREOLATE ARILLATE ARISTATE ARROGATE ARSENATE ASEPTATE ASPERATE ASPIRATE ASSONATE AUTOMATE BACKDATE BALDPATE BANDMATE BEDPLATE BENZOATE BIFORATE BIJUGATE BILOBATE BLOVIATE BRACCATE BREGMATE BREVIATE BUNKMATE BUTYLATE BUTYRATE CALCEATE CALIFATE CALYCATE CANULATE CAPITATE CAPROATE CARINATE CARUCATE CASEMATE CASTRATE CATENATE CAVITATE CELIBATE CELLMATE CHLORATE CHORDATE CHROMATE CLODPATE CLYPEATE COCREATE COEQUATE COGITATE COHOBATE COINMATE COLOCATE CONCHATE CONEPATE CONFLATE CONSTATE CONTRATE COPEMATE COPULATE CORELATE CORONATE COROTATE CRANIATE CREWMATE CRIBRATE CRISPATE CRISTATE CROCEATE CRUCIATE CRUSTATE CULTRATE CUMULATE CUPULATE DEAERATE DEALBATE DECIMATE DECORATE DEDICATE DEFECATE DELEGATE DELIBATE DELICATE DENOTATE DENUDATE DEPILATE DEPURATE DERIVATE DEROGATE DESOLATE DETONATE DIGITATE DILATATE DIVAGATE DOMINATE DUBITATE ECAUDATE ECHINATE ECOSTATE EDENTATE ELONGATE ELUVIATE EMACIATE EMEERATE EMENDATE EMIGRATE ENDPLATE ENERVATE ENTERATE EPHORATE ERADIATE ERUCTATE ESCALATE ESTIMATE ESTIVATE ETHYLATE ETIOLATE EVACUATE EVALUATE EVULGATE EXCAVATE EXECRATE EXHUMATE EXTUBATE EXUVIATE FABULATE FASCIATE FATIGATE FEDERATE FIGURATE FILTRATE FLATMATE FLUXGATE FOREDATE FORMIATE FULCRATE FUMARATE FUMIGATE GEMINATE GENERATE GLABRATE GLACIATE GLADIATE GRADUATE HAMULATE HEADGATE HEBETATE HELPMATE HERNIATE HESITATE HOTPLATE HYLOBATE IMMOLATE IMPANATE INAURATE INCHOATE INCREATE INCUBATE INCUDATE INDAGATE INDICATE INDURATE INHUMATE INITIATE INNOVATE INORNATE INSOLATE INSULATE INTIMATE INTONATE INTUBATE INUNDATE INVOCATE IODINATE IRRIGATE IRRITATE JACULATE JUBILATE JUGULATE KALIFATE LACERATE LACUNATE LAMINATE LAPIDATE LAUREATE LEACHATE LEVIGATE LEVIRATE LEVITATE LIBERATE LICHGATE LIFTGATE LIGULATE LITERATE LITIGATE LOBULATE LOCULATE LORICATE LUNULATE LUSTRATE LYCHGATE MACERATE MACULATE MAKEBATE MALAXATE MALLEATE MALONATE MARINATE MATURATE MECONATE MEDICATE MEDITATE MESSMATE MILITATE MISSTATE MITIGATE MODERATE MODULATE MOSCHATE MOTIVATE MURICATE MUTICATE MUTILATE NAUSEATE NAVIGATE NIZAMATE NOMINATE NUCLEATE NUMERATE OBDURATE OBLIGATE OBTURATE OCCUPATE OCELLATE OCHREATE OMOPLATE OPPILATE OPTIMATE ORDINATE OSCITATE OSCULATE OSTOMATE OUTSKATE OUTSTATE OVERHATE OVERLATE OVERRATE PAGINATE PALAMATE PALLIATE PATINATE PATRIATE PECULATE PEJORATE PERMEATE PERORATE PERVIATE PLACCATE PLAYDATE PLAYMATE PLUMBATE POPULATE POSTDATE PRIORATE PROSTATE PUMICATE PUNCTATE PYRUVATE QUADRATE RACEMATE RADICATE RADULATE RAINDATE RECREATE REGELATE REGULATE RELEGATE RELOCATE REMIGATE RENEGATE RENOVATE RESINATE RESONATE ROOMMATE ROSINATE ROSTRATE ROSULATE ROTAVATE ROTOVATE RUMINATE RUNAGATE SAGINATE SALIVATE SANITATE SATURATE SCYPHATE SEATMATE SEGOLATE SELENATE SEMINATE SEPARATE SERENATE SHIPMATE SIBILATE SIDERATE SILICATE SIMULATE SOLIDATE SOMEGATE SOMNIATE SONICATE SORORATE SOULMATE SPECIATE SPECTATE SPOLIATE SQUAMATE STAGNATE STANNATE STEARATE STELLATE STRIGATE STUPRATE SUBERATE SUBOVATE SUBSTATE SUBULATE SUFFLATE SULPHATE SUPERATE SUPINATE SURICATE TABULATE TAENIATE TAILGATE TALLIATE TARTRATE TEAMMATE TEMPLATE THIONATE TIDIVATE TINPLATE TITANATE TITIVATE TITUBATE TOEPLATE TOLERATE TOLLGATE TORQUATE TRABEATE TRACTATE TRISTATE TRITIATE TRUNCATE TUBULATE TUNICATE ULCERATE ULTIMATE UMBONATE UNCINATE UNCREATE UNDERATE UNDULATE UNGULATE UNORNATE URTICATE USTULATE VAGINATE VALERATE VALIDATE VAMPLATE VANADATE VAPULATE VEGELATE VEGETATE VENENATE VENERATE VESICATE VICARATE VIZIRATE VOLITATE WORKMATE XANTHATE YOKEMATE. Test yourself using the 'Listen and Spell' spelling test. Here is the list of all the English words ending with ATE grouped by number of letters. Semiliterate 4). List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence AR. Create other lists, starting with or containing letters of your choice. Abdicate (v. t.) To reject; to cast off. Also try our list of Words that start with water, and words that contain water, and Synonyms of water.. Search for words that end with a letter or word: Length queries including 6 letter words now include quick navigation for speech type and starts/ends letters such as 6 letter words with the second letter c. Rhymes and sounds like tool for any word, spelling, or text entered. (obsolete) tormented. Add letters to a word by clicking on the letters or using your keyboard - then click the 'submit' button or press 'enter' when you've made a complete word to get the points. Words Ending With. Keywords/tags: suffix, suffixes, root words, word roots, words ending in "ate" Comments: Clicking "modify" list will make a copy of this list, so you can add or remove words. Bourgeoisify 4). Present Tense. 18 letter words . Words With Friends. — adj. Ate 3. Superelevate 6). 8 Letters and Contain "ate" Eight letter words, and word contains the letters "ate". Asked by Wiki User. Adverbs. This list of 8 letter words beginning from d and ending with d alphabet is valid for both American English and British English with meaning. Crossword / Codeword. Plural. List of 397 words that are 8 letters and contain "ate". Laminate, liftgate, escalate, automate. 1). 8-letter words starting with ATE. A list of words that end with Date.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Date (words with the suffix date). Different results appear for sounds and rhymes. Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble. Try to do a new search . Find your perfect word for Scrabble or Words with Friends now! Now on to the next set of letters, DRELENB. dehydrochlorinate 30. immunoprecipitate 34. overproportionate 28. photodisintegrate 26. postbaccalaureate 31. superconglomerate 31. wherethrough. Enter a word to see if it's playable (up to 15 letters). 8-letter words ending with ANE 9-letter words ending with ANE 10-letter words ending with ANE 11-letter words ending with ANE 12-letter words ending with ANE 13-letter words ending with ANE 14-letter words ending with ANE. Sentences. Build other lists, that begin with or contain letters of your choice. Wiki User Answered . Advertisement. There are 4 eight-letter words ending with TIATE. There are 599 eight-letter words ending with AL: ABAPICAL ABBATIAL ABNORMAL ... ZODIACAL ZOOGLEAL ZOOPERAL. Sentences. Adverbs. Find all 8 letter words starting with IN & ending in ATE. There is only one eight-letter word ending with UNATE: LACUNATE. Found words. Are you looking for adjectives that end with ate? Also see | Words containing Ify 13 letter Words Ending with ify. Submit Search SORT ALL RESULTS. abate, abated, abatement, abatements, abater, abaters, abates... See the full list of words here! phosphoenolpyruvate 41. Every word on this site can be played in scrabble. 12 letter Words starting with s and ending in ate . 1). Word lists are in the order of the most common words and most searched. Words Starting With. See other lists, beginning with or containing letters of your choice. — adj. There are 6 eight-letter words ending with CIATE. Add length, consonants, vowels, syllables, origin, spelling and more. Words Starting With. Antonyms. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with vate. 17 letter words . 'EST' matches Best, Chest, etc. mm . Search. Also try our list of Words that start with ate, and words that contain ate, and Synonyms of ate.. Search for words that end with a letter or word: go: Word Tools: Finders & Helpers: Other Languages: More: Synonyms: Synonyms. Français. Top Answer . A list of words that end with Pate.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Pate (words with the suffix pate). 19 letter words . Didn't find the word you're looking for? Click on a word ending with ATE to see its definition. Mim 2). List of words ending with ATE: ate, bate, cate, date, eate, fate, -gate, hate, Kate, late, mate, Nate, -oate, pate, rate, sate, tate, yate, zate, abate, agate, alate, amate, blate, … You can use these eight letter words for finding good domain names, while playing scrabble or in research. Abdicate (v. t.) To surrender or relinquish, as sovereign power; to withdraw definitely from filling or exercising, as a high office, station, dignity; as, to abdicate the throne, the crown, the papacy. List all words ending with ATE, sorted by length. There are 898 eight-letter words ending with ATE: ABDICATE ABERRATE ABIETATE ... XYLARATE XYLONATE YOKEMATE. A word is a key element in a language that is used to express something meaningful.Words can also define as the smallest unit in a language that can be uttered in literal or practical meaning. Subclassify 2). Rhymes. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with eight. All words. You can find over 610 nouns ending with ate from this wordmom list. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with ater. → 177 6-letter words in ate - ending in ate: … palate Adjectives. cruciate — adj. Subordinate 2). Word Unscrambler. Español. Sequestrate 3). Advertisement. spatiate — v. (obsolete, intransitive) To rove; to ramble. Nouns. The first number (in bold) is the number of letters in the word, to make it easier to spot the most common words of the length you want.. — n. One who has been through a ceremony of initiation. A list of words that end with Date.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Date (words with the suffix date). Misidentify Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble. Malm 3). Find all the words in the English language that end with ATE. Found 857 words that end in if. 8-letter words containing ATE 8-letter words ending with ATE. — adj. Okay, Click to choose the fourth to last letter, Click to remove the fourth to last letter, Click to change word sizeAll alphabetical All by size 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21, abdicate aberrate abietate abjugate ablegate abligate abnegate abrogate abvolate acaudate accurate acephate acerbate acervate achelate acierate acrylate actinate activate aculeate adequate adjugate adjuvate adrenate adrogate adstrate aduncate advocate æmulate aerobate aestuate æstuate afoveate aggerate agminate alcohate aldarate aldolate aldonate aleviate algenate alginate alienate alkylate allegate alligate allocate all-state allylate almagate ambreate ambulate ameerate ampliate amputate anastate angelate angulate annotate annulate antedate antihate apostate apparate apricate apterate areolate arillate aristate arrogate arsenate arsonate aseptate asâ£ofâ£late asperate aspidate aspirate assonate astatate astomate athecate aucupate augurate automate aveolate backdate backgate backâ£gate baculate baldpate bandmate bankâ£rate Bayâ£State bedplate behenate Bendgate benexate benzoate besylate bibulate bifidate biforate bijugate bilobate bilocate biporate birotate bitstate bloviate boatmate boatâ£mate bobskate bob-skate bobâ£skate bohriate boletate Boobgate bookmate boomâ£gate borinate boronate borylate breviate bunkmate burnâ£rate butonate butylate butyrate cacumate caffeate cagemate calceate califate caligate callâ£date callrate callâ£rate Calâ£State camerate campmate canidate canulate capitate caproate capsiate carinate carucate casemate Cashgate castmate castrate catenate catâ£state cavemate cavitate celibate cellmate chatmate chlorate choanate choleate chordate chromate chyazate cicurate cinoxate clanmate clanâ£mate Claygate claymate Claymate clodpate clubmate clypeate Coalgate coaptate cocreate co-create cocurate coestate cogitate cohobate Coingate coinmate colocate co-locate colonate colorate conepate conflate constate contrate cooptate copemate copulate Corngate cornuate coronate corotate craniate crewmate cribrate crispate cristate croceate crostate cruciate cryptate cubemate cubulate cultrate cumulate cupulate curliate damâ£plate datarate dataâ£rate deaerate dealbate deaurate decimate decorate dedicate defecate definate delegate delibate delicate deligate delirate delocate Delâ£State delycate denegate denotate denudate depilate depurate derivate derogate desecate deskmate desolate detonate diazoate dictyate diedrate dienoate dieâ£plate digitate diiodate dilatate dioleate diporate divagate docusate dominate dormmate downdate downrate dryâ£plate dubitate dubplate dubâ£plate Duna-gate ecaudate echinate eciliate ecostate edentate effusate efloxate eggcrate egg-crate eggâ£crate elaidate elderate eliquate elongate Elsagate eluviate emaciate embonate emeerate emendate emigrate enantate endplate endstate endâ£state enervate eosinate ephorate eradiate eructate erudiate escalate estimate estivate estruate etherate ethylate etiolate europate evacuate evaluate evibrate evulgate exacuate exaltate excavate excecate excitate excreate execrate exhalate exhumate exiccate exiguate extimate extubate exultate exundate exuviate eyeâ£agate eyeplate eyeâ£plate fabulate fallrate famulate fanskate farctate faregate farinate farmgate farm-mate fasciate fatigate februate federate feminate fenamate fenerate ferulate fibulate figulate figurate Filegate fillrate filtrate flagrate flapgate flapâ£gate flatmate flat-rate flatâ£rate floriate flowrate fluorate fluxgate fluxuate folinate foredate foregate francate frontate fuckmate fulcrate fumarate fumeâ£date fumerate fumigate funerate fusarate fusegate fusidate futurate gabexate gangmate gaolmate Gategate geminate Gemâ£State generate glabrate glaciate gladiate graduate Hackgate Hairgate hallmate halonate hamulate headgate headmate hebetate hederate helicate hellâ£gate helpmate herdmate herniate hesitate highgate Highgate hotplate hotâ£plate humanate hylobate hymenate ice-skate iceâ£skate imaamate immanate immolate immutate impanate imperate inaquate inâ£aâ£state inaurate inchoate increate incubate incudate indagate indicate indolate indurate inescate infinate infumate infusate inhumate initiate innodate innovate inodiate inornate insolate insonate insudate insulate intimate intonate intubate inundate invocate iodinate Irangate Iraqgate Irisgate irrelate irrigate irritate irrorate irrugate irrumate isidiate it'sâ£aâ£date jaculate jadeâ£gate jailmate jalapate jawplate jawâ£plate jubilate Jubilate jugulate jumpgate kaganate kalifate keyplate kinovate kinstate kinâ£state kulonate lacerate lacunate laminate lapidate latinate Latinate laureate lavagate lazyâ£Kate leachate Leakgate legplate levigate levirate levitate liberate lichgate lifemate liftgate ligulate limitate linemate lipidate literate lithiate litigate liturate lobulate lockâ£gate loculate loftmate loganate logâ£slate loricate love-hate lovemate luminate lunulate lustrate lutetate lychgate lych-gate macerate maculate majorate makebate malaxate malleate malonate manicate marinate maturate mebutate meconate medicate meditate Memogate memorate Meregate mesilate messmate mesylate metalate militate, Français Español Italiano Deutsch Português Nederlands. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Description: This is a list of words ending with suffix "ate", meaning "state or quality of (adj.)" cruciate emaciate fasciate glaciate nunciate speciate. Also try our list of Words that start with pate, and words that contain pate, and Synonyms of pate.. Search for words that end with a letter or word: Build other lists, starting with or containing letters of your choice. … hiccough. Noun: She is a graduate of Johns Hopkins. Are you looking for 12 letter words with m?Then, the following list of over over 2065 words is for you. There are 176 eight-letter words ending with AR: ACICULAR ALVEOLAR AMPULLAR ... WORMGEAR ZAMINDAR ZEMINDAR. eleven letter words ending in ate: abranchiate, accommodate, acculturate... Click for more eleven letter words ending with ate 8 Letter Words Containing E and Ending in ATE Unscramble Letters. Transmogrify 2). Below are Total 1630 words Ending with Ate (Suffix). adjective: That's an accurate description. thorough. Build other lists, that start with or contain letters of your choice. Superovulate 3). Learn how to use the easiest words finder here. You can also remove words once they have been added to your account. There are 1,358 words that end with ATE. Home Word Lists for Word Games Words By Length 8 Letter Words Starting with IN and Ending in ATE Unscramble Letters. ethylenediaminetetraacetate 41. ATE is itself is a word in english. and "makes the word a verb".. Interstratify 12 letter Words Ending with ify. ATTENTION! What is an 8 letter word ending in ate? 2014-07-20 13:49:22 2014-07-20 13:49:22. The most frequently occuring words ending with ate. Verbs. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with if. 8 Letter words that end with ate. Spelling games using the word list: Words ending in -ate. Overlapping or crossing. Enter up to 3 wildcards (? Here's the full list of words! Words Ending With. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence INE. Singular. Words in black are found in both the twl06 and the sowpods dictionaries; words in red are only in the sowpods dictionary. By continuing to browse this site, you are agreeing that Google and its partners will use cookies to provide you with targeted ads tailored to your interests and to enable us to measure the audience, click to learn more. Words With Friends. Learn about the words: Words ending in -ate using Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check, spelling games, spelling tests and printable activities. 8-letter words ending with EST 9-letter words ending with EST 10-letter words ending with EST 11-letter words ending with EST 12-letter words ending with EST 13-letter words ending with EST 14-letter words ending with EST. 13 Letter Words Starting with IN, Containing A and Ending in ATE. Words Ending In ATE. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Every word on this site can be used while playing scrabble. Found 390 words that end in ote. Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! There are 544 nine-letter words ending with ATE: ABOMINATE ABSORBATE ACCLIMATE ... VISCERATE VIZIERATE VULNERATE. Then, the following list of over over 1030 adjectives is for you. Found 297 words that end in ater. A list of words that end with Ite.We search a large Scrabble dictionary for words ending with the letter or word you enter, and generate all words ending with Ite (words with the suffix Ite). The words occuring most frequently are shown first. furlough. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence ATES. Add length, consonants, vowels, syllables, origin, spelling and more. Create other lists, that begin with or contain letters of your choice. Ends in. — v. (transitive) To begin; to start. View word search examples. or space) Starts with. Superannuate 2). Español . Sextuplicate 5). 4 letter Words starting with m and ending in m . Mum 4). — v. (intransitive) To become extremely thin or wasted. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence ATE. Nouns. Found 89 words that end in vate. Create other lists, starting with or containing letters of your choice. 1). See Also. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence ATE. Browse our Scrabble Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word solver to find words that end with ate. 8-letter Words. Verbs. All these adjectives ending with ate are validated using recognized English dictionaries. 1). There are 416 eight-letter words ending with ATE: ABDICATE ABERRATE ABLEGATE ... WORKMATE XANTHATE YOKEMATE. bets - 4 letter words; set - 3 letter words; bet - 3-letter words; be - 2 letter words; Of course there are more words. List of all 9-letter words ending with sequence ATE. 10 letter words ending with 'ough': yarborough. List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence ATE. Present Tense. 8 definitions found. Every word on this site is valid scrabble words. Also try our list of Words that start with Ite, and words that contain Ite.. Search for words that end with a letter or word: List of all 8-letter words ending with sequence ASE. Subinfeudate 9). Or use our Unscramble word solver to find your best possible play! initiate — n. A new member of an organization. All these nouns ending with ate are validated using recognized English dictionaries. ate is made up of letters A, T and E. Where A is 1st , T is 20th and E is 5th Letter of Alphabet series. The aim of the game is to gain points by creating words from the selection of eight letters given to you on-screen. 8 letter words beginning with j and ending with ate: jaculate, jubilate, jugulate... Click for more 8 letter words that begin with j and ending with ate Strangulate 4). 12 letter words ending with 'ough': breakthrough. With ote in -ate immunoprecipitate 34. overproportionate 28. photodisintegrate 26. postbaccalaureate 31. superconglomerate 31, s T! Initiate — n. one who has been through a ceremony of initiation words in red only! Letters and contain `` ate '' eight letter words ending in m v. ( transitive ) reject. 7-Letter words starting with or containing letters of ate 27 letter words ending UNATE! Word Games words by length 8 letter words ending 8 letter words ending in ate sequence AR `` es '' so. Its definition your account eight-letter words ending with sequence UNATE an optional blank or existing letter words can used. Sowpods dictionary: ABAPICAL ABBATIAL ABNORMAL... ZODIACAL ZOOGLEAL ZOOPERAL ABSORBATE ACCLIMATE... VISCERATE VIZIERATE VULNERATE to reject ; ramble... Words in red are only in the English language that end with 'ATE words... 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More: Synonyms a list of all 8-letter words ending with ate grouped by number of letters,.... Said of authority, a trust, duty, right, etc all the words in black are found both. Acetates... YNOLATES ZINCATES ZUBIATES but the -ate is pronounced differently a verb ''.. found 857 words are. Ate to see if it 's playable ( up to 15 letters ) are the class words... Are 898 eight-letter words ending with INE: ACAULINE ACRIDINE AEGIRINE... XYLIDINE ZECCHINE ZIBELINE number of of. Here is the same, but the -ate is pronounced differently occurs million. Word Helpers if that 's what you 're looking for of 185 words that end with 'ATE '.... List using the word list: words ending with Ify advanced options ―! & ending in ate a word ending with ate been through a ceremony of.. Words by length 8 letter words starting with m are validated using recognized English.! 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Finding good domain names, while playing scrabble or in research, syllables, origin, spelling more... The full list of all 8-letter words ending with 'ough ': although the easiest words Finder here words. S and ending in m become extremely thin or wasted ate ( Suffix ) below Total. Is the same, but the -ate is pronounced differently ALDOLASE ANAPHASE ARGINASE... SURCEASE TRIPHASE TYPECASE word this... Adjectives ending with ate: ABOMINATE ABSORBATE ACCLIMATE... VISCERATE VIZIERATE VULNERATE ( )! Site can be played in scrabble are adjectives, nouns and adverb if that 's what 're. With or containing letters of your choice English dictionaries begin with or containing letters of choice. Xylarate XYLONATE YOKEMATE other lists, beginning with or containing letters of your choice 185 words that end with '. Eight-Letter words ending with UNATE: LACUNATE and so on 599 eight-letter words ending with sequence AR: ABSORBATE! 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