If your dog is all energy and a bundle of happiness, the Egyptian name Hathor, is perfect. Hound Breeds Dog Breeds Royal Names Pharaoh Hound Dog List Medium Sized Dogs Dog Names Egyptian Cute Dogs. She was known as “Mother of the Gods,” and cared for her fellow deities. Perfect for good little male fur babies. Khonsu: “traveler.” This deity is associated with the moon and is sometimes considered the bringer of mummification. Despite some modern misconceptions, the Egyptians did not really have a single, overarching belief system. October 15, 2019 By Jess Lin Leave a Comment. Out of all the thousands of names available, here were some of our favorites: There are quite literally thousands of female Egyptian names out there that you could pick from. Ebony – Perfect for the dogs with natural eyeliner. Jun 14, 2019 - This Egyptian dog names list will give you some great ideas for unique dog names you won't find anywhere else! Her name translates roughly to “the hidden female” or “the great queen”. Osiris – A wise and good Pharaoh, the son of Geb and Nut. We even know many ancient Egyptian dog’s names from leather collars as well as stelae and reliefs. Translates literally to “stone of heaven”, Philitis: an architect who is thought to have designed the great pyramid. Cliupatra: Egyptian name which means “She who brings glory to the father”. This name is ideal for a powerful female dog, the most important of the herd. Ata: Twin. Mut: a divine mother goddess who is the wife of Amen. Pharaoh – The King of Egypt. By using this site, you accept our use of cookies. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for traditional Egyptian baby names, cities or food. Article by Deborah Russ-Ott MSN. Bast. Bes: a dwarf deity that is seen as the protector of the household. Complete List of Hypoallergenic Dog Breeds. Perfect for Basenj… Amun: roughy translates to “lord of the limit”. The ancient Egyptians had a robust civilization for thousands of years. 33). More Egyptian Names For Girls. Kosey: Lion; Tut: King Tut; Ra: The Sun; Sabra: Patient; Skylar: Sky; Menna: scribe in the 18th dynasty; Hu: A God of nature; Akil: Wise, smart, bright; Ata: Twin; Chike: Power of God; Dakarai: Happiness; Egyptian God and Goddess Dog Name Ideas. Jan 13, 2013 - Here is a list of dog names from ancient Egypt. If it were up to us, we would definitely choose to name our precious one after a king or a god. The Pharaoh Hound or “ Egyptian hairless dog ” or Egyptian hound, Egyptian god dog, and more names for this Egyptian dog breed it is another ancient breed that has traceable Egyptian dog heritage, even if they aren’t classed as native to the country. Omari – High born. Hethert or Hathor: the ultimate female deity, this goddess is a patroness of women and professions common to women during Egyptian days, such as dancing and acrobats. We use cookies on this site to optimize site functionality and give you the best possible experience. Sarah or Sara – It’s a common name we use today which actually means “princess.”. So if you like Egyptian culture or own a dog of Egyptian origin, this list of dog names is especially for you! Ammon: means mystery. Article by My Dog’s Name. Khufu – A tyrannical ruler, but built the Pyramid of Giza. With dogs resembling the modern-day Saluki featuring on Egyptian tombstones and sculptures. Whatever the reason, we have some Egyptian dog name ideas for your fur baby boy and girl. Lapis: Egyptian name which means “A semi-precious stone of the intense blue color”. Now let’s zip on over to the other side of the coin and take a look at names for little girls. Ultimate List of the Top 500+ Country Dog Names – Southern, Western, and Redneck Puppy Name Ideas, The Best Dog Food for German Shepherds | Reviews and Ratings of the Top Wet and Dry Brands, Phoenix: mythological bird that rose from the ashes, Benipe: iron. Noté /5. Here's a awesome #anubis #drawing for a #tattoo by @thierryortiz_ who is always killing it with rad #tattoos and #darkart ! Are you looking for Egyptian dog names? Check Price on Amazon. If you’re still looking for the perfect Egyptian name for your boy dog, then maybe one of these will make a great fit! Whether your new canine is one of the dog breeds from Egypt, like a Greyhound or Basenji, or you just like Egyptian mythology, we hope one of these names struck a chord with you. Vicki & Chuck Rogers. All dog breeds from Egypt. Eventually, Heka became synonymous with “magic”. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Discover 65+ Egyptian dog names that pay tribute to this amazing ancient culture. Tiahna – While it might have been for a man, we feel it sounds beautiful for a female. Did you know that eyeliner is said to have originated from Egypt? Egyptian Dog Names Male. She is the midwife of the Pharaohs, though she is said to preside over all births. 32). Mountains are said to be his bones. Every day, I help more dog parents make smart decisions so their pet has a long and healthy life! 64. We’ve included both the Egyptian name and Roman name of each deity where appropriate. His form and function changed over the course of Egyptian history, though he is typically considered a deity of rulers and the sky. Sobek: A God with the body of a human and the head of a crocodile; Amun: One of the most powerful Egyptian gods Egyptians referred to dogs as ‘iwiw’ which denotes the sound of the animal’s bark. You have also heard about the unique beauty of Cleopatra who had stolen the heart Julius Caesar. Their popularity grew across the Middle East, Egypt and Asia over the years. Khalid – Immortal. Mythical Egyptian goddess of fertility, cat and the sun who conspired aganist the protector of the Lower Egypt. They do not like being left out in the cold, but prefer being part of the family household. He had the head of a jackal. The Egyptians did not write their vowels down, which leaves us with names like “Htw-hrt.” However, the Greeks and Romans had lots of contact with the Egyptians and did write their vowels down. The Egyptian dog Abuwtiyuw, also transcribed as Abutiu (died before 2280 BC), was one of the earliest documented domestic animals whose name is known. They also used writing quite a bit, especially in religious contexts, leaving us with literally thousands of names we could choose for our canines. Nashwa – A wonderful feeling, probably the one you get from owning a dog. The name has been modernized by a rapper. Instead, each city or area had its own Egyptian gods, which is why there are so many. by Sharon Wood 8 months ago The most popular Egyptian dog breed is a Pharaoh hound. This list of dog names from ancient Egypt are perfect if you want to name your Pharaoh hound, Basenji, or Saluki something African, and something different. Horus – Son of Isis and Osiris, the hero who eventually defeated Set. Nephi – Good son. Cats most certainly have their place in ancient Egyptian mythology and culture, but the dog also played a large role in life and religion. Voici une liste de noms de chiens de l'Egypte ancienne. Male Egyptian Dog Names. She creates Pharaohs and is also considered a “mistress of magic.”. Just make sure you choose one that you think will match your dog's personality! Find one that matches your dog’s aura from the list below! Satet: “she who shoots arrows”. He is the patron of laughter and fun. About Us - Advertise with Us - Contact Us - Write for Us - Privacy policy. 54 Egyptian Dog Names. Refers to a pharaoh. For some reason, we feel Egyptian names taken from Gods or Pharaohs just give your dog a sense of regalness and masculinity. This goddess was considered a guardian of Egypt and was depicted with a bow and arrow. Hapi: the God that is considered the personification of the Nile river. Sobek: the crocodile god who is seen as a deity of protection, healing, and vengeance. Check out some of these popular options: The Egyptians have many, many deities, called “Netjer” in their language. There are so many inspirations hidden on the pages of the history. It was used to protect their eyes from the desert sun, much like our sunglasses today. 35). Aker: an earth-related deity that symbolizes the two horizons. Some of the modern-day breeds, include the Greyhound, Ibizan, and the Pharaoh. Maybe watching those movies gave you some inspiration or you are simply fascinated with their ancient and rich culture. The names of ancient Egyptian dogs have been gathered from the collars, which were commonly buried with the dogs. Looking at these names is a great way to get some inspirations for your new dog’s moniker. Best Male and Female Egyptian Dog Names of ALL TIME | ULTIMATE List A-Z. Set – Often portrayed with a dog face, Set was the King of Evil (name with caution). Whether your dog has the smarts of a pharaoh or the wiliness of a tricky ancient god, try one of these Egyptian names to see if it’s a good fit. Who said you can’t name little boys after female deities? Her name means “truth”, though she is also associated with order and judgment. Upvote 19. This Egyptian dog names list will give you some great ideas for unique dog names you won't find anywhere else! Every mutt should have a Royal name, after all. Rashidi – Wise. Although you might realize it was the name of the antagonist/super-villain of. With that said, the way Egyptian writing works is kinda confusing. Retrouvez Ancient Egyptian Names for Dogs et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon.fr. Geb: for lack of a better description, this deity is “Father Earth”. Her symbols include the cow, mirror (for beauty purposes), and various instruments. There are tons of horse names out there, but you prefer something unique. +. Après tout, chaque cabot devrait avoir un nom royal. Here are 10 perfect Egyptian names for your female feline. Of course, not everyone owns one of the skinny Egyptian breeds, but below, you'll find a name even if your dog doesn't look like a hieroglyph. We cannot speak about Egyptian dog breeds without mentioning the Basenji first. Djehuty or Thoth: This ibis-headed Lord of Time who is also considered to be the inventor of writing. Canines were regularly used for hunting, guarding, and in a military capacity. Or to showcase how big of a fan you are of the Egyptian culture. Isis. 61. A pharaoh has power over all the land and it’s people. She was considered the queen of the gods or the great mother goddess. Ma’at: a virtuous principle that is personified as a goddess. Sanura – While you might not want to name your puppy after its “natural enemy” Sanura means kitten. 34). Several domestic dog breeds, both extinct and extant, have strong ties and possibly came from Egypt. Heqat: name that is derived from the words “ruler”. 5. Seisi: a occupational title for the superintendent of a granary. Just make sure you choose one that you think will match your dog's personality! Set or Seth: a deity of the sky, specifically storms, and lightening. The dog’s collar would have its own name lovingly engraved on it. Queens of Egypt such as Nefertiti go down in history as great rulers. #anubis #fox #photomanipulation, A post shared by Yee Chong (@art_of_silverfox) on Sep 28, 2019 at 10:23am PDT. They are extremely intelligent and are independent thinkers. Net – The Divine Mother. This large-sized dog is often used as a defender of family and property due to their intimidating appearance and their excellent protective instincts. Ancient Egyptian Dog Names. She is considered the protectress of children and pregnant mothers, musicians, and a goddess of excess. Other names come from the dogs color, such as Black, while still other dogs were given numbers for names, such as “the Fifth”. Imhotep: a learned sage who was venerated as a deity in the later years, similarly to saints in Roman Catholicism. He is believed to have been a royal guard dog who lived in the Sixth Dynasty (2345–2181 BC), and received an elaborate ceremonial burial in the Giza Necropolis at the behest of a pharaoh whose name is unknown. For some reason, we feel Egyptian names taken from Gods or Pharaohs just give your dog a sense of regalness and masculinity. Cute Dogs And Puppies All Dogs I Love Dogs Doggies Puppy Names Pet Names Funny Dog Videos Funny Dogs Dogs Names List. Dakarai: Happiness. Be sure to visit @thierryortiz_ for more #inspiring work — and gear up for this December when we start collecting for a #dog #canine #wolf #book ! We’ve assembled a complete list of Egyptian horse names that honor this unique heritage while celebrating your pet’s personality. Ozymandias, Ra, Pharoah and Rameses were among our favorites. 62. Maye: Egyptian name which means “Amun’s beloved one”. In fact the name, Basenji, means small wild … 63. Imhotep – Peace. Isis: In Egyptian mythology, this name meant "throne". Pharaoh – The King of Egypt. Share on Facebook Share on Pinterest. Training is also a good way to correct rash behavior they’ve picked up as rescue dogs. Anket: “embracing lady.” She was one of the three protectors of the source of the Nile. Learn More. Amunet: the feminine form of Amun. These names would match dogs with black rings around their eyes. Jabari – You might recognize this word from the movie. www.OOSBooks.com⚜️▪️⚜️▪️⚜️▪️ #anubisdrawing #anubisart #thierryortiz #underworld #godofthedead #egyptiangod #egyptiangods #egyptiandog #tattooart #tattoodesign #darkarts #darkartist #artbook #tattoobook #oosbooks #outofstepgallery #outofstepbooks , A post shared by Out of Step Books & Gallery (@outofstepbooks) on Sep 20, 2019 at 7:00am PDT. Jan 14, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Roselyne Cepko. Some of these names are descriptors, while others are the names of ancient Egyptian gods: 31). Ok, I've invited him in and made him coffee. Here is a list of some of the most popular that might be fitting for your dog: There are even more male Egyptian names available for you to choose from than female names. Neema – Born to wealthy parents (one can hope). Not only do mythological characters provide inspiration for Egyptian dog names, but so can real historical figures from Egyptian history. Discover 65+ Egyptian dog names that pay tribute to this amazing ancient culture. Adom – Like Adam, but the Egyptian version. https://www.instagram.com/p/CIc5z2BrIHl/ Cats are the most admired living creatures among the Egyptians, as they considered it sacred. Zoser. You may also love: 140 Royal Dog Names for Your Regal Pup. by Mary Clark. +. Egyptian Female Cat Names. Some of the options we came across were real tongue twisters! your own Pins on Pinterest Aset: also called “Isis”, this name translates roughly to “The Throne”. One look at these dogs and you can see the resemblance to some of Egypt's ancient … We assume that you have heard about the mysteries surrounding the pyramids and the mummies. Ancient Egypt was one of the greatest civilizations in this times. Upvote 19. Great if you have a boy and a girl and name the girl Rashida. Seker: “he who is shut in”, “this is to say”, and “the night sun”, Shefra: the architect of the second pyramid, Tasamen: used to describe a man that is private and gentlemanly, Ua: an officer, government official, or scribe. Heka: a deity that personifies the power of the spoken word. They included names such as Brave One, Reliable, Good Herdsman, North-Wind, Antelope and even “Useless”. You know our favorite picks for male names, we love Safiya, Nailah and Tia were among our favorites, now it’s your turn to tell us which ones you love! Assurez-vous de choisir celui qui, selon vous, correspondra à la personnalité de votre chien By using our affiliate links, you are helping support the Service, and we genuinely appreciate your support. I'm super passionate about helping you care for your dog better by providing the best information and recommendations. There are even more male Egyptian names available for you to choose from than female names. So, we have plenty of Greco-Roman names that came from Egypt. Oct 15, 2019 - This list of Egyptian dog names will give you great ideas for unique dog names you won’t find anywhere else! This is one of the major Egyptian deities. Heru or Horus: “high” and “above”. Rames: Son of Ra. All dog breeds list which originated in Egypt. Check out some of these popular options: Aa: “old” and “great” Aah: “the moon” Aaheru: “ the chief of terrors” Aahmes: “child of the moon” Aam: “an Asian” Aani: “monkey” or “imitator” Discover (and save!) Amunet – Goddess of Mystery and the villain in the newest reboot of. Bast or Bastet: a cat deity whose name means “devouring lady”. Giving your dog an Egyptian name is a perfect way to pay respects to their homeland if you have an Egyptian dog breed. Egyptian dog breeds list. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you’re searching for some of the most spectacular Egyptian dog names, we’ve got you covered! Wepwawet or Anubis: the “opener of the way”, this deity was a guide of the dead. Wesir or Osiris: A deity of the underworld who is the husband of Aset. Anubis – Also often portrayed with a dog face and often makes an appearance in movies, Anubis is the. If you’re looking to use the Egyptians as inspiration for your dog’s name, you’re in luck. With names that just exude power like Pharoah, Ra and Anubis, what more could you want? 21. -. A pharaoh has power over all the land and it’s people. Every mutt should have a Royal name, after all. wiggly tails dog rescue. I’m Robert Evans! There was a time when Egypt was vastly explored in Hollywood movies, with films such as The Mummy, The Prince of Egypt and many more. Find the best pet name by browsing our list of Egyptian dog names. See Also: 100 Common Greek Last Names And Their Meanings. But the dogs were also a big deal, as the Egyptian god ‘Anubis’ possessed a human body with a dog or more like jackal’s head. Here is a list of dog names from ancient Egypt. With their regal looks and athletic hunting prowess, they became much prized by Egyptian Pharaohs and other prominent leaders through history, like Alexander the Great. Male Egyptian Dog Names. Find one that matches your dog’s aura from the list below! Sekhmet: Goddess of anger and war According to many historians though, the Basenji originated somewhere in Africa (Zaire) and may be considered as one of the earliest dog breeds on earth. And there you have it, that completes our list of Egyptian inspired dog names. Basenji first Egypt was one of the coin and take a look at names for your Regal.. Him coffee fascinated with their ancient and rich culture ’ m sure your dog better by providing best. Get some inspirations for your fur baby boy and a bundle of happiness, the Egyptian culture or own dog! Sur Amazon.fr to Us, we feel Egyptian names for your dog ’ s collar would have own... 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