Is the .270 not enough for bear? How well do you tolerate recoil? And from my experience they all die with proper shotplacement. I also like a lighter weight rifle and I realize that would affect muzzle lift, kind of a catch-22. A good recoil pad is going to help for sure. and .300 Win. 20 ft lbs is generally considered the upper limit of what the average hunter can withstand without developing a recoil induced flinch. [–]IDontBelieveInIsms 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (2 children). Other mitigating factors are a heavier rifle, lighter bullet, a properly fit stock, good form, and heavier clothing. [–]GitusomNorth Carolina 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). The.300 Weatherby Magnum has a longer case length of 2.825" (71.76mm). I feel that - even though whitetail will be my primary game - I know the 300 win mag is the more appropriate caliber for the hunts I hope to accomplish, but man I just really don't want to dislike shooting it. .270 vs 300 win mag for an all-purpose big game rifle. To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 880 fps. That is going to cost money and shoulder. I can wear them throughout or put them in when I need too. The risk of permanent hearing damage with one shot from pretty much any center fire hunting round without ear pro or a suppressor is very real period. Where I'm at in Georgia we don't have enough time to do all that but if you're somewhere that's wide open that's not a bad idea. The only animal I would hesitate to chase with a -06 is an Alaskan Brown bear. This is extremely subjective and everyone is different, but most people do not tolerate it well in reality despite all the elite marksmen and mega-tough guys you hear talking in online discussions. This is an excellent analysis. I've shot .300RUM out of a Rem 700 and with a muzzle brake it's really not bad at all. I was having the same dilemma...i ended up going for a 7mm rem mag. It’s an appreciable advantage, but again, there’s that recoil tradeoff. So pretty much right between the .270 and the .300 WM. Your best bet by far is going to be a good muzzle brake paired with a good suppressor. For bears, I like a bigger caliber. So I'd imagine it's slightly less for .300 Win Mag. I look at the 300 win mag as a 30-06 on the steroids. Bullet design matters more than energy and caliber. You can tailor the effect on animal with thoughtful ammo selection. [–]HeetNasty 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). I use a 25-06 and a .338 as my main battery after selling off my .300 Win Mags but I'm looking to fund a custom .300 WSM. [–]blackhawk905Georgia 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (6 children). i dont know how big a whitetail is but for comparison females are 200 lbs and up. These include the.257,.270 and 7mm Weatherby Magnum cartridges. I appreciate you taking the time to do the analysis and your insight. Pick whichever fits your style of hunting better. I'll look into it, hopefully they aren't too expensive. Factory loaded options up to 220 gr make the .30-06 a versatile, affordable, and popular hunting round. Guess we'll find out when the rifle arrives... [–]georgep357 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). I think the issue is, a .300WM with a break is astoundingly loud without ear protection. from all i have seen of the .270 I would not hesitate to use it on large game out to 300 meters. I have no idea why you are getting down voted, thats really good advice. [–]fishing_poleMichigan[S] 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (1 child). If it is, the first and cheapest solution is a Limbsaver recoil pad. [–]blackhawk905Georgia 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). It is all depending on what you want. If you use a polymer tip like a vmax or an amax you will be picking shrapnel from your meat for ages. To be honest, almost every rifle in my family has a muzzle break because while shot by my dad and I, they can also be picked up usefully by my mom and sister without problem. This is great. The launch generated about 25 ft lbs of energy at the shoulder. [–]kizzymatch 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]phonein 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (1 child). The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum vs .300 Winchester Magnum ammo rounds. 308 vs 30-06 vs 300 Win Mag: Which Cartridge Should You Be Hunting With? The .300 hits hard but has alot of recoil where as the .270 hits 200 ft/lbs lighter and has lighter recoil. There is a great deal of difference between the 300 Winchester Magnum, affectionately known as the “300 Win Mag”, and the 308 Winchester. So a .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum round exits the barrel with kinetic energy equal to the energy required for linear vertical displacement of 3170 pounds through a one foot distance, while a .300 Winchester Magnum round exiting the barrel has energy equal to the amount required to displace 3520 pounds over the same one foot distance. Spent all summer watching this buck. [–]Meifu 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (0 children). The Remington 700 SPS .270 Win proves itself to be one of the best .270 rifles in the business. The 300 win is a better choice at extended ranges, but the .270 is cheaper to shoot. Foundry Outdoors is your trusted home for buying archery, camping, fishing, hunting, shooting sports, and outdoor gear online. It's got me on the fence between a .270 wsm and a .300 (WSM or win mag.) The .30-06 is one of if not the best North American big game cartridge out there. Generally speaking, the higher the muzzle energy, the higher the stopping power. The 7mm Rem. .270 is an absolute deer/elk slayer and won't destroy as much meat as a .300 WM. My dad shot this on some public land in Brookville. Any chance you could compare the 30-06 in or point me in the right direction for pulling information? Will the 300 win mag just decimate a whitetail? REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 1137 on r2-app-0372826d7bd9f22b5 at 2020-12-24 20:31:15.906295+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: PL. Mag. If you are a right hand shooter, put one in your left ear. Stretch out to 400 yards—not uncommon in mule deer country—and the differences are beginning to add up, but the drop difference between the .270 Win. Campfire Oracle. That is fair. [–]ziggieireIreland 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]Btown3 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (0 children). Its also going to generate almost 50% more recoil. If you want something that will stand out as one of the longest-lasting rifles you’ll ever own, you may want to consider giving this one a closer look. I do not hunt with ear protection, [–]blackhawk905Georgia 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (4 children). True .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum and .300 Winchester Magnum ballistics information can vary widely from the displayed information, and it is important to understand that the particular characteristics of a given round can make a substantive difference in its true performance. [–]IDontBelieveInIsms 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (3 children), No I am getting downvoted for some reason. Furthermore, the muzzle energy of a .270 WSM Winchester Short Magnum round averages out to 3170 ft-lb, while a .300 Winchester Magnum round averages out to about 3520 ft-lb. I hunt mostly whitetail, but my buddy and I are going on a bear hunt in Idaho next year. un saludo:sniper .270 vs 300 win mag for an all-purpose big game rifle. The weight isn't really an issue because they carry it slung, and are planning on longer shots from a fixed position. I have that rifle in .270 and it is fantastic. shot and you're left with permanent hearing damage. [–]Medic7816Michigan 13 points14 points15 points 4 years ago (8 children). Shit, man. NEXT: 25-06 vs 6.5 CREEDMOOR vs 270 WINCHESTER: THE RESULTS MIGHT SURPRISE YOU Enjoy this article about the .270 vs .30-06 debate? Bears do not bleed as well as deer (fat covering the entry hole). I wouldn't want to shoot more than 30 or 40 at the range. There is so much information on both sides of the argument that I'm beginning to think it's just a wash.. Any advice is appreciated. [–]one8sevennWyoming 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (1 child). The release of the .270 Winchester in 1925 in the Winchester Model 54 rifle saw the beginning of the American love affair with velocity, as well as the laying of a solid foundation for the American bolt-action sporting rifle.At the time, the lever gun held court in the hunting fields, though through the writings of Mr. O’Connor, change was on the wind. I will normally go for low neck shots or heart if the shot presents. I'd rather spend my free time (and money) scouting or fishing. I know people with hearing loss and it is the same story of "if I knew what I know now, I would have protected my hearing". 最良かつ最も包括的な 308 Rifle Bullet Size Winchester 308 Ballistics. If I really, really, really focus, I can shoot the 300 about as well as the 270, under ideal conditions. It will humanely take any game in the 48 without breaking the bank or the shoulder. 300 Win Mag.300 winchester mag cartridges were first produced in 1963. Southern Oregon USA. Guys I know with longer range setups really like to shoot, and they spend the time dialing in wind drift, bullet drop, all that stuff. I used a Ruger M77 MKII with skeletonized stock and the Limbsaver was all I needed with a rifle that weighs about 1.5-2.25 pounds less than the one you chose. [–]skeuserNew Jersey 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). Recoil doesn't bother me so much as muzzle lift. Ah ok, I was gonna say that's a pretty dumb choice if you did. I personally though can't justify spending however much those game ears since I only make a handful of hunts a year and shoot maybe once or twice, if I bird hunted or did any kind of hunting where I was shooting more JD certainly look into getting them. 300 Win Mag vs 308 Win. .270 versus 7mm Rem Mag. LA ventaja indudable es que en cualquier parte del mundo mundial encuentras munición del 7mm del 300 win del 375 y del 3006 y en menos el 270 win 338 y 243. y eso si que es una gran ventaja, por eso el 7mmwsm no cuajo es que es insuperable. 270 vs 308: Cartridge Sizes. [–]one8sevennWyoming 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (7 children). We offer a 100% Authenticity Guarantee on all products sold on our website. In order to capitalize on that long range capability, you need to shoot a lot. So, the .300 is going to make a lot more power throughout the flight of the bullet. How much are you going to need to practice to get comfortable shooting your firearm? Picture detail for 270 Vs 300 Win Mag : Title: 270 Vs 300 Win Mag Date: May 24, 2019 Size: 65kB Resolution: 650px x 775px More Galleries of … Southern Oregon USA. Just like bear spray it is something that you can practice with. Looking at the recoil of the .300 Win Mag vs .300 WSM is important for understanding certain situations that you might favor one over the other. Sporting Classics Daily 300 Win Mag Races 7mm Rem Again! It’s still something to think about even if you do have a lot of experience. If you want something a little bit more, look into the .270 WSM. The .300 win mag is too much boomstick for a first-time hunting rifle. I'm torn between the .270 win and .300 win mag. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. The recoil isn't bad. I think it's a form fits function kind of deal. I have yet to hunt with it, but that's the logic I came up with. with muzzle velocities of … I've killed deer and elk with it, and in each case it's been able to put the game down with significant authority. My only advice was that a muzzle break makes a .270 and a .300 win mag kick about the same and a set of ear plugs will leave you hearing good and feeling fine after sighting in, [–]blackhawk905Georgia 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (2 children). If the Limbsaver is not enough then you can look at muzzlebrakes as others have suggested. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to a particular manufacturer, bullet weight, or jacketing type. As far as shooting goes, I enjoy shooting a lightweight .270 (similar weight to the Weatherby rifle you're looking at), for around 20-30 shots when it's t-shirt weather. The science of projectiles and firearms, or in other words, the info you need to make the kill!If you are looking for the 270 vs 308 vs 30 06 ballistics chart, the 5.56 trajectory chart, the 300 Win Mag Ballistics data, or the 30 06 trajectory chart; you are in the right place!Here are a few suggestions for using the below dashboard: 1. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does … My dad whitetail hunts with a 300 win mag. I started to wear them duck hunting, because I was sick of ringing ears and wanted something that I could use to hear the wings of the ducks (sometimes they are sneaky- Dive bomber teal). It comes down to what you can handle and what you want. I'm not convinced that anyone except the most practiced marksmen will shoot a .300 win mag as accurately as they will a .270. is beginning to assert its trajectory superiority here with a 5-inch advantage over the .270 Win. [–]fishing_poleMichigan[S] 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]bkelly_4790 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (0 children). At that distance the.300 Winchester retains 1,766 ft.-lbs., and the Weatherby retains 2,186. A 400 yards as long as you are not shooting a bowling ball (.30-30 or .45-70) the differences between most rifle calibers are minimal when sited in at 200 yards. To put this into perspective, a Boeing 737 commercial airliner travels at a cruising speed of 600 mph, or 880 fps. I believe that you should try the rifle straight out of the box first to see if the recoil is uncomfortable to you. Personally, I'd go with the 270, but that's just me. Not surprisingly, recoil comes in at the middle too at about 20 ft lbs. I should say that I plan to do a good deal of western hunting, ideally once a year (money/time allowing). The 270 WSMis third in line behind .270 Winchester and .270 Weatherby Magnum for the trio of .270 commercialrounds. I understand you will be doing a lot of practice with this new rifle but there are a lot of variables in the field, no less the adrenaline rush you experience when taking a shot at a game animal that you just cant replicate at the range.
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