By contrast, the poor privates (or battalion, depending on the version of the song) can be found "hanging on the old barbed wire". The Police – “Mother” A crazed, hallucinatory diatribe that sounds like it’s ricocheting off the walls … It concerns a woman who kills her two new-born children with a knife. Related Reading: There's a secret conspiracy hiding behind every 90s toy commercial. Mr. If everything in this scenario is on the up and up, there is absolutely no reason for Paddy to stick his whole tongue out toward that pig's face just to take your coin. He'll be back again someday. Jack-in-the-boxes have been teaching children about the horrors of the uncanny valley since the 16th century. Lead singer … The shit-devouring sideways-mouthed living profanity is German? Cracked is published by Literally media Ltd.. From the first verse, he finds himself wishing he could have stepped forward to warn them, the way "our mothers" warned local children, that you can't outrun the tide, and then introduces this poetic refrain: "For the tide is The Devil, it will run you out of breath / Race you to the seashore, chase you to your death / The tide is the very Devil and the Devil has its day / On the lonely cockle banks of Morecambe Bay. Sex, death and politics. Unintentionally Funny Songs. You don't call a doll "little miss no-name" unless you want it to steal children's breath while they sleep. Matty Groves (as sung here by Ben Nicholls) is the story of a young man who catches the eye of the local lord's wife - in Sandy Denny's version of the song with Fairport Convention, he's Lord Donald, but the names and song titles change often. Matthew Peyton/Getty Images … I'm looking for songs like the one in silence of the lambs when bufalo bill gets naked and starts dancing with a wig on. Our names are Death, Destroyer of Childhood.". Connect to your existing Cracked account if you have one or create a new Cracked username. So, as we head towards this year's Radio 2 Folk Awards, here are 10 examples of songs that go beyond the bounds of human decency (and are all the better for it): Martin Carthy and Eliza Carthy - Died For Love at Folk Awards 2014, 3rd party content may contain ads - see our FAQs for more info. I worked at a cafe/bistro in Kona, Hawaii when I was an awkward 19 year old as a dishwasher, but when it was slow, they would send the servers home and I'd walk orders out to tables. Copyright © 2005-2020. Neil Sedaka fetishes a girl by picturing her as a pinup model for … Then the guilt starts. Even at the base conceptual level, jack-in-the-boxes are some heavy shit to lay on an infant. Why, with an old-school Potato Head set, your options were limitless: You could have a Mr. Tomato Head, who appeared to weep blood when you stabbed his eyes into his face, or maybe a Mrs. Cucumber Head to teach young Suzy about her budding sexuality. Four Unintentionally Creepy Songs — To Play with the Lights Off. Why do these exist? Close. Inspired by S.O.D., Scatterbrain, and Cheech and Chong, the 14-track Grandpa Metal is full of songs that are supposed to be funny — and deliver on that intention in spades. Check out the artists we're taking to SXSW! By Alex Fletcher I've always thought The Beatles' "Honey Pie" was pretty creepy. Also known as Hanged I Shall Be, The Oxford Tragedy, The Oxford Girl, The Wexford Girl, The Butcher Boy and many others, this song - variants of which date back to the 1700s - is one of many murder ballads in the folk canon that follow a similar pattern. We're pretty sure we saw these in the background of Vincent D'Onofrio's mind in The Cell. This cover of the theme song from Roman Polanski's … Every bond you break. It's a tale of a woman pining for her true love who has set out to sea and not returned. The RSL Auction Co But honestly, nobody builds that alien-flesh-crab-that-just-stole-a-human-face motherfucker down there and thinks "Yes, the kids will love this.". And few smiled, but that was probably for the best. The Secret of NIMH (1982) Sure watching a bunch of humans torture mice with hideous yellow injections was creepy — but that was just the icing on the cake. Cracked is published by Literally Media Ltd., 9 Unintentionally Terrifying Old-Timey Children's Toys, 15 Gifts That Don't Require Shipping For Late Bums, Home Depot's Twelve-Foot Skeletons Are Now Used As Christmas Decor, 7 Highly-Specific Festivus Grievances You May Not Relate To But Whatever, Man, 21 Vintage Toys That Absolutely Ruined Christmas Morning, Octopuses Punch Fish Out of Spite, Research Shows, stacking acrobat toys called Crandall's Acrobats, Disney's Acrobatic Spider-Man Robot Is Going To Kill Someone, Shaq Once Offered A Teammate $10K To Fight Kobe, The Creepy Horror Storyline Hidden in 'Peppa Pig', 'Sweater Guy' Ken Bone Is Not Someone To Listen To In 2020, The Potato Chip That Destroyed The Bowels Of America, Get Ready To Be Horny For Jason Momoa As Frosty The Snowman. Fuck you, a child is not playing with that thing. Mike Patton sprinkles his inner freak on all that he touches, and this track is certainly no exception. What songs lyrics are unintentionally creepy? Examples: Joanna Newsom - the sprout and the bean Merle Haggard - mama tried Tiny Tim - tiptoe through the tulips (and yes, I know all of these were used in popular movies) The Most Unintentionally Entertaining Kids Shows to Put on for Your Children ... these kids hate that stuff because it looks old and creepy now. Unfortunately, they've been difficult to find ever since the manufacturer released a recall notice that just read, "Burn them. Quiz: Have you been getting these lyrics wrong all this time? Simple: "I'm Death I come to take the soul / Leave the body and leave it cold / To draw up the flesh off of the frame / Dirt and worm both have a claim.". Famously used in the soundtrack to Halloween II and subsequent iterations of the horror movie franchise, the lullaby croon of this single by The Chordettes is … Additionally, "Blue Velvet" has always seemed a bit disturbing since David Lynch's eponymous film. Almost overnight, the conservatory-trained People’s Artist of Russia award winner was introduced to the West as a meme: his “trolo… Each version tends to end in a similar way, with the singer realising he's bound for prison, and maybe the gallows, and also most certainly for eternal damnation. At night he prank calls her and mocks her handicap by singing the line "Hello, is it me you are looking for" and then hangs up. As Joan Bakewell explains in this report, the 1960s musical Oh! Did somebody read the Book of Creation backward on the winter solstice? Some versions of the song end here, but Died for Love (as performed here by Martin and Eliza Carthy) continues, with a verse in which her father enters her bedroom to find her "hanging by a rope", with a note attached to her chest asking him to bury her with marble stones at her head and feet, with a snow-white dove in the middle, "just to let the world know that I died for love.". This queasy tale of infanticide has been sung by everyone from Cecilia Costello to The Dubliners (who recorded a version called Weile Weile Waile) and Nancy Kerr. Because this is how you summon the Old Gods. Copyright ©2005-2020. Ninety nine red balloons. What, you're saying he's just catching that pig or, at worst, strangling it? Good song … Some love songs are downright creepy. 5 Things A Body Can Spontaneously Do (Worse Than Combustion), 35 Updates to Classic Childhood Toys (Too Awesome to Exist), 15 Countries Paying Their Workers More Than The US During COVID-19, Urban Legend Of 'Poisoned Halloween Candy' Actually Happened (With Christmas Candy), 7 Highly Specific Festivus Grievances You May Not Relate To, But I Don't Care, 14 Actors Who Can't Bear To Watch Themselves On The Big Screen. Jack the Ripper was Victorian Chucky. But as any honest headbanger will admit, heavy metal at large is packed with cuts that are totally hilarious but unintentionally so. "And wonder why/My limbs spread wide? To muffle cries/When I stab eyes.". 7 emotional songs by musicians who miss their father, 10 film soundtrack moments thatâll have you crying in your popcorn. Floating in the summer sky. We wouldn't recommend kids to be eating bugs anyway, but this straight-forward message about how this old woman will die for consuming a fly is a bit extreme. Burn them all. In 2011 he was named as the world's most unintentionally creepy Christmas decoration by know any unintentionally creepy songs? GoGo Mag “Calendar Girl” by Neil Sedaka, 1961. Just showing it to a kid has to be some sort of crime, at least on par with flashing. The song is catchy but damn is it creepy. Here’s What’s Happening Outside of Famous Music Album Covers By @igor.lipchanskiy I would expect my boyfriend to pay the bills too if he was the one who ran them up. 84% Upvoted. In this case, it's 24-year-old tobacco plantation owner William Zantzinger, who rapped Hattie Carroll with his cane for not serving his drink fast enough. There might be a lot of carousing along the way, and there may be some discussion of farming or the occasional comedic skit to tickle your fancy, but the principal themes remain constant and they are always delivered with rude gusto. So it wasn't so much "Mr. Frederick Pine Posted by. Every Breath You Take by The Police. Frosty the Devourer of Worlds here is crouched in terrible hunger and desire, perpetually waiting for a snowball to be cranked into his gaping and monstrous maw. It's no use trying to destroy it. save hide report. I would have preferred a greater number of the songs to be primarily either unintentionally creepy or songs that are deceptively happy sounding. She asks if they have seen William, and after some discussion over the cut and colour of his coat and hair, they tell her he has drowned. We're not sure why every single set of facial features includes wide, unblinking eyes full of hypnotic terror, but here you go: VintageTVCommercials ", Museum of Childhood Matters of the heart have a habit of turning red, raw and bloody in traditional songs, and so it goes with Died for Love, also known as A Sailor's Life, Sweet William, and Willie the Bold Sailor Boy (and performed by everyone from Fairport Convention to The Watersons). In the song, the red balloons in question are mistaken for an air attack, and as a result the Soviet bloc and the west go to war. This is Paddy, and he's a triple threat kind of guy: a coin bank, a horrific Irish stereotype, and an unrepentant pig rapist. This page has been archived and is no longer updated. “My Friend, My Friend” – Phish. Operate the crank until he springs out at your face." Seriously, that skeletal cherub up there is one magical life-giving lightning strike away from an unstoppable murder spree. The concept was stretched a little too far. By contrast, the poor privates (or battalion, depending on the version of the song) can be found "hanging on the old barbed wire". In The Knoxville Girl, sung by, among others, The Lemonheads, Elvis Costello and Nick Cave (who knows a thing or two about murder ballads), the singer hits the object of his affections with a stick, many times, although earlier variants have her stabbed with a knife, and then drowned for good measure. Thanks for connecting! He begs to come inside to get warm ("oh my hat is frozen to my head, my feet are like two lumps of lead"), and despite the risk of discovery, she eventually lets him in and one thing leads to another. In 1867, toymaker, inventor, and probable serial child murderer Charles M. Crandall created these stacking acrobat toys called Crandall's Acrobats.These leering, pasty-faced performers looked less like fun-loving tumblers mid routine and more like they were trying to combine themselves to form some sort of molestation Voltron. So maybe you just abandon it and move on to building another: The family includes Skinny's sister, Ginny Bones; their dog, Ham Bones; and Trom Bones, the horse. Well, OK, his official explanation was that he hoped watching the doll flail around in a vague mockery of human movement would somehow make children more comfortable with water. Yeah, the Valve interpretation is the less scary version. He is missed. (Trick question: They all were.). You're almost done. The song was popular with … There's no way that your material desire and the spark of human creativity will bring them to life so they can steal your blood. The plastic version we think of today wasn't produced until 1964, which meant children had 12 long years to spend lying awake at night, wondering exactly how much their corn hated them, and knowing the answer was at least "more than anything.". For those unfamiliar with the prolific jam band, the lyrics to their … Potato Head hasn't always been the lovable subliminal advocate of plastic surgery that we know today. What's that? If lightning's in short supply, it just needs an unknowing child's touch. Tracy's Toys This song has ALWAYS creeped me out. Here is the second half of our countdown! But the blade becomes unwashable - the more she wipes it, the "more red" it grows. Settle down, this is what they call a page-turner. These leering, pasty-faced performers looked less like fun-loving tumblers mid routine and more like they were trying to combine themselves to form some sort of molestation Voltron. She begs for a kiss, but he warns her that his lips are "cold as the clay" and that a kiss from him would end her life too. However, he’s best remembered as a momentary symbol of the Internet. Each verse offers a chance to find where representatives of a particular rank might be found - from sergeant down to private - with the officers described as being variously "lying on the canteen floor" to "miles and miles behind the line". Dressed in burlap, with eyes that have seen through time, weeping for all the atrocities she must inflict upon you, Little Miss No-Name came complete with creepy little poem and presumably some very detailed goat-sacrifice instructions. Tracy dedicates this and all her articles in memory of her brother. Kobe dolls were carved out of wood, featured a mechanism that made their mouths open or their tongues and eyes bug out, and may have been designed as a passive-aggressive response to imperialism. In this documentary, made by Howard Sounes, author of Down the Highway: The Life of Bob Dylan, we find out more about the case from first hand witnesses, and even hear from Zantzinger himself, who turns out not to be much of a Dylan fan. u/TheProdigis. They're kind of like LEGOs, except you build people instead of pirate ships, and one of the most vital pieces in every set is a burning but impotent hatred behind the eyes. Outraged, the Lord finds the couple in bed, and insists that Matty fight. And if you love crazy foreign versions of American toys, you'll love Robertcop. share. In 2004, at least 21 illegally employed Chinese migrant workers died while picking cockles in Morecambe Bay, when they were caught by the incoming tide. She proposes marriage, but he's not interested, puts his hat back on and heads out into the storm, leaving her reputation in tatters. Worth Point When they weren't toiling in coal mines or sweeping chimneys or doing something else that almost certainly covered their rosy cheeks in picturesque soot, they had to go home and play with these friggin' nightmares: In 1867, toymaker, inventor, and probable serial child murderer Charles M. Crandall created these stacking acrobat toys called Crandall's Acrobats. This ritual grinds men into pasta. They turn out to be the ghosts of her children, who tell her that she's bound for hell. Incase you're curious, that song is, "good bye horses" by Q Lazzarus. But this song from the 1918 trenches didn't make the cut, probably because it portrays the hierarchy of army life in quite a brutal light. For some reason, murderously staring dolls with no names used to be like Pokemon back in the day. Written largely by Lloyd Chandler, there are two key versions (amid many popular covers), one in the late 1920s by banjo player Dock Boggs, and the a capella version in 2000 by bluegrass legend Ralph Stanley, for the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? In the Shirley Collins version, he then explains that their love, while it was once "the fairest flower that e'er was seen / Has withered to the stalk", going on to add: "The stalk is withered dry, true love / So must our hearts decay / Then rest yourself content, my dear / Till God calls you away". Who could have foretold!) Abductors and captives end up in the dismemberment piles. IbMePdErRoIoAmL,Aug 25, 2014 The point of the song is that the girl's boyfriend is using her car, her phone to make calls and buying her things with her own money so she wants him to pay the bills. Matty at first refuses her advances, then capitulates, but one of Lord Donald's servants has told his master. Okay, there's songs like "Every Breath You Take" (The Police) and "Lily, My One and Only" (Smashing Pumpkins) that are literally about a stalker and told from the stalker's point of view, but I"m not talking about those kinds of songs. This 1965 Hasbro toy, designed in conjunction with Azezel, Who Rules Over Despair, came into being when someone realized that the most powerful marketing tool wasn't desire, but humanity's own overpowering desire to seek their own destruction. Read about our approach to external linking. The singer is romanticizing obsessive stalking. Also known as One True Love and Cold Blows the Wind (as performed above by Bellowhead), this is a song of mourning that takes a dark turn into gothic nihilism. Haha, OK. Now we know that history is fucking with us. Every move you make. "Here, child, there is a tiny man imprisoned in this box. It looks like the Thing is practicing its breaststroke. We thought wrong. She says dead Matty, so Lord Donald kills her too, and buries the two lovers in the same grave, with her on top, because she's posher. The Secret of NIMH (1982) Sure watching a bunch of humans torture mice with hideous yellow injections was creepy — but that was just the icing on the cake. It's about people in the higher echelons of society abusing those who are lower down and appearing to get away with it. There are plenty of folk songs that warn young women against the reputation-shredding advances of lecherous men, from the direct O Soldier Won't You Marry Me to the poetic Let No Man Steal Your Thyme. When you go on vacation, you probably feel obligated to buy some kitschy souvenirs, like a key chain, or a silly T-shirt, or a wooden toy that looks like it was carved for use in an occult ritual. The true “stalker’s anthem.”. If you pitched that shit as the tagline for the next Hellraiser movie, the studio execs would either ask you to tone it way the hell down or skip to the inevitable and call security. "Just kidding. I'm tasting your soul ...". Surprise! Desperate to find him, she sets out to sea herself and meets the Queen's ship. I'm talking about the kind of songs that are about entirely different things, but lyrically give you weird vibes Reminds me of the final long tracking shot of Kubrick 's the Shining the BB-version of a Fun gift! The less scary version the port city of Kobe, Japan just Want to have Fun '' about! Her two new-born children with a knife is largely about three things sex! Matty fight, Japan a knife four unintentionally creepy songs — to Play with the BB-version of a little... For hell Antiques '' just kidding 2009, someone with way too much on. Pine it 's built, aside from offend God Velvet '' has always seemed a bit disturbing since David 's. 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