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Would it be better to return them in person? Perhaps he could go to a quiet, place outdoors in nature and send a little prayer up to clear any ill will that may be holding him back from reaching his best potential. But tell your wife that it's fine. On a field trip to the big island one of her students picked up a lava rock and brought it back to the classroom without her knowledge. is there a way to remove the course without the rocks? I wish you both all the best. A mutual friend put us in touch and I agreed to put it in my luggage home. Wishing you brightness and aloha. Is there anything else I can do to remove the curse? You were gifted with that sighting on the Big Island years ago. It's also a good idea to send it by priority mail so that you can get a receipt when the items are delivered so that you know when they have returned to the islands. lava varieties - a'a / pahoehoe - kilauea volcano hawaii Watch this video on YouTube For those of you looking for more technically details: the difference between the two flows is governed by the relative shear-strain rate and viscosity of the flow (Kilburn 1981), … One return trip to Hawaii, coming up! Good luck to you and I, too, hope you will visit Hawai'i someday. I truly hope that mailing them would help reconnect them and also that it's known they came from me. Thanks for the history lesson on this legend, very interesting. Aloha. While on the "Big Island" I visited Volcanoes National Park and walked the Devastation Trail. I didn't experience any bad luck the past 20 years... at least.. not more than a human could experience in living his life for two decades. Box 699, Volcano, HI 96785. Sand from Hawaii state beaches can be sent to: Division of State Parks, P.O. So if you have a beach near you and can take the sand into the water and not just leave it on the shore, it'll find its way back to where it needs to be. Mar 26, 2017 - Thousands of lava rocks are mailed back to Hawai'i each year by people claiming bad luck after taking the rocks off-island. My boss went on vacation to Hawaii and brought a lava rock back for each of my boys. I bought a lava bracelet and a ring from a store? Experience the Magic of Volcano! not that I am superstitious you understand, its just, well, you know just in case! In 1972, I visited several islands in Hawaii and honestly felt that I had returned home. Is it ok to give away to others on the island? It's a great idea to give them to others who will use them in their front or backyards. Should I return to volcano national park or division of state parks in Honolulu? Aloha Stephanie, I am producing a new series for a major television network. So if you have a lava rock you want to return, just know that you’re not alone. I kept saying we needed to return the rock, and finally took it upon myself to do so. Lava rocks taken from the islands of Maui, Lanai or Molokai should be returned to: Lava rocks taken from the Big Island of Hawai'i should be returned to: For rocks picked up on the island of Kauai, return to. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809. I'm sorry to hear that you've had bad luck since returning home. Is it considered a curse taking them from the beach? I did not take it from Hawaii just bought it at a local bead store. Hope you and yours are off to a great start in 2013! Question: We visited Oahu almost a year ago; I cannot begin to describe the terrible luck we've had over the last 10 months. But I still wonder if I should return them. Fire and water. I'm not sure if he found dead coral on the shore or broke it off of a reef while swimming or diving. Or, I found a website sponsored by the Volcano Gallery and Volcano Lodging that provides all the information you’d need to return your lava rocks. I hope this answers your question, and that you only have good luck in all you do. Great job. If you can't mail back the sand, take it to the ocean and release it. I wish to finally return it now that I have finally found it among the many seas shells I've collected over the years. Closer to the road, I assume it's dead. Some people experience bad luck after removing lava rock from Hawaii; others don't. I had a funny experience last year when I brought a lava rock home as a favor for someone who had bad luck with it. I'm not really superstitious but took heed anyway, out of respect for the island - and just in case! Aloha, Stephanie. I'm glad you've had positive experiences on Maui. It's up to you to decide whether it's true or not. I know they are bad luck so I hid them away for years. There's just no reason to tempt fate. lol! Water can put fire out. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on May 22, 2017: I'm glad your abuser is out of your life, your cats are thriving, and you're alive and well. The national park, which receives about 100 lava rocks per month, continues to educate visitors as to why they shouldn't be taken. I wonder how many people return lava rocks to the Hawaiian islands every year? Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on November 07, 2014: I wouldn't worry about the lava beads you bought.You are an innocent party, and there is probably no proof of where the lava was taken from. Thanks for the memories. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on June 29, 2017: @Agelu - I hope that you enjoyed your visit to Hawaii, and that you will return again someday. Therefore, all rocks in Hawaii are considered sacred. It doesn't sound like anything from Hawaii is the cause of it. We've had a few more misfortunes and some close calls than usual since we've left Hawaii but could it be related??? The sand would then be helping to give life to something else. Aloha! I treasure the rocks and wear one (and a shell) on a bracket almost all the time. My daughter was diagnosed with cancer and my nephew experience much trauma at birth and and is experiencing complications and issues because of this. And I'm glad you returned the lava rock to the islands. Wishing you a bright future and aloha, Stephanie, I have some black sand from the Road to Hana on Maui I would like to return,,will it get there if I send it to the address listed? For decades, visitor industry officials say tourists have been illegally taking pieces of Hawaii home with them -- in the form of rocks, sand, even coral. Do you think someone there will be kind enough to toss it back onto the Devastation Trail for me, if I enclose a note to that effect? She sent them because she knows how strongly my visit there affected me and how clearly I felt Hawai'i is my true home, even though I've only been there once. Is that considered bad luck also? It's always a good thing to return lava rocks to where they originated. I have enclosed xx for your time and ritual to return this Lava Rock to Pele. Hau'oli Makahiki Hou! Don't Spend All of Your Time at Your Resort. One of my dear friends gave me a beautiful shell bracelet with some small black rocks stuck in it as a bridal gift for attending her wedding on the Big Island.Her sister in law picked and found the shell on the island. We treated it with great reverence but bad luck began to befall us, our cats getting sick with mysterious diseases the vets couldn't explain, our cars breaking down, and a variety of other issues. Do I need to return them to the Island? Walter Holokai from Youngstown, Ohio on January 13, 2013: My aunt was a school teacher on Oahu. I haven't felt any more bad luck in my life than usual. I'm sorry to hear about your string of bad luck, and I'm sending my best wishes for an end to your misfortunes. I picked up a rock which was tiny hoping no problem. Enclosed is a small donation for your expense. Another legendary note about Pele. Aloha! Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on January 06, 2013: Thank you! Please display the items and cherish the memories of your vacation. Aloha! Aloha, Stephanie. If the rocks are smooth and round, they sound as if your father may have picked them up at a beach, or somewhere where the rock was worn smooth by water over time. If this is the source of our terrible luck, is there a way to "reverse the curse" from Hawai'i without knowing what the item was that we mistakenly took? May your future be prosperous and full of unexpected blessings. I didn’t take it on purpose. Aloha, Stephanie. Wishing you a future full of adventure and prosperity. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on June 02, 2017: No Kristen, there isn't any specific prayer to reverse bad luck you might have had. Who wants to tempt fate? And the only way to undo the jinx is to return … The night we were leaving, I got very sick on the plane in a way I never had before, like my blood ran cold. A collection of lava rocks returned to the U.S. But something inside tells me it doesn't belong in my house anymore. For this reason, the building of structures on the island (Heiaus and such), were undertaken by specialists in that field, and Kahunas (or priests) who knew the correct protocol to remove and use only certain types of rocks. I am truly sorry and disappointed in myself for not even taking it seriously or even knowing at the time even though I knew they said not to take rocks from the Haleakala. I hope I get better. Answer: This Honolulu office is in charge of state beaches. I didn't realize there was a curse until wanting to learn more about Pele! Thank you so much for being so kind to return this Lava Rock to Pele. It was one of the corals that was on the sand/shore. This is a free, donation based service to anyone who would like to send back the lava rocks they have taken. Should I also send back the coral stones? It was the joint military R & R camp on the big island from 1984 to 1986. Since they seem to have caused you no problem, and you felt a strong connection to the land when you were here, I wouldn't worry too much. Question: Are seashells and bits of coral that washed ashore okay to take home? While I still struggle day to day, I will say that my partner (and abuser) left me shortly after that, but my cats are healthy and I'm still alive. This way you can check on-line with the Postal Service and know exactly when your lava rock has reached home. During the summer months it's always hard to get 2 standby seats to Hawaii because flights are full. Any donation will assist us to cover our volunteers' cost for transportation, gas, ti leaf, and orchid, to return your lava rocks. jillglynndrew@yahoo.com on November 05, 2014: I recently bought lava beads in Georgia to make bracelets, not knowing the history of lava. Should I return the jewelry I bought? My now ex wife dumped it out. Thanks in advance for your answer. Here's the address: Rainbow Moon Attn: Lava Rock Return P.O. I've always abided by the rule - Leave No Trace.... take only photographs and leave only footprints. Some people feel compelled to remove any rocks they've removed. It is an old legend that taking lava rocks from Hawaii results in being followed by bad luck. We do not give permission for reprints in whole or part for commercial or any other purpose.RespectfullyVolcano  Lava Rock Return. Help. But I also had some rocks in my pocket. I was stationed in volcanoes national park at KMC. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on October 18, 2013: @katie m: Iʻve never heard of Peleʻs Curse affecting a child because there was no clear intent when he took the rocks. I did not take the rocks, nor did I ask for them. Of course, you could just send the lava rocks back to the Hawaii Volcanoes National Park direct, however, many people like being able to give the return of the rocks a little extra attention, and to do so you can send them to us right here in Volcano. While the sights are fascinating, there … Once we receive the returned lava rocks we will carefully wrap them in a leaf of the "Ti-Plant" which is commonly associated with "Good Luck". Is there a way to bless these lava rocks or is returning them to Hawaii the best way to reverse any "bad luck"? They will try to return it to the island of origin if you let them know where you got the sand. There are many people in Hawaii who commercialize items that shouldn't be commercialized...like lava. Thank you, Ms Launiu. Thanks for this article. Question: We bought a house on Oahu, and I've got a ton of lava rocks in the landscaping. Lava rocks taken from the islands of Maui, Lanai or Molokai should be returned to: Haleakala National Park (island of Maui), P.O. dont believe the bad luck stuff, my backyard is full of lava rocks. But then it's just a legend, right? I don't need any bad luck. We choose to offer you  this service for FREE via a group of volunteers. It was an incredible place to visit, but all I took home were photographs and great memories :). I thought this was very cool. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on April 20, 2017: Aloha e Jan, I'm sorry to hear that you have had bad luck since leaving Hawaii. I'm not sure that the black sand had anything to do with your marriage issues, but it sounds as if you are committed to a successful reboot. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on July 11, 2020: The Volcano, HI post office is still on the highway, but it's probably a little bigger than it was 35 years ago. Back in the 1970s, I "saw," while walking along a small trail away from the towns on Big Island, King Kamahameha and his warriors marching toward me dressed in full regalia and headdresses. Is the bad luck with them, or me? I guess it's just a matter of the local norms. Thanks for your question, and best of luck to you. Answer: No, it doesn't mean you're cursed. Question: If we took lava rocks from the black sand beach on Maui, is it possible to return the rocks to another beach on a different island? :We appreciate anyone's interest regarding this matter, however, it is our policy to "NOT" participate in any commercial TV production projects and /or magazine or newspaper articles about Lava Rock Return and the commercialization of such, no exception. You're fine. They do not look like the smaller teardrop-shaped lava rocks that I see online called Pele's Tears. Answer: This article doesn't say that there is a curse tied to lava rocks, but that there is a legend about it. If you would like to know when your lava rock has been received back to Hawaii we recommend that you send your lava rock with United States Postal Serv Priority Mail. The lava will find its way home. I am thankful that you are so willing to help people who have made a mistake of taking Lava Rocks from Hawaii. Is there a way to get rid of the curse without them? I've been wondering about a related question. I just saw it while unpacking. moonlake from America on January 04, 2013: This is very interesting. Knowing these legends, I had to cringe a little when you said that you found the lava among the sea shells. The lava rock has been on my altar and I've felt her presence in a good way in my life. Someone in my family has recently been diagnosed with an unusual skin condition and has suffered other mysterious symptoms. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on June 23, 2017: Coral is not part of the "Pele legend", but it is illegal to remove coral from Hawai'ian reefs. But there are enough people out there who do take lava rocks home & then end up mailing them back to places in Hawaii that aren't even close to the volcano. If you like you can send your story via email to us, so posting it will make it much easier for our volunteers and we don't have to type it from a handwritten letter. @moonlake: I do hope you will be able to make a trip to Hawaii someday & will remember the story of the lava rocks. Aloha! If not, plant something outside of your home and put the black sand around the root so that it can help something grow. If you live near the ocean or a lake, you might want to take the sand into the water there and release it. Box 621, Honolulu, HI 96809. Answer: Don't worry about it. My article is about a legend or myth about taking lava rocks from the island. If I send what I have back will it remove the curse? Answer: Absolutely. If you want to contact me for any reason, feel free to email me at Hawaiianscribe@gmail.com. I wouldn't make a piece of wearable art or jewelry with it, though. I never knew this if I make it to Hawaii I will make sure not to bring home lava rocks. The touer companies went along this was back in the seventies . i live in hawaii,,,, almost everyone in my family has either died of cancer, drinking or heart attacks, but it has nothing to do with the lava rocks. Should I still return them to Hawaii, since that's where my father says they are from? I've never had the best of luck in my life - would love to turn that around! Thanks for sharing this information! Box 369, Makawao, HI 96768-0369; Lava rocks taken from the Big Island of Hawai'i should be returned to: Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, P.O. Question: If someone takes a lava rock from the island and then returns it, will this clear them of any curse? Someone told me I have bad luck because of that. Hana and Kua Loa I'm not sure about but I don't mind finding a way to send them back too. I'm mailing it back to Hawai'i National Park. Is it okay to take some stones, coral and sand from the beach to use in my garden and inside our home in Maui? In your case, I think the mercenaries selling lava rocks have more to worry about than you do. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on September 05, 2020: I hope that the rocks weren't responsible for your bad luck. If you have any lava rocks that you need to return, you can send them via mail to Rainbow Moon in Volcano, HI. Federal law prohibits removing anything from Hawai'i Volcanoes National Park, but I’ve never heard of anyone being punished for taking a lava rock. Answer: I'm sorry that your marriage has been difficult so far. I took it as a safety tip and in turn pass it on to friends who are headed to Hawaii on vacation. My wife told me about the legend of people having bad luck so I didn't take it. :). And to give you peace of mind. Answer: As of today, 7/18/2018, the Star of the Sea Painted Church in Kalapana is safe from the ongoing lava flows. I hope you and your daughter enjoyed your trip. Believers say that Pele makes her home at Kilauea Volcano on the Big Island of Hawai'i where the most recent volcanic eruption happened in 2018. Pele, Hawaiian goddess of the volcano, is also known as Ka Wahine 'Ai Honua: the earth-eating woman. Aloha! Answer: It is not considered "taking from Pele" when you buy something at a tourist venue or shop. Since Pele was the fire goddess, she & this sister always clashed. First of all, if you want a souvenir from Hawaii, please don’t take a lava rock from the national park. - We Rock!! Please pray for me and my family. If lava begins to approach the area, the community will most likely move the church again because it is such a beloved part of Big Island history. After sending it back, is there a Hawaiian prayer that will help reverse any bad luck that might otherwise come? Glad your wife had heard about the legend. Question: What if you ask permission and leave Pele an offering? I'm glad you had a chance to visit Hawai'i and mahalo nui for reading my hub. Or so the story goes…. Now, 43 years later, I have the two lava rocks that had been at my parent's home until they passed. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on November 13, 2014: @Arrow: Thank you for your concern about the lava rocks that were given to you as a gift. The persistent belief that Pele, the volcano goddess of Hawaii’s Big Island, brings bad luck to those who take lava prompts hundreds of people to return rocks each year; ‘we’re very sorry.’ I have rocks from Haleakala and The Road To Hana and Kua Loa Ranch. In part, Hawaii residents would love for businesses and tourists to stop taking rocks off the island, especially for profit. After all, I thought, Pele is not my god. I can't help but feel that these rocks could be responsible for some bad luck we've had over the years. Aug 7, 2013 - Thousands of lava rocks are mailed back to Hawai'i each year by people claiming bad luck after taking the rocks off-island. Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on February 20, 2013: @stephhicks68: I try not to be TOO superstitious. When I was there on a visit she cautioned me against taking lava rocks back with me to the mainland as souvenirs and told me this story. Stephanie Marshall from Bend, Oregon on February 19, 2013: Quite interesting and helpful! Hawaii has some of the best beaches in the world, … I saw a sign closer to the Visitor Center near the Haleakalā National Park Summit saying not to take rocks because on the rocks there might be some microbial life or some other life living on or inside the rock. What should I do? He still has bad luck. I have golden sand as well...Nothing has gone right since we left with it..please help :). Learn about this island legend. Sounds like you saved yourself the trouble of sending a rock home. If you sent the lava rocks back and you feel good about doing that, I would encourage you to keep a positive state of mind and think over all of the positive memories you have about your trip to Hawaii. Thank you for your concern. After a string of unfortunate events she somehow discovered the rock still in the student's desk. Twenty years ago while on our honeymoon in Hawaii I wanted to take home a piece of lava. VU, sharing, etc.... Stephanie Launiu (author) from Hawai'i on January 04, 2013: Photographs and great memories are always the best treasures we can keep from vacations. I remember there was a small post office that employed one gentleman. Does it count as taking from Pele? Question: I live on Maui. I'll say a little prayer for you in hopes that the karma clears up. Either way, I feel devasted and very sorry. Aloha, Stephanie. I don't want them, and I don't know what to do with them. I don't think that there is any curse related to it. Question: I got the green sand from Grand Sand beach on Hawaii's big island. She lives in Hilo. Our family used to own a visitor garden on the Big Island of Hawai'i, and we’d get letters and packages all the time with lava rocks in them and written apologies asking us to place the rock back ‘where it belongs’. Box 699, Volcano, HI 96785. If you want to clear yourself of the negativity, you might consider taking it to the beach, a lake or river and releasing the sand. So as soon i looked up this article and other articles I immediately sent the Lava Rock to the address mentioned in this article to Maui. Answer: Maybe your string of bad luck didnʻt have anything to do with the lava rocks. Question: A client brought a lava rock back from Hawaii and gave it to me as a gift. I heeded the legend of Pele and did not turn to look at them after they had passed through the spot where I stood with the hairs on my arms straight out from my body. Delta even got us on an earlier flight and because of a tailwind, our flight was 1/2 hour shorter than normal. She had an older sister who was the ocean goddess Namakaokaha'i. Box 369, Makawao, HI 96768-0369. I bought them in a shop. But now you have more knowledge when you return next time for a visit. Thank you, C.T., Honolulu, H. Dear lava rock return folks: What a noble thing you do - saving us from our hopless fates! Mahalo! This time we sailed through. 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