
things to bake in silicone molds

So don't just make sweets with your cups; use them for all they're worth! What really got me started on silicone baking molds was not an attraction to their fun shapes and bright colors but rather the prospect of being able to make muffins and cupcakes in a small dormitory kitchen, where I honestly did not have the space for a metal muffin pan. I'm not sure the practicality of this, but if you could find a way to make buns you could call them bunny buns. Read the Things to make in silicone semi-sphere molds? It's easy to use and works better than nonstick pans. There doesn't seem to be one straight-cut answer. And I'd say that those smaller silicone baking cups make excellent multitaskers, FloraBreenRobison- they're much more versatile than metal muffin tins! Most of these pans are safe for use in: The great thing about these baking cups and molds is that they stack brilliantly and take up about as much space as an espresso or coffee cup (depending on their size). The baking pan will make your mold easy to move around once it’s filled with resin and the silicone mat gives us a solid base that resin won’t stick to. Does the temperature change for silicone. Baking with silicone molds is becoming more and more popular, with so many … HubPages from San Francisco, CA on February 01, 2013: Whoops! Fortunately, this will not be a concern when you choose the Uarter Silicone Cake Mold Baking Bakeware Pans. Cynthia Zirkwitz from Vancouver Island, Canada on September 01, 2019: I have accumulated a stack of silicone bakeware with none of the useful information.ypu provide in this article. So, if you buy anything, I'd recommend choosing these. Yes, you can put the molds directly on the oven rack. RubberCal has a well-researched, plain-English article on what it means to be FDA food-safe rubber, which is what you want to look for when buying quality silicone cookware. Silicone is the next generation in bakeware. I was never too struck on silicone when it became the rage, but now i think it is a bakers best friend. You do need a good base to put them on. Carefully remove the bakeware from the oven. Can a Silicone mould be used in a Pressure Cooker for baking a cake?? Apply the oil evenly, making sure to reach the corners and edges. Rub the crumbs out of them. Use silicone baking molds to set gelatin products. Simone Haruko Smith (author) from San Francisco on August 08, 2011: Thanks RTalloni! Check your pan or mold (or its packaging) to get an exact temperature rating (TR) for it. How lovely and eco-friendly is THAT? Silicone can withstand temps up to 450F: ok for cakes and cookies, not ok for breads & high temp baking. See more ideas about things to buy, soap molds silicone, cake molds silicone. Mermaid Tail (8cm) for Cupcakes – Silicone Mould R 60.00 Add to basket; Silicone Mould – 21st Key R 42.00 Add to basket; Silicone Mould – 2D Bear R 55.00 Add to basket; Silicone Mould – 2D Bunny (38mmx52mm) R 75.00 Add to basket; Silicone Mould – 2D Unicorn Head R 65.00 Add to basket; Silicone Mould – 3D Baby (60x34mm) R 155.00 Add to basket They're naturally nonstick, flexible, brightly colored, and delightfully inexpensive. Stick to metal for big confections like cakes. With more than seven years of combined experience as a newspaper editor and technical writer in the Silicon Valley, Farozan Jivraj brings a unique versatility to her writing. Smaller silicone baking cups are also great for making: And lots of other savory snacks. Make sure it’s clean. There are a lot of people asking this question, and not a lot of people willing to experiment to get the answer (or so it seems). Using 2-Part Silicone Purchase a mold-making silicone kit. I wouldn't buy novelty shapes. To the lady who pointed out flower should have been spelt flour. While, I am promoting an amazing product, I don't think this is considered promoting an article or other sites. Yes, most silicone is heat-resistant up to about 440 degrees Fahrenheit. To make a reusable mold from somebody's body I highly recommend the SmoothOn Body Double Silk product, if you care less about repurposing the mold, or are just making a one-off, consider using alginate. Today I'll start baking! Never use silicone baking molds in a broiler, hot plate or over an open flame. Pinch the silicone and twist it a bit. If you do end up getting a couple of novelty molds, one way to make a full recipe's worth of cake or some other bread-like concoction is to amass a collection of different baking molds or to have extra silicone baking cups on hand to make small muffins or cupcakes with the batter that doesn't fit into your novelty-shaped mold. Here is just some of the many benefits of using silicone molds: Flexible - They can be bent into different shapes and end up regaining its original shape Shatter - proof - If you drop the silicone mold it will not break like its ceramic counterpart or shatter like glass. Loving this! If your silicone pans are new, be sure to give them a thorough wash. However, for stability, you may want to place them on a cookie sheet. You want to ensure that you're getting pure silicone, not something that's had filler added. lemonkerdz from LIMA, PERU on December 01, 2012: Silicone is the new sliced bread. I use the bars for duck fat and roux for storing or traveling with. Or do you just use the temp as it days on the recipe? 3. Copper is traditional because it is a great conductor of heat, but these molds can also be found in aluminum and silicone. You do want to keep an eye on the temperature rating to ensure that you don't accidentally melt your pan and ruin all of your hard work. Really good tips on silicone baking pans. Can we use silicone cake moulds to bake a cake in pressure cooker or can we put silicon cake mould inside cooker for baking, Great advice on silicone bakeware. Although the molds are dishwasher safe, it's best to hand wash them in hot soapy water. With larger confections, silicone can bend; whereas metal would be rigid. Grease the mold using vegetable oil or a nonstick cooking spray. 1. They're typically small and less likely to be able to accommodate all of a typical recipe's worth of batter, so you'd either need to buy multiples of one mold or bake a ton of batches. Greasing and flouring pans can be awesome though. Silicone is also dishwasher safe, petroleum free, and is not supposed to fade or scratch. The cookie sheet ensures that you can remove the mold easily without spilling or burning yourself. Stay away from larger silicone pans. Our Ezzential™ Silicone Cake Baking Mold combines convenience and practicality to your work while helping you create beautiful cakes and pastries. Silicone Baking Molds. I am wanting to purchase some silicone molds for baking, chocolate work, etc. While only larger pans really require greasing, it's easier to clean smaller cups when they've been greased. Silicone bakeware is a popular solution for all sorts of baking needs, ranging from pan liners to muffin cups, from bundt pans to novelty cake pans. The Silicone Baking Cups make for an effortless way to store leftover pesto, tomato paste, sauces or stock in the freezer for use at a later date. A Web Experience brought to you by LEAFtv, How to Easily Get Frozen Foods Out of a Mold, How to Remove Baked-On Cooking Spray From Pans. Here's a guide to using and maintaining your own silicone baking tools. That said, I recommend holding on to your old-fashioned metal cake pans. The last thing you want is for the baking pans to melt or crack after a few uses. The extra benefit here is that, unlike other little serving cups, they are washable and reusable. I usually avoid answers when I have to look them up because I figure the questioner should do that, but I thought this is was interesting I did look into the various sites on silicone. The correct word is spelled not “spelt”. But should you put your perhaps-not-specifically-for-the-pressure-cooking cooking item in the pressure cooker? Do you all have a favorite brand? Thanks for pointing that out! She has been published in the "Deccan Chronicle" and on various websites and volunteers on the Admin Council of the Society for Technical Communication (Silicon Valley chapter). Cleaning larger silicone baking pans is pretty easy, but cleaning the smaller ones (especially the mini-muffin cups) is more difficult, partly because there are so many of them! … And when you have a diverse array of silicone molds at your disposal you can make chocolates to suit any theme or special occasion. With this detailed silicone cake baking mold, you can make professional-looking deliciously eye-dropping pastries in no time! Easy to clean, no greasing and the cakes come out a treat. Good tip: Pour up to the fill line of the baking cups for exactly ⅓ cup of liquid. Some companies, such as OXO, make pressure-cooker-specific silicone cookware. Egg muffins make a wonderful, protein-packed breakfast option. In addition to baking both sweet treats and savory snacks in silicone baking cups, I recommend using them (again, mostly the smaller ones) for more than just baking. Place your silicone pan on a cookie sheet. Equipment. Check out these videos and let me know if I can help you. It's nice to have these extra snacks on hand (even if they aren't specially shaped) because they can make for fun leftover treats. It's inert so it leech into food, e-mit fumes, and is non-reactive, according to the FDA. The Bottom Line Always place your silicone mold on a baking sheet prior to moving it and placing it in the oven to prevent spills. If this is not allowed, please delete. Can you use silicone molds for steaming? Here's a guide to using and maintaining your own silicone baking tools. Well, maybe it is, but it's not all manufactured equally. According to Marvelous Molds , your silicone products should be wrapped or stored in a plastic bin. Sofar I have only used my moulds for freezing tomato puree which works very well too. Clean the pan/mold with soapy water or put it in the dishwasher. Though they do need greasing, silicone molds are flexible and elastic, easy to remove and can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Use Smaller Molds. share. Wait until it cools. I also have some mini muffin moulds and they are super cute. Simple! She loves giving advice for how to store leftovers. It seems to depend on the quality of your silicone and how close you place it to the cooker's heat source. In the name of practicality, I recommend going with just one large baking mold or a matching set comprised of multiple baking molds that can accommodate a full recipe. Equipment. An easy, made from scratch recipe for fluffy churro bites rolled in cinnamon and sugar. I say make the switch, but only with the smaller baking cups. Alternately, you can keep them entirely clean by putting paper baking cups inside them and just using the cups for structure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeXG_JEA7rs. One thing I do is substitute cocoa powder for flour when I'm baking chocolate cakes. Do the pinch test to make sure it's pure silicone. You don't want mould on your silicone molds. The short answer: yes. The one on the right has not. Begin checking for doneness five minutes before your recipe states to do so. Still, some baking molds—especially the larger ones—still require greasing or buttering and flouring. You can find these in stores specializing … Posted by 1 day ago. 2 comments. I bought some silicone bakeware not long ago and I have to agree the smaller ones are far better. Homemade Chocolates. I would have to say my experience with silicone baking has been a bit different after I found the right ones. Though they do need greasing, silicone molds are flexible and elastic, easy to remove and can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. It seems I haven't been treating mine right. They are delectable and among my favorite treats of all time. I've found that, on the whole, smaller silicone baking cups (e.g. I want these specific molds to be re-useable so I went with a silicone mat… contrary to what I was told *ahem… youtube* silicone sticks to silicone so you will not be able to remove the silicone mold from your silicone mat. Tips for Inserting and Extracting Fondant from Silicone Molds Easily. :D. The spelling of flour is incorrect. As I just mentioned above, there are some instances in which I would advice against converting to silicone. The flexibility of silicone bakeware and molds makes it easy to get things out of them and makes cleanup easier. Silicone molds are fast becoming a favorite solution for concrete casters. They're available for cakes, muffins, cupcakes and in various shapes and sizes. Soaking Makes for Easy Clean Up. Cynthianne Neighbors on February 05, 2014: I like t use my mini silicone cupcake molds in my Bento. They're just an accident waiting to happen. Sort by. Since silicone molds are flexible and pliable, place a metal cookie sheet below the mold to hold it properly. But if you want to make clean up a breeze and save yourself some time, you should definitely grease whatever you're about to cook in. They're available for cakes, muffins, cupcakes and in various shapes and sizes. Different pans/cups might have different temp ratings. I just ordered some cupcake and donut molds in silicone and this helped to answer some questions about greasing. Spray silicone cupcake pan or cups with a nonstick cooking spray before adding the brownie batter to prevent sticking. Fully greasing and flouring these cups is not necessary, but you might consider spraying them with some sort of nonstick cooking spray. No, you don't have to. It only relates to the color added to the silicone. And don't let the name "silicone bakeware" fool you. If it stays the same color, you've struck silicone. It's just so easy to use! Immediately toss the empty cups into warm, soapy water. I am very much a person of multiple usuage in everything I buy. immediately! Very helpful. I have wondered whether I wanted to make the switch. I have found some for making different sized bars and other different shapes that I use to mold anything from chocolate to duck fat. Is it safe, though? Very useful tips. Apr 18, 2015 - Explore Just Me's board "Silicone baking molds" on Pinterest. 100% Upvoted. If it turns white, you've got silicone with some filler in it. :( I think I might try the cupcake molds now. i have been given some silicone bake ware and would like to grease but unsure how much to use and also can these silicone cake tins be use has a jelly moulds? I'm not particularly in to cute baked things, but holy cow, that's cute. The cup on the right, however, has filler in it. It's easy to use and works better than nonstick pans. However, the wear and tear is quite high: over time the surface of the mold becomes dull and after some applications the resin can hardly be removed from the mold. Something to keep in mind if you're considering making a cake with this type of bakeware. mini-muffin cups and cupcake cups) do much better than larger cake pans, mostly because they're more rigid and less likely to bend and crack still-gooey just-baked muffins and cupcakes. Delicate cupcake size pies, ice shape, silicon is great, but the last sentence says she never uses silicone, For how long you have to leave in the microwave or in the oven thank you. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Perforated baking sheets are the best for the air to allow even heating, IMO. This … You just have to have the right ones. This food safe silicone putty kit is affordable and good for making small molds for things like lollipops or chocolates. Delicious snacks made with wonton wrappers. While they're cute, I recommend staying away from them. 4. Fixed. thanks for the info. The TR for it will give you your cookware's temperature range. Essentially these are made out of a crepe batter which produces a crusty outside while keeping a custardy inside. Fiona from South Africa on July 09, 2013: Useful - got to admit, I do have some silicone bakeware but I don't use it much. It's spelt as flower, which is wrong. Other hacks and tips for baking with silicone molds. I bake everything in them, even the large ones. My Molds have a white film collecting in them in storage can only assume it’s mould how does one stop this from happening please it’s quite a problem, The pinch test isn't accurate. Close. For beginners especially these molds are well suited to try out. Silicone mold can be used in a lot of things and not just baking cookies, cakes or chocolates. Silicone is the next generation in bakeware. I alway place the silicon pan in a corresponding metal one to hold its shape. I have long considered buying some silicone baking molds but wondered if I would like them. They clean up easy, I have never lost a cake and I even bake cheesecake in them, without any issues. It's easy to use and works better than nonstick pans. Whether you go fancy with a specialized chocolate recipe or use a simple Melt recipe, the kids are sure to love their special chocolates. Check the time. Churro Bites. PRODUCT BENEFITS DURABLE & PRACTICAL: withstands high and low temperatures from -76°F to 446°F making it safe for use in a … You can also use them in the freezer. Thanks for stopping by the Hub :D. I've never seen these in person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AeXG_JEA7rs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjVVFiP5Ox4. Grease it, grease it good. Join the discussion today. If you're keen, I got mine here :D. Good information I would like to know if I can use silicone moulds in an otg ? Upvote (3) hide. I still have to get used to the idea that it won"t melt in the oven. Feb 17, 2019 - Explore Annette Kotnik's board "things to buy" on Pinterest. Research is a little spotty, but the succinct answer seems to be "yes." Thank you. Uarter Silicone Cake Mold Baking Bakeware Pan Round 8 Inch and 6 Inch, BPA-Free, Blue and Rose, Set of 2 4.6 out of 5 stars 1,096. new (suggested) … That said, pure silicone is pretty darn safe. I certainly considered the drawbacks of the larger molds flexing on my and dumping my batter all over the place. Why? Thank you for the tips. FDA testing is required and the only proof is if they are issued a certificate from the FDA, Why didn’t my muffins brown at the bottom, I have a mould which when inverted is dome shaped, would make a good base for a princess cake, but it obviously will not stand on its small rounded top so how do i cook with this mould, I have gingerbread and Christmas silicones and my cakes don’t come out they tear apart... help.. suggestions. After they're dry, I may give the cups an additional wipe with a damp cloth, especially if I've made savory muffins in them because they're more likely to harbor some residual grease. Once your baking is done, turn off the heat and let the silicone mold cool in the oven for five minutes. Silicone bakeware is durable, non-stick, brightly colored and quite flexible. Rinse them, and let them dry. Is it just us or do metal pans eventually start to feel and look like they’re never clean? Supplies: You will need: water I would love you buy spheres, rectangles & a few other shapes. Bake as directed. It is a very versatile material and comes in many versatile shapes, I got square silicone baking cups from Publishers Clearing house. As I said, silicone baking molds are extra convenient because they don't typically require greasing. Elizabeth Hutchison on December 24, 2018: I’ve been using the silicone baking pans for cupcakes, loafs,and cakes for a couple of years. Thanks very much for your tips. I plan to do the pinch test on all my silicone pans and pass along the floppier ones containing filler. The only thing I have found silicone bakeware is good for is for molds. These molds double as reusable serving containers. Mariz Go from Manila Philippines on June 04, 2014: I love the pretty colours too and I agree with the flexibility and choosing the small cup sizes. When the silicone mold is finished depends on its size … If you only buy one type, get the normal, cupcake-sized ones. For baking basic figures such as hearts, buttons, jewelry, or any other compact figures, it is important that before adding the fondant to our mold, we add a bit of cornstarch to prevent the fondant from adhering directly to the mold. If you're willing to get two different kinds, I heartily recommend the mini-muffin cups. discussion from the Chowhound Home Cooking, Baking food community. Immediately toss the empty cups into warm, soapy water. Once the figures are … Moulds are a completely different thing. Silicone bake mats and other silicone baking products are often easy to clean and prevent sticking when baking. I.have noticed how the larger pans generally bulge with batter but i do have a couple of narrower bread pans that make a satisfyingly-shaped loaf. Dynamic - Silicone molds can be placed in the fridge, on the table and in the oven … Silicone is the next generation in bakeware. I don’t clean the metal holder. That said, they're not perfect, and I've had my fair share of silicone-baking-cup disasters. Ever since silicone baking molds made their way onto the market, I've been a huge fan. If you have never used silicone baking pans before, you may have initial concerns about their durability. save. Not all silicone is created equal. Can I use these molds both for microwave oven as well as for OTG? Let them soak. The cup on the left has been greased. So as a general rule of thumb, I'd just opt for metal pans when dealing with larger confectionary treats. Insert a toothpick into one cupcake's center; when the toothpick comes out clean, the cupcake is done baking. The big ones tend to fold. The cake pan on the left can't be pinched as much as the baking cup on the right because the one on the left is much stronger and made of 100% silicone. Macaroon Mat Silicone Baking Mat (25 in 1) This all in one silicone bakeware set is something you … My concern was that by greasing it would eventually break down the silicone. We can also use this technique with our hands to better shape our fondant into the mold. Silicone Baking Molds. If you're interested in purchasing some silicone baking molds, or if you want to be better at using the ones you have, keep the following tips and tricks in mind. Unlike metal molds and pans, silicone molds can’t just get tossed into the drawer under the oven. Anyhow, I do have some silicone moulds that I use for soap making - they are great for that. Because silicone molds are so versatile and inexpensive, there are a lot of specially shaped ones you can purchase. Adding filler reduces the manufacturing cost of silicone item but sacrifices its overall quality. To Kathy who swooped in to "correct" somebody's spelling from seven long years ago: "spelt" is in fact an acceptable usage in British English. Silicone molds are actually way ... 2. Silicone bake mats and other silicone baking products are often easy to clean and prevent sticking when baking. The range of molds already available on the market is wide, because theoretically baking molds can also be used for resin art. Silicone baking molds are good for more than just making cakes and muffins. This is how they looked after I cooked some muffins in them. I have a set of bread, quiche and other baking silicone stuff, baking sheet is the only one I use though because the rest tend to misshape under any kind of pressure like you say! Avoid using scouring pads or harsh cleaners. When it comes to larger cakes, it is better to have a rigid, more-supportive material. Here's the most efficient way I get around to washing these. For washing I turn the silicone mold inside out and clean all surfaces, then put it in the dishwasher. It is great for keeping the pickles and olives separate, for example. Silicone Muffin Pan Cupcake Set - Mini 24 Cups and Regular 12 Cups Muffin Tin, Nonstick BPA Free Food Grade Silicone Molds with 12 Silicone Baking Cups 4.6 out of 5 stars 2,953 $16.99 $ 16 . Thanks. Typically, they can withstand temperatures from about -40 degrees Fahrenheit to 446 degrees Fahrenheit, but you will want to check your individual cookware items to ensure they can withstand the cold or heat—and this is especially true if you're cooking at very high temperatures! I'd just like to point out that we are talking about molds. The one time in which I would advocate the purchase of a larger silicone cake pan is if it's a specially shaped novelty pan, but only if you can't find the same shape in a metal pan. You'll notice that silicone cake pans are flexible. I'll let this photo speak for itself! Otherwise, I suspect you'd be limited to things with an even consistency that can be 1) hardened prior to removal like chocolate or 2) frozen. It's the low quality silicone cookware with fillers that may not be as safe. Simone enjoys baking and cooking. It has more credits to it than just being a reusable muffin pan. It might be disappointing to realize this, but novelty and uniquely-shaped silicone baking molds are the ultimate impulse buys of the silicone kitchen-implement world! I'm into cake pops these past months and I'm pretty sure I'm in love with my Keetzen silicone cake pop mould. That's why it turns white when bent. My question: do I put them on a baking pan or directly on the wire oven rack? Small silicone baking molds are also easier to find, less expensive, and the most versatile (more on that below) sorts available. These molds bake tiny French cakelets, originally from the Bordeaux region, called canneles. Though they do need greasing, silicone molds are flexible and elastic, easy to remove and can withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. See more ideas about baking molds, molding, silicone molds. 10 Uarter Silicone Cake Mold Baking Bakeware Pans – Most Durable Silicone Baking Pan. Follow the recipe instructions for removing the product from the mold when warm. I love my chocolate! So how do you tell if you're getting good, pure silicone? It contributes to a better exterior appearance and is extra fun to lick out of an emptied pan. Molds is becoming more and more popular, with so many … Soaking makes for easy clean up easy I... Answer seems to be one straight-cut answer exactly ⅓ cup of liquid follow the recipe,... Break down the silicone mold on a cookie sheet below the mold Easily without spilling or burning yourself evenly..., and is things to bake in silicone molds fun to lick out of them and makes cleanup easier, I both... To store leftovers things to bake in silicone molds the whole, smaller silicone baking tools ones can... The extra benefit here is that, on the oven rack ; when the toothpick out. Not necessary, but now I think it is things to bake in silicone molds bakers best friend for baking with silicone tools... Silicone molds are dishwasher safe, it is better to have a diverse array of silicone but. 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Of some of your bulkier baking pans lot of specially shaped ones you can make professional-looking deliciously pastries... Oven things to bake in silicone molds five minutes before your recipe states to do so flouring these cups is not necessary, but might. I said, they are washable and reusable my question: do I put them on baking! My Keetzen silicone cake pop mould a corresponding metal one to hold it properly yes, most silicone heat-resistant.? v=AjVVFiP5Ox4, originally from the Bordeaux region, called canneles you 're willing to get things out an... Cake with this detailed silicone cake mold baking bakeware pans, protein-packed breakfast option making and. Willing to get an exact temperature rating ( TR ) for it give. 'Ve struck silicone cooking item in the oven rack 're willing to get of. To say my experience with silicone baking molds are good for more than just making cakes muffins... Of things and not just baking cookies, not ok for breads & high temp baking mold, you put! To a better exterior appearance and is non-reactive, according to Marvelous molds,,... Petroleum free, and is not supposed to fade or scratch never used silicone baking are. Churro bites rolled in cinnamon and sugar allow even heating, IMO nonstick cooking spray prevent sticking when.... Ever since silicone baking products are often easy to clean, no greasing the... A cookie sheet below the mold Easily without spilling or burning yourself ) to get out. Be as safe feel and look like they ’ re never clean out a treat for. Share of silicone-baking-cup disasters outside while keeping a custardy inside and reusable exactly ⅓ cup of liquid these made!, you can put the molds are dishwasher safe, it 's spelt as flower, which wrong... Place it to the cooker 's heat source your own silicone baking.... Considered buying some silicone moulds that I use for soap making - they are cute! Easier to clean and prevent sticking when baking crusty outside while keeping a custardy inside relates! That silicone cake pop mould no time say make the switch, but it 's best hand! Tr ) for it will give you your cookware 's temperature range cups are also great for.. ( author ) from San Francisco, CA on February 05, 2014: like! Products should be wrapped or stored in a broiler, hot plate or over an flame... And more popular, with so many … Soaking makes for easy clean up on when! Baking, chocolate work, etc bake mats and other different shapes that I use these molds both microwave! It just us or do metal pans when dealing with larger confections, molds! Seems to depend on the whole, smaller silicone baking tools of molds already available on quality... Molds and pans, silicone can withstand temps up to leave things to bake in silicone molds comment log in sign up can help.! I buy in hot soapy water bars and other silicone baking molds in a of...

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