
sword vs axe vs spear fire emblem

With weapon triangle advantage, weapon users may attack with increased battle accuracy; conversely, users with the disadvantage may suffer from decreased battle accuracy. In Fire Emblem Fates, their Hoshidan counterpart is called the naginata (Japanese: 薙刀 naginata). (Read 10208 times) noodle0117. They use forks (there are war forks and spears), clubs (pretty much less fancy mace) and their lumberjack axes (inferior versions of battle axes). If asked, you must provide evidence for your claims or drop the argument. 1. I’m thinking the axe would take this one. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Find a flair you like, click it, and send the message it brings you to exactly as-is. In this contest i imagine the deciding factor will be the range of each weapon. The Swordreaver and the Swordslayer are the only axes that are able to reverse the weapon triangle. Gonna give it to axe knight overall. Join the community today (totally free - or sign in with your social account on the right) and join in the conversation. 6 Robin Awakens DEATH BATTLE! Disruptive gimmick accounts will be first warned then removed. These setting affect the effective level of enemy units, and, as a result, give enemies a bonus to their stats or a penalty to their stats without changing their actual levels. The Claymore on the other hand is a two handed linebreaker weapon that is used like wrecking ball. Easy to produce, easy to handle and quite easy to learn. Depends on Armor. Rendered by PID 13648 on r2-app-0bdd6ca45c32d3195 at 2020-12-24 22:04:37.275387+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: MY. [–]feminist-horsebane 6 points7 points8 points 1 year ago (4 children), sword wins because it is the most well rounded, as in it can attack and block the best. Can Robin tip the scales in … Ever tried naming someone "Axe" or "Sword"? What makes attacks or blocks from a sword somehow more martially valid than any other weapon? Sword knight chops the spear in two (he is not charging a spear wall but focusing his attention on a single spearman, increasing his chances of pulling off such a feat), then smashes through his armor by half-swording, killing him. Powered by Invision Community, Moderators are an occassionally necessary evil, The Jellyfish with Sunglasses of the Forest. Distasteful posts for the sake of being "edgy". Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. Interesting. Beginning with Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade, the weapon triangle system may positively or negatively influence the damage output of participating combatants, depending on whether they have the advantage or disadvantage (respectively).In general, sword users have an advantage over axe users, axe users over lance users, … Crocodile (One Piece) and Gaara (Naruto) vs Darth Vader (Legends). If claymore knight and axe knight combine forces to overpower spear knight it becomes a a battle of speed vs power and im inclined to give it to speed, the axe knight. Within a minute, /u/WWWtron will have assigned you your shiny new flair. Tomé would be something like ''Tomeh''. I'm gonna put on my critical lenses and ask you...  Is that even pronounced like "Tome"? Only extremely prestigious knights use swords, because they are immensely expensive. Send us a message we'd love to help you with your thread. Swords are more balanced, making it easier to block and attack. Blade (MARVEL) vs Orochimaru (Naruto Shippuden). (Christmas), Garou (OPM) enters the mortal kombat tournament. Threads asking how X character would do with a Y-Colored Lantern Ring are not allowed. They were used similiar to gladius of the roman army. A Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn tactician quest. The javelin in question was obsolete by time of knights. Again, please see the suggested template above for more details. A Fire Emblem fan site since 1st February 2005. Print; Author Topic: sword spear or axe? Faculty Training is the best way to level your characters stats fast. I agree that swords do less damage, but you cannot get really great axes compared to swords. I remember this because my brother and I would often joke that how his full name is "Staph Infection". The Fire Emblem Main Protagonist Battle Royale is a What-If? Now, ordinarily I would agree due to superior range and ease of use; however, the “spear” in question was a light weight javelin unsuited for close quarters combat. BattleSword versus Axe versus Spear. you can do the same with the claymore, hold it by the blade with leather gloves and use it like a staff, but again its metal and the spears are often wood. Javelins were not used to entangle shields. Fire Spear refers to an offensive, fire-element, direct fire spell in ALfheim Online. Sword wins because it is the most well rounded, as in it can attack and block the best. [–]lucifertheecat 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child). Axes are almost as good, but dangerous when wielded in untrained hands (first hand experience on this, and I wasn't even trying to kill anyone). Fire Emblem is a fantasy tactical role-playing video game franchise developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. Fire Emblem Three Houses features a variety of weapons. Warriors who wield the same type of weapon share same selection of arms. Can he win? [–][deleted] 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children). Spears have a considerable reach and speed advantage. share. death battle featuring Robin from Fire Emblem:Awakening and the Terrarian from Terraria. Similarly, the best axes in Fire Emblem Three Houses are the Aymr in Freikugel, both of which are also Hero Relic weapons. The spear would win, swords were typically only used as a sidearm and i don't think it was very common for knights to use axes, atleast one handed ones. But good luck getting so close or tangled where that is an advantage. Reply to this topic ; Start new topic; Swords VS Axes VS Lances 29 members have voted. Don't downvote. I like all three of them from different reasons... but I guess I have to go with swords, mainly because swords are really cool. By Ilboss, June 4, 2019 in General Fire Emblem. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Sword -vs- Axe -vs- Mace (-vs- Polearm?) Comments that are memes for the sake of memes will be removed as well. However, certain characters possess or can earn unique weapons which cannot be shared with other heroes.   Pasted as rich text. If they're in full plate, it'd be willing to give it 7/10 to the sword, [–]Zainecy 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (2 children), [–]I-Alexis-v 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (1 child), Probably depends on how small the things are or how tight the mesh is then. Embed. Remember, the mods are humans, and we realize you're human, too. Joke posts, or posts that are primarily humurous in nature, are not allowed. Swords 10 Axes 5 Lances 14 Please sign in or register to vote in this poll. Copy-pasta, Circlejerk or Meme derivative posts. Duplicate heroes, family members fighting to the not-really-but-still-is-death and lovers at each others throats is the norm in the world of Zenith and our chosen summoner is ready to face it all. It was originally known as Angel Sword: Memories until 2007, when it was then renamed after a location in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Are you keeping up to date with everything Celtic Heroes? [–]AmericanHumdinger 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (5 children). The Dane ax will fare slightly better, but it’s still going to lose in speed to the spear. "Axe is strong against the lance", "spear is strong against the sword", and so on. 3 medieval knights of roughly equal skill in their respective weapons are given the following weapons. That's called the …   Your link has been automatically embedded. The following post types and comments have been deemed low-quality by the community and may be removed. Probably 7/10 for the spear though, [–]Zainecy 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (0 children). There are tons of classes and class swapping and alternative ways to improve the characters. Display as a link instead, × I will give you staff if only because I just recently remembered there was a Mii in Wii Sports named "Staff". swords, especially the magic ones. While the sword specialist classes in this game aren't that good, Swords are probably one of the better weapon types in this game in a vacuum due to their low weight and high hit rate. Even common weapons can only be wielded by one character at any given time. How to Repair Weapon in Fire Emblem Three Houses : FE3H. 5 Ike Has No Sympathy for DEATH BATTLE! In the real world, weapons are not balanced relative to each other in the usual gaming sense. "Your Favorite/Least Favorite" character threads are not allowed due to lack of discussion these types of threads generate. Guts vs Dimitri Season unknown, Episode unknown Vital statistics Air date Unknown Written by SoMaShadow Directed by SoMaShadow Episode guide Previous Next Unknown Unknown Two customizable avatars now face off against each other. Check out our Official Submission Template for a few suggestions on how you can structure your battle with additional conditions and formatting to make it more interesting. But you can also name someone "Lance" and it'd be considered a completely normal name. view previous next. Add media RSS Swords vs. Spears (view original) embed. So those of you who played Final Fantasy IX that are telling me that it could be used as a name can go on and GIT. I've seen some Chinese TV series where an unarmed martial artist beat the crap out of a bunch of fodder swordsman. Sign in or join with: Only registered members can share their thoughts. Celtic Heroes Social Media. There are weapons that can do physical attacks such as Sword, Lance, Ax, Bow, and Gauntlet, and weapons that can use magic. Robin (Fire Emblem) vs Terrarian is a What-if? If the weapon’s durability drops to 0, it will no longer effective in combat, so you will need to repair it if weapon’s durability is too low. Ningen Mukotsu+1 Elec-Blaze Physical/Fire 25 Light attack. Bows Note: All bows are effective against flying units. Increases physical attack against Demi-Human monster by 75%. If they have medieval armor I don’t think the light projectile could pierce it. I'm an Axe man, though I'm willing to acknowledge Lances are objectively the best. × So..Tommy is out of question. We issue warnings if we believe the user means well but we are not obligated to do so. « previous next » Pages: [1] 2. Unit takes 5 damage after combat. Was thinking hand axe the entire time. * Sessions from Elec skills. [–]oarngebean 0 points1 point2 points 1 year ago (2 children), I think this is a bit of a roll of the dice. You absolutely can block or push off-line with an axe, but may have advantage at super close range, The range of a Dane axe is above that of a claymore, because you can keep your distance from the others but if they get in close you’re screwed. Also, we included the list of needed materials to repair weapons. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Spear of Light Sword-Blaze Physical/Fire 25 Light attack. Details on the Pagan Altar in Fire Emblem Three Houses Cindered Shadows. Daggers are along the same line as maces. In fire emblem, sword beats axe, spear beats sword, and axe beats spear. It can even replicate the stopping power of a spear with half-swording. #2. Powers and Stats.   You cannot paste images directly. You are dead right. You can see whats easy to use and easy to find when you look at medieval peasants. Spears are an overall superior weapon to swords and axes. Admit when you don't know. Brawl vs Axe: I definitely think the brawler takes this one. Each knight stands equidistant to one another at 8 meters apart and posses no other weapons beyond what they're given and are each wearing chainmail. It's made to break guards, if it doesn't find any guards it will just crush people. Sword was made for killing people. Spear knight. The claymore will just break the axe guard and the javelin might get a poke in before both of them are mowed down by the claymore's superior weight and superior guard break ability. Ilboss, June 4, 2019 in General Fire Emblem. There are weapons that can do physical attacks such as Sword, Lance, Ax, Bow, and Gauntlet, and weapons that can use magic. Axes are chopping tools. And a sword you block with metal the axe has a wood handle. Powers and Stats. In the middle ages, all armor was focused around not being cut. Alright /v/, sword, axe, or spear? Spears can absolutely be used at close range. Edit: was thinking hand axe, misread the article for danish axes. The spear knight has at least a meter on the claymore knight and 2 meters on the axe knight. The reason spears were the most common weapons on a medieval battlefield, that was because they're a) cheap; b) function best in a formation. Share URL. As with posts, the comments are not a place to promote a political or social agenda. A continuation on weapons the spear vs sword then as a bonus i mention spear vs axe the some of the same techniques could be used with the axe and sword Sword wins because it is the most well rounded, as in it can attack and block the best. Depending on which game, the mechanics of the Weapon Triangle may change. Death Battle. This Fire Emblem Three Houses Faculty Training Guide explains the basics of the Faculty Training system including where to find each of the trainers, what they teach and how to get the most out of your activity points. Provided axe knight doesnt lob a thrown axe to spear knights noggin. That is, spear and shield tended to be superior to sword and shield due to longer reach, better stabbing due to being stiffer, and better balance due to having a counterweight, in addition to the ability to effectively wield a spear overhand from behind a shieldwall (i.e. Fire Emblem Warriors ... Rowan was going to have an axe, and Lianna would have a spear. * Sessions from Ice skills. Posts must be some form of battle, competition, or challenge or they are considered off-topic/META and should go in our weekly off-topic discussion posts. Comments that are a few words and contribute no actual discussion ('lol' or '___ stomps'). In reply to by ZekeSinner. Users may not make more than 5 Posts per day. I guess I find the sword just a liiiiitle more romantic overall. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Two customizable avatars now face off against each other. Othwerise you would be killed the first time you fought sword versus spear. Fire: 40: Enables the use of Fire Bolt Lv 3. Weapons and items in Fire Emblem Warriors are equipment available to characters from the convoy. This guide will guide you through the list of weapons on the […] Clear editor. Arden is a character in Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, he's strong and reliable, but he's quite slow compared to his comrades, and is usually left behind to guard castles.. To submit a battle, click the Goku vs Superman (or Doom vs Vader) button above. In Fire Emblem Gaiden and its remake, Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia, axes … Meta posts, multi-part tournaments, and other non-conventional posts require mod approval. If they are unarmored, Spear knight 10/10. As you battle (or are battled) by other players either through StreetPass or Online, you will be able to increase your battle ranking. Batman gains the body of Doomsday and enters the Tournament of Power (DBS). The axe was one of the most widespread side arms for knights, because the axe is the easiest weapon to use beside a stick. by FanaticMarioMan 3 years ago. Seems consensus that the spear would be best. Paste as plain text instead, × Tome (Tomé) is a fairly common name here, but is usually nicknamed Tom. Do not be insulting or derogatory towards others under any circumstances, and don't resort to ad hominem attacks. And you actually want your axe head to be small, coz its plenty of iron there, making it as heavy as whole sword, but only on one side of the weapon (well, not as small, but as balanced as possible, between swinging the weapon and stoping the swing, so you wont find yourself in situation, when you missed the enemy, you swing is still proceeding, but enemy's sword is already coming back). In the weapon triangle, axes best lances but are bested by swords. Brawl vs. sword spear or axe? 0 Down. < > Showing 1-15 of 36 comments . Posts with no details or specifications whatsoever. Mar 14, 2017 @ 5:28am Originally posted by Жора: Elite Scimitar Weak. This was because in the middle ages there was no knowledge of germs. Mwahaha. Makes sense, right? That is a long obsolete lightweight javelin that was typically used to entangle shields. Really good analysis man! 1 Description 2 Interlude 3 Marth cannot afford to lose DEATH BATTLE!   Your previous content has been restored. Hinoka's Spear: (16 Mt) Grants Atk/Spd +4 during combat when within 2 spaces of an infantry or flier. Downvoting will never be allowed on this sub. Fire Emblem: Three Houses presents players with a lot of options when it comes to choosing their squad, so here's a complete classes guide to help. Also weapons with less iron are often easy to handle (because they are either blunt, or have a small area to strike with). [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 1 year ago (0 children). So come on! If you see a large number of posts about a character, try someone else. Fire Emblem vs Terraria! Unsure of a good way to make your fight more interesting than just "X Character vs. Y Character"? 4 Roy blazes into DEATH BATTLE! This now includes "You vs" posts as of 29/10/2018; details on why are included in this modpost. If unit's HP is at 100% and unit initiates combat, unit will attack twice. Bow (Bol) should not be so difficult to find. Weapons exist because they solve real world problems, not because they fill in the cells of a balance matrix in a game design doc. Find all you need to know for all character classes / jobs available in Fire Emblem: Three Houses. Shippuden ) are easy to handle be second best because you can not be or! In Unity are a few words and contribute no actual discussion ( 'lol ' or '___ stomps )... Given the following post types and comments have been deemed low-quality by the community (! Far the best axes in Fire Emblem series Tome '', or `` sword '' will be warned. Wrecking ball and easier to train, have longer range, are faster, and non-conventional! A character, try someone else the article for danish axes 29/10/2018 ; details on other! Focused around not being cut because i just recently remembered there was no knowledge of germs Triangle axes. 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In Freikugel, both of which are also Hero Relic weapons have a wide of. Hold right up near the blade front if you 're unfamiliar with a gun kill a bender from?! Statistically unreliable, sword vs axe vs spear fire emblem 'll take that axe any day of the week attacks is! Of your kids social agenda more restricted use lose death battle `` sword '', and his killed... A guy with a sword somehow more martially valid than any other weapon Fates...

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