2020 EEENCE E PENNSYLVANIA TAX DUE DATE REFERENCE GUIDE PAGE 1 2020 STATE TAX DUE DATE REFERENCE GUIDE Continued on Page 2 CIGARETTE TAX CONSUMER FIREWORKS TAX CORPORATION TAXES - CORPORATE NET INCOME TAX Jan. 10 December 2019 PACT Act Report Jan. 15 2019 Cigarette Stamping Agent (CSA) Stamp Payment Jan. 21 2019 CSA Report of ⦠Those requiring urgent assistance should contact IRAS through the following channels instead of visiting IRAS: Send an email via Individuals Required to File Tax If you are resident in Singapore, you can e-File your completed tax form from 1 Mar to 18 Apr every year. 4Under the COVID-19 Fiscal Mitigation Act, the deadline was extended to July 15 for certain returns and payments orignally due April 15. With respect to the deadline to file an appeal to an assessment with the Court of Québec, pursuant to an order of the Court of Québec and the Minister of Justice, the deadline is suspended from March 15, 2020 until the expiry of the health emergency period. See the chart below for Wisconsin tax return due dates. The Treasury Department and the Internal Revenue Service are providing special tax filing and payment relief to individuals and businesses in response to the COVID-19 Outbreak. IR-2020-154, IRS reminder: File and pay 2019 business taxes by July 15; 2020 estimated tax also due IR-2020-153, IRS reminder: Taxpayers can get an extension to Oct. 15 to file taxes IR-2020-150, IRS gives tips on filing, paying electronically and checking refunds online; 2019 tax returns and payments due July 15 IR-2020-148, IRS provides last-minute tips for last-minute filers [2] For this group of companies which faced genuine difficulties in preparing and Form J F M A M J J A S O N D Due Date; e-File Corporate Income Tax return (Form C-S/ C) 15 Dec 2020: File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Sep year-end) 31 Dec 2020: e-Submission of Donation: 31 Jan 2021: e-Submission of Employment Income: 1 Mar 2021: e-Submission of Commission: 1 Mar 2021: e-Submission of Certificate of Residence (COR) for Withholding Tax: 31 Mar 2021 The following outlines ⦠On March 27, 2020, Revenu Québec announced that the 90-day deadline to file a notice of objection to a notice of assessment, which would otherwise fall between March 13, 2020 and June 29, 2020, is deferred to June 30, 2020. Annual â 15th day of the 4th month following the close of your books and records.For business with a 1/1-12/31 calendar year, this tax is due on April 15th of the following year. If you're a calendar year taxpayer and at least two-thirds of your gross income for 2019 or 2020 is from farming or fishing, you have only one payment due date for your 2020 estimated tax, January 15, 2021. 2. Estimated tax payments for the 2020 tax year (IRS Form 1040): For 2020, these were due on July 15 and Sept. 15.There normally would have been two additional payments for the first and second quarters on ⦠The first quarter estimated tax payment for 2020 was originally due April 15, 2020, and the second quarter payment was originally due June 15, ⦠These rules apply to: Income tax payments otherwise due April 15, 2020 for tax year 2019; Any estimated income tax payment that would otherwise be due between April 15, 2020 and June 15, 2020. to be progressively lifted in three phases. You will not be charged late-filing penalties or interest if your 2019 individual (T1) income tax returns are filed and payments are made prior to September 1, 2020. Does My New Company Need to File Form C-S/ C this Year? announced by the Government, the Circuit Breaker will end on 1 Jun 2020 with measures The filing deadline for the Year of Assessment 2020 has been extended to 31 May 2020 New. Due date for furnishing of various audit reports including tax audit report and report in respect of international/specified domestic transaction for the Assessment Year 2020-21*. Taxpayers must make The prevailing corporate tax rate is 17.0%. Applying for Certificate of Residence or Tax Reclaim Form, Companies Applying for Strike-Off or To Cease Registration, Self-employed / Sole-proprietors / Partners, Deductions for Self-Employed (Reliefs, Expenses, Donations), Calculating and Reporting Business Income, Go to Self-employed / Sole-proprietors / Partners Section, Reporting employee earnings (IR8A, Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B, IR8S), Tax Clearance for Foreign & SPR Employees (IR21), Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment Income, Common Scenarios - Do I Charge/Deem/Claim GST, Responsibilities of a GST-registered Business, Go to Non-GST Registered Businesses Section, Purchasing Digital Services from Overseas Service Providers, Selling your Property (for En Bloc Sales), Lower Property Tax Rates for Owner-Occupied Residential Properties, Essential Property Tax Information for HDB Flat Owners, Information for Buyers of Private Residential Properties, Information for Buyers of HDB/ DBSS Flats, Information for Buyers of Other Types of Properties, Information for Buyers of Vacant Land or Development Sites, Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC), Apply/ Withdraw for Owner-Occupier Tax Rates, e-File Corporate Income Tax return (Form C-S/ C), File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Sep year-end), e-Submission of Certificate of Residence (COR) for Withholding Tax, File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Dec year-end), File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Jan, Feb and Mar year-end 2020), File Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) (Jun year-end). www.twitter.com/iras_sg Applying for Certificate of Residence or Tax Reclaim Form, Companies Applying for Strike-Off or To Cease Registration, Self-employed / Sole-proprietors / Partners, Deductions for Self-Employed (Reliefs, Expenses, Donations), Calculating and Reporting Business Income, Go to Self-employed / Sole-proprietors / Partners Section, Reporting employee earnings (IR8A, Appendix 8A, Appendix 8B, IR8S), Tax Clearance for Foreign & SPR Employees (IR21), Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS) for Employment Income, Common Scenarios - Do I Charge/Deem/Claim GST, Responsibilities of a GST-registered Business, Go to Non-GST Registered Businesses Section, Purchasing Digital Services from Overseas Service Providers, Selling your Property (for En Bloc Sales), Lower Property Tax Rates for Owner-Occupied Residential Properties, Essential Property Tax Information for HDB Flat Owners, Information for Buyers of Private Residential Properties, Information for Buyers of HDB/ DBSS Flats, Information for Buyers of Other Types of Properties, Information for Buyers of Vacant Land or Development Sites, Productivity and Innovation Credit Scheme (PIC), Apply/ Withdraw for Owner-Occupier Tax Rates, COVID-19 Support Measures and Tax Guidance, Resilience Budget, Solidarity Budget and Fortitude Budget, Income Tax Treatment of COVID-19-Related Payouts to Businesses and Individuals (PDF, 147KB), Income Tax for Individuals (including sole proprietors and partnerships), Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) for companies with Financial Year ending Jan 2020, Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) for companies with Financial Year ending Feb 2020, GST Returns for accounting period ending Mar 2020, S45 Withholding Tax Forms due in Apr 2020, Tax Clearances for foreign employee in Apr 2020, Tax Clearances for foreign employees due in May 2020, Corporate Income Tax Returns (Form C-S/ C) for companies with financial years ending in Oct to Dec 2019. If you owe taxes, interest will accrue from the original due date. As ), Deductions for Individuals (Reliefs, Expenses, Donations), Basic Guide for New Individual Taxpayers (Foreigners), Individuals (Foreigners) Required to Pay Tax, Deductions for Individuals (Foreigners) (Expenses, Donations, Reliefs, Rebates), Self-Employed / Sole-Proprietors / Partners, Form C-S (Lite) - Simplified Tax Return for Companies With Revenue $200,000 or Below, Filing Estimated Chargeable Income (ECI) and Paying Estimated Taxes. Centre (TBSC) at Revenue House and resume counter services by appointments only. ECI is due for filing on 30 June 2019 and final tax returns are due for filing on 30 Nov 2020. When granted, businesses will be able to file and pay no later than April 20, 2020 ⦠myTax Portal. As part of support measures to help taxpayers in light of the COVID-19 situation, IRAS is providing an extension of deadlines for tax filing for individuals and businesses: [1] GST-registered businesses making GST payments to IRAS will be allowed to file their tax returns based on information available. situation, IRAS would grant them a 1-month extension till 15 Jan 2021 to e-File the YA 2020 CIT Returns, provided that the companies had submitted the "Request for Filing Extension for YA 2020 Corporate Income Tax Return" form by 27 Nov 2020. Its taxable income for YA 2020 is from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2019. 2. The deadline is December 15, 2020. Provisional tax payments are due if you have a March balance date and use the standard, estimation or ratio options. Penalties and interest will not be charged if payments are made by the extended deadline of September 30, 2020. Due Dates. However, we are preserving the June 1 filing deadline for T1 individuals, and the June 15 filing deadline for T1 self-employed individuals (sole-proprietors), in order to encourage filing returns in time to accurately calculate benefits, which rely on 2019 tax returns for entitlement calculation. The income tax due dates are for entities that balance ⦠When a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, you can lodge or pay on the first business day after without incurring a penalty or general interest charge. Extended due date for furnishing 2019 Forms 1095-B and 1095-C. Notice 2019-63 extends the due date for furnishing the 2019 Forms 1095-B and 1095-C from January 31, 2020, to March 2, 2020. If at least two-thirds of your gross income is from farming or fishing, you can make just one estimated tax payment for the 2020 tax year by January 15, 2021. Corporate Income Tax Returns (Form C-S/ C) for companies with financial years ending in ⦠Individual income tax returns: April 15 falls on a weekday in 2021, and it's not a holiday this year, so the filing deadline for your 2020 personal tax return is indeed April 15, 2021. Businesses impacted by coronavirus can request an extension of the due date for filing and payment of their February 2020 sales tax return due March 20, 2020, for 30 days. From 2 Jun 2020, IRAS will reopen its Taxpayer and Business Service www.instagram.com/irassg an appointment with IRAS at least two (2) working days in IRAS Taxpayer Counter Services Will Open from 2 Jun - By Appointments Only. Taxpayers may also follow IRAS on the following official platforms for further updates: Facebook www.facebook.com/irassg July 2020 Tax Due Dates Date The filing deadline for tax returns has been extended from April 15 to July 15, 2020. advance. That means estimated payments for the first and second quarters of 2020 will be due by July 15, 2020. News Releases. Any individual who expects to receive more than $8,000 of Pennsylvania-taxable income not subject to withholding by a Pennsylvania employer must estimate and pay personal income tax quarterly. Does My New Company Need to File Form C-S/ C this Year? Company A has a GIRO instalment arrangement with IRAS for the payment of CIT. Is Wisconsin postponing interest and penalties as a result of the extended due dates? The last tax year started on 6 April 2019 and ended on 5 April 2020. ), Instagram ( For the BE form (resident individuals who do not carry on business), the deadline for filing income tax in Malaysia is 30 April 2020 for manual filing and 15 May 2020 via e-Filing. * The tax amount collected or deducted by a Government office shall be paid to the Central Government on the day on which the transaction is made in case the tax is paid without producing an Income Tax Challan.. Meanwhile, for the B form (resident individuals who carry on business) the deadline is ⦠Key lodgment and payment dates for 2020â21, arranged by month. Taxpayers are advised to use IRAS’ digital services at myTax Portal for their tax matters. The department will be able to process 2020 personal income tax estimated payments made in 2020 if taxpayers complete and mail a PA-40ES (I), Declaration of Estimated Tax coupon to the department along with their check for the estimated tax amount. The executive order and the emergency rules generally do not affect or apply to fiscal years that have other tax due dates. Find out if you qualify for an offer in compromise-- a way to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount Request that we temporarily delay collection until your financial situation improves Penalties and interest may apply to money you owe after the due date. Filing for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2020 begins on 1 Mar 2020.If you need to submit an income tax return, please do so by the following dates.e-Filing: 18 Apr 2020 (Extended to 31 May 2020) NewPaper Filing: 15 Apr 2020 (Extended to 31 May 2020) New To e-File your tax return, log in to myTax Portal using your SingPass 2FA or IRAS Unique Account (IUA). FEB 7 End-of-year income tax and Working for Families bills are due, unless you have an extension of time to file your income tax return. Substituted accounting periods. The payment due dates for a tax return are determined by client type, the lodgment due date and when the return is lodged. If you paper file, please submit your completed tax form by 15 Apr of each year. Payment deadline extension The CRA is extending the payment due date for current year individual, corporate, and trust income tax returns, including instalment payments, from September 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020. ( 2020 and before July 15, 2020, regardless if it is the original or extended federal due date, the due date is extended to July 15, 2020. Do n't apply to you, dated 24-10-2020 client type, the due... The following channels instead of visiting IRAS: Send an email via myTax Portal Circuit Breaker end... The return is lodged end on 1 Jun 2020 with measures to be progressively lifted in three phases Estimated. 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