Internationaler Campus. The university was established in 1949. Program Overview. The university offers 15 foreign language degree-programs and 12 non-linguistic degree programs. Research Peport Commentary Paper Stream Tracks and Playlists from Shanghai International Studies University on your desktop or mobile device. Shanghai. Overall feeling satisfied. PG students. General College & University in Yangpu, 上海市 Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the … © Shanghai International Studies University | SISU | 上海外国语大学 Official Page of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 上海外国语大学 The Shanghai International Studies University (SISU; Chinese: 上海外国语大学) is a Chinese university specialising in languages, literary studies, comparative culture and diplomatic studies. Coincidentally, the current Shanghai University enjoys a reputation of having an excellent curriculum across different fields of studies. Tianjin Foreign Studies University (TFSU), specialized in language and cultural studies, is one of the earliest eight such designated institutions of higher learning. The leadership team is dedicated to fulfilling the educational mission and to advancing a vision for the future. View a set of key facts and figures that gives an overview of our teaching and research activities. Shanghai Jiao Tong University is a major public research university in Shanghai and is also part of the C9 League.. QS World University Ranking #801-1000. Check details about Shanghai International Studies University, Detailed Information About Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University Guide to Reach School, Shanghai International Studies University, Southern University of Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Shenyang University of Chemical Technology, Changchun University of Science and Technology. China Quarterly of International Strategic Studies ... (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China) translated by Chouping Han (Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China) This is a full-text English translation of Jin Gui Yao Lue, a classic book of traditional Chinese medicine. 4 Followers. 85 waren hier. But when the subway opened, close to Metro rooms noisy. Official Page of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 上海外国语大学 © Shanghai International Studies University | SISU | 上海外国语大学 Venue. 17 reviews. front desk staff helpful, helped us put in a room. Founded in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University is a top university in China with an established reputation for foreign studies. Established in 1956, the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (SHUTCM) was one of the first four TCM colleges across China. It cultivates masters, which have two or more fortes. Official Page of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 上海外国语大学 Shanghai International Studies University. QS WUR By Subject Ranking #201-250. 2. SISU advocates the modern open educational ideas. UG students. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the urban setting of the large metropolis of Shanghai (population range of over 5,000,000 inhabitants). The Shanghai Institutes for International Studies Celebrates its 60th Anniversary. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Tsinghua University from 2014 to 2016. Learn more about Shanghai University. The university has a faculty number of 1,300 and around 11,000 students. Shanghai International Studies University is located in Shanghai, Shanghai Province, China. Events Upcoming Already held. Address: China. It is accredited by Shanghai Municipal Education Commission. Addr: International Affairs Division. Shanghai International Studies University,上海外国语大学,Shanghai International Studies Univeity (SISU) was founded in 1949, originally known as Shanghai College of Russian. Your Message. Alumni mit Kenntnissen der chinesischen Sprache und Gepflogenheiten sind in allen global agierenden Wirtschaftsunternehmen gern gesehen. 32%. CC Cheng . Students can study on this CCIS program in Shanghai, the financial and commercial capital of China, at Shanghai University (SHU) in a summer session, and/or for a fall or spring semester. In 1963, SISU became a national key ititution of higher learning upon approval by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China Now it has a number of majors on various foreign languages and arts. https://" : " http://");document.write(unescape("%3Cspan id='cnzz_stat_icon_1000008732'%3E%3C/span%3E%3Cscript src='" + cnzz_protocol + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")). Shanghai International Studies University, abbreviated as SISU, as one of the key universities of the national project "211", is jointly administered by China's Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. Shanghai University admits international students for master’s degree in its English taught masters programs: (1) Business administration (2) Enterprise Management (3) International Trade (4) China Studies-Economics (5) China Study-History (6) China Study-Sociology, (7)Communication & Information System,(8) English Language and Literature,(9) International Relations and Diplomacy 68%. SISU is committed to preparing innovative professionals for a wide range of international expertise to address the global challenges. Student life. The school is located within a new university town, next to a recently established Shanghai International Studies University campus. Shanghai international studies university Chinese Government Scholarship 2021 | csc guide official If You Want to apply for the Chinese Government The forum was co-organized by Shanghai Maritime University and Korea Maritime Institute, and hosted by Shanghai International Shipping Institute.The theme of the forum is Changes of International Environment and Prospects of the Shipping Market. Academic. 85 were here. Address News Overview Bulletin Visit Guest. Schools ... 2019 Tai Chi Chuan Competition for International Students in Shanghai. SUIBE Hosts the 10th Annual Conference of Asia Organization Development Network. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS), ShanghaiTech University: Ge Jiang-Shanghai Institute for ... Bank Name: BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS, SHANGHAI MINHANG SUB-BRANCH . Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) was founded in 1949, originally known as Shanghai College of Russian. Shanghai University’s library carries around four million print volumes and in addition to minds, the university also strives for feeding both the spirits and the bodies of its students. Shanghai International Studies University, abbreviated as SISU, as one of the key universities of the national project "211", is jointly administered by China's Ministry of Education and Shanghai Municipal Government. Admission. upcoming events. Neben dem Schwerpunkt in der Vermittlung von Fremdsprachen an Chinesen (z.B. Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), established in 1949, is one of the earliest institutions where China’s higher education in foreign languages took shape. Shanghai International Studies University, established in 1950, and now is a one of the leading Chinese universities. Shanghai International Studies University. Dong Liqiao currently works at the Department of Business Administration, Shanghai International Studies University. Ein Studium oder Semester in Shanghai ist karrierefördernd, denn der chinesische Markt ist für die internationale Wirtschaft von immenser Bedeutung – und die regierungsunmittelbare Stadt Shanghai ist eine der Eingangstüren zu diesem Markt. SISU is committed to preparing innovative professionals for a wide range of international expertise to address the global challenges. Studierende und Lehrende aus über 100 Ländern finden an der Universität zusammen. It is ranked #801-1000 in QS Global World University Rankings 2021. Xianda College of Economics & Humanities Shanghai International Studies University Alumni . The 7th Sino-German Sports Seminar Was Held in Shanghai University … The university was a specialist engineering university for many decades. Der chinesische Name der Universität bedeutet "Fremdsprachenhochschule Shanghai". About SISU. 4.39 / 5 based on 17 reviews. Dr. Ting WANG is an Associate Professor at Shanghai International Studies University since Sept. 2016. Housing. Telur eggs. Explore the history of SISU where China's higher education in foreign languages took shape. Shanghai boasts many famous universities, institutes and academies, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, International Studies University, Tongji University and Shanghai Theatre Academy. Click to watch the bilingual promotional video of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). Live in the middle of 1,4 billion people and learn more about the fastest growing economy in the world.Apply now and join Shanghai University’s China Studies Program for one or two semesters. 2018 International Cultural Festival. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. SEE MORE. 85 waren hier. Founded in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future torchbearers for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. Boston, Massachusetts Student at Northeastern University Public Relations and Communications Education Northeastern University 2014 — 2016 Master's degree, Business/Corporate Communications, Graduate Xianda College of Economics & Humanities Shanghai International Studies University 2007 — 2011 Bachelor's degree, Japanese Language and Literature Founded in 1949, SISU is an elite university with an established reputation for foreign studies. In 1985, the Shanghai Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded. SUIBE Hosts the 10th Annual Conference of Asia Organization Development Network. Study Abroad in Shanghai University’s China Studies Program for 1 or 2 Semesters. Introduction of Shanghai International Studies University. Study@SJTU; SJTU in News; FAQs; Giving; Featured Discovery. Study Chinese economics, language and culture in the heart of China’s famous commercial hub! It encourages the faculty and students to raise their international awareness and strengthen their communicative abilities in order to fully show the appeal of international education of the University. Shanghai Jiao Tong University. SISU puts an emphasis on the construction of disciplines and majors. 85 were here. It is one of the top eight foreign studies universities in China, and is a Chinese Ministry of Education Double First Class Discipline University, with Double First Class status in certain disciplines. ©  Shanghai International Studies University | SISU | 上海外国语大学var cnzz_protocol = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? " Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) describes themselves as a forward-looking academic institute in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. On November 26th, ‘2020 SISI-KMI International Forum – Prospects and Hotspots of Shipping Market in 2021’ was held online. Academic. The university’s slogan is “Faith, Excellence, Creation and Harmony”. Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), established in 1949, is one of the earliest institutions where China’s higher education in foreign languages took shape. Write Review. 2019-03-08. Chart; Data ; Total students - 13,206. Shanghai International Studies University is one of the top Public universities in Shanghai, China Mainland. The forum was co-organized by Shanghai Maritime University and Korea Maritime Institute, and hosted by Shanghai International Shipping Institute.The theme of the forum is Changes of International Environment and Prospects of the Shipping Market. Here are information on its two campuses: Hongkou Campus: No. Beilei Wu. Yangpu University Town in northeast downtown is the oldest one. But since it acquired a medical school in 2005, it has developed rapidly to cover a variety of science, technology, arts and humanities subjects across five campuses. A consistent graphic identity facilitates and reinforces our reputation as a leading university. 2 Tracks. Address. The Shanghai Institutes for International Studies Celebrates its 60th Anniversary. It now operates 50 bachelor-level, 15 PhD and 30 pedagogue-level programmes and plus three military and socialism education systems. Students can study on this CCIS program in Shanghai, the financial and commercial capital of China, at Shanghai University (SHU) in a summer session, and/or for a fall or spring semester. Hotel is on the edge of Shanghai International Studies University, is very convenient, very close to the Metro Line 3 line. Security Code. iAgora provides university reviews and ratings by international graduates, Erasmus and exchange students. Bienvenu à l'Université des études internationales de Shanghai(SISU) DECOUVRIR SISU. At present, the University and the Academy are regulated under the same roof. School spirit roars at the Shanghai University’s home sporting events and the numerous indoor and outdoor facilities satisfy most athletes’ appetites. Email. Visitors; At SJTU. The campuses are mainly located in some university towns. Home > About SISU. Email: Shanghai International Studies University. Founded in 1949, SISU was one of the first key universities engaged in both foreign language teaching and cultural exchanges with foreign countries since the establishment of the PRC. Shanghai International Studies University Introduction: Established in 1949, it is a key university in Shanghai taught in English. SISU regards opening-up and cultural exchanges with foreign countries as the basis of its further development. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. SIIS held Video Dialogue with KDU(Sri Lanka) SEE MORE. Die Shanghai International Studies University, kurz "SISU" wurde 1949 gegründet und gehört zu den Universitäten, die der direkten Kontrolle durch das Bildungsministerium unterstehen. Das internationale Netzwerk der Shanghai University ist weit gespannt und das spiegelt sich auch auf dem Campus wieder. In 1963, SISU became a national key institution of higher learning upon approval by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. Beijing International Studies University (BISU) is a renowned institution of higher education of multi-disciplines, offering subjects and courses of literature, management, economics, and law, with the foreign languages and literature as its dominant discipline and tourism management as its specialized discipline. Your message will be sent to the email address we have in our record for Shanghai International Studies University. Tel: +86 21 34206750. On November 26th, ‘2020 SISI-KMI International Forum – Prospects and Hotspots of Shipping Market in 2021’ was held online. President's Address Latest News. Shanghai University was founded on Qingyun Road, Jing'an District, Shanghai in 1922 and was the outcome of the cooperation between the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party) and the Communist Party. 85 were here. News. Languages. You may also call +86 (21) 65420667 during business hours to contact Shanghai International Studies University. It is also the exclusive leading medical college in Shanghai Municipal institutions of higher learning. Overall. Shanghai International Studies University, established in 1950, and now is a one of the leading Chinese universities. Its open-minded attitude allows it to fully draw on the excellent achievements and experiences of other countries in higher education. The Shanghai International Studies University (SISU; Chinese: 上海外国语大学) is a Chinese university specialising in languages, literary studies, comparative culture and diplomatic studies.It is one of the top eight foreign studies universities in China, and is a Chinese Ministry of Education Double First Class Discipline University, with Double First Class status in certain disciplines. Flanked by two rivers, it is a part of the new Songjiang City , a suburban district of Shanghai municipality.The school is only half an hour's motorway drive to Shanghai City and Hongqiao Airport. It cultivates masters, which have two or more fortes. Phone. Useful | 0 “ J'ai eu à travaillé en tant que interprète pour une société privé,ensuite participer à un concours international de langue chinoise où j'etais le premier de ma nation le Bénin. About iAgora. International rankings and admission details to graduate programmes like masters, MSc, MBAs and summer courses at Shanghai International Studies University and other business schools and universities. Die Shanghai University bietet ihren vielen Studierenden ein grünes und sicheres Lernumfeld. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a globalized and top-notch institution of higher learning in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future . Address. Setting the undergraduate education as its foundation and the construction of disciplines and majors as its pillars, SISU is striving for extension in both directions in an effort to find the best ways to strengthen China's foreign language teaching and disciplinary construction. Ever since its establish… 2018 International Cultural Festival. ... SISU is an elite university with an established reputation for ... Click to watch the bilingual promotional video of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU). It is locally known as 上海外国语大学. More Events. Bank Address: 158 ZHU CHENG ROAD, MINHANG ... Chinesische Yuan (international) Venue and Accommodation . The University is committed to introduce the rest of the world to China and present China globally. Established in 1949, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is a forward-looking academic institution in China, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. Joint Research on COVID-19’s Impact on Cardiac Surgery in China Published. The university provides undergraduate and graduate instruction in the Humanities, Social Sciences, and Management. Official Page of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 上海外国语大学 Upholding the motto of “Integrity, Vision and Academic Excellence”, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) is an internationally recognized, prestigious academic institution distinctive for its multidisciplinary and multicultural nature, committed to preparing innovative professionals and future global leaders for a wide range of international expertise to address the critical challenges of our times. Yu Youren, a notable member of Kuomintang, was the first president of the university.At the time under the revolutionary government led by Sun Yat-sen, Shanghai University was the top school in … Asian University Rankings #261-270. Shanghai University College of International Exchange 149 Yanchang Road Shanghai Your Name. Research. 3 visitors have checked in at Shanghai International Studies University Bilingual School 上外双语学校. 550 Dalian Road (W), Shanghai 200083, China, 1550 Wenxiang Road, Shanghai 201620, China. SEE MORE. Official Facebook Page of Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) 上海外国语大学 Inter-University Cooperation. 550, West Dalian Road, Hongkou District Shanghai International Studies University has two campuses, at Hongkou and Songjiang, with advanced educational facilities, including a world-class simultaneous interpretation system, satellite ground receiving device, closed circuit TV, wireless network, and a language lab. It now operates 50 bachelor-level, 15 PhD and 30 pedagogue-level programmes and plus three military and socialism education systems. Expenses. Other countries in higher education in foreign languages took shape ’ appetites Erasmus and students! College of economics & Humanities Shanghai International Studies University ( SISU ) one. 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