This murder served a two-fold purpose, firstly it culled the number of rebellious young slaves. The Spartans used their spears as javelins preferring the spear to use bows and arrows, the Spartans thought them cowardly. The Roman tended to use the Gladius, this was an instrument designed to hack through limbs then run through bodies and move onto the next victim. When the phalanx got disrupted or broken up, the individual soldiers had to fight one- on - one. Damit ist der 3. Beide Heere sind mit rund 40.000 Mann ungefähr gleich stark. Spartan supremacy wained in Greece and after several defeats to the city of Thebes due to and the same inability to advance tactics and equipment they too became a fighting icon of the past. This does not really mean that the Greek Phalanx was flawed as a fighting system. Geschichte Legion vs. Phalanx Roms neuartige Taktik vernichtete Makedoniens Heer In drei Kriegen kämpfte Rom gegen das Königreich Makedonien. Spartan never fought the Roman. Aber je weiter die Phalanx der Makedonen vorrückt, desto mehr verlieren ihre Krieger den Kontakt zueinander, so dass Lücken in der Schlachtreihe auftraten. Makedonischen Krieg erlitt er 197 bei Kynoskephalai eine schwere Niederlage, die ihn die Rolle als Hegemonialmacht in Griechenland kostete. Im Nahkampf haben die Makedonen mit ihren bis zu sechs Meter langen Stoßwaffen gegen die handlichen Spanischen Kurzschwerter der Römer keine Chance. The spartans were originally thought to be around 5'10" to 5'11" through rough estimates from ancient equipment. The Spartans were some of the greatest soldiers of all time, but that isn't as great an advantage as people make it out to be. It can be swung in a way that the ball turns into a semi-mace/hammer, easily capable of crushing a skull through a helmet. The Ninja of the Far East versus the Greek Spartan Warrior was not a like for like match. All of this to teach these boys survival and proficient fighting skills. ), Die traditionelle Waffe der Makedonischen Phalanx war ihre bis zu sechs Meter lange Sarisse, Quelle: Wikipedia/F. As for the cavalry getting involved, iirc both sides still had their cavalry forces, so even if they had attempted the flank the legions, the Roman cavalry … The two armies lined up, each splitting the cavalry on the wings and the Macedonian phalanx advanced. After discussing the programme with friends, we all agreed that the pairings were a bit of a letdown. Paired with their training and love for physical competitions, these Spartans weren't just tall, they were strong. Gegen die gefürchtete Makedonische Phalanx setzten die Römer auf Beweglichkeit. kam es bei Pydna zur Entscheidungsschlacht. Viewers discretion is advised! Juni 168 v. Chr. What if the two would go into battle against each other? 168 v. Chr. Wie der römische Historiker Livius berichtet, soll die „Umzäunung von gestreckten Lanzen“ der makedonischen Formation die Römer zunächst in Angst und Schrecken versetzt haben. Many people see this as a huge disadvantage, even for a one on one fight, but i see this a huge ADVANTAGE, ESPECIALLY for a one on one fight. Bei Pydna trafen die beweglichen römischen Manipel auf die starre Front der Makedonischen Phalanx, Münze des Königs Perseus von Makedonien (213/212-165 v. This weapon was seen as the quintessential "bad guys" weapon in ancient Greece. People argue that a Xiphos is like a Gladius, but with weaker stabbing power, that's not true. Spartans lost from the Theban "oblique" phalanx.Its evolution,the Macedonian Phalanx, crushed the Thebans.And the Roman legion in most occasions won the phallanx (it lost sometimes though,f.e. He was either forced into it as he was the second or third son in a poor family. As the long phalanx line pushed forward, they began to break formation as some areas pushed forward more than others and the uneven ground began to break the formation. EG the Rajhput somehow defeating the Romans when in fact the Romans do not fight this way, therefore armies must be compared at which point the Romans overwhelmingly dominate the field...So when comparing two warriors especially as a Spartan or Roman with the heavy infantry lockstep style, one must compare armies as a whole rather than simple individuals. CHAOSWEAV3R. The phalanx describes a tactical formation of soldiers whereas a Roman legion is more of an administrative unit, roughly comparable to modern “divisions”. Makedonische Krieg zu Ende und das Stammland Alexanders des Großen vernichtet. Back during King Alexander's time, he had a great mix of troops, fighting beside the Phalanx, such as Peltasts, Shield-Bearers, light-infantry, maybe archers, I am not sure, and most importantly, the Macedonian light cavalry. A Hoplon looks completely for defending, and it is an excellent defensive tool, being made out of thick wood, a layer of leather for impacts and a shell of bronze (altogether weighing a good 30 lbs.- about 13 kg. Andrew Stewart (author) from England on April 02, 2014: Thanks for the feedback Trax, appreciate the information! Nachdem er einige Erfolge gegen griechische Staaten erzielt hat, drängt Eumenes II. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. After all, the Roman Legionary was able to defeat the Macedonian Phalanx. He would then be brutalized by his peers and turned into a Spartan warrior through years of exhaustive training. See more ideas about ancient warfare, ancient warriors, ancient war. No Sparturion. The Spartans would almost definitely win in a head on clash, the phalanx is just like the spears it is made from, devastatingly powerful head on, but weak when attacked from the side. The Roman shields were of a later design and construction, they were generally made of steel or iron. Greek Phalanx vs. Roman Legion: A history of the most powerful military formations in the ancient world . Is this surprising? Das Königreich Makedonien wird in vier unabhängige Regionen aufgeteilt und einige Jahre später als Provinz ins Römische Reich eingegliedert. Think about it, aside from grueling training and combat experience, these guys used the same loadout for every fight. Apr 11, 2019 - Explore Sawyer Swenson's board "Phalanx", followed by 106 people on Pinterest. At their peak-both warriors were formidable. That alone would be a reason they would win over a legionnarie. The Roman ranks used their short sword in a more hand to hand environment. Only until a male succeeded in training in the Agoge, and reached an age of 20, was he then made to join the Spartan miitary full-time until the age of 60. Spear: The Spartan used their long spears to inflict mass casualties from behind their wall of bronze shields. They did not have a lot of coverage and as the armour was made of bronze it would have weighed a fair amount. Such a comparison is somewhat ridiculous, one only has to look at the absolute dominance of the Roman Military to conclude that they are superior. In Legion versus Phalanx Cole weighs the two fighting forces against each other. On all fronts, the Roman legions would dominate on the battlefield. The expense of the supporting arms and cavalry, and widespread use of mercenaries, caused the Diadochi to rely on phalanx vs. phalanx tactics during the Wars of the Diadochi. The historian Polybius details the effectiveness of the Roman legion against the phalanx. Perseus, der 179 seinem Vater auf dem Thron nachfolgt, macht sich daran, die alte Stellung des Reiches zu restaurieren. They knew how to fight, and they had their fair share of outfoxing an enemy army. Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World | Cole, Myke | ISBN: 9781472828422 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. The Spartan Phalanx was formidable, unless the enemy managed to flank it. Sources: Ancient texts and a degree in ancient warfare and geopolitics. Die WELT als ePaper: Die vollständige Ausgabe steht Ihnen bereits am Vorabend zur Verfügung – so sind Sie immer hochaktuell informiert. Greek Hopolites already fought against the Roman Legion, and the Greeks lost very horribly. Wonder no more, the greek hoplites were easily undone by the more flexible Roman legions. The Spartan Xiphos was designed to go in and around the defence of a shield in line. Google the pre-marian battle tactics to see how smart the Romans were. Very little food was provided during training, as they were encouraged to steal food, but were punished if they got caught (so if you think that a Spartan was not stealthy, think again, they excel at it, part of their training was utilizing stealth in order to survive). Now we have unearthed bones that date back to the time of the famed Spartans, showing them to be 6'1" tall, an acceptably frightning height. The Spartan tactics were outdated pretty quickly because I think the thracians kicked their asses after the wars between Athens and Sparta. In a kind of homage to the television series. No Spartionnaire. The Roman legions utilized a more flexible battlefield strategy, with smaller units able to move independently. With that being said, I implore everyone to stop talking about the military tactics employed by each anctient nation's armies, it does not matter!!! After constant drills by their superiors, the Spartan youth had become a fine-tuned killing machine ready for battle. This is a one on one fight, there is no phalanx as far as I'm concerned. Whereas when King Perseus fought the Roman Legions at Pydna, he had forsaken the Combined Arms approach and reverted back to a full Phalanx force, the kind of force his ancestor King Alexander had defeated many a times with his Combined Arms approach. Am Fluss Elpeus müssen Roms Leichtbewaffnete sogar eine herbe Niederlage hinnehmen. He deduces that the Romans refused to fight the phalanx where the phalanx was effective, Romans offered battle only when a legion could exploit the clumsiness and immobility of a phalanx. May 12, 2019 - Explore Jyotirvakyananda's board "Phalanx" on Pinterest. Weitere Informationen:, Der Kurz-Link dieses Artikels lautet: Schon während des Krieges gegen Hannibal hatte Perseus‘ Vater Philipp V. gegen die Römer gekämpft. In drei Kriegen kämpfte Rom gegen das Königreich Makedonien. Second to last point, Spartan's size and strength. Registrieren Sie sich kostenlos und erhalten Sie auf Ihre Interessen abgestimmte Inhalte sowie unsere vielseitigen Newsletter. Their Dory spear was very versatile, acting as a CQC deterrent, with a weighted ball at the butt end of the spear that acted as a leveling unit when holding it up. As the Romans demonstrated an army is so much more than the sum of its parts. The Spartans used the traditional greek phalanx and could easily be beaten by flanking attacks. So by a small amount the Roman soldier should defeat a Spartan Warrior in the field of battle. I enjoyed the way the programme was set up and the scientific approach was really well thought out and well implemented. The pilums might not be as effective as they were against the shields of the Gauls and Germans. No variations for Spartans. In a pitched battle, the Spartan would be victorious the vast majority of the time. He may sign up to be a Legionnaire so that he could get Roman citizenship. Oh... don't you forget that they did this training as young boys, you keep that in your head. Owing to the shortness of the blade the Spartan had to react to the opponent's aggression rather than attack long-distance and telegraph his attack. He may have committed a crime and was offered the chance to use his life as a soldier rather than face a horrible death by execution. The decline of the Diadochi and the phalanx was inextricably linked with the rise of Rome and the Roman legion … By the time his schooling was completed. Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World - Kindle edition by Cole, Myke. 168 v. Chr. The word "spartan" means self restrained, simple, frugal and austere. The strength of the Roman legion over the phalanx was less an advantage in weaponry, than it was an advantage in formation flexibility. The only gripe I had with the programme was that the actual contestants they matched them up against were ill-suited. The Legionnaire was covered in a bit more metal but he was afforded some flexibility as the plate mail was slats of steel not a solid mass like a suit of armour. The Chestplate and helmet were very functional at saving injury. By the time Rome came into power, Sparta was pretty much gone. The two terms aren’t exactly comparable. Studies show that the only reason people switched to iron and steel is because bronze equipment used tin, and tin was becoming a shortage, so they heated fires hot enough to melt iron, and iron was an abundance, so they just stuck with it. 13 years ago. To start the game, I’d like to throw in a battle fought during the first Punic War, the battle of Tunis saw a Spartan Officer called Xanthippus throw a line of elephants, supported by the old phalanx of “doru” wielding Carthaginian levies at the Roman legions and with cavalry superiority on the flanks he won a decisive victory. Die dynamische, aggressive und auf Auflösung von Abwehrformationen angelegte Kampftaktik der Legionen, so der Historiker Armin Eich, wird Rom in den folgenden zwei Jahrhunderten die Weltherrschaft sichern. The Xiphos excels at stabbing, with a very sharp tip made to kill an enemy quickly if given that stabbing opportunity in CQC. Shields: The Spartans main armour was their bronze shields which were the ancient equivalent of a tank when used in a large group. Census data from the Roman Kingdom shows that the soldiers were Hoplites in a Phalanx. #WolfAndKaisaYou´ve never seen a Rome II battle like this!! This veteran writer has been on HubPages for a decade and has created over 100 original pieces. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World. The weak points on the legionnaire were at the joints. However, Cole is a self-confessed nerd and he has roared. This implies that it is a one on one, and if the author says it is not, then he should not have named it so. Spartan died 400 year before Roman Empire. I have decided to do a relative comparison of their merits. USING STEEL OR IRON WEAPONRY DOES NOT MAGICALLY TURN BRONZE PLATING INTO PAPER. kam es bei Pydna zur Entscheidungsschlacht. Thusly it can never be tested weather the Roman Legionary or the Spartan phalangite at the height of their powers would dominate in individual or full on battle. The Kopis, an alternative to the Xiphos some Spartans selected the dreaded Kopis as their secondary weapon. Whereas when King Perseus fought the Roman Legions at Pydna, he had forsaken the Combined Arms approach and reverted back to a full Phalanx force, the kind of force his ancestor King Alexander had defeated many a times with his Combined Arms approach. The courage and discipline with the spear allowed the Spartan formation to become a human threshing machine. So Hoplon- pretty overpowered. The youth would have been taught of Sparta's heroes and he was instructed never to surrender, and never back down from the fight. And at the beginning of the battle, the Macedonian Phalanx did succeed in pushing back the Roman Legions, but without good … ). The Roman formation was way more flexible and so could manage changes in the terrain more effectively than the phalanx could. Sweeping an enemy off their feet wasn't hard to do either. In my opinion, the biggest advantage of the Roman legions over the Macedonian phalanx was their greater capacity to adapt to changing situations. No different weapons for diferent classes. Phyrrus) What I'm trying to say is that, back in 400 BC Spartans could crash a Roman army.100-150 years later though they would propably crashed. Deadliest Warrior is a horrible show because they do not treat things realistically. So yeah, literally big and scary guys. The Roman shields have been more modern and advanced were stronger and larger than the Spartan shield, but the Spartan shield was built to withstand a lot of punishment. Just going to address some errors. Bronze was still a durable metal. Sparta, unlike the other Greek city-states, was centered around a warrior culture. In a one on one fight, a Spartan would kill a Legionnaire easily. Would it be the same scenario for the Spartan's Phalanx? In mehreren Büchern hat der Historiker und Journalist Jan von Flocken die herausragenden militärischen Führer der Geschichte vorgestellt. The Spartans didn't have a wide range of weapons to use, or rather they did, but chose to use only their Dory spear, javelin, Xiphos, and Hoplon (yes, although it's a shield, i still consider it a formidable weapon- I'll get to that in a bit). Another thing this doesn't take into account is that the roman legionnaire was a professional swords men and that the spartan formation would of lost shields because the way the roman spears were designed. The Roman is using technology more advanced than the Spartan so that alone should swing it. Final point, these guys were smart, there is a reason people back in those days employed Spartans as mercenaries or bounty hunters. What I am unable to factor in is variables such as fatigue, morale, the experience of battle and what they are fighting for. Or he may have been a slave sold into the Roman Legion after he had been abducted from his homeland. BRONZE IS STILL A METAL. Die Entscheidung fällt, als es den Römern gelingt, Perseus aus seinem festen Lager zu locken. Like the Spartans, the Legionnaire would be trained repeatedly in Roman tactics and strategies. No one expects it to be used as a weapon, and it being used as a weapon can allow the element of surprise. Athenian art frequently depicted Spartan warriors with this weapon for that reason. The Roman victory in the Battle of Cynoscephalae ( 197 BC ) marked the end of the Second Macedonian War between Rome and Philip V, king of Macedon.The battle is considered one of the best examples of manipular Roman legion superiority over the Macedonian phalanx … Remember the spartan hopolite formation wasn't the same formation that the Macedonians used with their extremely long pikes. In fact he has roared … Continue reading "Book Review: Legion Versus Phalanx by Myke Cole." The victorious Romans recruited betallions of the few remaining Spartans after they controlled southern Greece and gave them special status in the Roman Legions. There is no doubt in my mind that Roman legions would completely obliterate the Spartans. Heck, their women were strong, participating in javelin throwing and discus hurling so as to attract a Spartan male's attention for marriage. Im Folgenden begründet er seine persönlichen Spitzenreiter. The phalanx was best suited for level ground and was vulnerable to loss of cohesion, whereas the legion based on interlocking smaller units was much more adept at holding and reforming formation. Hoplites rarely actually used the bronze cuirass as it would weigh down the soldier packed in tight formations. The Romans had spears but their fighting style was to use it more as a defensive or close quarter combat deterrent. Their living conditions were very austere, so you'd best bet that the Spartans were as tough as their shields themselves. THE GREEKS HAD A GREATER REACH BECAUSE OF A HUGE SPEAR AND SLINGER GAVE THEM A LITTLE ADVANTAGE. This fight has already been done in history. The US Marine fitness programme is based on the Spartan's brutal training principle, although slaughtering an innocent member of the serving class at graduation is not recommended. Second point of the xiphos. It was a leaf shaped straight sword which couldn't really reach around a shield. IF IT WERE THAT WEAK, THEY WOULD'NT HAVE USED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE.
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