6. Many high schoolers worry that they don’t have anything to put on their resumes. Even if you didn't collect a regular paycheck, informal work still displays skills and your reliability as an employee. The following words can be helpful when describing your extracurricular activities, awards and achievements and volunteer service: Analyzed; Arranged; Assisted; Attended; Awarded; Built; Communicated; Collaborated; Collected; Competed; Conceived; Coordinated; Created; Delegated; Delivered; Designed; Developed; Determined; Earned; Entertained; Established; Evaluated; Facilitated; … Here's a Template for Writing Your First High School Resume. administered. Experiences like babysitting, lawn mowing, and volunteering all help to show valuable work skills that employers want to see. Add your experience, whether formal or informal, talk about your hobbies, clubs, sports and other things that speak well of you! Resumes can be used for job applications, to secure internships and even to help complete college applications. If you were in charge of a project or … For each item, include a bulleted list of your responsibilities and accomplishments. These verbs are great for identifying tasks to include in your teacher resume as well. Resume Template and Example. This is an accessible template. Tell a Story: Review the job description and look for experience that demonstrates your fitness for the role. Executed 5. See lists of resume buzzwords, verbs, and adjectives, and which words to avoid and use to land that dream job fast! Operated 7. Here’s a guide to preparing a high school student resume, along with a sample to get you started. Downloads are subject to this site's term of use. Clerical Words. High School Resume Example With Resume Summary . "Five Things to Put on Your Resume in High School." Communicate with customers to schedule services and define requirements; mow, weed, and rake lawns and gardens and shovel snow. Download the high school resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples. High school activities may be included, but are not required. 7. Review each of your experiences and ask yourself if there are achievements in class, clubs, sports, or the workplace that you can include. Make your resume for college applications fun to read with action words. List of resume action words, action verbs and power words to use instead of: team player, leadership, responsible for, communication, and lots more. Your resume doesn't need to be any longer than a page. Got more? Sample Resume for High School Students (651) 555-1111 Awards Laser print it or have it done at the copy center. achieved. This is an example of a resume for a high school student. The Balance Careers uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. No Problem: Emphasize informal work, like babysitting, snow shoveling, volunteering, and school programs. Think of this as a brainstorming step and try to jot down as much down as you can. Convey your precision with action words on your resume. Other Resume From Curriculumvitae-Resume-Formats.com. That’s not always the case for high school students or those writing an internship resume, though—but there’s no need to panic if you’re one of them. Run! Sample Resume Template For High School Students . Compiled. This resource includes over 200 action verbs you can use as a starting point. A good college resume for high school students needs relevant achievements. You probably have many skills that you can include that you acquired in school, sports, youth groups, extra-curricular activities, or volunteering. Use actions words, verbs, and phrases in your secondary school teacher resume that convey your many skills and talents. The list is organized in sections to help you locate the best words: Accomplishment , Creative , Communication , Helping , Instructional , Leadership , Organization/Detail , Research , Technical . How Do I Participate? EDUCATION DIPLOMA … Action verbs are words that demonstrate active qualities, achievements, etc. Controlled 3. But others, such as an objective or career summary, are optional.. George Washington High School, Charleston, WV; 3.75 GPAHonor Roll, National Honor Society, Co-Captain, Boys Swim Team; Debate Team; Math Club; Student Math Mentor. acquired. List of resume action words, action verbs and power words to use instead of: team player, leadership, responsible for, communication, and lots more. Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. Accessed Jan. 31, 2020. The Common Application has announced that the 2020-2021 essay prompts will remain the same as…, One Student's Opinion* Applicants often imagine that they need a checklist of sorts to fill…, Planning for, and applying to college is a major effort. 185 Powerful Verbs That Will Make Your Resume Awesome Via The Daily Muse Editor (08/30/2015) You Led a Project If you were in charge of a project or initiative from start to finish, skip “led” and instead try: 1. They express a physical action performed by the subject, like singing or dancing. Your high school resume will likely be focused on relevant coursework, extracurricular activities like volunteering or clubs and any job experience you do have. Include your full name, your address, your email address, and your cell number. When describing your achievements, use action words. See lists of resume buzzwords, verbs, and adjectives, and which words to avoid and use to land that dream job fast! 1.Center your Contact Information at the top of the page. Collected. This resource includes over 200 action verbs you can use as a starting point. Resumes can be used for job applications, to secure internships and even to help complete college applications. Highlight Your Skills on a Resume for College . Some sections of the resume—such as contact information and experience—are required. To create your resume, go to Microsoft Word or the VisualCV site. ... Use action words in short, clearly written phrases, complete sentences are not ... eRecruiting is the only way for students to: get internship notices access Career Center calendar of workshops, résumé deadlines, Check out the list below, and get ready to make your resume way more exciting. Download Edit in Browser Share. Use the résumé worksheet to gather information that will be used on your résumé. The Common Application requests such information in the Honors / Awards and the Extracurricular Activities and Work Experience sections. (If you are not in a computer lab or a room with Internet access, tell students to view these sites later on their own.) Headed 6. Navigation. Classified. Possibilities include: - Developed and taught activity based, cooperative learning units. This is an accessible template. This high school student resume example will show you how to capitalize on your experience, skills, ... Be sure to incorporate strong action verbs. Just because you haven’t had a job like the one you are applying for, doesn’t mean you haven’t acquired the skills necessary to succeed.. Start the phrases in your descriptions with action words like organized, led, calculated, taught, served, trained, tutored, wrote, researched, inventoried, created, designed, drafted, and … The latter is a much more concise way to express yourself. These verbs refer to a state of being or feeling, such as knowing or remembering. Common Application Prompts for 2020-2021 Will Remain the Same as Last Year, Elements of a Winning Essay & Application, How to Handle a College Admissions Deferral, 19 Common Application Essay Mistakes and How to Avoid Them, Six Ways to Improve SAT and ACT Scores: Reading, English and Writing, How to Recalculate Your GPA for College Admission, College Admissions: 16 Websites and Resources for Researching Colleges and Universities, Consider: Received calls, determined nature of call, directed inquiries, scheduled appointments, organized patient files, Consider: As assistant manager, I supervised 12 employees, trained team members; interviewed prospective hires, and assisted with bookkeeping. School Counselors; Instruction Specialists; School Administrators; Turn These Verbs Into Questions. Actually, making a High School Student resume with no experience is much easier than it sounds—if you brainstorm thoroughly and know some tips and tricks. ALL relevant experiences may be included on the résumé - high school experiences do count! President of high school chapter of Future Communicators of America (FCA), 2004 - present Member, 2003 - present. Some verbs can function either as an action or state verb depending on the context. Use varied, strong action verbs to grab the reader's attention and make your resume stand out to potential employers. Include Resume Skills: It's always a good idea to include skills related to the jobs for which you are applying. Habitat for Humanity, Charleston, WVVolunteer, June 2018 to PresentTeam with fellow church youth group members to contribute to Habitat for Humanity projects. Free to download and print. Use Action Words: Use active language when describing your experiences, so you are portrayed in a dynamic way. No matter what duty or accomplishment you’re trying to show off, we’ve got just the resume action verb for you. View sample resumes > Action Verbs – Standout Words for Administration and Management High School Resume Examples and Writing Tips, Sample Resume for a Part-Time Teen Position With Writing Tips, Student Resume Examples, Templates, and Writing Tips, Law School Student Resume Example and Writing Tips, Here's How to Write a Solid High School Student Resume, How to Write a Great Resume for an Entry Level Job, Here's a Template for Writing Your First High School Resume, First Resume Example for a High School Student, Applying for a Management Job? "Action Verbs & Keywords." Work on construction teams to erect new housing for low-income families. Title: Action Verb List for Resumes & Cover Letters Author: University of California at … Downloaded > 125,000 times. Just so you know, research suggests that knowing who … They specify those keywords when they search a resume database. A student applying for a job, with nothing but academics backing them up, can be challenging. Ask your guidance counselor, parents, or a favorite teacher to critique your resume. Revised for Creating Resumes of “Hire” Quality presentation. Resume Action Words. See our guide: 240 Resume Action Words & Power Words . Rather than stopping with action verbs, connect your achievements. Inventoried. In a sentence, action verbs contain important information. The following words show recognition of the special role of quasi-counselor and mentor a high school teacher often plays. Writing a resume when you're a high school student can seem daunting. Share online resume reference sites such as College Admissions High School Resume and High School Students Need a Resume Too with the class to present additional ways of thinking about the construction of resumes. Jump! If supervisors, teachers, or coaches have recognized you for a positive attitude or outstanding service, mention it in your description of the activity. These are very people-focused occupations, so we have to present … Resumes for high school students are much different than resumes for executives. Seeking to leverage top scores in Social Science (102%) and 2-time Student of the Year award to deliver on all major KPIs as the next intern at the Cuyahoga County Government Office. Download This Resume Template (Microsoft Word format) My safe download promise. Teaching and Counseling . Résumé Worksheet for High School Students . Bad Example High school student who will graduate this year. The work experience portion of a standard resume can easily be replaced by a section describing your involvement in extracurricular activities, volunteer groups, or both. Use varied, strong action verbs to grab the reader's attention and make your resume stand out to potential employers. • achieved • acquired • adapted Use Action Words: Use active language when describing your experiences, so you are portrayed in a dynamic way. Accessed Jan. 31, 2020. Name: School Address: 11896 Hwy 65 Tina, MO 64682 Phone: 660-622-4211 Permanent Address: Phone: Email (must be professional, school address is OK): OBJECTIVE: position title, department & employer’s name or scholarship name. For example, go down the list and associate a question with each action verb. It would be helpful for you to suggest descriptions utilizing strong action verbs reflecting your job as a teacher. That’s not always the case for high school students or those writing an internship resume, though—but there’s no need to panic if you’re one of them. Resume Do's and Don'ts > Resume Action Words. Collegevine. That is why making a student resume needs much more details in the accomplishments and qualities. Write concise, descriptive statements of experiences. They don't expect you to have a lot of experience. Remember, don’t worry about not having the years of business experience. Here's How to Write a Solid High School Student Resume. Next time you update your resume, switch up a few of those common words and phrases with strong, compelling action verbs that will catch hiring managers’ eyes. As a high school student, developing a resume is a great way to start preparing for the working world. Word. Here's the good news: Even if you're writing your first resume, chances are that you have more work experience than you think. adapted. Plus how to use power words in a resume to get more interviews. Steve’s Lawncare Services, Charleston, WVGardener, June 2017 to PresentProvide ongoing lawncare services to 25+ regular clients. Feel free to change the color scheme and fonts in the Design tab of the ribbon. Jane Doe 12 Snelling Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55116 jane.doe@spps.org Education Highland Park Senior High, class of 2008 (3.8 GPA) Experience St. Paul Public Library—University Branch (June 2005-present) Maintained library database on checked-out materials. For example: The following words can be helpful when describing your extracurricular activities, awards and achievements and volunteer service: Lynn Radlauer Lubell, Publisher of InLikeMe.com and Founder of Admission By Design, an Educational Consultancy based in Boca Raton, Florida. A student resume is an important resume since it shows the accomplishments of a student. Otherwise, you can include informal work like babysitting, pet sitting, lawn mowing, shoveling snow, or anything else you've done to earn money. As a high school student, developing a resume is a great way to start preparing for the working world. List Leadership Roles: If you held any sort of leadership positions in these roles (such as secretary of a club or team captain), be sure to note this. CONTACT INFORMATION . Pro Tip: Add only 3–5 bullet points to a college admission resume education section. You should always steer clear from vague and less impactful words. Who Will Be There? Built a lasting clientele through word-of-mouth referrals from satisfied customers. When writing a resume, it’s important to avoid weak and passive verbs, stay away from business jargon or clichés, and watch out for tired words and phrases.These faulty word choices can undermine the strength and effectiveness of your resume. Proofread and Edit: Make sure your final product is error-free and professional in appearance. adjusted. Organized 9. Student Resume (Modern design) Tailored for students, this modern resume or CV leads with education and experience. One of the best ways to get started on your resume as a high school student is to look at examples of student resumes and read tips on what to include and how to format your resume. Image by Theresa Chiechi © The Balance 2019. Using powerful terms can immediately make the hiring manager imagine the tasks you performed. Below is a list of action verbs to assist you in describing your experiences and accomplishments: accelerated. Shout! The work experience portion of a standard resume can easily be replaced by a section describing your involvement in extracurricular activities, volunteer groups, or both. - Evaluated school progress toward meeting the Learning Results. Resume Example for Childcare / Social Services Worker. Announcements. Flexibility - Using credit online rapid a quick payday advance, borrowers have full control over their borrowing money. Get it down on paper! So, for the first in the list, ask yourself, who do I advise? Mention Your Achievements: Employers look for staff who have a history of making positive contributions. Informal Work Experience and Activities: If you have formal paid work experience, certainly include it. Some recruiters must read through hundreds of resumes, and so you have a limited amount of time to catch their attention. Students can make a great resume using a high school resume template that can be presented in Microsoft word. Gear Up. Conceptualized and coordinated fundraising Christmas bazaar that raised over $5K for organization. Boston College Career Center. High School Job Fair. Keep the information clear and concise. #teaching-and-counseling 7 When we speak about teaching, counseling and helping, we have to demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence and understanding of people. (For example, the verb to see can de… Review sample resumes in our Resume Resources section of our site. Instead of: I like school projects and clubs. Contact Us. They provide an impression of energy and supply concrete information. Most college applications request personal resume information. Put your Educational Information in a separate section below your contact information. Alison Doyle is the job search expert for The Balance Careers, and one of the industry's most highly-regarded job search and career experts. Ask them why they think action words are good for a resume. Convey the specific element of experiences that best communicates your skills and accomplishments. List them as activities or interests. As they complete the application School Report and Teacher Evaluation forms, high school counselors and teachers appreciate word lists to help them write about what makes students stand out. Steven Student123 Forest Street, Charleston, WV 25329Cell: (123) 555-5555 ▪ steven.student@email.com. Accessed Jan. 31, 2020. As your resume should be one page long, action words will really help say a great deal in fewer characters. Include any challenging advanced academic projects since this shows employers that you are intelligent and a hard worker. “managed” or “collaborated”) when describing tasks that you are no longer doing. For example, if you’re applying for a cashier position, but haven’t yet held a job with that exact title, emphasize your customer service skills, facility with mathematics, work ethic, and ability to work as a team. Prestigious schools or former employers; Employers identify keywords, often including industry jargon, that they think represent essential qualifications necessary for high performance in a given position. When completing these sections, it can be beneficial to describe your experiences instead of merely listing them. Plus how to use power words in a resume to get more interviews. Sitemap. If so, use verbs like enhanced, reorganized, increased, improved, initiated, upgraded, or expanded to show what you accomplished. Student Resume (Modern design) Tailored for students, this modern resume or CV leads with education and experience. 2. "Sample Resume for High School Students." 2004 Best High School Newspaper Design winner Central State Regional Communications Contest, sponsored by the Communications Department, State University. Here are Some Sample Resumes, Resume Skills for High School Students With Examples, Resume Example for Childcare / Social Services Worker, Resume Samples for Education and Teaching Jobs, Here Are Some Solid Resume Tips for College Students and Graduates, Here Are Guidelines for What to Include in a Resume, match your experience with their requirements, Five Things to Put on Your Resume in High School. Proofread Your Draft and Print Copies: Review your draft very carefully before finalizing your document and make sure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. Highly focused and responsible high school student guaranteed to contribute strongly within a customer service role requiring enthusiasm, charismatic communications skills, and an exemplary work ethic. Even with limited work experience, a high school student can present a professional image with this resume template, which has room for summer jobs, volunteer work, and specific skills. You can support InLikeMe simply by purchasing books and other products from Amazon through the InlikeMe site.. Coordinated 4. Chaired 2. High School Student Resume Objective—Example Good Example Determined and enthusiastic high school senior with a passion for politics. More templates like this. Earned. No matter what duty or accomplishment you’re trying to show off, we’ve got just the resume action verb for you. Maintained. Action words on your resume are key. “manage” or “collaborate”) when describing tasks that you are still doing. Connect your experience and skills with the qualifications for the role. Choose Action Verbs That Show Mastery Of High School Classroom Challenges. Use this list of strong action verbs to diversify, strengthen, and individualize your résumé language. Review more resume examples for teen job seekers: No Formal Work Experience? Action Verbs 1-12 You Led a Project . For all students who will be in high school or needed to transfer to another university for secondary degree of level, they must have a strong Combination Resume Templates for them to be easily recognized and accepted in their desired particular educational institution. Action verbs, also known as dynamic verbs, are words that are action-packed. Filed. ACTION WORDS Use action words to describe your experience and accomplishments. Your goal should be to…. 6 Example Of Resume for High School Student; 4 High School Graduate Resume Template Microsoft Word accomplished. Start the phrases in your descriptions with action words like organized, led, calculated, taught, served, trained, tutored, wrote, researched, inventoried, created, designed, drafted, and edited., Keep It Short (But Include All Necessary Information). Since most high school students haven't held a lot of jobs, it is important to draw upon all aspects of your life that show you have the character, work ethic, skills, and personality to succeed in a job. If you have perfect or near-perfect attendance and are punctual for school and other commitments, you might include language to that effect when describing an experience. Orchestrated 8. How can you demonstrate your aptitude for the job when you don’t have much (or any) formal work experience? Don’t Forget Attitude and Performance: If you have excellent grades, perfect attendance, or other signs of maturity and dedication, be sure to mention them in your resume. Tell a Story. This is an example of a resume for a high school student. Check out 20 Resume Questions Answered for resume tips which explains about how to approach creating your resume. Use past tense (i.e. Download the high school resume template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples. Search this site. Feel free to change the color scheme and fonts in the Design tab of the ribbon. This example includes a resume summary statement. Promote Your Attitude and Performance: Employers will be most interested in your work habits and attitude. Mention your extracurricular activities, volunteer work, academics, and athletic pursuits. By using The Balance Careers, you accept our. Action verbs are not to be confused with state verbs, or stative verbs. Most companies seek experienced and more accomplished employees. … Here are some suggested action words to start the descriptions of your experiences. Here are some suggested action words to start the descriptions of your experiences. ~ From The Damn Good Resume Guide by Yana Parker, Berkeley: Ten Speed Press . Read the job description and match your experience with their requirements. activated. Resume Do's and Don'ts. You should use present tense (i.e. - Participated in team teaching lessons with other faculty. Oversaw 10. Home. Make an Outline: Make a quick list or outline of all possible experiences, paid and unpaid, to include in your resume before you try to find the right language to describe them. What Companies Expect to See on a High School Resume. Design tab of the ribbon more resume examples for teen job seekers: no formal work experience each item include..., your address, your address, and rake lawns and gardens shovel... Land that dream job fast be used for job applications, to secure internships and to! 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