google_ad_height = 90; 046 Sometimes a comma is inserted to clarify that two adjectives modify an adjective-noun combination. 007 He was wearing a crown made of gold. The adjective in an adjective phrase can appear at the start, end or middle of the phrase. 1. 039 Here are a few more examples of possessive adjectives being used in a sentence. Replace the Adjectives in the following sentences by Adjective Phrases. google_ad_width = 200; 053 5.   She is a versatile writer. 074 19.   He was a soldier free from fear. Q (adjective: famous) Mallika is a journalist of fame. (adjective phrase: with experience) Mallika is a famous journalist. Finally, the entire, huge prepositional phrase modifies the verb "use" in the original sentence. 12.   They are a couple with no children. 11.   You need guidance of a medical nature. 026 There I met a girl with blue eyes. 008 More than one adjective phrase may modify the same word. 029 6. He was a man without fear. Sponsored Links 3. Adjective phrases - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary But you could get the message across by switching to the past tense: "He was my almost-husband." These adjective phrases can be part of the noun phrase, or they can come before or after it. You have done a deed of shame. Adjectives and Adjective Phrases Structure An adjective phrase consists of an adjective and all of its modifiers and complements. 7. "The prototypical adjective phrase consists of a single adjective, tall in Sally is tall, or an adjective headword and a qualifier, very tall. 075 Let us forget our quarrels from this very moment. 1- If the relative pronoun is followed by be+ Verb ing. That means it modifies a noun. 055 asked Sep 28 '19 at 20:24. The adjective phrase starting with "similar" modifies "a way". Adjectives in Noun Phrases Spice up your nouns with adjectives to create descriptive noun phrases! 16.   From that sleepy village in the mountains hailed a chieftain of great fame. asked Nov 5 ... but could I replace sentence one with sentence two? A beautiful, green emerald. In order to change an iâadjective into the nai form, you simply remove the final ã character and replace it with ããªã (kunai). The Adjective Slot: The Three One-Word Adjective Categories. Chocolate cake is the adjective-noun combination (chocolate tells us what kind of cake we're talking about). 065 //-->. google_color_text = "999999"; over-the-top characters. 054 033 044 In the above example, both âbeautifulâ and âgreenâ are descriptive adjectives. Find more words at! 2) Can a prepositional phrase like "in a similar way" be replaced ⦠015 Some examples of adjectives in English are the words âbeautiful,â âloud,â âredâ and âfunny.â There are a few basic differences between Portuguese and English adjectives, like the use of gender and their placement in a sentence. Examples of Prepositional Phrases Functioning as Adjective Phrases Some examples of prepositional phrases functioning as adjective phrases would be the following: ( He has a head without hair 012 (adjective: experienced) Shiv is an actor with experience. High School Vocab | 058 English | 7.   He is a promising boy. An adjective is a word or phrase that modifies or gives an attribute to a noun (a person, place or thing). 7.   He is a boy of great promise. 050 066 031 larger-than-life personality. He acted with great promptitude. 056 Adjective Phrases. 2.   You have done a shameful deed. The noun is underlined and the possessive adjective is in bold. 20.   I knew that he was a man of sense. Itâs actually a group of words that describe a noun or pronoun in a sentence, thus functioning as an adjective. 17.   He is a man with plenty of impudence. 047 ), 001 var pbMobileHrSlots = [ Differentiation | Verb patterns: verb + infinitive or verb + -. Sample Letters | PDF Prepositional phrases as adjectives and adverbs worksheet. Differentiation | 034 1. 018 070 016 Adjectives for replace include replaceable, replacive, replaced and replacing. Remember assonance and alliteration 6. When a phrasal adjective precedes a noun, it usually takes a hyphen or, for phrases of three or more words, hyphens. google_color_link = "FF0000"; Wild beasts in small cages are a sorry sight. Dear students and teachers: Please make sure you subscribe to the free grammar updates, English Practice – Learn and Practice English Online. 030 6.   It is useless. 014 The delicious, moist chocolate cake The chocolate cake is delicious and moist. Replace each of the Adverb Phrases by an Adverb of the same meaning. 057 Demonstrative pronoun takes the place of a noun phrase that has already been mentioned. Identify the adjective phrases in the following sentences. (The words in the compound adjective "three-page" are linked with a hyphen to show they are part of the same adjective.) 8.   A valley covered with grass stretched before us. Adjective phrases: functions - English Grammar Today - a reference to written and spoken English grammar and usage - Cambridge Dictionary English Compositions | Please come at a very early date. Adjectives can be rewritten as adjective phrases, as shown below: Examples: Shiv is an experienced actor. Have you ever seen an elephant with a white skin? 20.   I knew that he was a sensible man. Adjectives are words that paint pictures in our mind. An adjective phrase, or an adjectival phrase, is more than a group of words with an adjective in it. Adjective Phrases Can Be Used attributively Or Predicatively A possessive adjective must appear with a noun, usually before. Link to this playlist: Want more grammar? More examples are given below: The chief lived in a wooden house. 019 021 When a prepositional phrase follows and describes a noun or pronoun, then the prepositional phrase is functioning as an adjective. 062 Adverbs and Adjectives with Magical Horses Worksheet | RTF Adverbs and Adjectives with Magical Horses Worksheet | PDF Adverbs and Adjectives with Magical Horses Worksheet | Preview Adverbs and Adjectives with Magical Horses Worksheet | Answers Adverb⦠They arrived at that moment. 059 17.   He is an impudent man. 011 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); a) He has a bald 073 Glossary of Correct Usage | Whereas adjectives use one word to describe a noun, adjective phrases use several words to add a more complex description of a noun. 19.   He was a fearless soldier. 027 16.   From that sleepy mountainous village hailed a chieftain of great fame. 048 025 Words The capacity of adjectives to be used as nouns is sometimes exploited in puns like The poor rich.. As the frequency of nominalized adjective use decreased, the frequency of structures using the prop-word one increased (phrases such as "the large" were replaced by those of the type "the large one"). Students will gain practice identifying noun phrases and creating their own with the help of an adjective ⦠006 Notice that in the sentence like Olive wants a really big car, there is an adjective phrase really big, but not an adjective phrase big. 010 replace adjectives with adjective phrases. 2. 1. 18.   Nobody likes a person with a short-temper. @import url(; [ 3.   They walked along a muddy road. The descriptive adjective follows the opinion adjective. 13.   He leads a life devoid of blame. 2. 017 037 023 The phrase that starts with "to its use" modifies the adjective "similar". Although we can place both adjective phrases and adjective clauses in an adjective slot, we will not discuss them on this page. © 2020 - All rights Reserved. 064 042 040 5. google_ad_channel =""; 041 adjective phrase example showing man scratching head. 068 google_color_url = "999999"; 002 She is a writer of great versatility. 6.   It is of no use. The key lies in the structure of the proposal. Keep a list of strong adjectives handy. 5.   She is a writer of great versatility. How to Conjugate I-Adjectives into the âTe Form. [The adjective phrase of Rome modifies fall, which is the object of the preposition about. Replace the adjective phrases in the following sentences by adjectives of the same meaning. 9.   The article contains many biblical quotations. Replace the Adjectives in the following sentences by Adjective 049 7. In their simplest form, adjective phrases are a combination of adjectives. 013 He wore a turban made of silk. 071 Advertisements ]. 3. These examples demonstrate how a possessive pronoun would replace the noun (the pen) entirely. A group of words which does the work of an adjective is called an adjective phrase. Examples and Observations. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});