In the process of new product development, one must be careful about customer or market survey.Because in the world of Globalization nothing is important than Customer.Apart from quality of your product, it is the brand image that extends life of your product in the market.Hence various scientific techniques are being developed by the researchers to carry out the customer survey.Pugh Matrix Technique and KANO-MODEL Technique are very popular tools for market survey currently.The purpose of this article is to review and explain both the techniques.Actually rather than techniques for market survey,it can be said that tools for analysis of market survey. Redesign of an In-Market Conveyor System for Manufacturing Cost Reduction and Design Efficiency Using DFMA Methodology, A System-of-Systems Bio-Inspired Design Process: Conceptual Design and Physical Prototype of a Reconfigurable Robot Capable of Multi-Modal Locomotion. The publications, ... An example of a topic where we have a growing amount of publications is concept selection. |P��8�&SPo��S���s�����?r�Ώ%�k�j��0!b5dFVC� �g}�ꃹ'!�?����Ǻ0a�C��Fr���x]�KO�P�5��Ǧ�\O��P�C�S������ŠH�,�Q����R�z_ry��])j�_��Z��*O��j��!A�E�B��5|�RW�Ҽؗ��[������-����o�s�:��k�צR�t�G8d�^ �'x�Ʀ�uS�@a&y�˳�O�_Ǫ^�x�Gz֏���ވ�TW�� ���3��-n��P�G/�U�!/�z�2Ia���������`Gҍ�l�V8#���A�c���1�қ|��]yc@�,'�[�X&�x"����3�ʉ�A"^de�7�^o�q#,8��}��h�[�=��� �h����i�y���{��9=�M,�W3r��[�2��8W�9ʅ������^�y�����������:0. Anders Ekholdt, Concept Development Case Study, Optimized Test Cap for Connection These master students have been working in industry for three years. This paper discusses the application of the Pugh matrix in six different cases in the domain of subsea equipment. %PDF-1.5 got a full position as a project engineer in FMC in 2008 before completing his Masters. Start by writing the criteria in the left hand column and the alternatives in the top row. PUGH MATRIX. 3D drawing of the Optimized Flow-line Spool and with a detail section of the, Figure 3. The connectors can be damaged which may require costly repairs of the EDP, is that the engineering team tends to skip all preliminary steps and to start real, accountability of the engineering team for the solution, the believe that a problem and its solution are trivial, management lack of knowledge of these techniques, political resistance, different perspectives of stakeholders, hard to convince experienced engineers (âold dog storyâ), Use it to present decisions to customers or managers, Show convincing examples from real projects to management. We also aim to answer if the project engineers can use these tools to expose showstoppers and opportunities at an early stage of the system development process. Course Overview; Transcript; View Offline; Exercise Files - Your team has done all this great work. This project was an opportunity to use the reverse architecting tool described in the System Engineering tool; "A3 Architecture Overviews". The teacher must trigger a learning process in the students that stimulates the student to become active with the subject in a perceptive, reflective, and explorative way. We teach master students in Systems Engineering many methods and techniques that practi-tioners see as beneficial. Continuous Improvement Toolkit Pugh Matrix Continuous Improvement Toolkit . pugh matrix.ppt - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Neil Decarlo. The steps are elaborated and a case study of reconfigurable robots is presented following these eight steps. EDP is the Emergency Disconnect, Package, LRP is the Lower Riser Package. The Pugh Matrix, designed by Professor Stuart Pugh, answers the question, “Which option will most improve what is in place now?” by including a baseline in the calculations used to weigh comparative criteria. The success of the Pugh Matrix is in its simplicity. The resulting papers authored by these students identify challenges and effective practices suitable for knowledge transfer between industry and academia. The flow-line. Technology has changed during this period and many new features have been incorporated. Richmond, The Oaklea Press Needs and concept analysis; A case study for subsea connections, Master Project Paper An engineering study regarding further developing of a Riser Telescopic Joint, Kennedy, M. N., K. Harmon, et al. A physical manifestation of the Pugh matrix. Joint, Master Project Paper, Buskerud University College, 2010. The Pugh matrix demonstrated its ability to provide a simple overview of the multiple factors in a decisionmaking situation, with extensions for risk and opportunity assessment. The exploration of these alternate designs and the explicit articulation of criteria for selection stimulate a learning process of the participating engi-neers. For each function you chose the most important criterias and compare the other design options using that criteria Rate them on a scale of -3 to 3. The success of the Pugh Matrix is in its simplicity. completed masterâs projects, with a detailed analysis of 40 papers that have been published in international conferences and journals. The tool is not very mathematically intensive and fairly simple to use. existing culture conflicts with this approach, it is hard to âteach an old dog new tricksâ. The main idea behind the Pugh Matrix is to compare a set of alternatives against a standard to determine which one is the most appropriate. <> The fuzzy Pugh matrix provides a methodical structure for determining performance using all the design alternatives as basis and obtaining aggregates for the designs using the weights of the sub features. ���k� �/���x[H�-R.`��?Xd��u�u�x�4Um����쐞 z�%:j�Ju�1�p}�{:G����A�Y�@u��@�K��jm�C`��QОŮR�CV��(e��T-Z���Y�H� ��AROD�Y4V���'y(-ؘ�4 © 2008-2020 ResearchGate GmbH. We applied the recommendations from the Systems modeling and Analysis course taught at Buskerud University College (BUC), such as time-boxing, multi-view iteration, visualization, and quantification. Fusing Multi-Attribute Decision Models for Decision Making to Achieve Optimal Product Design, Pugh matrix and aggregated by extent analysis using trapezoidal fuzzy number for assessing conceptual designs, Trade Study of Alternative Controls and Power Distribution Architecture in Subsea Processing, Evaluation of illustrative ConOps and Decision Matrix as tools in concept selection, Application of Pugh Selection Matrix for Fuel Level Sensing Technology Selection, Pugh Matrix and Kano Model-The Significant Techniques for Customer"s Survey, Embedded Masterâs Students Conduct Highly Relevant Research Using Industry as Their Laboratory, Engineered rubber products: Introduction to design, manufacture and testing. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Or any other set of a multidimensional entity. Excellent for both professional and personal decision-making. A decision matrix is a list of values in rows and columns that allows an analyst to systematically identify, analyze, and rate the performance of relationships between sets of values and information. The decision-matrix method, also Pugh method or Pugh concept selection, invented by Stuart Pugh, is a qualitative technique used to rank the multi-dimensional options of an option set. Decision Analysis Flow Chart Paula J. Baker,a James T. Whalenb aTASC, Inc., Chantilly, VA ( bStevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ ( SURVEY OF TRADE STUDY METHODS FOR PRACTICAL DECISION-MAKING NASA Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Facility There are variations of the method however I’m going to explain here how I use it. endobj Subsea gas compression is a new process station technology that is responding to the market need for extending the lifetime of existing subsea gas fields. Pugh matrix. columns of the Pugh matrix are labeled with a description, in drawings and text, of design concepts. The Pugh Matrix decision-making tool by Stuart Pugh [18] was selected to execute a systematic process of ranking alternatives in a visual frame where important criteria would get the attention needed from a multidisciplinary point of view. Evaluation of conceptual design alternatives can be modelled as a Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) process because it includes conflicting design features with different sub features. To remain competitive in the market, it is crucial to reduce the time and costs involved in product development. For each function you chose the most important criterias and compare the other design options using that criteria Rate them on a scale of -3 to 3. The publication rate of about 23% The Pugh chart is a graphical method to quantitatively compare qualitative options. Pugh Matrix Excel Template - 10 Pugh Matrix Excel Template, Generating Value by Using “5 why” Root Cause Analysis View 3. pugh method.pdf from IE MISC at San Jose State University. The researchers have been students in the Master in Systems Engineering program in Kongsberg. The rows of the matrix are labeled with concise statements of the criteria by Every study starts with the creation of an evaluation team. The tools are evaluated according to the value they provided for a systems engineer working in manufacturing industries and the value they provided for non-Systems Engineering personnel. Erlend Hognestad Seppola, Value of functional decomposition to estimate drilling rig time and to These concepts have been evaluated against 10 criteria. It involves different disciplines, materials, and types and designs of equipment. This paper explores the use of an illustrative Concept of Operation and Pugh matrix as tools when evaluating concepts in the subsea domain. It is a scoring matrix used for concept selection in which options are assigned scores relative to criteria. The whole design process consists of eight steps, that is, (1) biological solutions identification, (2) biological solutions definition/champion biological solutions, (3) principle extraction from each champion biological solution, (4) merging of extracted principles, (5) solution reframing, (6) problem search, (7) problem definition, and (8) principles application & implementation. Pugh decision-making method is a clever way to make decisions. We have rearranged and simplified the example to bring out some points we want to make more clearly. The evaluation criteria used to rate and compare were maturity, cost, installation, operation characteristics and design robustness. Six out of 22 students, especially in the sub-sea equipment domain, chose the Pugh Matrix as technique for Concept Selection. (ed. The end product will be better than the product made initially. Philip Samuel. This paper provides a number of recommendations for interaction, The Digital Governor System from Kongsberg Maritime (KM), has had an evolution period of 25 years. The method requires selection of a datum, preferably a design concept that is both well understood and known to be generally Fig. Pugh Matrix. generally in line with the first two case studies. The demand for a more efficient, less complex, and cheaper solution is pushing the technology development and screening for alternative concepts. Hybridization of Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) models has been applied in various field of management, science and engineering in order to have a robust decision-making process but the extension of these hybridized MADM models to decision making in engineering design still requires attention. Figure 6. Advantages of Pugh Methods. Other versions include the Pugh decision matrix and the Eisenhower Box Matrix. Low oil prices and cost reduction initiatives are currently affecting the oil and gas domain. Figure 2. Elements of a decision matrix show decisions based on certain decision criteria. The master project is to apply a Sys-tems Engineering method or technique in practice and to evaluate the application by writing an academic paper. architecture to support the next generation(s) of the product. All rights reserved. Pugh Matrix - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Pugh Matrix was developed by Stuart Pugh who was a professor and head of the design division at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow David Silverstein. Conventional design paradigms for single design purpose may not be able to satisfy this requirement efficiently.
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