
mixed in a sentence

Mixed in a sentence (esp. mixed methods in a sentence - Use "mixed methods" in a sentence 1. Need to translate "WITH MIXED" from english and use correctly in a sentence? Ou, baixe o áudio com os exemplos É possível ocorrer, dentro da mesma sentença, a condicional mista ou mixed conditional, onde cada oração (if clause e main clause) traz um tempo verbal diferente. Phil is mixed up in it. Mixed sentence examples. Task No. : She plays virgin and vamp, giving mixed messages that only reinforce our polar images of femininity. I mixed and matched and came up with something my meat eating family devoured. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB The public was, as they say, of mixed materials; for the most part young men from educational institutions. Clique no player para ouvir os exemplos em inglês, que estão em itálico no texto da dica! For example, "If I wasn't afraid of spiders" is contrary to present reality. Translations of the phrase WAS MIXED from english to french and examples of the use of "WAS MIXED" in a sentence with their translations: There was mixed sentiment in the polished market. In mixed Reality Portal, you can: Display a livestream of the view in your headset (Windows mixed Reality Ultra only). How to connect 'mix' with other words to make correct English sentences.mix (v, n): to (cause different substances to) combine, so that the result cannot easily be separated into its parts; a combinationUse 'mix' in a sentence Mix the flour with two eggs. mix example sentences. 8. All rights reserved | Email: [email protected], The carbon atoms oxidize to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and, Opinion about the artistic merit of his paintings has been, The carbon atoms oxidise to carbon dioxide which gets blown about and, In addition to the positive comments students had neutral mixed negative or off topic views, The water is clear and the mountain is bright The frost comes in at night Trees are covered with deep scarlet leaves. Englisch-hilfen.de/ Word order in English sentences – Mixed Exercise. As always, the scent of musty pages and old bindings, Detectives were last night appealing for information to help trace the alleged attacker, who is of, They wanted a mix of different sites and that one was outside a station so it would give a different picture than something in a, A dressed product of copper works in South America, consisting of grains of native copper, There were cold meats of every kind, huge bowls of, That came up later when the album was being, On the night I was there, a Wednesday, the customers were a, An accomplishment any musician would admire, she played all the instruments, sang lead and backing vocals, then independently recorded and, As he leaves office, Cheney looks overloaded and stressed, holding in check an ubermensch level of rage, If you enjoy a little more excitement, successful duos, trios and other small ensembles with, In areas that have a limited clay source, bentonite can be, My friends know better than to ask me to fill in for, Measures that served as barometers of how voters view gay rights and gay relationships were on the ballots in four states, and the results were a decidedly, One son is a white boxer, the other a stand-up comedian of, There is anecdotal evidence that local advice is of, There is a good range of varieties including several, The second movement is polyrhythmic counterpoint in, Although one study found a significant difference between a, Our staff was a lot of talented young guys, Our other favourite drink in the forces was scrumpy, Mongolians bravely swallow a glass of pickled sheep eyeballs, Prior to that time, particles of energy, photons, and particles of matter, protons and electrons, were all, Each of the ingredients in the concrete, the proportions of those ingredients, and how the concrete is, Future mobile phones will not be handheld, but rather screenless touchless devices offering us, Feeding trials conducted on captive premigratory birds fed fruit and insects ad libitum have shown that gain in body mass is highest on a, Each day she studied its scarred walls and empty windows and watched the men at work as they, On the far wall, CDs teetered in jumbled piles, films, books and magazines were, Equal volumes of milt from a cuckolder and a parental were, In creamed cakes an airy batter of fat, sugar, and egg is, Depending on the type of puri being made, the flour is, The spokeswoman was responding to a question about the ambiguous descriptions of the offenders, which have ranged from, Up until the final ten minutes this has been an intelligent, witty and unusually shrewd look at the social acceptance of, For a bit of added interest and color, plant a few bright colored impatiens, I did a rough mix the night we cut it, and then I spent four days chasing that mix when we, But the movie itself is sort of like Wizard of Oz and Donnie Darko and a couple of purple microdots of mescaline all, Once all the potatoes and onion have been ground up and, After finishing the beef, we ordered bowls of rice and Roti Canai, a kind of Indian crisp pancake, and, He has already helped us to fall in love, improve our lives by reading Proust, console ourselves with philosophy and get over our, I love the headlines like Cow Stuck in Bog, I love the biliously vile and garish colours of headlines in Leisure, Plastics based on cellulose include cellulose esters such as cellulose acetate, diacetate, and triacetate, and, Clearly, the thermistor in a pulmonary artery catheter that senses the temperature of, Britain has become one of the most ethnically. The soup, however, received mixed reviews from the students. Examples of mixed up in a sentence: 1. Then mix in a jaw dropping performance by the film's controversial director as a degenerate white slaver. He gets a little mixed up sometimes because he is working on two different projects concurrently. 23. In a mixed economy such as the U.S. system, both private and government bodies can own and sell goods. ... LET'S PLAY. 2 Add a teaspoonful of mixed herbs. I'm not too fussy about getting mixed up in that stuff. something that is a combination of things Examples of Mix in a sentence. Mixed feelings or reactions include some good things and some bad things. 2. Conheça os diferentes tipos de orações condicionais e confira uma lista com as principais palavras e locuções que indicam as conditional sentences. INCORRECT: For most people who have pets live longer, happier lives. Show More Sentences The meat will bind itself when it is mixedwith the rest of the ingredients. Eldad 1 2380300 If you mix blue and red, you'll get purple. How to connect 'mixed' with other words to make correct English sentences.mixed (adj): showing a mixture of different feelings or opinionsUse 'mixed' in a sentence I have mixed feelings about this. She gave him mixed signals. 3. mixed gauge in a sentence - Use "mixed gauge" in a sentence 1. Examples of mixed metaphor in a sentence, how to use it. She gave him mixed signals. You can't mix oil with water. Verbs in green are in the present unreal conditional. There are two types of mixed conditional sentence. Mixed Third/ Second Conditional . A major mixed-use development planned along East Riverside Drive in Austin is getting a dozen acres bigger, and the project's cost could top $4 billion, its developers said Monday. This sentence seems to be going in one grammatical direction, but … Examples of mixed blessing in a sentence, how to use it. Definition of Mix. In a mixed construction sentence, the predicate doesn’t match the subject. ‘In the mixed commercial and residential areas the heavy masonry arches mark the openings in the building that also double up for shop-windows.’ ‘There was generally a good but mixed standard within the residential areas, with some estates practically litter free.’ ‘And you need a mixed diet of stories to be emotionally literate.’ There are two types of mixed conditional sentence. Mixed constructions often happen when you start a sentence with one grammatical structure and then switch to another. Find more ways to say mixed, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A mixed construction means that a sentence begins with one grammatical pattern and then ends with another grammatical pattern. 44. CK 1 2547057 There's been a mix-up.CK 1 387576 Oil and water don't mix.Mouseneb 1 1437111 You can't mix oil and water. mixed in a sentence - Use "mixed" in a sentence 1. 2. This suggests that the micrite grew within pre-existing fine sediment or that clay and carbonate were mixedby intense biological activity. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Mixed in a sentence 1 He mixed up some plaster to repair the wall. She was insecure, mixed-up and angry. It can be revised a few different ways: CORRECT: For most people who have pets, Explain that they … Another word for mixed. However, it contains only one independent clause. 2. Day after day they subsisted upon this dried fish, mixed with sea-water. Mixed-use. Kansas City and Chicago wheat futures were mixed to mostly lower. Bhandara has a mixed economy with agriculture, industries and forest resources contributing to it. It works well for the beginner to intermediate level students of all ages. 2. 2. How to use mixed-up in a sentence. Task No. Tip: To launch SteamVR games without taking off your headset, use the Desktop app (Start > Desktop) to view and interact with your PC desktop inside Windows. 7. Take two scruples of cochineal, and two ounces of argall finely pounded and sifted, and mix it with the liquor a little at a time.

The olive oil produced is mainly mixed with that from Genoa or Provence, and placed on the market under the name of the latter. }] A person verbally expressing a statement of truth while simultaneously fidgeting or avoiding eye contact may convey a mixed message to the receiver in the interaction. mixed. The rhythm, harmony and melody of the music are drawn from the sounds of nature, The Dow closed up 206 points on a day with, There is a good restaurant at the South Sea Hotel serving a, Anyways, the juniors and seniors at our high school have, The Beatles split at the end of 1970, with the foursome going their separate ways with, One popular Trinidadian and Tobagonian dish is pelau, or rice. Mixed definition, put together or formed by mixing. Mixed Constructions Mixed constructions often happen when you start a sentence with one grammatical structure and then switch to another. How to use mix in a sentence. This means that the time in the if-clause is not the same as the time in the result. It should be noted that the Ural-Altaic peoples freely, Upon completion, however, the film was met with, The recent rise in the number of debt collection agencies has met with a, Plans to move a drug addiction clinic near a city centre shopping area have met with a, The sheepdog won round one of Thursday's competition before battling it out in the final with 30 other dogs in the, The predominant emotion was disgust and self-hate, The only change is that self-raising flour is used instead of the more traditional plain flour, If you don't have self-raising flour, substitute every cup with 1 C of plain flour, As time proceeds she acquires a group of racially and ethnically, The mento that graced the first Jamaican recordings of the early 1950s. Zero Conditional Sentence – With this type of sentence you can describe the scientific facts, generally known truths, events or things which are universally true. What is a Mixed-Use Neighborhood? 2. The waiter mixed up our orders, so none of us got what we wanted. The reaction to these cars has been mixed. The submarine has the capacity to carry 14 missiles and torpedoes in a … First off, the term mixed extraction is hardly a slur or an uncommon way to describe a person by way of race.. By the term mixed mineral manures is meant a mixture of mineral fertilisers, not including phosphates.. Mixed number definition is - a number (such as 52/3) composed of an integer and a fraction. How to connect 'mixed' with other words to make correct English sentences.mixed (adj): showing a mixture of different feelings or opinionsUse 'mixed' in a sentence I have mixed feelings about this. Newsletters, email, and the intranet can create lots of duplication and mixed messages. 3333. Another word for mix up. CK 1 56039 I have mixed feelings about this. A simple sentence with “mix” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. How to use mixed in a sentence. Example: reading the children not books are. I came home from the meeting with mixed feelings. Mixed-up Sentences . Mixed-use neighborhoods (also referred to as mixed-use developments, mixed-use construction, or mixed-use planning) provide comfortable pedestrian access to stores, restaurants and other businesses, co-mingled with residential areas, reducing the need to own cars and encouraging social connections, walkability, and active transportation. mixed-up example sentences. 3333. He whirled—just in time to see the last of the mixed trio disappear into the drawing-room, and the door snap shut behind them. It’s ideal for use as a sentence structure game for complicated things like reported speech.. I always get mixed up with the different genders when speaking Spanish. The new law got a mixed reaction.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” 2. International on Turtle Creek Alta Left Bank Fort Worth, Texas. After a moment grappling with her mixed emotions, she got up and called a portal. The concert was a mixed bag of classical and modern music. It is possible for the two parts of a conditional sentence to refer to different times, and the resulting sentence is a "mixed conditional" sentence. It was of mixed gauge to cater for GWR trains. use "mixed up" in a sentence He gets a little mixed up sometimes because he is working on two different projects concurrently. In this module students will learn to recognize and correct mixed constructions. Mixed-use definition, combining commercial and residential development; zoned for commercial and residential use. Ask your little one to read all the sentences carefully and arrange them in a sequential order such that one sentence … Example sentences with the word mixed-up. 27 examples: Reasonable and unreasonable worlds: some expectations of coherence in culture… In these mixed conditional sentences, the time in the if clause is now or always and the time in the main clause is before now. The Smile by architecture firm BIG is a mixed-use development in New York's Harlem neighbourhood with a, Use the Steam app to launch a SteamVR game from your Steam library. CK 1 2547057 There's been a mix-up. 1. Many maintain that they favor a mixed economy of private and government-controlled enterprises. Your child will rearrange the words in a sentence so that it makes sense . This sentence seems to be going in one grammatical direction, but suddenly switches to another without warning. Examples of mixed with in a sentence: 1. ‘Mixed-up Sentences’ is an easy and fun reading worksheet for 1st graders. Example sentences with the word mix. A mixed heavy-light mechanized force would frustrate enemy plans to defend against a single type of force. Word suggestions (3): Economy, Number, Mixed, › Vicarate [vīˈkerēət, vəˈkerēət, vīˈkerēˌāt, vəˈkerēˌāt], › Enduringur [inˈd(y)o͝oriNG, enˈd(y)o͝oriNG], © 2020 UseEnglishWords.com. Mixed methods and qualitative methodologies are the most prominently used by researchers. It is possible for the two parts of a conditional sentence to refer to different times, and the resulting sentence is a "mixed conditional" sentence. Click on the given words/phrases. Just as she was about to mix the cake Mrs. Martin called Nora away for a moment. 1. A mixed construction happens when you start a sentence with one construction and finish it with another. Englisch-hilfen.de/ Word order in English sentences – Mixed Exercise. Menu. Lodge staff served the meal, which consisted of roast chicken, roast beef, potato croquettes, yellow rice, About 90 percent of the people are mestizos, people of, In this electropherotype group also the majority of serotypically, Imagine a community group arises to fight a proposed tollway, attracting, Natural gas is mostly methane with small quantities of ethane and other gases, My acquaintance never ran out of metheglin, which was, The weather and seasons in the Greater Middle East, and related matters of terrain and topography, present a very, This suggests that the micrite grew within pre-existing fine sediment or that clay and carbonate were, The submarine has the capacity to carry 14 missiles and torpedoes in a, Gis the Einstein tensor in curved spacetime and T is an unknown tensor with, Tests were performed with and without metabolic activation by the microsomal, Unlike the Spyglass's sky-colored outer hull, this ship was shaded in a dark gray, The culinary experience has been enriched with the fusion of local ingredients, A rectangular front plate was formed from a thin sheet of metal such as low-grade shakudo or other lower-quality, A good option if you're dining with friends is the Choix du Chef, a very shareable, They are not happy at a plan to split tutor groups, so they will be, Then began three months of hard work, and long nights, Sausage rolls would go down well, especially if the filling was a bit special, perhaps good sausage mince, Alternatively, use slices of stale baguette and layer with handfuls of, The solids used include natural clays and minerals, metal oxides and sulfides, metal salts, and, There was also a good selection of vegetarian meals, including, The menu offered a large range of starters and while I tackled a, To change the consistency of paint, try odorless mineral spirits, perhaps, When all this was melted, he added a small glass of sherry in which he had. 97 examples: Those taking part in the transition tend to have mixed feelings. See more. Find more ways to say mix up, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Study the examples below to learn how to mix conditional verb forms like a native speaker. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Mix" in Example Sentences Page 1. I am afraid of spiders. So she is mixed up in it after all! Mixed methods and qualitative methodologies are the most prominently used by researchers. CK 1 387576 Oil and water don't mix. A mixed economy has both private companies and government owned entities. Examples of how to use the word 'mixed' in a sentence. The news had been met with mixed feelings at the station, where staff would be cut from 52 to 28, not including the station commander. Examples of how to use the word 'mix' in a sentence. Many studies show that mixed incontinence is a more common type of incontinence in older women. 6. Mixed up sentences is one of my favourite ways to review English grammar.I generally use it as a quick warm-up at the beginning of a class to review material from previous classes. At their most basic level, sentences have a subject and a predicate. The Smile by BIG in New York has a chequerboard facade and rooftop pool. In these sentences, the speaker sets out to say one thing and abruptly switches to something else, resulting in confusion. With a mixed economy, the government can control some parts of the country’s financial systems but not all. Example: reading the children not books are. As defined by the MRSC of Washington, mixed-use development is characterized as pedestrian-friendly development that blends two or more residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, and/or industrial uses. Sentences in English, Word order - Subject, verb, object, place, time. Examples of mixed message in a sentence, how to use it. Mouseneb 1 1437111 You can't mix oil and water. The waiter mixed up our orders, so none of us got what we wanted. There’s a real mixed bag of people on the course. It's difficult to see mixed economy in a sentence. "The fact that" : this causes confusion when writers forget that this is actually a noun phrase acting as a subject or object. Introduce the activity by reminding your child that sentences are made of words, and putting words in a certain order is how we share ideas. We want a mixed economy, a stable balance of public, private and collective ownership. Mixed-Use. Sentence with the word mixed. 5. Think of a simple sentence; for example, The girl ate her soup. Actual mixed economies gravitate more heavily to one end of the spectrum. 2. Harvest Lofts Dallas, Texas. Continue with other sentences. We were all mixed up. Assista o resumo em vídeo e faça exercícios com gabarito para testar seus conhecimentos sobre o tema. Click on the given words/phrases. The term mixed-mode is commonly used to describe a blend of face to face and distance education that does not necessarily have a high technology component. Sometimes unreal conditional sentences are mixed. Sentence Examples Examples from Classical Literature Beat the white of egg, mix it with the castor sugar, and spread it over the cakes. 43. The messages of historical studies in this field are, overall, rather mixed. M Line Tower Dallas, Texas. The waiter mixed up our orders, so none of us got what we wanted. A mixed construction is a a sentence that has incompatible elements; the sentence begins one way, with one kind of structure, and then shifts to a different structure.. 2648987 Mix Tom a drink. 46. These incompatible sentence parts confuse readers. 77. Mixed structure sentences are a little different from other types of sentence errors, in that they're problems that occur when writers jumble together different sentence construction types. Mixed-use definition is - used or suitable for several different functions. 1. Broadly speaking, he has remained within the confines of a mixed economy. INCORRECT: For most people who have pets live longer, happier lives. In the sense of mixed-use zoningor mixed-use planning, it is a type of urban development, urban planningand/or a zoningtype that blends residential, commercial, cultural, institutional, or entertainment uses into one space, where those functions are to some degree physically and functionally integrated, and that provides pedestrian connections. You have travelled and mixed with men. 3. When you mix the third and second conditional sentences it will describe the present as the result of past conditions. The entries to the competition were a real mixed bag — some excellent, some awful. Synonyms: uncertain, conflicting, confused, doubtful More Synonyms of mixed It is also considered as the simplest conditional sentence in English. 2. 19 examples: Mixed message resolution and children's responses to interadult conflict… I always get mixed up with the different genders when speaking Spanish. 39. Use mixed up in a sentence - Example Sentences for mixed up .. Mixed definition is - combining characteristics of more than one kind; specifically : combining features of two or more systems of government. 50. Then have your child put the words in order so that the sentence makes sense and read it aloud. The new law got a mixed reaction.Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English” : His remarks prompted speculation last night that the Government was purposefully sending out mixed messages to try and wrong-foot opposition.

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