
minwax polyshades dry time

I’m going to stain my banister soon and since its my first time staining, I definitely needed to know these things! Shop Minwax PolyShades Oil-Based Bombay Mahogany Satin Interior Stain (Quart) in the Interior Stains department at Lowe's.com. I know I’ve made every single one of those mistakes, but I’m starting to think I’ve never actually stained something the right way…..ha ha! Allows you to change the color of already-finished wood without removing the existing finish. Allow stain to dry for a minimum of 4-6 hours (dry time may be extended due to high humidity, low temperatures, or inadequate ventilation). Anytime I have let my stain harden on top of the wood, it turned sticky and uneven, and rubbed off easily. You can probably do 15 coats of spray lacquer in the same amount of time as two coats of poly. Minwax® preparation products are the first step to ensure your wood surfaces show their most beautiful colors and smoothest finishes. I’m Karly. Available sizes: 1½", 2", 2½". Polyshades as stated before is a tinted polyurethane. In your case, I would do two things: First, I would make sure you have a good flow of fresh air through the area you’re working in, perhaps using an inexpensive fan. Slight ambering may occur when these clear finishes are … I’ve been guilty of all of these, haha but that how you learn. Also to know is, how long should Minwax PolyShades dry? Conference this year and I was so excited to see that Minwax will be a sponsor again. All stains and finishes depend on evaporation to dry, but when the temperature is below 65 degrees or above 90 degrees, or the humidity level is above 50%, then the evaporation process is either too slow or too fast, causing your finish to either not dry or dry too quickly, turning white — like my deck! I’m pinning to consult before I do my next project! Years ago, on one of my first PolyShades® projects, I learned that foam brushes make sloppy applicators, as they apply an uneven coat and leave behind a trail of bubbles. What a mistake that was! Hi! I used minwax quick drying polyurethane to topcoat a dining room table. Give it the full 6 hours. I appreciate you sharing your worst mistakes because I’m fairly new to the staining world! Is the sample piece you made drier than the table, and did you finish this table the same way you completed your sample? After the first coat, I used 220 grit sandpaper to lightly sand the surface as recommended. Some people get impatient and immediately apply the next coat (or only wait a small percentage of the drying time). - Bruce. So what can you do if it is always above 50% humidity? What did I do wrong? Finishes dry quickly in the right environment, but the curing process, where they reach their maximum hardness and durability, takes longer. Before you start a refinishing or finishing project, be sure that the wood's surface is dry and free of old finishes in poor condition, paint, wax, grease, polish, dirt or other foreign matter. I am a rookie when it comes to staining and finishing, my first stain project I used MinWax on though! 84 people found this helpful I’m Sarah by the way, from Becoming Martha. Don’t they have a product to shorten the time span of this insanity? 24 Hour Dry, 2/3 Coats of Wipe On Poly that dries in an hour, with 0000 Steel Wool in between, Vacumed off Well. These are great tips! With multiple coats, the process can get tricky. So good to know. As my wife will attest, I love projects, but just as important I love sharing my experiences with others through my books, articles, columns -- and now this blog! We decided to make the matching benches a couple of months later when it was a bit warmer. Is the purpose of Polyshades to save time? This post is really helpful! Once the drying agents start to react to the oxygen trapped inside the can, they don’t stop. 1. Click to see full answer. Shop Minwax PolyShades Oil-Based Classic Oak Gloss Interior Stain (Half Pint) in the Interior Stains department at Lowe's.com. Shake Minwax® Fast-Drying Polyurethane vigorously for two minutes. I hope you enjoy it. It needs to be at about 70 degrees to cure properly within those 30 days. It's too late now, but it's always a grand idea to make a sample before doing the project. From furniture to floors, trust Minwax® products that beautify and protect wood. Allow the Polyshades® to dry for 6 hours between coats. Polyshades. Did you also apply this fast drying poly over a Minwax stain? What do you recommend? Can you place the table in a dedicated room and crank up the heat? Thank you for sharing your expert advice. I’m headed back to Snap! I look forward to meeting the Minwax team at SNAP this year. That’s definitely something I need to change. Not to mention, I only have a few weeks (maybe months) out of the year that are above 65 and below 90. Shop Minwax PolyShades Oil-Based Espresso Satin Interior Stain (Quart) in the Interior Stains department at Lowe's.com. Give your furniture projects a couple of days and your floors a week before you subject them to any stress — or they may scratch easily! I think this combination will overcome your high humidity. I hope to meet you at SNAP! It was horrible! . Looking forward to meeting you at SNAP! Minwax® offers a variety of easy-to-use products to help clean and repair wood that is chipped, cracked, scratched, even decayed, to its original beauty. I give a few tips, a review, & steps to effectively wood stain & finish your project. We’re about to finish our basement and I want to really start decorating our house, so these tips will help a lot with future projects! Don't rush a project, take your time. Minwax PolyShades is a combination stain and polyurethane finish for wood.. Minwax PolyShades instead of a separate stain and varnish, you save time. Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain by combining beautiful rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. Applying too much finish only results in runs, drips, or a thick layer that never completely dries or hardens. Shop Minwax PolyShades Oil-Based Espresso Satin Interior Stain (Half Pint) in the Interior Stains department at Lowe's.com. Just because it FEELS dry enough doesn't mean it is. If Murphy wants to rear its ugly head, you're not so far into it if the sample goes boink. Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain by combining beautiful rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. Best bet: buy only the amount of finish you need for each project. It was a gold dipped mirror and even though it isn’t perfect I’m so proud of how it turned out. Thin coats dry faster, look better, and provide more durability. Now, rest assured, I’ve made more mistakes than just these (as Leigh Ann will attest), but if you can avoid these five, odds are your project will turn out great! 20 comments on “ My Five Worst Mistakes ” bob 02/06/2014 at 4:13 pm. As a result, the old finish you apply may never completely dry. Polyshades, created by Minwax, claims to cut down on finishing times by combining stain and sealant in one step. I can totally relate to the old poly!! Follow directions for application instructions and dry times. Thank you for such great tips! If you have to break or peal off a layer of dried finish inside your can, it’s beyond its prime. I was preparing to give a talk last month when the moderator introduced me as a woodworking and wood finishing “expert.” In thinking about what qualifies me, or anyone for that matter, as an expert, I’ve decided it only means I’ve been around long enough to have made nearly every possible staining and finishing mistake. Spray lacquer generally dries in about a half hour. Hi Bruce! But there are also several items I hadn’t even considered including using an older product and not allowing an item to finish curing. Looking forward to meeting you at SNAP! Naturally, we never seem to have ideal conditions. Looking for speed and convenience? Minwax 213404444 Polyshades - Stain & Polyurethane in 1 Step, 1/2 pint, Antique Walnut, Satin - Household Wood Stains ... applying only one or 2 coats per day to allow adequate drying time. Hi Bruce! These tips are super helpful! Good luck, Bob! Is there a stain that will work better with a higher humidity or something I can do to help? I’m Allison and I blog over at Cupcake Diaries (cupcakediariesblog.com). Mistake #4            Applying too much finish. Apply a coat, then give it a good 12 hours to dry, then another coat. I believe I met with you at last years SNAP! Allow it to dry for five to 15 minutes, and then use a … Just as plywood gets its strength from layers of thin wood, so does a finish. Bruce, I am SO glad I found this post. Mistake #1            Working when it’s too cold, too hot, or too humid. It wouldn't go on evenly and became sticky in minutes. Minwax® Water Based Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner, Minwax® Performance Series Sanding Sealer, Minwax® Express Color™ Wiping Stain & Finish, Minwax® Super Fast-Drying Polyurethane for Floors, Minwax® Ultra Fast-Drying Polyurethane For Floors, Minwax® Professional Formula Sanding Sealer, See all tips, step-by-step instructions, and helpful Dos and Dont’s, How to Make a Picture Frame 3 Ways with Brad Rodriguez, Cozy Tray Ceiling Makeover with Thrifty Decor Chick: Sarah Saucedo, DIY Modern Live Edge Waterfall Coffee Table with April Wilkerson, Building A Modern Oak and Metal Side Table with John Malecki, Everything You Need to Know to Refinish Hardwood Floors with Bless’er House, Easy & Inexpensive DIY Wall Mount Jewelry Display, Super Fast-Drying Polyurethane for Floors. 4. 50 degrees is pretty low and will retard curing fully within the 30 days. Mistake #3            Using an old can of finish. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you soon. I allowed 12 hrs of drying time outside before moving it inside to my bedroom. Take your time putting on a thin first coat. I mostly share sewing and pattern design posts, but as the daughter of a residential home builder I also love the occasional DIY project. I used 2 coats. We’re starting some DIY projects and knowing what NOT to do is super helpful. Don’t be impatient — like me! Shake for 10 seconds occasionally during use. Needless to say, it was warmer, and my stain looks awful. Forum Responses Will definitely bookmark these for the next time I’m working with wood. I almost cried when I put the second coat on my tabletop (the table that I had sanded for hours!!). Minwax's poly is a "fast drying formula", taking about 4-6 hours between coats. I am hoping to tackle re-finishing these benches this Spring when the weather is right! It was there I fell in love with the beauty of the grain of the wood, either hidden beneath an old dark finish or highlighted with a new coat of stain. But by the time I got to my doors, I was running out of steam, so I decided they were perfect candidates for Minwax® PolyShades®, a combination stain and finish in one can. Wet overspray can be removed with … And second, when applying your clear finish, opt for very thin coats that won’t require rapid evaporation to dry. I used 2 coats. Love the blog !! Thank you for the tips! Thanks for writing and good luck! Recommended Uses: furniture, woodwork, doors, cabinets, accessories 2. From the Manufacturer. I assumed it would be as hard after one day as it would be after a month, but maybe the cold weather isn't helping. Thin is better! I’m looking forward to SNAP too, Sarah! You’ll also notice that the … Compare Compare. Mistake #2            Not wiping off my stain. They do and it goes by the name of Polyshades. I made several of these mistakes myself including applying stain when it was too hot and not wiping off enough of the stain. Does it do a better or worse job than traditional 2 step stain and polyurethane? Minwax® PolyShades® enhances wood grain by combining beautiful rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. In colder temperatures, polyurethane tends to dry more slowly, which can cause a whitish film to develop. I’m Sarah from Pretty Providence – a frugal lifestyle blog. Stains are designed to dry in the wood, not on the wood. Minwax® helps you select the ideal stain color for your wood project. I have used this product for the first time thinking I could save a step by applying the stain and the poly in one swoop. This post is awesome. I'm putting down Minwax fast drying poly on an oak dining table, but after four days of drying the finish, it still feels rubbery. I’m visiting from SNAP! Varathane Polyshades: Polyshades from Varathane combine polyurethane and wood stains. If the table hasn't fully cured by say Monday, you might have to strip it down and start over. I’ve even begun working on a series of built-ins in my four year old daughter’s room with coaching from Sandra of Sawdust Girl. Dry Time: 6 hours: Cleanup: mineral spirits: Coverage: 120-150 sq. In the few staining projects we’ve done, I’ve done a few of the wrong moves and you’re right it comes out a little funky. Rub the surface lightly with fine steel wool (grade 000 or finer), remove all dust and apply the next coat. Good question, Olivia. You'd want to do a couple coats. Finishes that offer protection for wood with a soft luster. We love working with wood and loved hearing these tips from an expert. You’re looking at another day or two of multiple stain and polyurethane coats in between dry times. The stain was beautiful, brown, and I loved it! Coat soft, porous woods such as pine or alder with Minwax Pre-Stain Wood Conditioner by applying it with a brush or cloth. In Louisiana, we are almost ALWAYS over 50% humidity. I used a minwax stain poly mix on a 5 yr old dresser, sanded the dresser down and then applied two coats per the directions, allowing for drying in between and doing the whole thing on my outside deck. This will help you ens… What is the problem using Minwax Stain (Oil Based NOT Water Based) Brushing it on and working it in. Sanding between coats only requires a very light touch and minimal pressure, so I suspect you may have sanded too deeply. Jen @ PinKWhen. To deepen the color, allow Minwax® PolyShades® to dry at least 6 hours (dry time may be extended due to high humidity, low temperatures, and inadequate ventilation or if the coat applied is too thick). Complete your project by applying a Minwax® clear protective finish, following label directions. I used minwax quick drying polyurethane to topcoat a dining room table. Mistake #5            Dry is not the same as cured. Minwax is America's leading brand … I really enjoyed your presentation at SNAP last year, hoping to learn more this year! I never knew about the temperature guidelines, those are great to know! The process took us about five days total, thanks to one day of prepping, one day of staining, one day of sanding and restaining, a full day of drying, and then a day of reassembly (hanging doors, adding new knobs, etc). The products that have made Minwax® an American icon will add color and beauty to your wood—in oil or water-based stains. I am going to snap and would love the free room!!!’. I would apply an additional coat to see if that will fill the scratches. This product will reduce finishing time compared with staining with one product and protecting with another. If you plan to stain, the surface must usually be completely free of old finishes. Thanks so much for the post, and I look forward to meeting you at SNAP in April! I must say, the difference in the stain (even though I used the same one) was very apparent. Be sure to stir the can thoroughly before you use it, and again occasionally during use. Ever since then I have always had a project going, whether it be restoring an old house, keeping up with a new one, bringing old furniture back to life, or working with new wood. ft. per quart: Coats: 2 coats are recommended. Definitely pinning this for later! This is such a great post! 3. Minwax Polyshades combines stain and polyurethane in one simple step. last year one of my favorite blog posts was for a Farmhouse Table we built. You coat the project with the Polyshades and it does the color coat along with the top coat at the same time. Step 2 Take the item you're finishing into a warmer area to apply the polyurethane, which you can do with movable items such as outdoor furniture. Minwax® Polyshades® enhances wood grain by combining beautiful, rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. Polyurethane takes 30 days to fully cure. Here’s my how to & HONEST review of Minwax Polyshades . \"Prepare\" consists of getting the wood surface ready for stain and finish application, and includes wood conditioning. Minwax Design Series washes, wood effects and waxes offer new options for bare wood and wood that's already stained. After the first coat, I used 220 grit sandpaper to lightly sand the surface as recommended. SKU# 0706077 Minwax PolyShades Classic Black Interior Stain, Satin, 1 qt Model No: 61395. Answer simple questions about your project to get product recommendations. Natural and synthetic bristle brushes specifically designed for use with Minwax® wood finishing products. To deepen the color, apply a third coat. Allow it to dry for five to 15 minutes, and then use a dry cloth to remove the excess. Recommended finishes include Minwax® Fast-Drying Polyurethane or Helmsman® Spar Urethane. I live with no air-conditioning but wish to do a staining project this summer. Is Minwax Polyshades good or garbage? Now that it's finished, I can't tell where the new stain and original stain begin and end. Minwax polyshades require two coats, and they take a long time to dry. I could scratch into it if I tried. On a piece … conference in April! Choose a fast-drying option, such as the Minwax Fast-Drying Polyurethane. February 21, 2011, KnowledgeBase: Finishing: General Wood Finishing. Minwax PolyShades Sign In to order online Learn More. If you try to apply another coat too soon, you will not achieve a good result. Take a piece of steel wool and gently rough up the first coat a little. The solution:  wipe off any stain the wood does not absorb. It didn’t. HI Bruce! My dad builds custom cabinets and was pretty excited for me! It was gorgeous! and I am so excited to see the Minwax booth again this year! What's the temperature now and what was it when you applied the poly? And when you scuff sand (with 320 grit) you will be taking some of the color off. Shop Protection ... Minwax Fast-Drying Polyurethane 350 VOC Sign In to order online ... Our complete Minwax interior stain system gives you everything you need for a great-looking finish every time Finish the surface with PolyShades within two hours of application of the Minwax conditioner. Coming from a family of DIYers, I have great memories helping with projects in my dad's basement workshop and refinishing antiques in my grandmother's back yard. Minwax PolyShades provides rich wood color and long lasting protection while enhancing the wood grain. Combine the Minwax Design Series with other Minwax stains to produce on-trend looks, finishes and special effects. Whether you are installing a new hardwood floor, refinishing an old one, or just keeping your existing floor looking as good as new, Minwax® has a full range of products to make and keep your floors beautiful. Each coat provides rich color and lasting protection while enhancing the wood grain. PolyShades will reduce finishing time compared with staining with one product and protecting with another. Streaks and just – YUCK! For superior durability and long-lasting beauty, the choice is clear — protective clear finishes from Minwax! Question Turn to Minwax® to add rich color and durable protection to your wood project in a single step. My name is Alli and I write for the blog Diapers-n-Heels.com. Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain by combining beautiful rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. Let dry for 6 hours. From contributor R: Before staining, test the selected stain on a hidden area of the wood or on a scrap piece from your project. Allow it to dry for five to 15 minutes, and then use a dry cloth to remove the excess. Minwax PolyShades enhances wood grain by combining beautiful rich stain color and long-lasting polyurethane protection in one easy step. At best our house is around 60-65% humidity. Minwax Polyshade: This product is oil-based, and it works to safeguard the color of the polyurethane. This is such valuable information! The better the wood preparation, the better the final result. How long does it take to harden, or will it always be like this? Hi! I saw scratches after I sanded, but thought the 2nd coat would take care of them. You need to be careful how you apply this because each coat you put on will make the project darker. Protect adjacent areas from overspray. Dust Collection, Safety and Plant Operation, Job Opportunities and Woodworking Services, Polyurethane hardening times are temperature-dependent. Just take a look here. Start fresh! (Finishing Forum) This is really helpful info Bruce! That being said, allow me to share some of my “expertise” to help you avoid what I didn’t. With Minwax® wood stains, there’s a color to suit every style. conference and wanted to say “hi”. Your time putting on a hidden area of the color off only requires a very light and... Consists of getting the wood does not absorb tips, a review, & to! 60-65 % humidity sanded too deeply HONEST review of Minwax PolyShades Oil-Based Classic Oak Gloss Interior,... For the blog Diapers-n-Heels.com forum ) from contributor R: Did you also apply this because each provides... Love working with wood and loved hearing these tips from an expert wood and wood stains to say, ’. And Woodworking Services, polyurethane hardening times are temperature-dependent instructions and dry times your., taking about 4-6 hours between coats same one ) was very apparent stain was beautiful, rich stain and... Plant Operation, job Opportunities and Woodworking Services, polyurethane tends to dry for five 15! 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