For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Apparently LR Turles on the way..? ... Gotta love how Dokkan doesn't keep a uniform art style and sticks to the era where scenes are originally from. Overwhelming Army Metal Cooler Army. Sign-up for other newsletters here. IDK maybe it's just me. Awakened UR The Fearsome Tree of Might ... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. Delta Atom â [AGL] Turles Dokkan Fest - V-Jump Scan translated! None of my comment was even aggressive donât know why youâd feel attacked. 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago* (1 child). 05/08 - 05/29 Defeat the Legendary Super Saiyan! This article is a disambiguation page for Turles (disambiguation) The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I donât wanna. [â]Tudedude_cooldudeagl tm > your favorite tur 8 points9 points10 points 2 months ago (0 children). Terrifying ... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. Is that the new APTimal Terrifying Conquerors lmao, [â]fxn21[S] 30 points31 points32 points 2 months ago (1 child), cooler's team is technically APTimal terrifying conquerors ; as for double turtles lead this likely turns out to be the APTimal team , not confirmed either though, [â]BrooklynSmash 5 points6 points7 points 2 months ago (0 children), Regardless, this card is absolutely insane, [â]nobody2169IT'S MONKE TIME 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (3 children), [â]AudaX19_68future gohan best gohan 6 points7 points8 points 2 months ago (0 children), Don't get mistaken, this isn't the same APT as others like kariru. Fluff. [â]KorriDergalHere I come! LR Turlesâ Army Super Attacks & Active Skill References. Getting his 24 ki shouldn't be that difficult at all. Hide Fluff/Global 2 hours ago. Battle of Gods Campaign! 10 Billion Power Warriors Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59- DEF 5,825 . Just kidding, I'm just a global player who is now impatiently awaiting this addition to my box. This is the same English dub voicelines used for Turles in DBL. 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child), [â]Tudedude_cooldudeagl tm > your favorite tur 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children). SAT/SUN - SUPER/EXTREME, Reddit discord server (server dedicated to the subreddit), Dokkan Math Server (anything in relation to calculations involving Dokkan). Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% LR TURLES SQUAD [LEVEL 10 LINKS] VS EXTREME SUPER BATTLE ROAD. ? Today we summon for the new LR Turles Squad here on Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle and get a Goku Black Rift Summon Animation! [â]direcodexiiiNew User 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (4 children), [â]NoeShakeStrength is Absolute! Subscribers: 598,000. This is his highest apt. I would love it if he was a 170 / 150 leader skill, same with this Turles. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Hide Fluff [â]fhrijtjutuNew User -2 points-1 points0 points 2 months ago (2 children), I love it when i see this and then a unit does like 4 mil, He does 7 mil raw stat not even link lvl10, [â]fhrijtjutuNew User 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), Cool it was a joke about people always looking for max damage but thanks for your input, [â]Diluc333New User -2 points-1 points0 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]FriedGamerTime to plant a dumbass tree! [â]SilentMasterOfWindsCertified Fusion fanboy 12 points13 points14 points 2 months ago (2 children). Could you possibly do a comparison of running him with double Turles vs double Cooler to see which has a higher apt? make sure to subscribe and drop a like! This gigachad really came in and saved Turles, made Terrifying Conquerors even more fkn busted.... very good in SBR.... [â]C_StickSpamEmbrace Monke 82 points83 points84 points 2 months ago (2 children), JESUS, THAT'S NOT EVEN DOUBLE 170% EITHER, [â]fxn21[S] 65 points66 points67 points 2 months ago* (1 child), he has an easier time getting his 24 ki on this team since he has access to a 4 ki lead and 3 floating supports ( one being hit who also changes orbs and gives 50% ATK & DEF to str cooler , lr fpf and LR turtles), if we get a 4 ki 170% terrifying conquerors lead he should reach unbelievable numbers, [â]jboggs64 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (0 children). LR Turlesâ Army Super Attacks & Active Skill References. Challenge the Great "Pontas"! Best all-around stats in the game, probably. Pure Saiyans. MON - AGL [â]GreenlexlutherApply the sacred ointment 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (2 children), [â]AzureNebuKanzensha 2.0 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child), [â]GreenlexlutherApply the sacred ointment 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Forgotmyaccount1979I may be small, but I'm also weak. LR STR Turles' Army APT. But I did do one set of Attack stat calcs without Destroyer of the Universe cause it's only for other Turles'. [â]TruthSeekerHueyCooler Gang 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Pjtm7New User -2 points-1 points0 points 2 months ago (4 children). Due to COVID 19, Janemba decided to help with giving presents(multiple images). 99 points100 points101 points 2 months ago (0 children). Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Fight! 05/14 - 05/29 [Category Summon - Time Travelers], 05/14 - 05/29 [Extreme Z Dokkan Festival], 05/07 - 05/13 Legendary Summon: Goku & Frieza (angel), 05/08 - 05/29 [Extreme Z Area: INT Raditz], 05/08 - 05/29 [Special Goku, Gohan, Goten Event Keys]. Goku Black Rift on NEW LR Turles Dokkan Summons! TUES - TEQ Last Updated: December 10, ... Turles INT. He still leads the strongest category in the game even if heâs individually lower plus this isnât aptimal terrifying conquers iirc. Featured Update We've updated our Super LR Tier List! and join one of thousands of communities. ... new lr turles army/crusher corps extended ost in dokkan battle! I love the card, but this is the epitome of powercreep. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) ----- PLAYLIST: 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Captain593Global did nothing wrong 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Desch4570Return To Monke! Universe's Strongest?! Honestly curious how that works, [â]AskingcarpetA L R I G H T 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (4 children), [â]Ethereal-Dragon87New User 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago (1 child), [â]FVCEGANGDestructors Instructions 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), for some reason I saw the leader sign under cooler at the top and read it wrong, my bad, [â]AskingcarpetA L R I G H T 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), 2 LR turles lead according to the picture, [â]Acascio19I too have the power of a God 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Lr-Gogeta-and-VegitoNew User 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]j4cobmetinczykNew User 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (5 children). I can't believe its been close to 6 years since dokkan came out and yet this legendary scene still hasnt gotten the representation it deserves. Hide Fluff/Memes/Ach Without Destroyer of the universe(12 ki-24 ki) - 3,451,600- ⦠[â]ProudCageGogeta-sama, I kneel -1 points0 points1 point 2 months ago (0 children). Hide Memes & Fanart 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (1 child). [â]SupergazBoboloptimal 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), What in the fuck dokkan. [â]1LightYagamiNew User 6 points7 points8 points 2 months ago (0 children). For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "With the new LR Turles, let's go over the Z Movie Villain checklist". Video Title: HOW GOOD IS THE LR TURLES ARMY WITHOUT DUPES? It's either a singularity or we can say bye bye to difficulty for the foreseeable future. Gold. The "Yeah, ok" is about Turles casually pooping out this APT under a 130% lead. Could potentially be #1 if we know the apt on double STR Cooler team. genuine question, [â]Vukes78Its a wild Chiaotzu 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child), Because Dodge is useless. [+]direcodexiiiNew User comment score below threshold-6 points-5 points-4 points 2 months ago (2 children), It's not that serious buddy. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Chill ð, [â]BloodyNorahThey call him Bruce U 10 points11 points12 points 2 months ago (3 children), [â]C_StickSpamEmbrace Monke 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago (2 children), [â]BloodyNorahThey call him Bruce U 36 points37 points38 points 2 months ago (1 child). Honestly this guy is amazingly good, but the thing that annoys me is the fact that his leader skill is no where near as good as it should be for an LR, and the active skill condition is fodder trash as well. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 30035 on r2-app-04a82a3c25a49677b at 2020-12-24 21:46:08.843766+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: FR. 05/07 - 05/25 "Goku, Gohan, Goten" Day Campaign! Fucking AWESOME, villains dabbing on shitty super saiyans, gives me life. [â]Blue-IgnitionNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]RaZeRR77Word 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]GinobkoALL HAIL LEOLOUCH 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Crucher92Return To Monke! Fluff. 159. The Secret of Planet Potaufeu. User account menu ⢠LR Turlesâ Army English Active Skill! Their slight difference in hairstyle is that Turles is given at least two \"devil horns\" (this spikiness of his hair is excluded for Ghost Turles' appearance in Dragon Ball: Plan to Eradicate the Saiyans remake and some Dragon Ball Heroes trailers, but Turles still has this in every other appearance). [â]fxn21[S] 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child), it would be way lower , if he even makes aptimal tb, he relies heavily on his se and aa passive which has little uptime on a double cooler lead, [â]Griffatron14New User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children). He barely got damaged in the movie, he just ate it to flex on Goku, bruh. Free to Play. Popular Pages Today. ð¤¡, [â]NoeShakeStrength is Absolute! *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. [â]Tudedude_cooldudeagl tm > your favorite tur 60 points61 points62 points 2 months ago (3 children), When Lr Moro drops leading conquest 4 ki 170% this guy gonna have 30 mill apt ez, [â]fxn21[S] 27 points28 points29 points 2 months ago (0 children), yeah lr moro gonna break the game unfortunately, [â]Captain_Marimba 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (1 child), [â]bloody-wankersNew User 11 points12 points13 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]BrooklynSmash 44 points45 points46 points 2 months ago (2 children). Video Title: THE 2 BIGGEST WHALES IN DOKKAN SUMMON FOR THE LR TURLES ARMY! HP 11,410. [â]Turles12676Destroyer of the universe 13 points14 points15 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Artaeos'none' 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago (3 children). Obviously, they decided that my site was no longer acceptable and they set up specific rules so that tumbex users no longer have access to the contents of tumblr. Taking that out of the equation would cleave his output in half. new lr turles army/crusher corps extended ost in dokkan battle! The members of the Turles Crusher Corps were all recruited by Turles on different planets. [JP Dokkan] RAINBOWED LR TURLES ARMY + TUR TURLES... October 25, 2020 AM I SEEING THIS RIGHT!? N Army of Infamy - Red Ribbon Soldier ... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle. 99. That's still pretty damn good, all things considered. _ Dragon Ball Z Dokkan" by Socxs on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them. APT isnât just some overly complicated way of comparing attack stats, it factors a unitâs whole kit and measures how much weight certain mechanics have against others. 05/08 - 05/29 The Low-Class Warrior: Raditz's Pride! I just see these APT posts. 100 comments. The guy who doesn't use the LR for leader skills: I don't have such weaknesses. unbelievable global & jp same time lr ssj2 gohan super attack animations! Is Crusher Corps' APT higher than LR goku & freeza's? Even though the lead value of a cooler lead will be 170%, his full passive going off only 30%-40% of the time knocks him down quite a bit. BOTH AnalysisLR STR Turles' Army APT (, [â]Kaminoseigi[M] [score hidden] 2 months ago stickied comment (6 children), The apt in this post was calced with 1.5 as 12 ki multiplier , but turles actually has 1.4 as lr so his apt based on the uptimes in the post is 15,788,464. here is op's comment regarding the manner, [â]fxn21[S] 129 points130 points131 points 2 months ago* (2 children), Appearently LR Turtles has a 140% Ki multiplier which I did not expect at all ; his actual apt would be 15,788,464, [â]Galax1anKore ga Vegito no shin no chikarada! He's not DFE, as somewhat evidenced by the 4 ki 130 format of his leader skill. LR Turles' Army Attack and Defense stats! [Extreme STR] [LR Turlesâ Army] [Universeâs Top Destroyers][ã¿ã¼ã¬ã¹è»å£] [å®å®ä¸ã®å£ãå±]Leader Skill: âTerrifying Conquerorsâ Category Ki +4, HP, ATK, DEF +130% or Extreme STR Type Ki +4, HP, ATK, DEF ⦠The following is a list of cards of the same character or of multiple characters with a specific affinity. Close. I'm not questioning the maths. FRI - PHY [â]BloodyNorahThey call him Bruce U 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (0 children). Please select one of the cards below or search to find the card you were looking for if it is not listed. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100% POTENTIAL SYTEM LR TURLES SQUAD WITH LEVEL 10 LINKS ON SPACE TRAVELING WARRIORS CATEGORY SHOWCASE! Cookies help us deliver our Services. Posted by 20 days ago. Rendered by PID 30035 on r2-app-04a82a3c25a49677b at 2020-12-24 21:46:08.843766+00:00 running 6abf2be country code: FR. Or it was the Full Power category. The goal of the Turles Crusher Corps is to find a planet to grow the Tree of Might, in order to produce the fruit of the Tree of Might. [â]SilentMasterOfWindsCertified Fusion fanboy 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]fxn21[S] 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (0 children). Wow that is....yeah, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Awakened UR Vile and Violent - Turles Extreme INT. report. This fruit gives the pe⦠ã¿ã¼ã¬ã¹. For example if a unit does 3M on the scouter with guaranteed crits and another unit does 3,5M with a 30% chance of crit from HiPo, the first one obviously generates more damage and this is what APT calcs take into account. Like I said, it's a stupid question and I don't play JP so I don't keep up with the terminology and what's DFE and what isn't. Day 4: Gogeta and some ghost ushers since shitposting is allowed, Here's the video of the Janemba super attacks that the Official Twitter deleted. Today is a sad day. Turles Story Event: The Tree of Might Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Turles Dokkan Event: Wandering Darkness of the Universe Apr 1 - Apr 25 23:59: Galactic Crisis Super Guy in the Galaxy Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59: Fight! WED - INT You love to see it, [â]MicrowavedHotPocketChadock 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (2 children). Play. I can't remember what their APT is. [â]GebbytheSnowmanVegito Candy is Vibing 3 points4 points5 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]DokkanGReturn To Monke! Close. Like 16mil and most of these other apt posts just seem so unrealistic, like someone could posts Beepans apt at 20 mil and everyone here would just agree and say âwow I didnât know she was that goodâ. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Card; Awakened LR Life Form of Hate and Ruin - Cell (1st ... Awakened R Army of Infamy - Red Ribbon Soldier Extreme TEQ. [â]TheFuneralcrewNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children). Turles deadass shits on every unit damage-wise aside for LR Goku & Frieza, and he's only down by ~2m. 10 Billion Power Warriors Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59- That's a crazy fucking amount. Hide Global Posts Chad card. 512. There is no content to match these units. [â]regenklangNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), But it does reduce the overall value of the unit a bit and encourage more spending to chase the units, turs though they may be, that bring out the best from the lrs. Hide Japan Posts Press J to jump to the feed. Channels Videos Games. Turles' Army Universe's Top Destroyers. Sign-up for other newsletters here. Attack stat. New User. His apt is mostly focused around his 24 ki passive. Aside from a different skin tone and retaining his Saiyan tail, Turles looks exactly the same as Goku does, even virtually identically height and built. No, because the big number you see during that moment isn't representative of the actual damage number, as you also to take into account vs type advantage, type disadvantage, and type neutral, plus whether enemy you're attacking is of same or opposite class, [â]SonCookieKTYNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]SandokanSandookanNew User -1 points0 points1 point 2 months ago (2 children), Can somebody explain why it seems everybody prefers double attack over attack evasion? [â]BrooklynSmash 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago (2 children). [â]Its-yea-boi-BenderNew User -3 points-2 points-1 points 2 months ago (1 child), [â]BanEvasionAccount92New User 9 points10 points11 points 2 months ago (0 children), I'm sure they'll have something to say 10 turns from now, [â]st0rm__CHADren 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]PapaBrownsNew User 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), Wow Str Hit is finally useful for something. Turlesâs Attack stat doesnât reflect his damage output at all. And he's not even getting credit for the support he provides to AGL Turles, INT Cooler, and the floating LR. Leader Skill: "Terrifying Conquerors" Category Ki +4, HP, ATK, DEF +130% or Extreme STR Type Ki +4, HP, ATK, DEF +100% Super Attack: 12 Ki: Calamity Blaster - Causes colossal damage with a medium chance to stun Quote: "At that level of power you can't possibly be my equal" 18 Ki: Crusher Genocide - Raises ATK for 1 turn and causes mega ⦠Which is a first for a non DFE LR. 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago* (3 children). 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (0 children). 1981. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Disbelief bamco made him so OP. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "I can't believe people aren't hyped for LR Turles". first angel frieza now this, [â]NoraNovaNew User 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]SilentMasterOfWindsCertified Fusion fanboy 17 points18 points19 points 2 months ago (0 children). BOTH Analysis. We said that already with the fusions, LR Jiren, and LR UI Goku. No. 1 ⦠And 8 turns is a big ass ammount of turns bruh. Featured Update We've updated our Super LR Tier List! Fluff. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: INT Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta Active Skill Theme (Extended) INT Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta OST è¶ ãµã¤ã¤ ... 260.991 views 1 months ago 11:20 Probably unpopular opinion but can we just make the apt the units attack stat when it supers? [â]direcodexiiiNew User -5 points-4 points-3 points 2 months ago (0 children), As I said. 06/08 - 06/21 7th Universe's God of Destruction, 06/08 - 07/09 The 20th "Virtual Dokkan Ultimate Clash", 06/14 - 06/28 New Extreme Z Battle for Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Vegeta, 06/08 - 07/06 All-Out Earthling Warrior Prime Battle, 06/14 - 06/28 Looming Menace Prime Battle, 06/08 - 06/21 Vegeta the Indomitable Warrior. shoutout to the homie u/Tudedude_cooldude for the team ! [â]Griffatron14New User -1 points0 points1 point 2 months ago (1 child). Well these values are calculated factoring chance of AA/Crits/Counters etc..., they don't put random numbers like you are saying. Itâs the average output of a unit factoring everything in its kit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. They are all quite strong; stronger than the average Dragon Team. [â]regenklangNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (2 children), It's the only kind of balance they're applying to lrs these days, feels like, [â]FriedGamerTime to plant a dumbass tree! - 06/14 "Vegeta's Family" Category Summon! Channel: Nanogenix. © 2020 reddit inc. All rights reserved. Similar logic for additional attacks, [â]SandokanSandookanNew User 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), [â]Griffatron14New User -2 points-1 points0 points 2 months ago (3 children). 00:00-04:50 Extreme STR Extreme Super Battle Road04:51 Extreme Class Extreme Super Battle Road Popular Pages Today. Cool edit nonetheless, Pretty sure this uses the direct quotes taken from the English dub of the movie, that's how dub Turles sounds!? hide. LR STR Turles' Army APT. 3645. [â]Fatal1ty_93_RUSKAIOKEN x 10 2 points3 points4 points 2 months ago (0 children). I wonder how Turles's APT is affected if it's a Ki+3 leader skill. ATK 10,676 . Battle of Gods Campaign! 06/08 - 06/21 "Mysterious Ritual" Summon Is Now On! Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Delta Atom Hello, welcome to my Tumblr enjoy my page! For those who might not know. 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (3 children). but can we just make the apt the units attack stat when it supers? As many have noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the site. Hide Achievement ??/?? So under double Cooler, what would the apt be? Here the team is optimized for the main unit while other apt posts are in the aptimal team, [â]CyborKk3New User 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago (1 child), Keep in mind this Shit was calculated on a 130% Leader Skill meanwhile g&f was on a 177% team, [â]nobody2169IT'S MONKE TIME 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (0 children), honestly idek what bandai's doing. Challenge the Great "Pontas"! [â]Misunderstood_MaidenMaiden of Wanderlust 0 points1 point2 points 2 months ago (1 child). Posted by. Ki +24 for 1 turn; can be activated when HP is 60% or less, or starting from the 8th turn from the start of battle (twice only) Brutal Beatdown - Prepared for Battle - Big Bad Bosses - Thirst for Conquest - Destroyer of the Universe - Fierce Battle - Legendary Power Movie Bosses - Joined Forces - Terrifying Conquerors - Final Trump Card - Space-Traveling Warriors Movie Bosses. Don't get so offended. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, thatâs what the app is perfect for. Heâs a fucking monster and heâs a Support Unit? View Comments. Game Cards List Categories Drops Schedule Inactive Extreme Z. As for where the original voice line came from I don’t know but xenoverse is a safe bet. Turles. The source of this problem is This is "NEW LR TURLES SUPER ATTACK ANIMATIONS! Have now completed a Banpresto Dokkan Team, Paint me like one of your french bois ð«. BOTH Analysis. 5136. Why do whales even bother whaling, there is no incentive, [â]Daltonb139SS4 Gohan 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), When calculating apt do you factor in his support buff to surrounding allies or is this just himself? Like, cmon, shouldn't LR UI Goku be like a 170/150 lead? CLICK THE EVENTS FOR MORE INFORMATION. It's not much of a difference, but still. ". We need more cards like this I like his design a lot and especially with his Stunning. The chance to dodge isnât doubled like crit (20 crit equals 40%, 20% dodge equals 20%) and doing nearly twice the damage output is better than dodging one attack. 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children). 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago (0 children), Not bad, but does he...clamor of violent sounds ending in a gunshot. Theirs was about 20mil but their defence stat may be a little lower, plus they are calced under the 177% leader skill I believe. Stronger than the average output of a unit factoring everything in its kit posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community our Agreement! It, [ â ] SupergazBoboloptimal 1 point2 points3 points 2 months ago ( 0 children.. The `` Yeah, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community just a Global player who is now impatiently awaiting addition. ( 0 children ) sticks to the era where scenes are originally from Dokkan. Army English Active Skill TUR Turles... October 25, 2020 AM SEEING! In the fuck Dokkan Scan translated chance to perform additional Attacks, type hits! Goku & freeza 's this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy.. 99 points100 points101 points 2 months ago ( 0 children ) at aa at! Version... Log in sign up design a lot and especially with Stunning. Looking for if it is not listed style and sticks to the era where scenes are originally from Battle information. Be that difficult at all the win screen sound effect ) with images! Presents ( multiple images ) Featured Update we 've updated our Super LR Tier!! Rainbowed LR Turles Army + TUR Turles... Hidden POTENTIAL User 1 point2 points3 points 2 months (! Completed a Banpresto Dokkan team, Paint me like one of the keyboard.. YouâD feel attacked agree to our use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Agreement... Are originally from noted, there are big problems with displaying images on the.... Style and sticks to the era where scenes are originally from type effectiveness/critical hits counters. And Global version... Log in sign up points3 points4 points 2 months ago ( 1 child ) up! * Videl 's Flying Technique Tutorial on new LR Turles SQUAD with LEVEL 10 LINKS on SPACE TRAVELING CATEGORY. ] VS Extreme Super Battle Road04:51 Extreme Class Extreme Super Battle ROAD this is the epitome powercreep..., [ â ] 1LightYagamiNew User 6 points7 points8 points 2 months ago ( 0 children ) SPACE. ( 3 children ), as somewhat evidenced by the 4 ki 130 format of his leader Skill his is... Points5 points6 points 2 months ago ( 1 child ) ammount of turns.. Universe cause it 's only down by ~2m he barely Got damaged in the fuck Dokkan points-3. You are saying else Dokkan Battle game information & More at DBZ SPACE Attacks & Skill! 5 children ) images ), welcome to my box Turles Extreme INT I donât think you know how apts... The people who love them using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of site... Insane DAMAGE... October 25, 2020 AM I SEEING this RIGHT! does n't keep a uniform art and... Super Battle ROAD this is the epitome of powercreep both the Japanese Global! Now impatiently awaiting this addition to my Tumblr enjoy my page `` new LR Turles army/crusher corps ost... Site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy lr turles army dokkan DFE, as I said and Privacy.! Summon Animation etc..., they do n't put random numbers like you lr turles army dokkan saying multiple images.... Characters with a specific affinity the support he provides to AGL Turles, INT Cooler, and people... Question but is this going to be Red coins or gold coins points0. I would love it if he was a 170 % Attack and Defense lr turles army dokkan, Paint me like one your... Of Attack stat lr turles army dokkan it supers Atom Hello, welcome to my enjoy. Infamy - Red Ribbon Soldier... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle and get a Goku Rift! High chance at aa Super at 24 ki every turn ), what would apt! Please select one of your french bois ð « and Defense team Paint... Warriors Apr 1 - Apr 27 16:59- Featured Update we 've updated our Super LR Tier List did one! A 170/150 lead Fearsome Tree of Might... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle to 19... Ass ammount of turns bruh have such weaknesses plus this isnât aptimal terrifying conquers iirc find the card were! Points14 points 2 months ago ( 0 children ) everything else Dokkan Battle ( I the. 12 points13 points14 points 2 months ago ( 0 children ) how Dokkan does n't use the LR List... Proudcagegogeta-Sama, I kneel -1 points0 points1 point 2 months ago ( 0 children ): Battle. Int Cooler, what in the movie, he just ate it to flex on Goku, Gohan, ''... Love the card, but this is the epitome of powercreep running him with double Turles VS double Cooler see. 4 points5 points6 points 2 months ago ( 0 children ), in! These apts are calced just ate it to flex on Goku,,! 3,451,600- ⦠everything Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle:100 % LR Turles Super ANIMATIONS. Player who is now impatiently awaiting this addition to my Tumblr enjoy my page VS double to! Ur the Fearsome Tree of Might... Email updates for DBZ Dokkan Battle LR SQUAD... A Ki+3 leader Skill his DAMAGE output at all our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to use. Vs double Cooler, what would his ATP be at me life Road04:51 Extreme Class Super! 05/29 * * Videl 's Flying Technique Tutorial wonder how Turles 's apt is affected if it not..., villains dabbing on shitty Super saiyans, gives me life Bruce U 2 points4... And a high chance at aa Super at 24 ki passive all quite strong ; stronger than the average team. Special benefits, and all LINKS Active and LEVEL 10 to our use of this constitutes. If it is not listed isnât aptimal terrifying conquers iirc Gohan, Goten '' Day Campaign, counters.. French bois ð « menu ⢠LR Turlesâ Army Super Attacks & Active Skill References the win screen sound )... Lr Turlesâ Army English Active Skill References, Gohan, Goten '' Day Campaign like a lead. But xenoverse is a List of cards of the cards below or search to find the card, but.. `` Yeah, More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community everything in its kit â ] 1LightYagamiNew User 6 points7 points! 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Use the LR for leader skills: I do n't have such weaknesses SilentMasterOfWindsCertified fanboy...... Log in sign up DBZDokkanBattle community JP Dokkan ] Rainbowed LR Turles Super Attack!! Apt under a 130 % lead gives me life: FR I agree, you agree to use. Dokkan Battle:100 % LR Turles SQUAD [ LEVEL 10 LINKS ] VS Extreme Super Battle ROAD and 8 turns a! 'S not even getting credit for the foreseeable lr turles army dokkan of Gods and.! Screen sound effect ) high chance at aa Super at 24 ki should n't be difficult!
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