Who told you about that?! Mr. Burns: (sighs) 'Cause all I really wanted was to be included in your group. 18:57. ; Fanfic Fuel: This episode has spawned a lot of Rule 63 fanfics … 20:09. (turns to his picture) So, anyway... (continues to tell it McBain's secret.). Blinded by Science/Band Together Cow Pie … ", [The next day. Moe is on his phone, Otto is watching TV, and Bart is reading a newspaper. (the brothers look over to McBain, who is actually referring to the burger he's eating.) "Lincoln: "Sorry. The Loud House. "Who told you that?" Naked Loud House Sisters BirdUp624 35 4 Bobby and Alisa (swimsuits) Sturk-Fontaine 8 1 First Interaction MegaD3 93 143 Bad Dare Day InklingBear 105 12 Contigo a mi lado LinkAssault 13 1 Suspicious Chat ponysalvadoreno 72 6. [pulls out a fancy suit] "I need a butler for my tea party. (Mr. Burns sadly parts off, as his siblings look on with sadness. Aristotle Amadopolis: Do you want the dirt or not? Don't you want me to put more of that pink crud on your toenails?! The Loud House S01E13 For Bros About to Rock + It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House. With Collin Dean, Catherine Taber, Liliana Mumy, Cristina Pucelli. ]Lola: "Top me off, Linkington." LISA!!!!!! Lincoln knocks on her door and comes in. Krusty: (barging into the room with a bowl of popcorn.) (Aristotle whispers a secret to Marge, causing her to gasp loudly.) Who told you that? "GUYS, STOP!" Moe is seen driving up to a parking space, and turns the car off. "[The siblings begin laughing. "Lana: [raising her hand] "Ooh! Ha ha ha ha ha. (She disregards the warning and crumples up the note and finds another note in the wastebasket.). End flashback. It was a beautiful winter day, and Lincoln had just gotten off the computer. Mr. Burns: (gasps happily, rips off his uniform and reveals his normal outfit and starts dancing with joy.) Now if you'll excuse us, those of us who can trust each other are going to hang out. We don't have an article named Quotes/ … Marge: I broke Dad's disco ball, Otto caused the blackout, Moe scratched the car, and Artie ruined Dad's wedding tuxedo. Professor Frink is sorting cereal bits for Mr. Burns, the grain cereal in a bowl marked "YES" while the almonds go in another bowl marked "NO"). "Lucy: [gasps loudly, realizing she knows about her secret.] "[Lincoln gasps knowing Lola is coming and hides the bugged tiara in his cap. [Episode begins at night with the Loud siblings in Lori and Leni's bedroom. After Lincoln gets a pink hand-me-down bike from Lori, he borrows Lynn's cool BMX bikewithout telling her. Watch online or on your favorite connected device with the Vudu app. ), (Moe and Homer's room. (Artie looks up with realization. (Marge tips the coffee pot over.) Watch Queue Queue -”They couldn't,” said Lincoln. I don't hear any coffee! . ]Lincoln: "YOWCH!" Lori is seen driving up to a parking space, and turns the car off. (as she examines the tie, she notices a microphone attached to it. Marge: (facepalms) No, it's Mr. Burns! The Loud House Lookback Review A Tattler s Tale 3 Home Latest Popular Trending Moe: Well, now we know who the rat is. What are you doing? The following is a collection of images from the episode "Making the Grade". After Lola rips off her jail jumpsuit, she switches to her normal attire. But then I realized I went about it in the wrong way. ]Lola: "Well, what did you expect? Only a MORON would write secrets in a notebook. One of the Boys: When Lincoln wonders what his life would be like if he had … I let go of my heavy water bottle and it smashed right into Dad's disco ball, and it broke into a million pieces! She enters the room. The siblings are back to telling secrets.). Hey. How to Draw Lily Loud _ The Loud House … Lisa is currently researching on friendship. "And you got some really good dirt on Lola, too. "Okay, I'll admit I used to be a tattle-tale, but I've changed!" Marge knocks on his door and comes in.). Mr. Burns: It was the only way I could get you to hang out with me! "[She sees her window open while Lincoln is holding on by the sill and closes it on his fingers. Mr. Burns growls loudly, tosses his neck tie on the ground in fury, and yells at the top of his lungs.) That's not happening." So, is the last time time for this season (1) where I will have to mush together remnants of episode pairs because I'd have previously done them before. Sub to angryanimefan2 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AngryAni... Twitter: https://twitter.com/angryanimefan2 The Idol Ruhisu 50 8 Cloud Sonson-Sensei 242 14 Lincoln and Johnny: 5 Years Later 2.0 364wii 8 0 Runnin' Home Ruhisu 45 3 … I think he's ratting us out! "[As Lola was yelling at her Mom, her tiara landed on the floor. "Lori: "Bobby! [gets an idea] "Actually, yes!" Mr. Burns: Top me off, Marge. [Lincoln and the others look at her with disbelief while a cricket chirps.] He's so proud of that thing! (sighs in defeat). By now, Lola has forced all of her siblings into doing menial tasks for her. (It's revealed that he's whispering McBain's secret to a picture of himself on the wall. [Lily sits down] I am trying to find scientific guidance or the forging of social bonds, street name: friendship. Ha ha ha ha ha. 22:37. Weren't those steel toe? I hear there have been a lot of blackouts lately. Otto Mann: (through clenched teeth, more irate) So needless to say...I'm odds and ends....But I'll be stumbling away... Mr. Burns: How's my paperwork coming, Frink? [Lincoln tips the teacup over.] Otto, Professor Frink, McBain, Smithers and Gerald: Ooooooooooooooooh! "[sighs] "Unfortunately, nothing in my vast library addresses this topic." It's not like my picture will tell anyone! Realizing this, she tries to inch herself away, unknowingly leaving jagged scratches on the side of the van with her purse. "[Lincoln has just told all his sisters Lola's secret, leaving them completely flabbergasted. But the great thing is, if you need to get something off your chest, you can always trust your siblings. NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM! She looks up) I'd hate for Dad to find out who broke his precious disco ball! (chuckles. "Lori: "If she's taking us down, we're taking her down with us! If anyone needs me, I'll be up in my room for the next 30 days. The siblings are having another meeting.). "Lucy: "Hard pass. The Loud House S02E09 Lock 'N Loud. Get it? 11:46. You're it. Mr. Burns: LISA!!!!! I took the blame for all the stuff you did. Lisa: "Not now, youngest sibling. What did he do to these men? [ducks as Lana whacks Leni with a pillow, knocking her off the bed.] Lincoln wishes he had ten brothers instead of ten sisters, and Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality. She put a microphone in her tiara, and eavesdropped on our meeting! Agnes Skinner: (noticing the tie on Marge's chest) Nice tie, Simpson! The room is pitch black and only the eyes are visible.) (laughs) That was me! School of Rock. 3 years ago | 51 views. ]Lola: "Hey, Luce. Abonnez-vous à la lettre d′information de Guitare-cover et recevez l'ebook des accords de guitare gratuitement ! It's not fair! Mr. Burns's a pro. Marge: (reading it) I said GET OUT OF MY ROOM! They all shrug their shoulders, pretending not to know. (In his room, Mr. Burns is playing a dirge on a harmonica and is now wearing a denim prison outfit. (she pulls off the item, revealing to be Mr. Burns's neck tie) What the? Share atelier's bookshelf any time. Wubbzy: … Browse more videos. Well, good luck with that! ), (Living room. Directed by Chris Savino. ]Lori: "Well, I think we all know why we're here. You've earned our trust! I don't want the government getting suspicious. [shivers] "Brr! (laughs) Isn't this fun, everyone? Sheesh! "[The siblings leave while Lola looks on with disappointment, realizing they got the upper hand. GUYS, STOP! One of the Boys: When Lincoln wonders what his life would be like if he had … ], [Lori and Leni's room. ]Luna: [realizing Lola knows her secret.] That's not happening. [turns to her stuffed animals] "So, anyway..." [continues to tell them Lynn's secret.]. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get black paint out of clothes? (All the siblings begin to fight, blaming each one of them for being the rat. Marge: (determined) Everyone makes mistakes, even Mr. Burns! "[Lola shrugs her shoulders, pretending not to know. A Tattler's Tale is aThe Simpsons/The Loud House parody. [as he examines the tiara, he notices a microphone attached to it. "Lola: [scoffs] "I am NOT!" [laughs] "Isn't this fun, everyone? En este análisis veremos todo sobre el capitulo A Tattlers Tale espero que lo disfruten.\r\r\rThe Loud House Latinoamericano : \r\r\r\rPara ver episodios completos de The Loud house Debes ir a :\r\r The Loud House S03E37 Tea Tale Heart. Aah! Professor Frink: Just 10 more minutes, and I'll have all your cereals separated for you, Mr. Burns. Mr. Burns: (angry) BUSTED! Découvrez un catalogue de miners pour cryptomonnaies, par Journal Du Coin et Sesterce! End flashback. "Luna: [through clenched teeth, more irate] "♫With an oink oink here, and an oink oink there...♫"Lola: "How's my homework coming, Lis? 17. fgadfanpage:[Sarah Hawkins] Mother … Over here!" Mr. Burns: (sighs) You guys are off the hook. "Lola: "You're telling secrets again, aren't you? "[She plays a different line; Lynn is now painting Lola's toes. Mr. Burns walks out with a depressed expression.). She begrudgingly begins to scratch Lola's head.] Want to play "Drive me around while I practice my pageant wave"? THEY WON'T LET ME IN THEIR SECRET SECRETS CLUB!!!!!!! Fan Characters. ]Lincoln: "She wouldn't dare! I'm Charles Montgomery Burns! (Moe looks on with disdain. Lola glumly walks away while the others look on dumbfounded. Added 4 years ago anonymously in cartoon GIFs Source: Watch the full video | Create GIF from this video. Watch The Loud House 23 - One of the Boys_A Tattler's Tale - S-Rublyovki on Dailymotion. "[While Lola closes her eyes, Lynn gives Lincoln the signal. End flashback.] Make the macaroni a little crooked. "Lincoln: "That's because you're a tattle-tale, Lola. Moe: I accidentally scratched my car with my key. Originally posted on December 12th 2018. "OH, YES YES YES YES!!! (growling) Err! [runs off]Mr. Grouse: "Oh. "[Flashback to yesterday. End of flashback.). Luna reluctantly places Lola on the couch as she angrily sits down on the floor. Lucy is seen descending the basement stairs wearing Mom's wedding dress, completely repainted in black. TRY MAKEAGIF PREMIUM Remove Ads Create a gif. Aristotle Amadopolis: Psst! But what do we do about it? Artie is seen descending the basement stairs wearing Dad's wedding suit, completely repainted in a different shade of black. "Leni: [pulls up Lisa] "Lisa? Check out these cartoon GIFs. ]Luan: [with realization] "Wait a second. Jessica DiCicco … "Who told-"[Luna stops talking, realizing that her father is right next to her. Mom and Dad's bedspread was burnt to a crisp! Marge yells in shock.). Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. (He's actually scolding nobody, realizes that, and changes subject) Brr! Browse more videos. [The doorbell rings. You're grounded for a month. "Lana: "Yeah, she still has all our secrets! The one he got from winning the Springfield "Dance Your Pants Off" contest?! [closes diary] "Man, she's good! I think she's ratting us out! Directed by Chris Savino. "[sighs] "Unfortunately, nothing in my vast library addresses this topic." ", [Miss Liza's Pageant Training Center; Lincoln is talking with some of Lola's pageant rivals. (Marge gasps knowing Mr. Burns is coming and hides the neck tie in her cap. "[As Lola laughs at the fun she's having, her siblings all grumble in frustration, knowing they're not having fun. Enjoy the prickles. And sister, of course. I give A Tattlers Tale two tea parties out of four. "[The sisters all lower their eyebrows in annoyance, except for Luan, who snaps her fingers at her for telling such a good joke. ]Lucy: "I rather enjoy the darkness. 11:44. Bitmain, Innosilicon, Whatsminer... Les plus grandes marques sont disponible. (chuckles) Nice try. I painted Mom's wedding dress for my dark betrothal to Edwin."[Flashback. (The brothers all lower their eyebrows in annoyance, except for Krusty, who snaps his fingers at him for telling such a good joke.). But you know I have to punish you. [ducks as Lana whacks Leni with a pillow, knocking her off the bed.] (Episode begins at night with the Simpson siblings in Moe and Homer's bedroom. Marge falls and yells and lands on a cactus. Marge: (to the viewers) What can I say? Lisa checks her list of secrets. "[Lucy dons a chauffeur's cap, and begins driving as Lola begins waving. (grabs the note) If you're reading this, you must be snooping. (Flashback. Professor Frink checks his list of secrets.). ]Lola: "Lori, can I have head scratchies? Girl: It's all long and bendy. Marge: No one has dirt on Charles Montgomery Burns? With no one looking, Lincoln approaches the closet, and a pair of hands drag him in. "Lincoln: "I know. ], [Lori and Leni's room. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. Okay, I'll admit I used to be a tattle-tale, but I've changed! -”Is the circus not coming?” asked Lana. "Lynn: [gasps] "Oh no!" "Sheesh! Thanks!" ]Lynn: "Almost done with the second coat! Lisa: "Not now, youngest sibling. A Tale of Tails (Outside) *Kickety-kickball bouncing* *Kick* *Whistling.., BOING* *Rattling, bowling pins SFX* *BOING* *Wobbling, pop* Wubbzy: Wow! [Looks up at Luna playing a double bass.] Claps twice] "Jester! the loud house a tale of two tables script Artie: (gasps loudly, realizing he knows about his secret.) *Bouncing* Wubbzy: Wheeeee! Homer: (thinking McBain is referring to a real rat, horrified.) [smiles thinking she's got her] "Just kidding. "Lola: "Okay." THEY WON'T LET ME IN THEIR SECRET SECRETS CLUB!!!!! Care packages welcome. … (his siblings' curiosity is piqued) I was in the living room, practicing my pile driver with Dad's coffee table. I took the blame for all the stuff you did. Moe: Well, I think we all know why we're here. Uh, smooth jazz, Otto? Krusty: (dressed as a jester, unenthusiastically) Why do chicken coups only have doors? "[The sisters begin cheering. "Lola: "Oh, okay. Mr. Burns: Hmm. He then looks at the viewers. Get it? "Lincoln: "Then why'd you threaten to tell on us and make us do all that stuff? The camera zooms in on the tiara, revealing the microphone. Ooh! (He sees his window open while Marge is holding on by the sill and closes it on her fingers. I never get included! McBain: Almost done with the 2nd set of polish! (to everyone else) So which one of you low-lifes is it? What are you doing? "What the?" One of my favorite Loud House episodes and needed to lookback onto. He put a microphone in his neck tie, and eavesdropped on our meeting! Playing … Get link; Facebook; Twitter; Pinterest; Email; Other Apps; Popular posts from this blog The Loud House - Funny Business & Snow Bored - October 23, 2016 Download | HD 720p | 162 MB | 22:24 Min | WeShare Read more The Loud House - Home-Spun - September 22, 2016 … ), (Moe and Homer's room. [voice breaking] "If anyone needs me, I'll be up in my room for the next 30 days. THEY WON'T LET ME IN THEIR SECRET SECRETS CLUB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the great thing is, if you need to get something off your chest, you can always trust your siblings." Signed, Lola." "[Lola sadly parts off, as her siblings look on with sadness. Library. The room is pitch black and only the eyes are visible.] "Lola: "Oh, I just thought you wouldn't mind since you've been scratching a lot of things lately." "Lincoln: [determined] "Everyone makes mistakes, even Lola! I'M IN! I hear there have been a lot of blackouts lately. "EW! "Lana: "Global warming! But what do we do about it? "Guys! Guys! I hope your show doesn't, you know, like, end suddenly. 0:24 (Mr. Burns turns back at Otto with a wicked grin. C’est la base pour bien comprendre votre guitare, savoir … One of the Boys Ensemble Dark Horse: Linka (Lincoln's female counterpart) … It's cold in here. (groans) Where the heck did this cactus come from? Sometimes, we mess up. S-Rublyovki. Professor Frink: (pulling up a sheet of paper that has the bill and the amount added up perfectly) I'm up to the ninteenth bill. "Lola: "Hmm. Marge: (theorizing) But what if we had one of his? Lincoln wishes he had 10 brothers instead of 10 sisters, and Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality; Lola wants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club, but her siblings are reluctant to let in a tattle tale. Soon, the meeting is over and the siblings are all wrapping up as they head back to their rooms while Smithers goes into the bathroom.). Marge: No! Proceed. "Lindsay Sweetwater? Un e-mail de confirmation vous sera envoyé. Signed, Charles Montgomery Burns. ]Lola: "Oh, really?" Care packages welcome. "I hate for Dad to find out who broke his precious disco ball! It's not fair! "Lincoln: [gasps loudly, realizing that Lola knows his secret.] 1 Screenshots. "[Lincoln sighs, and tips the teacup over while making a whooshing sound to make it sound like tea is pouring out. [Lori gasps, realizing Lola knows about her secret. Mr. Burns: Yes! octobre 27th, 2014 admin . "Lincoln: [theorizing] "But what if we had one of hers? En este análisis veremos todo sobre el capitulo A Tattlers Tale espero que lo disfruten.\r \r \r The Loud House Latinoamericano : \r \r \r \r Para ver episodios completos de The Loud house Debes ir a :\r \r. "Luna: "Sorry, little dudette. Mr. Burns gasps) Oh, wait. Lola motions Lucy to start driving.] The Vocaloid Lyrics Wiki attempts to follow the Fandom TOU, and thus will not host lyrics which are extremely sexual, violent, or discriminatory in nature.If the lyrics found on this page is found to violate the Fandom TOU, they might be removed without notice. ]Lincoln: [reading it] "I said GET OUT OF MY ROOM! So, is the last time time for this season (1) where I will have to mush together remnants of episode pairs because I’d have previously done them before. "Lola: "Yes!" Previous The room is pitch black and only the eyes are visible.] "Luan: [dressed as a jester, unenthusiastically] "Why do chicken coups only have two doors? WHERE?! 3 years ago | 41.7K views. ]Lisa: "Mmm. The kids are having another meeting. Lincoln wishes he had ten brothers instead of ten sisters, and Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality. (Artie dons a chauffer's cap, and begins driving as Mr. Burns begins waving. He covers his tracks. How 'bout a little … (sees something on his nightstand) Mr. Burns's journal of secrets! (Marge and the others look at him with difbelief while a cricket chirps.) I never get included! I painted Dad's whole wedding suit a different shade of black for my dark betrothal to Edwina. (all his siblings are surrounding him angrily. ]Lincoln: "So then, bam! 1. -”They couldn't,” said Lincoln. Anything for you, sis! Homer: (points to Professor Frink) Frink? 1.2 The New Lisa; 1.3 No more help; 1.4 Lincoln realizes his mistake; 1.5 Back to kindergarten; 2 Behind the Scenes; 3 Deleted Scenes; 4 GIFs; 5 Panoramas; Screenshots A new student? Thanks, bros! Mr. Burns: Oh, good job, Frink. McBain: Aw, so you guys won't believe how bad I messed up the other day! ]Lola: "Morning, Linky!" My remote control plane smashed right into Dad's disco ball, and it broke into a million pieces! 1.1 A new student? Moe: Don't worry, you're not the only one hiding something from Dad. Otto Mann: Sorry, dude. In the basement are a bunch of disfigured small statues looking towards Edwina, Artie's vampire bust. (The club comes in to talk about their secrets with their new member.). "Leni: "Politics! Otto Mann: (playing the mandolian, irate, singing Take On Me) Take on, me.... take, me, on..... take on me..... Mr. Burns: (correcting Otto) Uh...I believe I said get to "So needless to say". "Lola: "Oh, good job, Lisa. [chuckles. Search. Signed, Charles Montgomery Burns. A page for describing Quotes: Loud House S 1 E 23 One Of The Boys A Tattlers Tale. The Loud House Season 1 Episode 4 - A Tale Of Two Tables + The Sweet Spot. Lola walks out with a depressed expression. [Lola's competitors scream in fear upon hearing Lola's name and run away.] Mr. Burns: (after hearing the secret about him) Holy shamoley! Smithers: (raising his hand) Ooh! Lola wants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club, but they won't let her in because she's a "tattle tale." Sigh. Lynn and Lana are having a pillow fight, Luna is bouncing Lily, Luan is braiding Lucy's hair as she reads an Edgar Allen Poe book, Leni is painting Lori's toenails, and Lincoln is speaking with Lisa. 'Cause if they had four, they'd be chicken sedans. Marge: If you tell Lisa and Bart our secrets, we'll tell them yours! ]Luna: "You think that's bad? But you know I have to punish you. Lolawants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club, but they refuse to let her in because of her tattle-tale tendencies. School of Rock . Lincoln wakes up and sees Lola looking at him with a wide smile. "I'm up to the letter "S". [the sisters look over to Lynn, who is actually referring to the burger she's eating.] Otto Mann: You think that's bad? 3 years ago | 41.7K views. That was so fun! The Loud House Nickelodeon Previously, Lincoln has to claw back 4 girls (not really) and later, Lori wants Bobby back , for real context read that past post Here. By now, Mr. Burns has forced all of his siblings into doing menial tasks for him. “It's too bad my circus friend's couldn't come here to visit me, but at least I still got to see them over video chat,” said Lincoln, as he spoke to the audience. End flashback. Lola knows our secrets, and she's literally torturing us! Discuss The Loud House - Season 1, Episode 46 - A Tattler's Tale: Lola is banned from the siblings' exclusive club for being a squealer. (waving goodbye) Everybody get home safe! A "rat" is an informal term for a "snitch"." (Flashback. Lola gasps.] ]Lola: "MOM!!!!! "Oh yeah!" She then looks at the viewers. Who's next? "[The siblings gasp in shock. ), Mr. Burns: Oh, I just thought you wouldn't mind since you've been damaging a lot of things lately. Marge: Then why'd you threaten to tell on us and make us do all that stuff? He grabs Marge by the collar of her dress.) I just saw Mr. Burns marching into Lisa and Bart's room! WHERE?! "Lynn: "Baseball! "Hey. I don't want my teacher getting suspicious." ], [Lana and Lola's room. (he swipes the bedsheets off of Marge. ]Rita: "Thank you for telling the truth, sweetie. Get out of my room...or else. "Lori: "I accidentally scratched the car with my rhinestone purse!"[Flashback. I'm going to help you. He's so proud of that thing! "Lola: [sighs] "You guys are off the hook. "The one he got from winning the Royal Woods "Dance Your Pants Off" contest?! Mr. Burns: (scoffs) I am NOT! ]Lola: "Aw, you guys! McBain: (from downstairs, feigning concern) Mr. Burns, come back! "Lola: [gasps happily, rips off her uniform and reveals her normal outfit and starts dancing with joy.] (Marge sighs, and tips the coffee pot over while making a whooshing sound to make it sound like coffee is pouring out. "Who told you about that?! Is this Lindsay Sweetwater? Trying to look handsome for the Power Plant Owner competition? (gets an idea) Actually, yes! "Lincoln: [facepalms] "No, it's Lola! I believe I said he had a pig. It was a beautiful winter day, and Lincoln had just gotten off the computer. Training for a beauty pageant? Lincoln wishes he had 10 brothers instead of 10 sisters, and Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality; Lola wants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club, but her siblings are reluctant to let in a tattle tale. I can't, because someone ruined it. Marge: Wait. "[The club comes in to talk about their secrets with their new member. Lincoln falls and screams and lands on a cactus. ]Lincoln: "If you tell Mom and Dad our secrets, we'll tell them yours! YEAH, BOI! ], [Living room. Lori is texting on her phone, Luna is watching TV, and Lynn Sr. is reading a newspaper. Lincoln wishes he had 10 brothers instead of 10 sisters, and Lisa gives him a glimpse into that reality; Lola wants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club, but her siblings are reluctant to let in a tattle tale. Atelier's bookshelf seems great? Lola comes up to her room and gasps in shock. "Lori: "Don't worry, you're not the only one hiding something from Dad. Marge: Yep, and now, it's time to take him down! Follow. (the siblings cease their fighting) I know who the rat is, and his name rhyes with "Churns". "Lynn: [from downstairs, feigning concern] "Lola, come back! Liliana Mumy Leni. During their squabble, Lincoln flies out, and lands on something that pierces his butt. End of flashback.). I just saw Lola marching into Mom and Dad's room! Sign up. (Mr. Burns shrugs his shoulders, pretending not to know. (Flashback. Weren't those steel toe? [her siblings' curiosity is piqued] "I was in the living room, practicing my pile driver with Mom's ironing board. (He plays a different line; McBain is now polishing Mr. Burns's shoes.). ]Lynn: [off-screen] "Man, that is juicy!" Mr. Burns glumly walks away while the others look on dumbfounded.). Marge: That's because you're a tattle-tale, Mr. Burns. (sees another note attached to it) If you landed here, it means you were snooping in my room. "Lola: "It was the only way I could get you to hang out with me! The Loud House Season 2 E10 Fed Up & Shell … A page for describing YMMV: Loud House S 1 E 23 One Of The Boys A Tattlers Tale. [the siblings cease their fighting] "I know who the rat is, and her name rhymes with "granola". "Lincoln: "I broke Dad's disco ball, Luna caused the blackout, Lori scratched the car, and Lucy ruined Mom's wedding dress. Mr. Burns knows our secrets, and he's literally torchering us! Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media praised the show's voice cast and thematic messages, writing that "kids will come to The Loud House for the laughs, but they'll return for the ensemble cast and the surprisingly … Luna sets the volume on her speakers to "Super Max" and strums her guitar once, causing a citywide blackout. ]Lincoln: "What? She sneaks into Smithers and Mr. Burns's room and searches every nook and cranny until she finds a secret note under Mr. Burns's matress.). [Lindsay whispers a secret to Lincoln, causing him to gasp loudly.] (Marge turns around and sees him sticking out of a closet door. "Holy...", [Back at the Loud House]Luan: "...Shamoley! (she pulls her bedsheets back on.). Marge: Hey, Mr. Burns, you know we talked it over, and decided...you're in! "[As Lynn talks about her secret, Lola is so happy to hear every detail. The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. ], [Backyard. Realizing this, he tries to inch himself away, unknowningly leaving jagged scratches on the side of the van with his key. "I said, no sweets before dinner, Mr. Smithers: Yeah, he still has all our secrets! Watch The Loud House: One of the Boys; A Tattler's Tale at TVGuide.com Join / Sign Up Keep track of your favorite shows and movies, across all your devices. ]Lincoln: "No one has dirt on Lola Loud?" [The doorbell rings. Lisa is currently researching on friendship. "[The kids begin to chatter nervously. Not because I like you, but because I'm tired of always coming in second place to Lola!Lincoln: "Wait. (The Power Plant Owner Auditorium; Marge is talking with some of Mr. Burns's competition rivals.). . "[It's revealed that she's whispering Lynn's secret to her stuffed animals. "Lynn: "Fat chance. [Lori looks on with disdain. Holy... (Marge has just told all her brothers Mr. Burns's secret, leaving them completely flabbergasted.). Lynn and Lana are having a pillow fight, Luna is bouncing Lily, Luan is braiding Lucy's hair as she reads an Edgar Allen Poe book, Leni is painting Lori's toenails, and Lincoln is speaking with Lisa.] One of my favorite Loud House episodes and needed to lookback onto. Mar 23, 2017 - A Tattler's Tale/Gallery | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom "Luan: [barging into the room with a bowl of popcorn.] la case de cousin paul | Créateur de lumière depuis 2005, nos guirlandes à composer aujourd'hui iconiques ont été rejointes par des luminaires tissés à la main. Krusty: (with realization) Wait a second. Contents. Lisa and Bart's bedspread was burnt to a crisp! What did she do to these girls? So you know how Dad was yelling at Santa's Little Helper for scratching up his boots? https://scratchpad.fandom.com/wiki/A_Tattler%27s_Tale_(The_Simpson_House)?oldid=2913264, Aristotle Amadopolis as Lindsey Sweetwater. ]Lincoln: "Aha!" Sub to angryanimefan2 Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AngryAni... Twitter: https://twitter.com/angryanimefan2 Mr. Burns: Oh, really? When he opens the door, he accidentally dents the car next to him. Kids:... Kooky Kid: Your tail is kooky. Where? Otto is playing a mandolian, McBain is polishing Mr. Burns's shoes, Smithers is dressed in a fancy tux, and Marge is back to being Mr. Burns's maid.). The Loud House 23 - One of the Boys_A Tattler's Tale. Ooh! No subscription, free sign up. The Loud House Full Episodes | Episodes 45&46 - One of the Boys & A Tattler's Tale. It's cold in here. Originally posted on December 12th 2018. ]Lola: "Whatcha guys talkin' about? The Loud House S01E13 For Bros About to Rock + It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House. Sometimes, we mess up. At the beginning of the episode, Luan is wearing her bunny slippers, but when Lola enters the room, the slippers are gone. ], [In her room, Lola is playing a dirge on a harmonica and is now wearing a denim prison uniform and a pink bandana with her hair now more curled. `` Okay, I should have tried to earn your trust. Tale of two tables + Sweet! She examines the tiara, revealing the microphone believe how bad I messed up the other day! [ at. 'S neck tie, Simpson Lincoln walks up to her normal attire on Charles Montgomery Burns: Oh,!! [ laughs ] `` everyone makes mistakes, even Lola! Lincoln: Yeah...: Aw, So you know, like loud house a tattler's tale script end suddenly groans ) Where the heck did this cactus from... Marge and the others look at him with his fancy sports car, now know! ( Episode begins at night with the Casagrandes, Pranks for the Plant. ' curiosity is piqued ) I need a butler for my dark betrothal to Edwina her cap is it Lola... Him sticking out of my favorite Loud House S 1 E 23 one of you low-lifes is it rat horrified! Her tattle-tale tendencies is it find scientific guidance or the forging of social,! Marge is seen wearing the dress Mr. Burns while Mr. Burns sadly parts off, his! A cactus [ smiles thinking he 's got her ] `` Cause all I really wanted was be. Tiara in his cap in Bite Schooled anyone know how Dad was at... To LET her in because of her tattle-tale tendencies brothers instead of using your against... Secret to a real rat, horrified. ) YES YES YES YES YES. Burger she 's whispering McBain 's secret, leaving them completely flabbergasted. ) once causing... You and never miss a beat to take him down with us item, revealing microphone... The Full video | Create GIF from this video: `` Well, now we know the. 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