
lake hopatcong algae 2020

Aerial photo shows algae bloom at Lake Hopatcong, June 2019. ... (4/1/2020) and continues through the second Wednesday in December (12/9/2020). To be considered safe, a water sample must contain less than 20,000 cyanobacteria cells per milliliter, the New Jersey DEP says. Lake Hopatcong is one of the only lakes in the state that boasts lakefront restaurants that are accessible by boat! Scientists, Lawmakers Tour Lake Hopatcong With Eyes On Preventing Algae Bloom In 2020. However, there seems to be conflicting information that is being disseminated. Aerial photo shows algae bloom at Lake Hopatcong, June 2019. The Lake Hopatcong Commission is an independent State agency overseen by an 11-member board of Commissioners. Lake Hopatcong, the state’s largest lake, suffered a rash of toxic algal blooms at some of its beaches, eliminating swimmingfrom six of them from late June until mid-August last year. The operations manager at Bridge Marina on Lake Hopatcong expected to make big money on boat rentals this four-day Fourth of July weekend. Leave a Comment Cancel Reply. Lake Marcia at Hopatcong State Park, Hooks Creek Lake in Cheesequake State Park, and Lake Waywayanda are all currently open for swimming at reduced capacities. Putting leaves in the water is like fertilizing our lake for next year’s algae growth. It's Baaaack: Algae Bloom Returns Lake Hopatcong - Hopatcong-Sparta, NJ - NJDEP has confirmed the presence of a harmful algal bloom in sections of the lake. As New Jersey’s largest lake, Lake Hopatcong drew the most attention, but the state DEP confirmed it detected harmful algae on 39 bodies of water last year. By. Arlington contained 26,000 cyanobacteria cells per milliliter while a sample taken from the Lake Forest beach contained 26,375 — both within the DEP’s guidelines for a “watch” notice. Bipartisan legislation from U.S. Rep. Brian Mast and former U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson that secures federal funding to combat harmful algal blooms has been signed into law by President Donald Trump. Lake Hopatcong Marinas. The elevated levels triggered a blue “watch” advisory at the beach area of Lake Forest Yacht Club, in the Jefferson portion of the lake, and another at Mt. However, there seems to be conflicting information that is being disseminated. Posted Thursday, January 16th, 2020 . Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) Website. By Russ Crespolini, Patch Staff. A year after Lake Hopatcong was shut down by one of the largest algae bloom outbreaks in state history, the harmful pollution has resurfaced. Despite the recent drop in temperatures, harmful algal blooms continue to emerge in lakes and streams statewide, including two new spots where swimming is now prohibited and residents are at moderate risk for health problems in Lake Hopatcong. Hopatcong Lake Regional News, August 5, 2020, Sad News: Lake Hopatcong Foundation Block Party – Canceled for 2020. John Peter Arendasky Obituary. ... Aug 12, 2020 … Environmentalists are attacking the growing problem of toxic algae blooms that closed Lake Hopatcong and other New Jersey lakes for much of 2019. All rights reserved. Usually watercraft line … Scientists, Lawmakers Tour Lake Hopatcong With Eyes On Preventing Algae Bloom In 2020 Same Type Of Algae That Shut Down NJ Lakes Linked To Dog Deaths In North Carolina A skin rash, the mildest symptom, can occur from direct contact with bacteria. Lake Hopatcong N.J. In 2019, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection had issued a warning for Lake Hopatcong because of a harmful algae bloom that had taken over the … “We are hearing [about harmful algal blooms] all over the place and with the hot, sunny weather, it’s great for them to bloom.”. On Lake Hopatcong you can take your boat right to a restaurant - dock it - have a bite to eat and then get back on your boat! Please DO NOT: Blow or rake leaves directly into Lake Hopatcong, nearby drainage ditches, streams, streets or storm drains. Had a public beach been located along that section, it would have been required to close. The state advises against the use of kayaks but motorboats are OK. READ NEXT. Aeration allows oxygen to circulate in the water, allowing plants and animals to thrive and removing the “food” necessary to help algal blooms survive. A skin rash, the mildest symptom, can occur from direct contact with the bacteria. SUBSCRIBE NOW $3 for 3 months. In 2019, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection had issued a warning for Lake Hopatcong because of a harmful algae bloom that had taken over the … By 2000, the Knee Deep Club, a group of sport fishermen who run fishing derbies, stock the lake and perform many services for the community, formed Save the Lake 2000. Morris and Sussex Freeholders Jointly Support Efforts to Deal with Lake Hopatcong Algal Blooms . “Governor Murphy shares the frustration caused by the unfortunate algae blooms in Lake Hopatcong," spokeswoman Alyana Alfaro said. The toxic algae blooms that impacted Greenwood Lake, Lake Hopatcong and others prompted a swimming and fishing advisory from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection. LAKE HOPATCONG – … Please DO NOT: Blow or rake leaves directly into Lake Hopatcong, nearby drainage ditches, streams, streets or storm drains. A year after Lake Hopatcong was shut down by one of the largest algal bloom outbreaks in state history, the harmful bacteria has resurfaced. 6 . The Aug. 11 sample taken a quarter mile from River Styx bridge had 111,500 cyanobacteria cells per milliliter and the Aug. 6 test taken near the private boat docks found 116,125 cells per milliliter. The watch does not require the closure of the beach, but the state says residents should be mindful of the potential for allergic reactions. Shares. Arlington Mayor Michael Stanzilis said in a Facebook video posted Thursday. Both had the goal of improving the lake for business, recreation and the lives of the residents. Under an “advisory,” residents are told to not swim or even step in the water in the affected area. Environmental officials are monitoring algae bloom levels on Lake Hopatcong. We have what is, as of this writing, the latest information on the harmful algal blooms (HAB) that […] The Commission is responsible for conducting, managing and coordinating activities for the preservation, restoration and enhancement of Lake Hopatcong and its watershed. While the club’s beach is members-only, the Mt. LAKE HOPATCONG, NJ – Hopes for a better summer on Lake Hopatcong were tentative at best when weed harvesting started in the always problematic Crescent Cove on the morning of Wednesday, June 24. Response to Harmful Blooms that Devastated Lake Hopatcong’s Recreational Season and Related Businesses in 2019 As you work through your spring cleanup list, please remember to rake or blow your leaves away from the lake and not into it. New Jersey Herald, August 17, 2020, Warnings issued for two more toxic algae blooms in Lake Hopatcong. Other lakes WILL NOT be opening for summer 2020 including Sunrise Lake Beach Club, Tomahawk Lake and Waterpark, Lake Nummy, and Lake … To be considered safe, a water sample must contain less than 20,000 cyanobacteria cells per milliliter, according to state guidelines. Filed Under: Algae Bloom, Alice Gainer, Lake Hopatcong… Here is John Peter Arendasky’s obituary. Updated Jan 28, 2020; Posted Jan 27, 2020 The beach area at Hopatcong State Park was one of several beaches on Lake Hopcatcong that were closed to swimming last summer due to a harmful algal … “It’s a process that takes time.“. Jul 30, 2020, 5:55pm EDT. The state also declared a watch in Raccoon Cove, just north of Raccoon Island in Jefferson. Last year, widespread algae blooms put a damper on summer fun in New Jersey. The Commission is responsible for conducting, managing and coordinating activities for the preservation, restoration and enhancement of Lake Hopatcong and its watershed. © 2020 www.njherald.com. Just days ago, the Community Association at Prospect Point beach in Jefferson was treated with an ecologically friendly alternative to common copper-based algaecide treatments, the agency said. Rain Date: August 21st. This year, shore beaches are already hitting capacity so that’s not an option for many of us. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of John Peter Arendasky of Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, born in Dover, New Jersey, who passed away on December 17, 2020. There are a number of great marinas in the Lake Hopatcong area and each has its own area of expertise. The blooms absorb sunlight, which makes water warmer and promotes even more outbreaks, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Image courtesy of Morris County Freeholders. Kane said as “everyone keeps an eye” on the lake, several projects have taken place in recent months to help mitigate the algal blooms. While cell counts of 80,000 per milliliter or more are required to shut down a beach for swimming, a “watch” advisory still indicates the potential for residents to experience allergic reactions or other health issues from the water. Glen Rock High School Senior Connor Cunningham,17, the founder of Friends of NJ Ponds, works his project to clean up toxic algae from the duck pond at Saddle River County Park in Glen Rock on 08/06/20. News 12, July 30, 2020, Officials monitoring algae bloom levels on Lake Hopatcong A … Lakes closed across the Garden State, sending lake lovers to the shore. Stanzilis said that due to the influx of crowds, access to the popular beach would initially be limited to borough residents only. We have what is, as of this writing, the latest information on the harmful algal blooms (HAB) that are present on the lake. Samplings taken by the state Department of Environment Protection, or DEP, and confirmed Monday show elevated levels of the blue-green algae in two spots across New Jersey’s largest freshwater lake. Please accept Echovita’s sincere condolences. Samplings … Beaches are not required to close under a “watch” advisory. A drone's view of Lake Hopatcong, looking north last summer from Hopatcong State Park, shows a green algae bloom filling King Cove, along the south shore of Bertrand Island. ... November 23, 2020 @ 8:00 am - January 6, 2021 @ 7:00 pm. The Hopatcong State Park beach area is now under a “watch,” with a sample finding 39,500 bacterial cells per milliliter. The heightened levels triggered an “advisory” for residents in a spot roughly 1,400 feet, or just over a quarter mile, north of the River Styx bridge in the Hopatcong section of the lake. Hopatcong Lake Regional News, August 2, 2020, LHF gets our Lake Conditions Right – Currently Just a Watch – Out of Town Reporting Incorrect. A year after Lake Hopatcong was shut down by one of the largest algal bloom outbreaks in state history, the harmful bacteria has resurfaced.Samplings taken by the state Department of Environment Protection, or DEP, and confirmed Monday show elevated levels of the blue-green algae in two spots across New Jersey’s largest freshwater lake. How Algae Blooms On New Jersey’s Lake Hopatcong Will Affect Your Summer Plans. Eleven sites will be tested by Princeton Hydro on … Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club. Arlington, and Roxbury), two counties (Morris and Sussex), and their environmental consultant, Princeton Hydro, to develop both short- and long-term management strategies for the lake. 75 Bertrand Rd, Mount Arlington, NJ. Boat Rentals. Fishing is allowed but fish caught should not be consumed, according to the DEP. Whether you are looking to rent a boat or purchase one - whether you are shopping for new boats, used boats, water sports equipment or … Phil Murphy, far right, makes a point during the December meeting at the Lake Hopatcong Foundation’s Landing headquarters to announce the state’s initiative to combat algae blooms. July 2 2020 @ 9:30pm. In 2020- Registration Open . Algal blooms may be the new reality — until those projects start making a bigger difference, he said. Lake Hopatcong had its first reported harmful algal blooms on July 27 this year — a late start compared to the June closure of many portions of the lake in 2019. Pile leaves close to the lake where wind will likely carry leaves into the water. April 24, 2020| Environment. Other efforts, such as phosphorus-controlling technologies and stormwater infrastructure upgrades, will be more of a long-term solution, Kane said. August 16, 2020, LHF: Photos of historic flood of 2000 sought. Borough of Hopatcong, $145,680, for a 12-month project to demonstrate the effectiveness of bottom-diffused aeration and prevention of harmful algal blooms at Crescent Cove in Lake Hopatcong. By: Lake Hopatcong Foundation . A roadside sign warns visitors to the presence of a harmful algae bloom in Lake Hopatcong in New Jersey, July 16, 2019. Grants Nearly $70,000 To Help Fight Algae Blooms At Lake Hopatcong, Greenwood Lake Algae blooms forced both lakes to close last summer. Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Aaeration systems, rain gardens and other improvements are being put in place thanks to an $833,000 grant — a combined $500,000 from the state’s DEP and the remainder from local agencies. The Lake Hopatcong Commission also announced on Wednesday that the DEP has awarded it a $206,000 grant to address the lake’s nutrient sources to help reduce the likelihood of harmful algal blooms. Delaware Currents was selected to be part of a nationwide … Freeholders Approve $50,000 in Matching Funds for Lake Hopatcong Commission Application to State DEP People are advised to avoid any contact with water from Lake Hopatcong after widespread algae blooms were found, the DEP said. Scientists, Lawmakers Tour Lake Hopatcong With Eyes On Preventing Algae Bloom In 2020 September 19, 2019 at 6:35 pm Filed Under: Algae Bloom , Alice Gainer , Lake Hopatcong … Last summer was a nightmare for Lake Hopatcong due to an outbreak of potentially toxic algae that closed it and some of New Jersey's other popular summer lake destinations. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. Many New Jersey lakes are not yet open for swimming including Atsion Lake and Shepherd Lake. Hopatcong swim area is currently under a Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) WATCH. TAPinto … Essential Lake Hopatcong. Lori Comstock can also be reached on Twitter: @LoriComstockNJH, on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/LoriComstockNJH or by phone: 973-383-1194. DONATE . Lake Hopatcong has the finest (and some of the only) lakeside dining in the State of New Jersey. Press Releases DEP Launches Algal Bloom Map and Strategy for Lake Hopatcong and Other Lake Communities . Six additional spots tested along Lake Hopatcong did not have any harmful algal blooms present, including Byram Cove and Crescent Cove, two popular boating spots. Updated on: Oct 04, 2020, 5:18pm EDT Environmental officials are monitoring algae bloom levels on Lake Hopatcong. New Jersey Gov. November 20, 2020| Environment, Education By: Donna Macalle-Holly. The project is the latest funded by a $833,000 grant to help control and mitigate harmful algal blooms. It's #NewsMatch Time! The warning was not believed to be in effect on Saturday, when more than 150 motorboats and kayaks were in the area for a flotilla to support President Donald Trump. The operations manager at Bridge Marina on Lake Hopatcong expected to make big money on boat rentals this four-day Fourth of July weekend. Protecting Lake Hopatcong through the decades - Delaware Currents on July 9, 2020 at 10:21 am […] See related story: Lake Hopatcong battles algae and aquatic weeds […] Reply. Marty Kane of the Lake Hopatcong Commission reminded the commission that algal blooms are common in October and the bloom was widespread in […] Kane said the switch was turned on Friday for an aeration system installed in Crescent Cove — one of the hardest hit spots in 2019. “We are holding our breath,” said Marty Kane, chairman of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation. N.J. creates warning system for harmful algal blooms after last year’s lake closings by Frank Kummer , Updated: May 21, 2020 Fertilizer runoff combined with warm winters helps aquatic weeds grow vigorously in Lake Hopatcong. 261 reviews. As multiple projects and plans are underway on Lake Hopatcong to protect against a resurgence of Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs), we learned recently the first of the tests are underway this week on May 19, 2020. Some residents are even looking at personal rain gardens to absorb chemical runoff that would fuel algal blooms in the lake. Lake Hopatcong Cruises. Six additional spots along the 2,461-acre lake have tested negative for the blooms. Go play. The state DEP provided $500,000 with the remainder coming from local agencies, funds that were announced in March. If ingested, the toxins they produce can cause abdominal pain, headaches and sore throats, among other symptoms. Lat 40°55'03", long 74°39'51" referenced to North American Datum of 1983, Roxbury Township, Morris County, NJ, Hydrologic Unit 02040105, in gatehouse at left end of Lake Hopatcong Dam on Musconetcong River, 0.9 mi north of Landing, and 2.5 mi northeast of Netcong. The state warns residents not to drink water or eat fish caught in the lake under a watch. Another group of lake business owners founded the Lake Hopatcong Alliance. The same applies to pets. Six additional spots did not have any harmful algal blooms present when tested recently, including Byram Cove and Crescent Cove, two popular boating locations. The blooms absorb sunlight, which makes water warmer and promotes more outbreaks, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Algae tends to bloom in the summer months when water temperatures are warmer than usual. See all. Summer 2019 was devastating for local residents and businesses after harmful algal blooms emerged as early as June, with several beaches along the lake not even reopening until mid-August. SUBSCRIBE NOW $3 for 3 months. Lake Hopatcong had its first reported harmful algal blooms on July 27 this year — a late start compared to the June closure of many portions of the lake in 2019. Cleanup crew: Glen Rock high school student is cleaning up dangerous algae bloom — one pond at a time, Resurgence: State confirms new algal blooms on Lake Hopatcong a year after the lake was shut down, Beaches, boats and business: Lake Hopatcong hoping for a better year. Posted by November 30, 2020 November 30, 2020. Stephen Souza, owner of Clean Waters Consulting, and an expert on the algae blooms, said groups like those at Deal Lake and Lake Hopatcong are well … Bridge Marina. Posted Thursday, May 28th, 2020 . Hopatcong Lake Regional News, August 16, 2020, The Lake Loop’ goes virtual! Lawmakers Tour Lake Hopatcong With Eyes On Preventing Algae Bloom In 2020. were in the area for a flotilla to support President Donald Trump, Glen Rock high school student is cleaning up dangerous algae bloom — one pond at a time, State confirms new algal blooms on Lake Hopatcong a year after the lake was shut down, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. July 5, 2020 at 9:31 PM. … Samples with more than 80,000 cells per milliliter will shut down a beach. Desperate to … We will begin to release water from Lake Hopatcong on Thursday, November 12, 2020. The advisory also covers a section of the lake that is accessible by private docks along Hudson Avenue in Crescent Cove — one of the hardest-hit areas when toxic blooms shut down the lake for much of last summer. … If ingested, the toxins they produce can cause abdominal pain, headache and sore throats, among other symptoms. Samples taken from two areas in the state’s largest lake on Aug. 6 and Aug. 11 and confirmed Monday show elevated levels of the harmful blue-green bacteria, according to the state Department of Environmental Protection’s interactive map. Posted Feb 16, 2020 at 8:30 AM HOPATCONG — With the summer and swimming seasons still months away, the Borough of Hopatcong is taking steps to … By. ‘Thirst for Knowledge’ - Controlling HABs at Lake Hopatcong . Lake Hopatcong Projects Planned to Prevent and Mitigate Harmful Algal Blooms . Search. Morristown Green Contributor - July 1, 2019. A watch remains in effect at Mt. Lake Hopatcong Tourism: Best of Lake Hopatcong. 85 reviews. So, to combat HABs in the upcoming 2020 summer season, the Lake Hopatcong Commission has partnered with the Lake Hopatcong Foundation, four municipalities (Jefferson, Hopatcong, Mt. Lori Comstock can also be reached on Twitter: @LoriComstockNJH, on Facebook: www.Facebook.com/LoriComstockNJH or by phone: 973-383-1194. Boat Tours. Comment. The algal bloom that has taken over Lake Hopatcong is a problem, and it has many people concerned, according to reports The Jefferson Chronicle has seen and heard. Create a Trip to save and organize all of your travel ideas, and see them on a map. Fight Against Lake Hopatcong Algae Blooms Continues with 'Biochar' Bags By FRED J. AUN. Aerators were installed in Crescent Cove in late July, the Commission wrote in a Facebook post on Friday. A summer-long HAB ruined recreation and tourism at Lake Hopatcong last summer as DEP urged people to stay away from the bacteria infused lake water. Those levels would pose a moderate risk for adverse health effects should the water come in contact with a person’s skin or if ingested, the DEP says. “Even if they are successful ... it doesn’t immediately eliminate the blooms,” Kane said. One remnant of the algal bloom that devastated Lake Hopatcong this summer remains in near Byram Bay, Melissa Castellon of Hopatcong State Park told the Lake Hopatcong Commission on Tuesday, November 12. Samples taken at the two areas show heightened levels of the same cyanobacteria found at Swartswood Lake last week and in the New Jersey portion of Greenwood Lake, where high levels of algae were reported at Browns Point. Updated on: Oct 04, 2020, 5:18pm EDT. Algae tends to bloom in the summer months when water temperatures are warmer than usual. Harvesting was starting more than a month late because the pandemic closed state offices, including the Motor Vehicle Agency, meaning boat licensing revenues weren’t coming in to … Create a Trip. Algae removal from duck pond in Glen Rock. Several steps have already been taken to eliminate the blooms, but it will take time for them to pay benefits, said commission Chairman Marty Kane. DEP Launches Algal Bloom Map and Strategy for Lake Hopatcong and Other Lake Communities Posted Thursday, June 25th, 2020 Response to Harmful Blooms that Devastated Lake Hopatcong’s Recreational Season and Related Businesses in 2019 Usually watercraft line … Arlington Beach. Aug 9, 2020 0 A dangerous algae bloom on Lake Hopatcong washes up against a boat ramp at Lee’s Marina in Mount Arlington in 2019. By Patricia Alex, Kathleen Lynn | | April 13, 2020 | Appears in the April 2020 issue. He did not immediately respond to a request for comment regarding the algal blooms. Places to see, ways to wander, and signature experiences. The blooms have returned, but are not as severe as last year when the lake … Environmentalists are attacking the growing problem of toxic algae blooms that closed Lake Hopatcong and other New Jersey lakes for much of 2019. A year after Lake Hopatcong was shut down by one of the largest algal bloom outbreaks in state history, the harmful bacteria has resurfaced. An abundance of decomposing leaves in the lake will increase nutrient levels … Kane said the area is “already seeing good results.”. > lake hopatcong water quality 2020 General lake hopatcong water quality 2020. Canoeists, kayakers and even jet skiiers are urged to take caution and pets and livestock should be kept away from the water, according to the DEP. State, County, Local Governments and Organizations Support Lake Protection Effort. A sample from Mt. The 36-month project will also include development of a long-term harmful algal bloom strategy for Branch Brook Lake. Bucco/Pennacchio/Oroho Applaud DEP Grants for Lake Hopatcong and Greenwood Lakes to Fight Harmful Algae Blooms March 10, 2020, 7:18 pm | in Senator Anthony Bucco, Senator Joe Pennacchio and Senator Steve Oroho welcomed news of three grants from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to help control harmful algal blooms and maintain clean water at Lake Hopatcong … The warmer weather, not to mention the stay-at-home order, has many of us tending to our yards to get some sun and exercise. Image courtesy of Morris County Freeholders. “This is a new reality across the nation with climatic conditions changing just enough for everyone to see things we didn’t use to see,” Kane said. September 19, 2019 at 6:35 pm. According to a press release, the grant will fund the design and implementation of four in-lake or watershed projects to reduce the availability of phosphorus that contributes to the increase of blooms. Colleen Lyons, the administrator of the Lake Hopatcong Commission, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment. Opinion: Those nasty, toxic algae blooms in our lakes would vanish if towns use the tool Trenton gave them January 27, 2020 JULIA SOMERS / STAR-LEDGER – Lake Hopatcong is New Jersey’s largest lake, one of many tucked into the famed and scenic Highlands. The algal bloom that has taken over Lake Hopatcong is a problem, and it has many people concerned, according to reports The Jefferson Chronicle has seen and heard. Posted Thursday, June 25th, 2020 . The Lake Hopatcong Commission is an independent State agency overseen by an 11-member board of Commissioners. Start planning for Lake Hopatcong. TAPinto Roxbury, August 16, 2020, Roxbury-Based Group's 'Lake Loop' Event to be Virtual Due to COVID-19. Sun 20. Photo: Christopher Bean/The Jefferson Chronicle. Putting leaves in the water is like fertilizing our lake for next year’s algae growth. It's Baaaack: Algae Bloom Returns Lake Hopatcong NJDEP has confirmed the presence of a harmful algal bloom in sections of the lake. Arlington section is a public area that has been “hammered” with visitors due to nearby Hopatcong State Park’s capacity limits, Mt. The largest, most notable blooms of blue-green algae in recent years occurred in Lake Erie, and have repeatedly threatened Toledo, Ohio’s municipal water supply. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of John Peter Arendasky of Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey, born in Dover, New Jersey, who passed away on December 17, 2020. The toxic trend in the Garden State began last June with the closure of the state’s largest freshwater lake, Hopatcong in Sussex County. 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