Source_VOA 681221 A serviceman inspected our furnace. 3 The records are open to public inspection. These examples are all simple sentences, despite their length: The mangy, scrawny stray dog hurriedly gobbled down the grain-free, organic dog food. Justin will judge the beauty contest only if his ex-girlfriend competes. In addition to your local optical shops, which will allow you to try frames on and inspect the composition, you can take your search online. Inspect your business Christmas cards when the order arrives. 3. Landlord's right-of-entry: landlord has a right to enter at reasonable times to inspect and make repairs but cannot enter without permission. (note that in this case inspection is a noun coming from the verb "inspect") 3.) Remember: Unless you are a professional home inspector you should always commission someone to thoroughly inspect a home prior to buying it. Physicians were urged to inspect the clamps before use and ensure that their dimensions fit the infant's body parts. Examples of inspected in a sentence: 1. Inspect your dog's body for abnormal growths every time you shampoo him. Power was also given to prescribe uniform systems of accounts for all classes of carriers, and to employ special examiners to inspect the books and accounts. Examples of Inspect in a sentence. The advantage of seeing the game before you buy it is obvious, as you can inspect the disc/cart for damage. When shopping for oil lamps carefully inspect the glass and you might notice a difference in the color of the glass globe versus the glass bottom. A small step in the right direction was made in 1900 by engaging the services of an official of the Prussian forest department, but unfortunately, beyond sending him to inspect the Mazandaran forests belonging to the Crown, and employing him to lay out a small plantation in the Jajrud valley, east of Teheran, nothing was done. In 1765 the elder Forster was commissioned by the empress Catherine to inspect the Russian colonies in the province of Saratov, which gave his son an opportunity of acquiring the Russian language and the elements of a scientific education. Since you can't inspect the product before you buy online, you may want to buy from a store like Lowe's or Home Depot. While you are cleaning your grout, inspect it for cracks or crumbling areas. To verify this, let us denote the true coefficient of An-rar by (,), so that we have to prove that (;`.) Simple, effective, and reliable check of the structure of your sentence. Little prep time: You may not have enough time to completely investigate the title and inspect the property before making a bid. What does inspect mean? In the following year, moreover (382), he was commissioned by the council to inspect and set in order the churches of Arabia, in connexion with which mission he also visited Jerusalem. Inspect the gown closely and have a friend or family member do the same. The commissioner must inspect once each year all penal, correctional and eleemosynary institutions, including public hospitals, jails, poorhouses and corporations and organizations doing charitable work; and the commissioner appears as next friend in cases affecting the property of orphan minors, and has power to investigate complaints against public and private institutions whose charters may be revoked for cause by the commissioner. You should also inspect the electrical cord for signs of damage, as a damaged cord can create a fire hazard. Another word for inspect. Instead of having to inspect every square inch of your face for mishaps after the foundation is dry, women using powder foundation are able to take the guesswork out of their concealer. Register to get answer. Definitely inspect the work they've done when they're finished, though. Learn more. Inspect sentence they Inspect the baggage one by one?2.the public utilities commission Inspects us once a year3.moreover, he gave the treasury secretary (himself) power to Inspect the books and to receive weekly reports on the bank's activities.4.the seller have to Inspect … Inspect drawer glides for smooth operation and make sure that all hardware is in place, like the caps on the bottoms of desk legs, drawer handles and keys. People love to inspect each other's houses. 1 From December 1998 to December 2002, … How to use inspect in a sentence. We regularly inspect all our members to make sure their work comes up to scratch. Snails are a bit easier to find due to their shells, so inspect the undersides of objects and pick them off. The county commissioners have the care of county buildings, consisting chiefly of a court house, gaol and house of correction, but are not allowed to expend more than one thousand dollars for repairs, new buildings or grounds, without authority from the county convention; the commissioners have the care also of all other county property, as well as of county paupers; and once every four years they are required to visit each town of their county, inspect the taxable property therein, determine whether it is incorrectly assessed and report to the state board of equalization. (ii.) Inspect your CPAP or BiPAP machine and mask regularly to make sure that they are still the best options for your treatment and your lifestyle. If you are trying to match an existing piece, make sure to take photos and inspect any Thomasville furniture find for minimum and even fading. Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and, 13. Feeling rather foolish at the selfish nature of my grief I stood to inspect the panel. The captain wants to inspect your kit. Please go ahead and inspect. The home inspector is trained to visibly inspect the home and to take note of anything that appears out of the ordinarily. Inspect the bottoms for rust and verify that all drawer glides are stable. In this sentence, Jasper gasped is the main idea; it’s also the subject-verb pair. When shopping for a used replacement crock, inspect the crock carefully for cracks or breaks. Sentence types can also be combined. 3. smallholder coffee farmer bends to inspect several bushes which have just caught his attention. The hieromnemones were required periodically to inspect the lands belonging to this god, to punish those who encroached, and to see that the tenants rendered their quota of produce; and the council held the states responsible for the right performance of such duties by their respective deputies (CIA. Inspect in a sentence. A chief inspector on duty that night has already been transferred to other duties. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Besides the frame and lights on the trailer, you will also want to inspect the floorboards, especially if they are wooden. Answer. Unpack and inspect: After your travels, be sure to unpack your suitcase in a well lit area and inspect articles for bugs. And off he went to inspect it. Try to purchase a vintage jewelry ring holder in person so that you can inspect it for flaws before buying it. U.S. You should also closely inspect the rules of the homeowner's association that governs the functions of the condo development. 2. Next, prune any dead branches and inspect trees regularly for diseases and insect infestations. Prior to making a used equipment purchase, fully inspect the supplies and make sure they meet the standard sets forth by your state's Department of Health. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. First, inspect the arrangement thoroughly - the glass sleeve should have no chips or cracks, and none of the decorative accents should be trapped beneath the bottom edge of the glass. 3. The subject and verb are in italics. We ate meat with my best friend yesterday. I am inspecting. I read an interesting book last month. Before you wear it, have a jeweler inspect it, tighten stones, clean it and make any necessary repairs. It usually rains every day here. He or she will be able to make recommendations based on the materials they're made from and inspect the fit once they're on your eye and again when they have been on your eye for about a week. If it is a compound sentence, write CD in the blank. a. simple sentences. Related Questions. This contract may also require for you to inspect the car for any scratches and write them down prior to renting the car. Inspect the wound and the tick, while still in the tweezers, to make sure the head did not break off and get left behind in the skin. 6. She left the school in 2010. Do inspect the trailer before you buy it in person. With Inspect Element, you can change any text on a webpage in a second. Start studying Simple Sentences and Compound Sentences #1. ... go check it out. He/She/It inspects . 1.) In a few circumstances, particularly when the car is expensive or unique, an insurance company may want to inspect the vehicle to before providing a quote. It is the job of the fire guard to inspect and maintain all fire protection devices under his or her jurisdiction. Inspect used in sentence example & words in English. 2. Just be sure to carefully inspect the laptop prior to purchasing. Definition and high quality example sentences with “inspect” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English When buying in person, be sure to inspect every inch of the dress - including the slip and underside - for spots, stains and dirt. The veteran worker cautioned me not to, 17. John Campbell in his second journey to South Africa to inspect the stations of the London Missionary Society, and reported that the conduct of the Cape Colonists towards the natives was deserving of strong reprobation. These tests use slender tubular instruments to inspect the interior of the bronchi and larynx. Short & Simple Example Sentence For To Inspect | To Inspect Sentence. Therefore, their suits are more fitted, and one needs to carefully inspect the sheerness of material in dresses. Elliott recalled, when he went out to inspect the truck. Car enthusiasts can browse through displays of vintage models or inspect weird and whacky vehicles of the future. Mechanics at the dealership inspect the car before buying or selling. To-day all these privileges and powers are in abeyance, and the interest that they took in the fur trade has been gradually transferred to the leather-dressing craft. Stockholders also have the right to adopt, amend and repeal the corporation's bylaws and to inspect books and records. Then he or she may rinse the wound (irrigate) with a saline solution, inspect it for exposed bone, soft tissue loss, and nail or nail bed injury. They don't normally give any advance notice about which building they're going to, 27. Bonding points indicate weak spots that you want to inspect carefully for wear or tear. Simple past tense sentences examples, 50 sentences of simple past tense; 1. 0. I denied homosexual inclinations but he still made me bend down so that he could, 9. Check on these longer examples of simple sentences. Some states yearly inspect the homes of family childcare providers, and many require ongoing training. Mates inspect safety gear and ship equipment, supervise crew members and oversee fishing. It does take a keen eye to inspect handbags so closely, particularly a heavily detailed Gucci. He gets up early every day. Mr Blunkett is to inspect new security measures at the Frethun rail freight depot outside Calais. You should spot two subject-verb pairs in this sentence: Justin will judge and ex-girlfriend competes. I watched TV last week. English words and Examples of Usage use "inspect" in a sentence Right, I'll check your work, OK? Public health officials were called in to, 16. If you can, inspect the length of the fabric before you spend any money. Inspect the seams for loose stitches and examine any visible details, like zippers and buttons, to ensure that everything is securely attached. Knowing how to properly inspect a used motorcycle will save you a great deal of time, because you will be able to immediately discount the bikes that you know you don't want. Inspect the toys daily for signs of wear that might present a hazard to your pet, and replace as needed. To decide how much the gem is worth, jewelers inspect the diamond for clarity, color, and size. I would inspect each individual unit to ensure it was within the allowable dimensional tolerances, using a tape measure, and the surface finish by visual inspection. 1 A sentence has at least one subject and at least one . We aim to inspect the vehicle without unnecessary delay. scrutinized the hospital bill scan implies a surveying from point to point often suggesting a cursory overall observation. hours before the start to inspect the engine, as he would have examined a steed; but greater merriment was occasioned by the queen's coachman, who insisted that, as a matter of form, he ought to make-believe to drive the engine. In 1920 she went to Russia as a member of one of the various Labour delegations invited to inspect Soviet conditions of government. A compound-complex sentence contains at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. 2. Unpack and inspect: After your travels, be sure to unpack your suitcase in a well lit area and inspect articles for bugs. He/She/It is inspecting. Notice that the subject and the verb are the most important part of the sentence. 1. If it is a simple sentence, write S in the blank. To view and examine officially. Construction: Inspect for loose stitches, uneven seams or damaged sleeves or hems. 265626 You should inspect the car well before you buy it. If you feel confident you've connected with a good seller, your next step is to inspect the vehicle. conjunction and a comma. I met my wife 9 years ago. 2.) You should inspect the area under the cat's tongue, if possible. inspect the vehicle without unnecessary delay. If you have some paragraphs where the sentences are not capitalized then you can quickly use this tool to get the proper capitalization. It is required to inspect both state and county charitable and correctional institutions, except the state prison and the state hospital, to recommend such changes to the state government as may seem desirable, and to have a special care for dependent children whether in institutions or placed in permanent homes. 4. It is his especial duty to inspect the churches within his archdeaconry, to see that the fabrics are kept in repair, and to hold annual visitations of the clergy and churchwardens of each parish, for the purpose of ascertaining that the clergy are in residence, of admitting the newly elected churchwardens into office, and of receiving the presentments of the outgoing churchwardens. To get the most for your money, thoroughly inspect the garment before purchasing for loose seams or rips and make sure you follow the laundering directions. to inspect the fortifications of Florence. If it is a complex sentence, write CX in the blank. An inspector from an extermination company came to our house to inspect for carpenter ants. From December 1998 to December 2002, no UN inspector was allowed to inspect anything in Iraq. You/We/They are inspecting. A compound sentence may also be joined with a semi-colon. Inspect the toe area of the walking shoe before buying. If you prefer to shop in-store, visit the store locations page on the site to find a store near you so you can inspect the bags in person before you make a purchase. He goes to football every day. afforded the opportunity to inspect the account at any time. How do you make a sentence with upper mantle? Purchasing an engagement ring online is risky because you cannot physically inspect the ring before you buy it. Also, before leaving the shop, open your used CD and inspect it. He inspected the revolver. If you aren't sure whether your car seat is installed correctly, ask someone at the hospital to inspect it. They do not represent the opinions of Keep an eye out for trouble because one of the most effective methods for controlling pests in your garden is to inspect your plants often. Asked by Wiki User. Inspect gates and fences regularly to be certain there are no rusty nails or splintered wood. It smells very delicious in the kitchen. Inspect the apartment with the manager or landlord before you move in. At that period the chief concern of the body was to prevent buyers from being imposed upon by sellers who were much given to offering old furs as new; a century later the Skinners' Company received other charters empowering them to inspect not only warehouses and open markets, but workrooms. When you are shopping for a used pop up trailer be prepared to inspect the trailer and ask the owners a lot of questions. A foreclosed home is sold "as is," but you will probably not be able to inspect the interior of the house before you make your offer. c. complex sentences. They demand the right for United Nations inspection teams to inspect his 8 presidential palaces. During 1872 Gordon was sent to inspect the British military cemeteries in the Crimea, and when passing through Constantinople on his return to Galatz he made the acquaintance of Nubar Pasha, prime minister of Egypt, who sounded him as to whether he would take service under the khedive. Inspect the tub thoroughly before installing - Check your new Jacuzzi tub for surface defects and defects in the plumbing and hardware that come with your tub. scrutinize stresses close attention to minute detail. To inspect the fortifications of Florence. More suggestive still of high repute as a man of insight and authority is his mission from the Jerusalem Church to inspect and judge of the new departure in the Gospel at Antioch, in Acts xi. Slip used videotapes out of their sleeve covers to inspect for any external damage. When a line has once been inspected and passed, it lies with the company to maintain it in accordance with the standard of efficiency it originally possessed, but no express statutory obligation to do so is … 2 A sentence has at least two subjects and at least two verbs. CK 1 681220 The general inspected the troops. Inspect offers inspections within the Chicago suburbs but is part of a larger nationwide company. He bent down to inspect it. He was told an arborist or other city employee would inspect the 40-foot pine tree. A simple sentence with "correct" contains a subject and a verb, and it can also have an object and modifiers. Mechanics at the dealership inspect the car before buying or selling. . I now had a chance to inspect the object. When shopping for vampire costumes for pets it's a good idea to carefully inspect each one before you make your purchase. Who doesn't love being #1? Inspect all of the hunting gear you are considering to make sure it is durable and high in quality. Photo: American dignitaries inspect typhus victims at Buchenwald camp [from Irving collection] Quick navigation Mr Irving, take me to... On delivery the item will be unpacked giving time to inspect and remove any of the unwanted packaging. Two policemen held up a truck so as to. The inspector will frequently use the moisture meter to inspect insulation, dry wall, behind siding, under carpets and flooring and above ceiling tiles. The state supervisors must inspect each state prison camp and each county prison camp every thirty days. Be the first to answer! Go to bike stores and check out the selection, as it's absolutely necessary that you inspect a bike in the flesh before purchasing. inspector in a sentence - Use "inspector" in a sentence 1. After America's entrance into the World War he went to Europe in 1918 to attend conferences and to inspect the U.S. naval forces, and early in 1919 was in charge of their demobilization. Support Agent: Need a better way to tell developers what needs fixed on a site? He came to inspect the house with a view to buying it. Does he go to school? So when you put your sentence into the checker and get it back in second corrected and looking perfect, it’s because our program identified the way it broke the rule and corrected the break. While you can find these types of carts cheaper than refurbished, you'll still want to inspect the unit yourself. _" I manage portfolios now and inspect construction sites. Routinely inspect stuffed animals and even old wax combs where honey bees have died out. Prior to using a flea medication, you'll want to inspect your cat to determine whether or not it has fleas. Consignment shops: Every resale shop won't accept all lingerie, but if you find one that does, you can carefully inspect any piece of interest. When purchasing seized vehicles from law enforcement organizations, carefully inspect all of the nooks and crannies for any trace of either narcotics or weapons. Don't wait until the tree is half dead before calling a tree service or an arborist to inspect the trees. Based on the context of complete sentences, Ginger Grammar Checker uses patent-pending technology to correct grammar mistakes, spelling mistakes and misused words, with unmatched accuracy. The external auditors have visited the constabulary to inspect both the activity analysis and finance elements of the 2004/05 survey. Inspection definition is - the act of inspecting. 10 Examples of Simple Present Tense Sentences My son lives in London. As you are cleaning, inspect the threading holding the mini blinds together. Elaine went outside to inspect the playing field. Inspect the vehicle(s) you are interested in during the daytime. Once applied for, the lender will inspect your property and investigate the average home values for similar homes in your area. I inspect. Ask to see the stone's certification and other documentation, and inspect different sizes and shapes before choosing the one that suits your preferences best. C HECK! A smallholder coffee farmer bends to inspect several bushes which have just caught his attention. Vehicle condition - Whatever avenue you choose to buy that secondhand van, inspect the vehicle if you can or ask the online seller a lot of questions. As he was driven to the scene, the inspector worried. Examples of Longer Simple Sentences. This provided the team with an opportunity to inspect Nova for damage following the recent educational roadshow. Definition of inspect verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. Seeing as how the product you're looking at is used, it will be easy to inspect each used album you pick up. When buying in person, however, you have the option to directly inspect the fruit. Inspect the tuxedo for damage and stains, if you don't point them out before taking it home you may have to pay for repairs. If you suffer from any sort of skin welt, reaction or itch after sleeping, it's important to fully inspect your surroundings and treat any pest infestation quickly to prevent a difficult to manage outbreak. Source_VOA 239086 The inspection was quite perfunctory. Choose the Right Synonym for inspect. Examples of Inspect in a sen. 5. He refused to report to the president of the province appointments of incumbents; he refused also to allow the government commissioners to inspect the seminaries for priests, and when he was summoned before the new court refused to appear. Two policemen held up a truck so as to, 29. (verb) The general inspected the troops and their barracks. He looked like a woodwork teacher about to inspect a second year 's knife rack. in order to check that rules are being obeyed and that standards are acceptable: Make sure you inspect the goods before signing for them. = n(r), where n(r) is defined by (I); and let us inspect the actual process of multiplying the expansion of (A+ a) n -' by A+a in order to obtain that of (A+a)". Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. The Word "Inspect" in Example Sentences Page 1. Inspect the electrical system and the motor with great care and pay attention to detail. Among other missionary labours of his later years, he helped the Free Church mission on Lake Nyassa, travelled to Syria to inspect a mission at Lebanon, and assisted Lady Aberdeen and Lord Polwarth to establish the Gordon Memorial Mission in Natal. Inspect the bed for any "give" at the joints or welds. RT: Right, if you buy a 1976 vehicle and you want to put it on the road, they have to inspect it to the rules that apply to 1976 vehicles. Inspect the brakes and the wheels carefully for any sign that the vehicle was abused in this way. George brushes her teeth twice a day. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists. The bus stopped a few minutes ago. Winter is an ideal time for this task because you can easily clear the vine away from the arbor, arch or pergola and inspect it carefully. Inspect each frame carefully before making your purchase. Since the warehouses do not lot materials, open it up carefully and critically, especially for before. Went out to inspect handbags so closely, particularly a heavily detailed Gucci body! Car and inspect articles for bugs, mold, and reliable check of the instrument carefully play. Bike, which should feature bigger knobs for tougher riding few days to make there. 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