
hammerhead sharks facts

Interesting Hammerhead shark Facts: Size of the hammerhead shark depends on the species. In 2001, a bonnethead was born inside one of the aquariums at Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo. They are typically olive, bronze or light brown in color with a white belly, and on average reach a length of 13 feet. Although the researchers didn’t find a difference in sensitivity to the electric fields between a hammerhead and a cone-nosed sandbar shark, the hammerhead was able to search a larger area, which the researchers say would “increase the probability of prey-encounter.” The researchers also noted that the hammerhead was more maneuverable than the sandbar shark. Their bellies are white which allows them to blend into the ocean when viewed from the bottom and sneak up on their prey. These schools can have up to 100 members in them. Believe it or not, the hammerhead has the ability to sport a nice tan! Hammerhead sharks take advantage of their wide, flat heads to pin down stingrays and other bottom dwelling fish before delivering a fatal bite. Experts have identified 10 living shark species in the hammerhead family (although it’s possible that even more exist). Hammerhead sharks have never been involved in a fatal incident. FUN FACT The scientific genus name of most hammerhead sharks is Sphyrna, which comes from the Greek word for hammer. Relative to its body size, the winghead shark has the widest head of any hammerhead—almost half as wide as its body is long. The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a “hammer” shape. Hammerheads are found worldwide in warmer waters along coastlines and continental shelves. Required fields are marked *. Watch Shark Superhighway, a PG-rated National Geographic documentary about hammerhead shark conservation. Their heads are laterally flattened and extended to form a ‘cephalofoil’ or ‘hammer’ shape which they are named after. Hammerhead Shark Frenzy. It is a rare, little-known species of hammerhead shark. It is used as a weapon. Not only does the hammer at as an organ of balance, but its body seems to be specifically designed to twist and bend. The hammerhead family ranges from dark brown to grey on their dorsal side and have a grey or white belly, sometimes even olive in colour which performs as a sort of camouflage while hunting. Head Hammerhead sharks travel in schools during the day time and hunt alone at night. These sharks are further classified into two genera - genus Sphyrna (with 8 species to its credit) and genus Eusphyra (with the winghead shark as the lone species). Both of them are often hunted by human beings due to the expensive … On an average basis, the hammerhead shark ranges from 1m to 6m+, with the largest being the Great Hammerhead. It was previously believed that sharks reproduced only sexually. Since sharks do not have mineralized bones and rarely fossilize, their teeth alone are commonly found as fossils. Description: These sharks are named for their unmistakable hammer-shaped heads. Hammerhead sharks are carnivores. “Our experiments demonstrated that the sharks were truly suntanning and that the response was, in fact, induced by the increase in solar radiation," the scientists said in a press release. According to the researchers, these were probably large-bodied animals. Hammerhead Sharks are known for their unique shape of their head, which is flattened and elongated and passes the sides of its body. Hammerhead sharks as a whole will feed on a wide variety of prey. They feed on fish, smaller sharks, squid, octopus, crabs, and lobsters . Facts about Hammerhead Sharks 4: the bottom of the ocean Hammerhead sharks will stalk their prey by spending the time at the ocean bottom. Great hammerhead sharks have a very tall, curved first dorsal fin … Like all sharks, the Hammerhead sharks have electrolocation (use of electrical impulses) sensory pores called ‘ampullae of Lorenzini’ (special sensing organs, forming a network of jelly-filled canals found on cartilaginous fishes). Facts about hammerhead sharks August 6, 2017 August 5, 2017 admintag Among all the inhabitants of the sea who attack a person, the most terrible is a shark. The scalloped bonnethead (Sphyrna corona) is the smallest species of hammerhead shark, measures up to 92 centimeters (36 inches) long. Hammerheads are mostly found throughout the world in warm waters. Though many sharks are solitary creatures, scalloped hammerheads—which can reach lengths of 10 to 12 feet and can weigh in at 300 pounds or more—form schools. Hammerhead sharks are also threatened by culling through lethal shark control programs. They can reach 3 to 20 feet in length and up to 1000 pounds in weight. At night time though they go to find food and they do that on their own. The gestation period for a female shark is about 11 months, and 6-42 pups are born live. The great hammerhead shark is the largest hammerhead species. But the shark doesn't always escape unscathed: Great hammerheads are often found with stingray barbs on their faces. Why’d they do this? By distributing the receptors over a wider area, like a larger radio antenna, hammerheads can sweep for prey more effectively. The behavior may have something to do with their migration patterns or mating habits [PDF]. The average great hammerhead measures up to 3.5 m (11 ft) long and weighs over 230 kg (510 lb). Hammerhead shark facts for kids are coming in our education group of facts for kids to learn more about the world and the whole universe. Here are some facts about Hammerhead sharks. Your email address will not be published. Hammerheads, like all other sharks, have sensory organs that can detect the electric fields of prey in the water; some scientists hypothesize that the broad cephalofoils allow hammerheads to have more of these organs—therefore allowing them to better sense prey. It’s thought that after a hammerhead rolls sideways, the creature’s first dorsal fin acts like one of the pectoral fins. These sharks are know for their unique shape of their head which is flattened and elongated. Hammerhead Sharks are believed to be swimming the earths oceans for 20 million years? Rather than waste away, the sharks gained weight. The endangered species of hammerhead sharks include scalloped and great hammerheads. It had never been documented in sharks before. Hammerhead sharks are consummate predators that use their oddly shaped heads to improve their ability to find prey. Check out the Most SURPRISING Facts About HAMMERHEAD Sharks! Unlike humans, the mother gives birth to 20 to 50 live pups at once. The three occupants of the tank were all females who were captured as babies and had never been introduced to a male in captivity, which is what prompted the curiosity. If a stingray is found just above the ocean floor, a hungry great hammerhead will use its cephalofoil to pin the creature against the sand. The fossil record tells us sharks have existed for at least 420 million years—so if the University of Colorado team is correct, hammerheads are relative newcomers on the world stage. The great and the scalloped hammerheads are listed on the World Conservation Union’s (IUCN) 2008 Red List as endangered, whereas the smalleye hammerhead is listed as vulnerable. Scalloped hammerhead Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Chondrichthyes Order: Carcharhiniformes Family: Sphyrnidae T. N. Gill, 1872 The hammerhead sharks are a group of sharks that form the family Sphyrnidae, so named for the unusual and distinctive structure of their heads, which are flattened and laterally extended into a "hammer" shape called a cephalofoil. They will also squid, octopus, crustaceans and other sharks. It’s like the fish are swimming by and saying, Ha, ha, ha, you can’t see me!”. Great hammerhead sharks have a notch in the center of their head, which is known as a cephalofoil. Hammerheads also vary in terms of overall size: The smaller species max out at 3 to 5 feet in length, while the biggest is the great hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran), which can be up to 18 feet long and weigh over 1000 pounds (with 10 to 13 feet and 500 pounds being closer to average). Experts aren’t sure if the sharks go out of their way to eat seagrass or just swallow it accidentally while hunting small animals. Many, but not necessarily mutually exclusive functions have been proposed for the hammer-like shape of the head, including sensory reception, vision, manoeuvering, and prey manipulation. Keen-eyed observers can tell most of these guys apart by the slight differences in their skull shapes. These baby sharks huddle together and swim toward warmer water until they are old enough and large enough to survive on their own.

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