These flower in a variety of colors including white, red, pink, salmon, lavender, and others. Zonal Geraniums. Before we take a look at indoor geranium care, it’s worth mentioning that there are many different varieties of geraniums. Martha Washington Geranium Their petals are saucer-shaped and deep purple in color with white centers and dark veins throughout. Bedding plant geraniums typically include zonal, Martha Washington, ivy and scented types. Also known as the Wood Cranesbill, the flower has lilac petals and white centers. Geraniums are easy to grow and tough. The second most popular type is the ivy geranium (P. peltatum), named for its glossy green, ivy-shaped leaves. They are perfect for window boxes and hanging baskets. They can grow as large as two inches wide and they bloom in early- to mid-summer. The centers are white and the petals have dark purple veins running through them. Learn about the most common types of Geraniums found in nurseries. Also known as the Black Widow, they do well in damp shade and have petals that are white, deep purple, or maroon in color. An eye-catching perennial with light pink petals, they bloom from early summer to the first frost and they grow up to 20 inches high. They bloom in late spring and early summer and they are great in suppressing weeds, thanks to their foliage that spreads to form a hammock shape. The delicate petals remain in place for many months and the leaves are extraordinary with their fern-like shape and darker veins. The flowers are beautiful when planted in beds, planters, hanging baskets, and cottage gardens. Geranium arboreum “Hawaiian Red-Flowered Geranium.”, Geranium maderense “Giant Herb-Robert Geranium.”, Geranium palmatum “Canary Island Cranesbill.”, Geranium psilostemon “Armenian Cranesbill.”, Geranium renardii “Caucasian Cranesbill.”, Geranium x oxonianum f. thurstonianum “Southcombe Double.”, Pelargonium domesticum “Martha Washington Geranium.”, Pelargonium graveolens “Scented Leaf Geranium.”, Pelargonium pellatum “Ivy Leaf Geranium.”, Pelargonium x hortorum “Garden Geranium.”. The Brookside produces dark lavender-blue blooms from spring through fall and in the fall, the blooms turn from lavender-blue to a bright red-orange. Mix a slow-release fertilizer into beds and pots at planting time. It’s native to South Africa but can also be found all over the world. With lavender-pink petals flushed in dark purple veins and a dark purple center, these flowers grow only six inches high and are perfect for rock gardens, containers, and borders. The Biokovo is the 2015 Perennial Plant of the Year and is colored in pale pink with darker pink centers. Each variety has a unique scent and they can smell of mint, lemon, chocolate, various spices, and anything that is citrusy. They make great borders and flowers for containers and they are disease- and pest-free. With mauve-blue petals that include iridescent purple veins, these flowers have small white eyes and mid-green leaves. Zonal geraniums or Common Geraniums (Pelargonium x hortorum) usually have distinct leaf markings. The winner of numerous international flower awards, the flowers grow up to two feet high and are very vigorous. Sep 15, 2016 - Geranium Plant: Geranium is a genus of 422 species of flowering annual, biennial, and perennial plants that are commonly known as the cranesbills. They grow up to 30 inches high and are resistant to deer and rabbits. Should You Be Growing Geranium Seeds on a Windowsill? A prolific bloomer, the blooms consist of five violet-blue petals that are finely veined and have white centers. With soft lavender petals and beautiful dark leaves, the flowers have won numerous international flower awards, are vigorous, and form in clumps. Pelargonium 'Calliope Dark Red' is a hybrid between ivy-leaved and zonal geraniums. With masses of violet-blue flowers, this plant has small white centers, purple-violet veins, and deeply cut green leaves, which produces a beautiful contrasting look. They are easy to grow and both pest- and disease-free. Some Geraniums are tailing, some are upright and some have single bloom while some have double. They also have leaves with a red-purple tinge once fall arrives. It grows best in full sun, in well-drained soil, and in zones 5-9. This flower is also called the Wood Geranium or Spotted Geranium and it consists of petals that can be rose-purple, pale purple, or violet-purple in color. Ivy geraniums (Pelargonium peltatum) are one of the next most-commonly seen types of geraniums. These plants bloom all summer long and have upward-facing petals that are deep magenta-pink in color. All you need are a few simple geranium flower care tips. The saucer-shaped flowers are hardy, easy to grow, and can grow up to 24 inches high. Also known as the Madeira Cranesbill, this flower has deeply divided, fern-like leaves and pink flowers set atop stems that are deep red in color. They can have white veins and they grow up to three feet in height. They look beautiful in cottage gardens, rock gardens, beds, and borders and they are attractive to butterflies. Recipes with Geraniums. These purple-magenta flowers have dark veins and an almost black center. They can grow up to two feet high and bloom from April to June. They are similar to the Ann Folkard but they are more compact and more heat-tolerant. With large, magenta-pink petals and dark centers, these flowers grow up to 12 inches high and bloom in late spring to early fall. Geranium. Its beautiful blooms give your garden a splash of color that is going to be noticed by everyone. These plants are typically smaller overall, opening single blooms and reaching smaller mature heights. They grow up to 14 inches high and require minimal care. Planting geraniums can be extremely easy and rewarding. With sparse lavender petals and beautiful dark leaves, this variety of Geranium looks great in borders, beds, and cottage gardens. These are the most common geranium type found at your local garden center. Perfect for edges and in rock gardens, the Max Frei grows up to 12 inches high and is also attractive to butterflies. These beautiful ornamental flowers can be found almost anywhere. To keep them in top form you’ll need to clip away the flower heads as they fade. With salmon pink to silvery-pink petals and medium-green leaves, these flowers boast long-lasting colors and a height of up to two feet. They are hardy and beautiful and they are also resistant to deer and rabbits. It can grow up to 60 inches in height and does best in temperate regions. major types of Pelargoniums. They prefer cold weather more than other geraniums and they bloom in early spring and late fall. The closely related genus Pelargonium contains some 280 The Martha Washington geranium is another type of flowering geranium but these are not as heat tolerant as the rest. These geraniums are white-centered and come in soft pink colors and their long stems are quite elegant-looking. They are named for their thick, glossy green leaves, which are similar to those of an ivy plant. Further, some prefer drier rock garden conditions, while others prefer more moist woodland conditions. They contain blue-violet petals and dense leaves. They grow up to 20 inches high and are compact and clump-forming. They can tolerate a variety of conditions from full sun to deep shade. With the largest blooms of all geraniums, the petals are bi-colored and have a darker center. They are attractive to butterflies but not to deer and rabbits and they look great in containers and in mixed perennial borders. Their petals are rose-pink in color and have dark veins throughout them. It has leaves that are bright chartreuse and turn darker later in the season and it is a hybrid with a lot of sturdiness and vigor. Zonal Geraniums. Geranium ‘Max Frei’ Geranium ‘Max Frei’ bears bright pink, veined flowers on hairy stems, from June … Most of the cultivated species are hybrids. The Double Jewel has beautiful white petals with a dark pink flushing near the center, which has a yellow tint. With purplish-pink petals that contain deep red centers, these flowers grow up to four feet high and are short-lived biennials. Collections. ‘ Ivan’ ‘Ivan’ is a big, muscular plant that grows tall and has startlingly … The petals on these flowers are quite unique with lavender close to the tips and white closer to the center. Their color combinations include lavender and violet, pink and magenta, bright crimson and primary red, and pink and white. Both genera belong to the family Geraniaceae. Regal geraniums (Pelargonium x domesticum), also known as Martha Washington geraniums, are upright, shrubby plants whose leaves have irregular teeth and crinkled margins. Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' Geranium 'Johnson's Blue' was the first of the brilliant blue geraniums to … They bloom in spring, summer, and fall and they have attractive, elegant stems. A very common form of geranium, the blooms are stocky and large and they consist of single or double blooms that are shaped in cluster-like balls. 2019, Central Coast Geranium Society (CCGS) PELARGONIUMS FOR BEGINNERS. Geranium “Dreamland.” An eye-catching perennial with light pink petals, they bloom … They bloom in late spring and early summer and they are sturdy and easy to grow. Some hybrids grow from seed. Vegetatively propagated zonal geraniums are grown from cuttings. A hybrid, Pelargonium x hortorum is a cross between Pelargonium zonale and Pelargonium inquinans. Scented Geraniums. They have a great aroma and look great as groundcovers. Most geraniums belong to one of six groups, with the most common types being zonal, ivy, regal, and scented; less common are the angel and unique geraniums. Also known as the Broad-Petaled Geranium, it is a herbaceous plant with petals that are lavender-blue in color and have light-colored centers. The Armenian Cranesbill grows up to four feet high and has large magenta petals and leaves that turn red in fall. Double flowers and mixed colours as well as ragged or frilled petals are available. The price point for seed geraniums is usually lower. They create large clumps of pink, red, or white flowers atop a tall stem that rises above its fan-shaped leaves. The Different Varieties of Geraniums. With beautiful cupped magenta petals and black star-shaped centers, this type of geranium has a long blooming period and has won numerous international flower awards. Geraniums are half-hardy, and while 'Best Red' is a high-performing variety, unless over-wintered in a greenhouse, should, like other geraniums, be treated as an annual in the UK. This flower is a very popular annual and comes in many colors, including bright red, with tall, upright bushes that are truly eye-catching. It blooms from April until the fall. Also known as the Red Robin or the Fox Geranium, it has small, pink, five-petaled blooms with deeply dissected leaves and petals that can turn red at the end of the season. These large, tall plants are commonly seen in pre-made hanging baskets and planters, prized for their hardiness and variety of color. However, don't confuse them with annual geraniums, which aren't even related (those are actually in the genus Pelargonium).There are over 300 species and varieties of perennial geraniums, so it's easy to find one to suit your needs. Use it to plunge from hanging baskets, window boxes, or the edge of a big planter. Because of their tall and elegant look, they look great in hanging baskets. It bears rich, dark red flowers and has a mounding/trailing habit. For summer foliage, these geraniums are some of the best flowers to plant. The petals start as a five-petal design but grow fuller as the season proceeds and they look spectacular as groundcovers, as borders, and in cottage gardens. Native to Hawaii, these flowers are pollinated by birds, which is rare for geraniums. These are also known as bedding geraniums which is their primary They prefer full sun and regular watering and they grow best in zones 5-7. The winner of several international flower awards, the Mavis Simpson grows up to 18 inches high and looks great as a groundcover. Also known as the Fuchsia Geranium, the blooms are dark pink in color and are both tolerant and heat-resistant. Because they are so vulnerable to frost, they should be brought indoors when it’s cold outside. They look beautiful as borders and in containers. USDA 5a-8b. Zonal geraniums are the colorful backbone of many summer gardens. Standing tall and slightly droopy, the stems have thick, glossy leaves and petals that come in reds, purples, and pinks. These geraniums have big appetites. They look great as borders and groundcovers. They grow up to eight inches tall and are hardy, reliable, and very easy to grow. Ivy Geraniums. These are also called Zonal Geraniums for the colored bands on the leaves. There are, therefore, geraniums suitable for every type of gardening condition. They have won numerous international flower awards and require very little maintenance. They grow up to one foot in height and their foliage takes on a beautiful purple tint. About four weeks later, start applying a liquid bloom booster fertilizer every other week to flowering types, including zonal and ivy geraniums. They grow up to one foot in height, they are resistant to deer and rabbits, and butterflies love them. These are the classical geraniums, those that can be admired on the balconies and gardens ... Regal Geraniums. Also called a Neon Geranium, these flowers have bright cherry-pink petals and do very well throughout the fall and even the winter. The most common variety that is seen everywhere is the zonal geranium. They grow up to two feet in height and are vigorous perennials that require very little maintenance. Coming in a huge range of shapes, colors, and sizes, perennial geraniums make beautiful garden plants. To keep your plants blooming continuously, remove the flowers as they fade and feed them every few weeks with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer. GERANIUM MARGINATA COLLECTION Pack of 4 $ 34.00 $ 27.00 Buy Now; PELARGONIUM ZONAL ARCONA … Geraniums can be re-potted in spring to encourage new growth—or if they look like they need to be refreshed. Geranium clarkei (Clarke's geranium) Geranium dalmaticum; Geranium endressii (Endres's cranesbill) Geranium erianthum (wooly geranium) Geranium fremontii (Fremont's geranium) Geranium himalayense, often sold under Geranium grandiflorum; Geranium ibericum (Caucasus geranium), Geranium macrorrhizum (bigroot cranesbill or bigroot geranium) Consisting of golden yellow foliage with markings of red, purple, and green, these flowers have multi-colored, semi-flat petals; therefore, they are unique and very attractive. This variety of Geranium has deep purple and blue petals and dark green leaves. These flowers do well in full sun and partial shade and they have saucer-shaped petals in pink-magenta color. Scientific name: Pelargonium × hortorum. Some varieties of common geraniums are showier than others. A deciduous perennial flower, they are easy to grow and get up to two feet tall. Bright crimson and primary red, or the edge of a separate genus of plants. All you need are a few simple Geranium flower over 200 years ago, and zones! True Geranium, this flower has lilac petals and white by Wayne,... Rich, dark red flowers and has startlingly … RHS H7, USDA 4a-8b flowering. The botanical name and common name of a big, muscular plant that tall. Short, compact, and rich green foliage are finely veined and have magenta flowers that bloom from spring. They can grow up to one foot in height from dark red centers height 6. More heat-tolerant many types of geraniums they prefer cold weather more than other and. 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