
drying santa rosa plums

Hi Eva, I think that would be fine if your plums are sweet enough to your liking. I have no dehydrator, so am I supposed to do this in my oven?? What kind of sweetener did you have in mind? People seemed to like the video idea . I am going to make plum cakes, the plum ketchup mentioned in another thread (thanks Linda W! they are fine, I like feedback so I am sharing it with you . Scrape in seeds from vanilla bean; add bean. 5. ), plum tarte, and freeze some, but I'd also really like to dry a large batch, as I am much more fond of them dried than fresh (go figure). All varieties are self-pollinating, except for those noted. . Because there is molasses in brown sugar, your fruit leather will look darker. Hi Sara, Hmm… I haven’t seen that with the plums I have. They are also used to make one of the best tasting jellies or jams in the world. Thanks! Preheat oven to 400° F. Wash, cut in half and pit the plums. Then transfer them to a rack or a screen or parchment paper (or sometimes my mom uses wall paper ;)), – the key is to use something that is more non-stick so it doesn’t stick to the fruit. Looks delish! Check every 5 minutes to avoid burning the plums. Can you tell me if you can do a lesser amount of fruit or is it possible to use canned or frozen fruit???? Should I still leave the skin on or would you peel it off before or after putting it in the oven? Yes the texture of the fruit leather is better if you bake the plums. Other cultivated varieties are Red Beauty, Formosa and Burbank. . Heated it on a low setting for 15 or 20 minutes to melt the chocolate. The Italian Prune plum, specifically, is native to the Mediterranean coastal regions of Italy. Brentwood, CA. How did your mom dry it in the sun? We don’t have any plum trees, but we do have a ton of blackberries in the garden. Thanks for asking, I just went ahead and clarified this on the recipe. It will take a little longer, 8-12 hours. This is a yummy and easy recipe, but I’m wondering, what is the secrets to getting the parent paper off once you are done in the oven? The homemade ketchup is made from local plums, zinfandel wine, and zinfandel vinegar, and spiced with star anise, everything about this condiment reminds me of Sonoma County, the place I call home. I thought that it’s possible to dry puréed plums in the sun to make plum fruit leather. Here are the easy steps to make dried plums ( affiliate links included where appropriate): After washing, slice the plums in half all the way around the pit. and when a reader asked the obvious question, the answer was, 'you will know by the texture'. Would a blender work to mix these up? Thanks for replying so fast:), Hey Natasha. Satsuma … Apricot and fig roll-ups sound delicious :). Let me know what you think. You don’t want them to get too soft or they will get mushy. Certified Organic Local. I have the world's most ridiculously prolific Santa Rosa plum tree. Do I need to cover it with something? I hope that helps for next time!! Hi Kim, frozen plum are fine to use in this recipe. Another says simply "dehydrate at 100 degrees for 72 hours". You have full rights to the recipe. See All Our Products. Thu. If anyone else can share insights on this, please chime in . I’ve tried both ways and pre-baking produces much better results. I’m so glad my mom messed up her dried plums, or we may not have discovered this for awhile! "Santa Rosa" plum is self-fertile, however, producing fruits even if no other plum trees are nearby. wow, this is amazing, my kids would love, they are so addicted to sugar, lol, I got it on my plan for next week, love your blog, you are awesome, keep up the awesome work:-)). Santa Rosa – The Santa Rosa is a beautiful, large, red fruits with gold flesh. I am actually thinking to do it this way. Juice completely dried and stuck to the pans and the plum flesh turned to mush….consistency of apple sauce. 8. 'Stanley' The most widely planted European plum in the … It is from America, but mainly cultivated in France, Italy, Spain and South Africa. I have a bunch of plum butter (no sugar) that isn’t thick enough that I would like to try this with. I think it would work, just add it to taste. (2) Our oven preheats to 170˚ F so we kept the oven door slightly open by putting a wooden spoon in the door. Followed your directions for drying. I’m actually making it today (it’s still in the oven finishing up) and I made it with organic sugar this time. I think this video is just the beginning. (3) If you don’t want to prop the oven door open and your lowest setting is 170˚ F, preheat to 170˚ F, then turn the oven off and leave the door closed completely and reheat it after an hour; repeat as necessary until it dries out. Let me know how it turns out . Oh man that’s a bummer! In Northern California we had big purple Santa Rosa plums, as well as an array of others with names like Elephant Heart and Angelino, as well as pluots, a hybrid of apricots and plums. Which spice blend and proportions do you use? Than line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper covering the walls of the baking sheet as well. Do I need to add sugar? My mom has several in her yard and some are so difficult to remove that we just use those for things like juice to avoid pitting them I hope you and your daughter love the fruit leather . Thanks, Hi Alena, with strawberries you don’t have to pre-bake, just blend them with sugar and strain if you want to get rid of the seeds, or leave them in. Rinse off the plums in cool running water. Tastes as good or better than Sees candy! The "Santa Rosa" plum tree (Prunus salicina "Santa Rosa") is a deciduous plum tree that has white spring blooms and dark red summer fruit. Thanks so much for sharing . Turn the oven off and leave the door closed completely and reheat it after an hour; repeat as necessary until it dries out. Thanks:). I love fruit leather and homemade is the best! Hi Natasha, Sugar amount will be different for other types of fruit, just do taste test . Any idea why? Your Cart Search ... are an excellent source of vitamin A and C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and fiber. By … my oven has the keep warm option which sets to 145 degrees. Yes, if you want them to be less sticky, just try them out a little longer. Depending on the variety of plum, a single plum measures between 0.7” and 2.7” (2 – 7 cm). Would it just take longer to dry? Santa Rosa. How does that extra step work better? The Santa Rosa weeping plum made blossoms, leaves, new branches, and then the branches began to die from the ends toward the trunk, it didn't fruit, and continues to die back. Use: drying, canning, wine, fresh Ripe: Late August Stanley Self Fertile Colour: Skin is dark blue, flesh is yellow Use: drying, canning, eating fresh, pollinator Ripe: Early September Peach Plum Stanley Colour: yellowish red skin with peach coloured flesh Use: Fresh eating and cooking Ripe: Late August ASIAN Plum Black Amber Santa Rosa It is disease resistant making it a very environmentally friendly option. Using blade attachment in the food processor, blend plums until smooth and pour finished mixture into a large bowl. Keep up the good work and hope some of the future recipes would be in a video form. It will stick to wax paper so I wouldn’t recommend it, but parchment paper shouldn’t stick. It was quite watery for many hours and than suddenly it was too dry. 1. HELP! Have you ever tried to freeze them? Hope this helps , A great way to treat your kids with some fruit treat . However, finding a good recipe online has proven difficult. FREE BONUS: 5 Secrets to Be a Better Cook! December 2020 edition! I haven’t tried freezing them but from what I’ve read, it’s ok to refrigerate or freeze fruit leather. I have made fruit leather before and I like softening the fruit in the oven better. I haven’t tried using a dehydrator for this but I imagine that would work well. There are a lot of plums out there. If so at what temperature and for how long? Besides, it won't get that hot here for another month or so, if then (we've been blessed with cool summers last year and so far this year) and the plums will be ready in another week or three. Let dry in the oven for as long as it takes for the purée to dry out and form fruit leather, about 6-8 hours, more or less depending on the thickness of your fruit leather. With the close supervision and care of our fruit harvest, we can be certain we are selling our customers the best dried fruit under the sun. We are so happy you're here. I been thinking to make fruit roll ups. Can we make this with just a pound of plums? I followed your proportions but used a different method. It could also be a difference in type of plums or if overly soft plums are put into the oven. My plums are very ripe and very sweet. Washed whole plums and put in large pot with 1/4 cup water. By signing up, you agree to our Terms of Use and acknowledge the data practices in our Privacy Policy. My 5 y.o. Cindy, it works best if you bake them first to soften them up. The wide range of growing sites and numerous cultivars of plum affects the timing of the life-cycle of specific pests and diseases on plum trees. super,I wiil do it,you are great…can I ask you if we can make in this way any fruits leather? They were very ripe and had a lot of liquid in them so it took three times as long to dry them but it was a yummy and easy way to use up a lot of plums! I followed the recipe and used parchment paper. If your oven has a low heat setting at 140˚ F: Heat the oven to low 140°F. I love this recipe, but was wondering what the nutrition facts are? Lay halved plums out on rimmed cookie sheets with cut side up and place in the oven for 20 min. Luther Burbank developed this superior plum in 1906 from new Japanese cultivars. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. If you have a gas oven with a fan and it is a “convection oven”, it may bake faster since the circulating air will help dry it out faster. Inessa, yes, that is correct, it may take less or more time depending on how thick you make your fruit leather (it will take less time if 1/8″ thick and more time if 1/4″ thick but overall its 6-8 hours. You may unsubscribe at any time. I’ve tried both ways and pre-baking produces much better results, can I make plum leather out of plum juice boiled down and pureed. Let’s “learn” and “teach” to have things without it. I didnt even check on them, just set on timer. That’s a great idea to spray with cooking spray! Thanks . My husband and I run this blog together and share only our best, family approved and tested recipes with YOU. I spray a little cooking spray, before setting the fruit on the tray. 3. Shannon. Spread the plums out into the prepared baking dish and sprinkle with 1/4 cup sugar. cant wait for them to finish drying so I can eat them! Add it to taste. Roll the open ends of the bag together loosely to shut it and then leave the bag on a table or shelf in a cool room. Where did I go wrong? What variety of plums did you use without sugar? Read my disclosure policy. Hi! Grab each half of a plum and twist … I roasted for a little over 10 min. I’m not sure why it would taste bitter unless it was burned or maybe the plum variety possibly if the skins on your plums are bitter? My son can’t wait for me to make this. Let me know how it goes! Cook and puree the fruit first. I want to make these and I have a ton of frozen strawberries and was wondering if I can use them for this recipe. It has always been easy to remove when I have used my dehydrator. You definitely should! Here you'll find delicious, trusted recipes with easy step-by-step photos and videos. Place the baking sheets with purée in the oven on the two racks placed as much in the center as possible. Hi Abby, it is an important step, otherwise the texture and color of the fruit leather isn’t quite right. |, 9 Baking Mistakes That Ruin Your Cakes, Cookies, Brownies & Bread, The Top Trending Fall Foods & Recipes, According to Google, The Best Places to Buy Baking Ingredients Online, Chowhound Christmas Gift Guide 2020: The Best Gourmet Food & Drink Gifts, The Cookbooks We're Most Excited for This Fall, Ready or Not, Pumpkin Spice Products Are Back Again, 7 Helpful Produce Subscriptions You Should Know About, Meal Prep Containers That Will Get You Excited to Make Lunch, The Best Food & Drink Advent Calendars for 2020, Chowhound Christmas Gift Guide 2020: Best Gifts for Food-Loving Families and Parents, Christmas Cookie HQ: The Ultimate Guide to Holiday Cookie Baking, How to Make a Memorable Christmas Morning Breakfast, How to Cook Christmas Dinner for 6 on a $75 Budget, A Last-Minute Guide for Those Hosting Christmas Dinner, Christmas Cheesecake: The Most Wonderful Dessert of the Year, Christmas Crack: The Easiest and Most Addictive Holiday Gift, 15 Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipes: You Be the Judge, Dish of the Month – NOMINATIONS, January 2021. After 20 minutes, remove plums from the oven and let them cool. love it. If you find some plums that have been in there a bit longer, turn them into jam since the texture of the fruit doesn't matter. I suspect it is probably the type of plum. Next time, when I have too much fruit I better do more jam . Can I do it with apples, we went to apple orchid and got so much gala apples, now I need to make bunch of different things with them! The California 'dried plum' people have a bunch of recipes to use once they are dried, but no apparent interest in helping me dry my own. Things tend to stick much more to wax paper so I wouldn’t recommend it. After blending though they turned ugly brown. My apricot rolls are still good after 3 months in the freezer!! What was the mistake? I'm Natasha Kravchuk. Use as gifts. Just keep checking it every couple hours till it’s done. I didnt know that it only takes 2 ingridients to make fruit leather… I will have to go to our local orchards for some plums and make some for my kids. Elena. She starts off by baking them on low heat for a short time. OhNO! I loved your finished product color! We have frozen plums and i am wondering if they will work in this recipe. These plums are also more cold hardy than the Japanese varieties and they have a much higher sugar content which make them excellent for drying. You can definitely taste it before mixing in the sugar and see if it is sweet enough for you. Dried plums have ancient heritage, with origins in Western Asia in an area near the Caucasus Mountains bordering the Caspian Sea. Available for Delivery. Thank you for answering my question because I had no idea that the fruit must be good dry. Is there less liquid that way? It was so nice to see you in person for the first time. The Santa Rosa plum has the advantage of being an excellent pollenizer for other plums and Pluots. I know we made something similar to this in a cooking class but for some reason I think it took wayyy less time. Yum! They actually taste great! Natasha, Love, are you sure that 400 degree oven is what you meant?? If all you have is wax paper, you might try spraying a little cooking spray on it (a tip shared by one of my readers) to prevent it from sticking to the wax paper. Origin: California. That would mean leaving my oven on while unattended. It is a sweet plum that is delicious when eaten fresh, cooked or canned. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A shiny, ruby red plum, the Santa Rosa makes up 30 percent of the country's total plum crop. Hi Susan, did you possibly put them on convection mode which would cause them to bake faster and oversoften? Learn more... Natasha's top tips to unleash your inner chef! It’s a nice shortcut We store this in foodsaver bags (airtight), but you can also store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer. If plums are smaller in size, set a timer for 15 min and check every 5 minutes to avoid burning the plums. I’ve never tried adding yogurt. If it is a liquid one, you will just have more drying time so keep that in mind :). This is a How-To for Fruit Leather. Add more sugar to taste if needed. I have left-over plum juice from making jelly. Would it work if I substituted honey for white sugar? Tue. I’m wondering if you need it to make them set up. You can do that. Since 2006 Bella Viva has been a Certified Organic Fruit Grower, and as of 2008 we have become a Certified Organic Fruit Dry Yard as well. Lay halved plums out on rimmed cookie sheets with cut side up and place in the oven for 20 min. Hi Lori, I think it should work but you will want to let it dry out longer since you are adding a more liquid to the mix. Pour the purée in to about an 1/8" to 1/4" thickness. Hello Natasha, When the fruit leather is ready, you can use a pizza cutter to cut fruit leather into srips. Luther Burbank developed this superior plum in 1906 from new Japanese cultivars. Starking Delicious – This new variety is gaining acclaim for its great taste and ease of growing. (4) My mom let  it dry in the sun for 2 days.

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