Six months prior to meeting Haru Shinkai and Gatchmon, Eri Karan accepts an App Drive and becomes Buddies with Dokamon. The 33% nuke lead for TEQ. ... he can punch … Unlike other enemies, it cannot attack or be defeated as the goal is to deliver … … This is the character that will deal all of the damage. If RNG destroys your round, she can be your back-up damage dealer as she is a powerful nuker on her own (but she will not hit on the same level as your LRs). When fully-charged, the punch deals excellent damage, grants super armor and is overall faster than if used … NOTICE: This page is to help players with a specific event. BOTH Guide. So even though my initial numbers were wrong (still hate that +1) here are some tips I have found out in the process. This Goku is an SBR Award and if you do not have him, there are plenty of replacements, if you do not have him, use AGL Turles, PHY SSJ Future Trunks, or you can use the F2P EZA TEQ Goku and Gohan (ONLY if EZA'd). AGL Type ATK +33% per AGL Ki Sphere obtained, TEQ Type ATK +33% for every TEQ Ki Sphere obtained, TEQ Type ATK +33% per TEQ Ki Sphere obtained, INT Type ATK +33% per INT Ki Sphere obtained, Super Saiyan 3 Goku (GT) (Golden Giant Ape), STR Type ATK +33% per STR Ki Sphere obtained, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Posted by. The AGL Nuke lead Mandatory Your Main Nuker. Here we have another card that can defend extremely well and that packs a decent punch… For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best teams for punching machine (no items)? Mission Description. [Top 10] Dokkan Battle Best AGL Cards! Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. I need to do the deliver a dokkan punch wish but the punch machine stage doesn't pop up for me in the menu. Your rotations should look like this. It says deliver a Dokkan punch, but I guess it’s not getting a Dokkan Mode attack. Goku's Family Support and SS for our Nukers Passive, Another SS unit to increase the chances of a rotation giving max damage to SS Gokus nuking while also charging RBW ki orbs. He is a need, make sure he somehow gets his SA because if he does, he gives all allies ATK +60%. The other orb changer (STR -> TEQ). This unit is better than the friend str piccolo because it has better links, the only problem is there is a bit more rng with him as he can turn into a giant ape and ruin your chances. He is an ALWAYS BRING unit for this event, he gives 50% ATK to ALL ALLIES, making for INSANE support. Dokkan Burst: Strong Kong; Neutral B: A wind-up punch which fully charges after ten wind-ups. If you don't have Bulla, switch her out for Turles. Speed Battle • Boss Rush • Super Battle Road • Extreme Super Battle Road • Give it a Dokkan! a certain amount of damage in a single punch! Needs to be in the third position on the rotation with Tien (position 1), LR Goku and Frieza (position 2) for maximum damage. You can complete the missions if you have dealt.!_Punch_Machine! High quality Dokkan gifts and merchandise. For maximum damage, you need this card on rotation with Tien (first slot) and Kid Buu (last slot). Dokkan Burst: Strong Kong; Neutral B: A wind-up punch which fully charges after ten wind-ups. (easy rainbow, make sure he's rainbowed for better success or it has to be rainbowed, I don't remember) use both Lemo's and 1 announcer and a Bulma on the second turn. Deal 4 million or more damage with a single attack in Stage 3 of 'Give it a Dokkan! This is the character that will deal all of the damage. When fully-charged, the punch deals excellent damage, grants super armor and is overall faster than if used … Press J to jump to the feed. Take the Leader Skill, Passive Skill and Link … ?oldid=1225208. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. EZA! You can complete the missions if you have dealt a certain amount of damage in a single punch! Six months prior to meeting Haru Shinkai and Gatchmon, Eri … Eri's an Appmon Idol! Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Give the Punch Machine an outstanding punch in this event! As the machine could be easily broken by the Dragon Team, they decide to go easy on it: Android 18 scores 203 points (she originally scored a 774, but the staff believed it was a malfunction and told her to redo her p… 【NEWS】Give it a Dokkan! Cheap, safe and 24/7 service. If not, at least one of the other 3 Supports has to. Punch Machine!-----= Event Details = Give the Punch Machine an outstanding punch in this event! 186. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Can be replaced with. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player! He is here only to change the orbs and nothing else. Clear any stage with at least 25 STR Ki spheres collected during the boss battke dokkan battle: 2020-11-08: Collect at least 7 orange orbs in battle Porunga wishes dragon ball z Dokkan battle: 2020-11-07: Enjoy the events and Dokkan events porunga wishes dragon ball z dokkan battle: 2020-11-06: Deliver a Dokkan Punch … He gives another 30% of ATK to Vegeta. He is an orb changer, changes agl to str ki spheres but if he is in 7th slot don't give up your run, just use the str Puar support item. He is the other of the two buffers, who has to be in the same rotation of Bulla and SSGSS Vegeta. Mr. Satan scores a 137 with his Satan Punch. This team needs everything to go basically perfect. He is THE nuker for this team, if he is in the 7th slot, just give up the run. He is here as one of the 2 supporters, the good news is that the EZA is not required. you HAVE to get a super off with eza Vegeta to do 99mil, you HAVE to get a crit with lr Vegtio blue. The second supporter of this team. Best Linking Partner for SS Goku with good links and a huge 40% support Boost. He is one of the two orb manipulators, he changes, He is the main hitter of the team, thanks to his passive he gets 20% of ATK per Ki Sphere obtained and if it is a. This is one of the buffer for Vegeta or Broly, you want her in rotation with the nuker and the other buffer. Punch Machine!' Please keep in mind to post teams that you have tested yourself. Tactics: Give it a Dokkan! ". BOTH Guide. Turn 1 - teq EZA Vegeta blue (if his super carries to the next turn, if not he is on turn 2 and a str ssj3 Goku gt takes his spot), kid goten (change orbs), and str Majin Vegeta (change orbs, can be in slot 7). gives out the player Dragon Stones note based on how hard you hit the machine with the maximum being 77 million which means you need to have a nuker to even reach that amount. Its charge can charge canceled and saved, and chosen when to … It replaced the qualifying rounds used in previous tournaments, to reduce injuries before the finals. Victory Rush (ビクトリーラッシュ, Bikutorī Rasshu) is a powerful Rush Attack used by GT Trunks in the Dragon Ball Xenoverse series and Vegeta Jr. in Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle.. Overview. You can complete the missions if you have dealt a certain amount of damage in a single punch! For maximum damage, you want both supporters and the LR Gohan on the second rotation. You can post teams that you used to clear the event. Note that Devilman and items are not allowed so you can't cheat your way out of this. Big Bang Punch (Dokkan Punch): Flies towards the enemy whilst surrounding himself with comet-like energy, then delivers a punch. Edit. Big Bang Punch (Dokkan Punch): Flies towards the enemy whilst surrounding himself with comet-like energy, then delivers a punch. Support Items are allowed in Level 4, 5 and 6. Doka Crash: ドカクラッシュ Doka Kurasshu: Doka Doka Rush: ドカドカラッシュ Doka … When fully-charged, the punch deals excellent damage, grants super armor and is overall faster than if used uncharged. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. One of the best supporters for Super TEQ, you need him in position 1, on rotation with LR Goku and Frieza and he needs to super attack first to buff Goku and Frieza. Close. Inspired designs on t-shirts, posters, stickers, home decor, and more by independent artists and designers from around the world. Yoshi's reaction is even funnier when you remember that she destroyed a punching machine in the last episode. Take a look at the Top 10 AGL Cards currently in Dokkan Battle global version. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts INT should target TEQ for max damage. DBZ Dokkan Battle Wiki, Database, News, and Community for the DBZ Dokkan Battle Player! The Dokkan Punch Machine! The "fight" is over after 6 charges. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best teams for punching machine (no items)? Battle Simulation • … Buy Dokkan accounts from reputable Dokkan Account sellers via secure Dokkan marketplace. History Comments (152) Share. A vital orb changer (STR -> INT) and can be a back-up damage dealer if your LR Gohan is unavailable. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Like the previous team, all credits go to Loligami@Reddit. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Take the Leader Skill, Passive Skill and Link … 1 year ago. based on the Dragon Ball franchise.. A mysterious force has gathered the Dragon Balls and has made … Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Press J to jump to the feed. Episode thread for Episode 5 of Digimon Universe Applimonsters Air Time: Saturday 8th … ... but he is also one of the best Goku’s Family leaders--a rather big category--which means he can give an even greater boost to certain units in your mono-AGL team like the Pan or SSJ Goku in this list. His martial arts uniform consists of a blue outfit similar to Mr. Satan's, along with a white cape. 01 - ゼニーステージ Punch Machine! in which the Punch Machine appears as a enemy during the event. Ensure at least one other Support+Super Saiyan unit on Rotation. History Comments (152) Share. He has orange armbands and boots, a red band tied to his left arm, while his Saiyan tailflows freely. A Big Bang Punch Straight to Your Heart! The good news is that the EZA is not required, he is here to support your LR with his incredible passive. Mon 02/05/2018 10:30 pm PST ~ Tue 12/31/2030 03:59 pm PST. Thu 02/14/2019 11:00 pm PST ~ Mon 12/31/2029 04:00 pm PST. He has been tested to be able to let lr blue Vegito to get 99 mil because of his passive (he can possibly be switched with teq bulla. Your Main Nuker. One of your orb changes (PHY -> TEQ). Fiction. Pinich's hair resembles the style of his master Vegeta, though his spikes are more pronounced and his widow's peak less pronounced. The goal of the event is to deal as much damage as possible with a single attack. Ensure at least one other Support+Super Saiyan unit on Rotation. Archived. Meet new allies through the bonds of friendship how to get the third dragon ball from the Porunga Wishes event of Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle of November 2020 Other Videos By El Profe … Gives only a 30% Atk and Def boost, but his ultra raises allies' Atk by 30% for the rest of the turn. Similar passive to Agl Turles without the Atk and Def reduction, can be swapped for any support unit you have if you do not have her. Pretty Obvious, he's the leader for any INT Nuker. Dokkan Burst: Strong Kong; Neutral B: A wind-up punch which fully charges after ten wind-ups. NOTICE: This page is to help players with a specific event. Dokkan Punch Events - Tips. Punch Machine! Punch … Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. High … Deal 4 million or more damage with a single attack in Stage 3 of 'Give it a Dokkan! He gives 30% atk to all allies for 1 turn on his super and his passive gives another 30% because of the second Vegeta on the team. Give the Punch Machine an outstanding punch in this event! Punch Machine!" Awakening Medals No Awakening Medals Recruit Cards No Recruit Cards Release Date 26 Sep 2018 6 Feb 2019 Weakness Ki Changers Nukers Increase Drop No increased drop Hit a punch machine as … Punch Machine!'. Broly can be used as the alternative nuker if the rotation isn't optimal. EZA!!_Punch_Machine!?oldid=1225209. See more ideas about Funny dragon, Memes, Dragon ball z. When fully-charged, the punch deals excellent damage, grants super armor and is overall faster than if used uncharged. There is no time limit for this mission. Community content is available under. Eri is an Appmon Idol! In Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle, there is a challenge event called "Give it a Dokkan! The main Nuker, since not only does he get the 66% per orb from the Beerus', but with Monaka masks and his own passive, he gets an additional 20% ATK Per Orb, making for a total of 86% ATK per Orb! There is no time limit for this mission. Punch Machine card from Dokkan Battle. Its charge can charge canceled and saved, and chosen when to … Event Announcement. Link Goku on rotation with the Super Saiyans, Use all your items, collect the field of AGL orbs and watch the missions clear. You can release your devastating skills to give these cruel opponents a lethal strike; you can buy a destructive weapon to kill them in one shot; you can also be a brave warrior who will use fists and legs to punch … Deal 1 million damage with a single attack: Deal 2 million damage with a single attack: Deal 3 million damage with a single attack: Deal 4 million damage with a single attack: Deal 5 million damage with a single attack: Deal 6 million damage with a single attack: Deal 7 million damage with a single attack: Deal 8 million damage with a single attack: Deal 9 million damage with a single attack: Deal 10 million damage with a single attack: Deal 20 million damage with a single attack: Deal 30 million damage with a single attack: Deal 40 million damage with a single attack: Deal 50 million damage with a single attack: Deal 60 million damage with a single attack: Deal 70 million damage with a single attack: Deal 77,770,000 damage with a single attack: Deal 80 million damage with a single attack: Deal 90 million damage with a single attack: Deal 99,990,000 damage with a single attack. 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