1150 DR: A great plague sweeps along the Sword Coast, coupled with increased attacks by troll and orc tribes. The nearest towns were Rauvincross downriver, Baraskur to the east, and Auvandell in the western Nether Mountains. Ironmaster. The central market is crowded during the day with people shopping for various goods and services, however those looking for the legendary equipment must go to the smithy district. The Citadel Apartments is located in Dallas, Texas in the 75240 zip code. Shieldcrushers - Soldiers and military leaders. Maps; Tag: Citadel Felbarr. There are also tunnels in the Upper Underdark that connect it to Mithral Hall. https://dderps-faerun.fandom.com/wiki/Citadel_Felbarr?oldid=245. The king and queen want the group to investigate fire giant activity - sending them to chapter 8. Together, they gave their support to a group of adventurers to deal with the fire giant threat in the old forge of Ironslag, led by the fire giant ruler, Duke Zalto and his family, after the removal of the Ordning. Now offering Virtual Tours. The bearer may increase their Lay on Hands hit point pool by 5. The badge of office for the King of Citadel Felbarr was a simple golden crown adorned with three large sapphires. There are maps to other towns in the book, with good enough detail for easy use and close enough to most of the maps in the Interactive Atlas to easily allow its use where possible. Items from Citadel Felbarr, Citadel Felbarr in the Silver Marches was originally a dwarven citadel of over 25,000 dwarves that at different times in history had belonged to dwarves, humans, orcs, and, since 1367 DR, once again the dwarves. Directory Map Store/Restaurant Category Filter View All Beauty & Health Children’s Apparel & Toys Curbside Pickup Delivery Options Food Specialty & Restaurants Footwear Housewares & Home Furnishings Jewelry & Sunglasses Leather, Luggage & Accessories Men’s Apparel & Accessories Restaurant Services Women’s Apparel & Accessories Search: ; Graduate Programs Evening programs designed for Charleston's working professional. (DMG p. 62). This is a pretty good map of the area There isn't much info about Felbarr since in the novels about the Orc Invasion, much of the focus is centered on Mithrall Hall to the west, where the brunt of the attack was located. Read More. It appears to be unusually busy. Once per day, the bearer may use their reaction to reduce fall damage by 1d6 until the end of turn. Past the guilds to the north is the Hall of Ceremony, and the seat of power. Small city Citadel Felbarr was located at the base of the Rauvin Mountains along the River Redrun, with Silverymoon Pass to the south and Sundabar Vale to the east. [2], The badge of office for the King of Citadel Felbarr was a simple golden crown adorned with three large sapphires. [13], Citadel Felbarr often traded with Beorunna's Well, Quaervarr, Silverymoon, and Sundabar. The orcs begin to be known as the orcs of Many-Arrows. [3], Citadel Felbarr was located at the base of the Rauvin Mountains along the River Redrun, with Silverymoon Pass to the south and Sundabar Vale to the east. This battered wand was created by the dwarves of the great realm of Kholedzar. Emerus Warcrown[citation needed] in 1367 DRParson Glaive[citation needed] in 1486 DRKing Morinn & Queen Tithmel[citation needed] in 1486 DR It is built around a huge dragon-shaped forge. The King of the Dwarven Pantheon, Moradin springs to mind, as he forged the dwarven race out of metal, and is a patron of all aspects of dwarven life, primarily forging and engineering in 5th edition. This formidable dwarven fortress-city lies beneath the Rauvin Mountains. There are also defensive ballistae and heavy catapaults at the Runegate, as well as the North and South Vigils that can be equipped with experimental exploding bolts when needed. Schedule a Visit Request Information Apply Online Cadet Majors & Minors Graduate Programs The item floats on water or other liquids. In around 1054 DR the dwarves abandoned Citadel Felbarr. [11], Some point after Parson Glaive was made king of Citadel Felbarr, the throne was given over to the royal couple King Morinn and Queen Tithmel, a pair of wise monarchs who made it a point to rule as equals. Citadel Felbarr is located at the base of the Rauvin Mountains along the River Redrun, with Silverymoon Pass to the south and Sundabar Vale to the east. [10], Emerus Warcrown was still king as of 1479 DR.[1], In the Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls, 1486 DR, King Emerus Warcrown abdicated his throne and title to join Bruenor Battlehammer on the march to reclaim Gauntlgrym. This has caused some strife amongst the hardline dwarves who believe that the king should be in the bloodline of Emerus Warcrown who went missing in 1486 after volunteering to march on Gauntlgrym. And deities*.. forge domain cleric. Religions That's awesome. there are several branches from this point. The recent story of Citadel Felbarr is the story of my fallen friend, King Emerus Warcrown. Adventurer's escaping from the Underdark bring dire warnings to Citadel Felbarr of Demons and undead roaming the deadly tunnels down below. The surface settlements survive the fall, such as Citadel Adbar, Citadel Felbarr, Mithral Hall, and Sundabar, but the underground settlements do not. The shopkeeper is a young male dwarf named Malti. Aliases She is particularly interested in wands and staves from the hoard of the dragon Aceban. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Most trade goes along the above ground road to the Sundabar and Beorunna's Well. Between the west residential (nobles and Admin) and the great forge is a military training district. Augrek Brighthelm's Quest: She gives the party a letter of recommendation if they find themselves at the dwarven Citadel Felbarr. College Transfer Programs Learn tonight, lead tomorrow. The bearer knows the general direction to the closest Shadow Crossing within a 60 mile radius. Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and … Contact leasing team for tour today! The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Strength saving throws. The bearer may cast True Strike once per day. The humans of Silverymoon quickly took advantage of this masive citadel and garrisoned it with over 3,000 troops[2] However after a battle lasting many months the citadel was captured in 1104 DR by orcs and renamed Citadel of Many Arrows. The humans of Silverymoon quickly took advantage of this massive citadel and garrisoned it with over 3,000 troops. History This chamber also connects to the east residential. Renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows by its new masters, it stood as an example of how … Unique, prestigious, and affordable. Citadel Felbarr. Citadel Felbarr King Morinn is the beloved and wise ruler of Citadel Felbarr alongside his wife, Tithmel, where he rules as equal. Thornhold. Its bearer has advantage on Strength (Athletics) checks to swim. A Tale of (Two … [6] It was recaptured by a force of Dwarves in 1367 DR. D&Derps Faerun Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Maps; Character Quick Search. The shop is a two-storey building hewn from an outcrop of crystal, with a reinforced wooden door. College transfer programs for non-traditional students. 171 Moultrie Street Charleston, SC 29409 843-225-3294 www.citadel.edu The Citadel is a tobacco-free campus. King Obould the First of Many-Arrows was a brutich but intelligent orc born to the sabage orcs dwelling in the wilderness around Mithral Hall. Concerned about the dwarven prisoners at Ironslag, the royal family had placed a bounty on Duke Zalto with the reward of a custom stronghold. Citadel Felbarr was located at the base of the Rauvin Mountains along the River Redrun, with Silverymoon Pass to the south and Sundabar Vale to the east. [12], King Warcrown signed the Treaty of Garumn's Gorge with the orc King Obould along with King Bruenor Battlehammer at Mithral Hall. On Hahyrst Avenue, east of the Adventurer's Gate. Renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows by its new masters, it stood as an example of how … Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Speak with Animals spell (1st level). Luruar, also commonly known as the Silver Marches, is a confederation of cities in the north of Faerûn, under the leadership of Alustriel Silverhand, former ruler of Silverymoon. Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Fire Bolt spell (1st level). A map marking the location of Citadel Felbarr. Citadel Felbarr: This is a dwarven fortress. Organizations in Citadel Felbarr Citadel Adbar. The bearer may change minor aspects of the physical appearance of this item. Founded in -3900 DR The name survives as a middle name among modern day dwarves, one of much prestige. This was not surprising, as most visitors were orcs or monstersseeking the swift death of its citizens, but, despite its insular traditions and remote location, the fortress was a trading city. Filters PC NPC Barbarian x 1 Bard x 1 Bronze Dragonborn x 1 Jester x 1 Nature Cleric x 1 Totem Warrior x 1 Wood elf x 1 ... High General of Citadel Felbarr Georges Laraque. Dwarven pantheon[1] This thin hazel wand also transmutes gold coins into caltrops. Please call or stop by for a tour. Citadel is a Library mod required for advanced animations and entity properties in 1.14 and beyond. In 1367 DR, Emerus led a force of dwarves to seize on the advantage when, to our surprise and delight, another orc horde assaulted the orcs inside the Citadel of Many Arrows. This ornate wand was taken from the Forsaken Cyst of Worms. The bearer gains a +1 bonus to Wisdom (Religion) checks. This hawthorn wand was created by the legendary dwarf artificer Yrild Haeridotr. Citadel Adbar is a fortress named for King Adbar, the ancient dwarf who began its construction in -370 DRand completed it in -272 DR during the waning years of ancient Delzoun making this the last shard of that once mighty dwarven kingdom. Contains 1d4 unreplenishable charges of the Ray of Frost spell (1st level). He has since taken the deceased duke’s daughter, Cinderhild, as his ward, in order to broker peace with Duchess Brimskarda. The Sword Coast, throttling through political turmoil since the Dragon Wars, is in danger. The bearer gain a +1 bonus to initiative rolls. 1104 DR: Citadel Felbarr falls to orcs led by King Obould in the Battle of Many Arrows, and is renamed the Citadel of Many Arrows. The Citadel Military College of South Carolina Campus Map & Virtual Tour . [5], Originally a part of Delzoun, Citadel Felbarr was completed in −1900 DR.[6], In the Year of the Delighted Dwarves, three dwarf clans hailing from Ammarindar and Citadel Felbarr migrated to Myth Drannor. From the west residential and to the north, circling past the guilds is a large circular chamber containing the great forge and the fabled metalsmiths. 6,987[citation needed] in 1372 DR Events in Citadel Felbarr Sir Baric Nylef – Check with his friend Sir Lanniver Strayl in Helm's Hold to let him know … Trade is dominated by the creation of world renown weapons and arms, largely made with overly intricate flourishes and gemstones. Inhabitants of Citadel Felbarr Ruler The bearer can send messages mentally to willing characters within 30 feet. Citadel Felbarr (Small City, 6,987): A former dwarven citadel given over to humans when the dwarves retreated into deeper holds, Felbarr fell to orcs three hundred years ago. This page contains a map of Los Angeles and is intended to help users arrive at Citadel Outlets. There is a secondary industry deep within the citadel based around the creation of iron golems for high paying factions. Circular layout with the central entry chamber being a trades area. As an added bonus, our superb location just one more reason to call The Citadel at Preston home. [4], Citadel Felbarr had tunnels in the Upper Underdark that connected it to Mithral Hall in the west.[5]. Citadel Outlets 100 Citadel Drive Los Angeles, CA 90040 Map data: Google [7][6][8], In around 1054 DR, the dwarves abandoned Citadel Felbarr. A trade route connected Felbarr to Sundabar to the southeast and Beorunna's Well to the northwest beyond the Cold Wood. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Silver Marches, northwest Faerûn Among the eldest and grandest of the Delzoun holds, Citadel Felbarr was built more than three thousand years ago— a span of time beyond the ability of younger races to comprehend. Between the east residential (commoners) and the great forge is a mining district. Goldwhisker (Missing / Dead) Father of Kazook, Leader of the Wererats Graz'zt. The Citadel gives you easy access to all the right places. Program Types. Now offering over 25 graduate degree programs and over 25 graduate certificates. Citadel Felbarr had tunnels in the Upper Underdark that connected it to Mithral Hall in the west. This heavy wand also grants the magical ability to mend broken tankards. This connects to the military training district. Gallery Forgotten Realms is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) fantasy role-playing game.Commonly referred to by players and game designers alike as "The Realms", it was created by game designer Ed Greenwood around 1967 as a setting for his childhood stories. Triboar – Ghelryn Foehammer’s suggestion (see STK page 62) to go to Citadel Felbarr (see STK page 79), can lead the characters’ straight to Ironslag, the fire giant stronghold. The Underdark in the North (With above and below ground landmarks and cities!!) Locations in Citadel Felbarr Maps; The Demon Lords Have Arisen. Mall Hours Mon 11am–7pm Tue–Wed 10am–9pm Thu 9am–5pm Fri CLOSED Sat 11am–8pm Sun 11am–5pm He is fascinated by illusions and phantasms. All (1) Adventure Logs (0) Characters (0) Items (0) Wiki (1) User (0) Results Citadel Felbarr Citadel Felbarr; Cities of the North; Dwarfholds of the North; Forgotten Realms; Among the eldest and grandest of the Delzoun holds, Citadel Felbarr was built more than three thousand … All Tags. North is guilds, south is the gate. Size Dwarves Cadet Majors and Minors When you commit to the cadet experience, you stand out from the rest. You want a god of the Forge. That Citadel was made to hold 25,000 dwarves and it will fill up with Orcs much easier than Dwarves, that is one hell of a capital for a prospective Kingdom. Races The King and Queen may have a use for the party. This communication is one-way only. Citadel, being a Library, does not add many features by itself, but rather provides a frame work for other mods when it comes to animating entities, loading .tbl Tabula and .obj Waveront models, and for keeping track of entity properties. The street outside is lined with an old stone wall. The total vanguard stands 500 strong, ready to defend from intruders or threats from within. Citadel Felbarr (Small City, 6,987): A former dwarven citadel given over to humans when the dwarves retreated into deeper holds, Felbarr fell to orcs three hundred years ago. When on the plane of the Abyss, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Abyssal Corruption. When in the Nine Hells, the bearer has advantage on saving throws against Pervasive Evil. West and East is residential districts. The shop is a single storey timber framed building, with carved wooden doors. [4], Citadel Felbarr had tunnels in the upper Upperdark that connected it to Mithral Hall in the west. Society Wonderous item, uncommon (requires attunement), uncommon (requires attunement). Citadel Felbarr. Admissions. Here is the order of events as best I can recall them. The vanguard is lead by a General who is an advisor to the king and queen. Luruar, also commonly known as the Silver Marches, is a confederation of cities in the north of Faerûn, under the leadership of Alustriel Silverhand, former ruler of Silverymoon. [9], In the Year of the Shield, 1367 DR, Citadel Felbarr was recaptured by a force of dwarves led by Emerus Warcrown when King Obould's forces were exhausted after battling another orc tribe led by King Greneire. [14] It also exchanged caravans with Mithral Hall.[15]. A trade route connected Felbarr to Sundabar to the southeast and Beorunna's Well to the northwest beyond the Cold Wood. Population Adrik is a burly 4’8" shield dwarf with thick red hair and a braided beard, young by dwarven standards at 38, who usually dons heavy armour emblazoned with the symbols of Gauntlgrym & Mithral Hall.He prefers to carry a battleaxe, as well as his shield, which is emblazoned with the imagery of red eyes behind a bronze mask, the holy symbol of Gorm Gulthyn. Lies beneath the Rauvin Mountains renown weapons and arms, largely made overly! Wiki is a secondary industry deep within the Citadel Apartments is located in Dallas, Texas in the Upperdark... Outlets 100 Citadel Drive Los Angeles, CA 90040 Map data: Google Maps Tag! A trade route connected Felbarr to Sundabar to the east, and the great forge is a tobacco-free.! The western Nether Mountains you and never miss a beat in a market ward for... Of Many Arrows by its new masters, it stood as an added bonus, our superb location one! / Dead ) Father of Kazook, citadel felbarr map of the fire Bolt spell ( 1st level ) in. 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