There is far more to reading than just comprehension. Most liked. Students compare their answers together (pairs/groups) first before class feedback. Hi, I wanted some advice on the stages of a CELTA lesson plan when teaching grammar. I hope you find something useful. After that, I had one person pretend to be a journalist while the other one had to be the man in the airport. The final stage of the lesson gives the students the opportunity to practise the target language in freer activities which bring in other language elements. TUTOR _ _____ SIGNED BY T. RAINEE _____ Main Lesson Aim (By the end of the lesson . How to write CELTA lesson plans. In previous lessons, the students … CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 19 Apr 2012 TP No: 6 / Stage 6 Level: Pre Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. When you start planning the stages, you need to make sure that there is a logical link between the stages. Lesson plan cover sheet continued – Use this side of the sheet if your lesson contains any language i.e. When I first started teaching over a decade ago I felt that many global English language coursebooks tended to prioritise comprehension in reading sections. 25. !’ Meh. Perform a dialogue based on the following roles: Student A: You’re a shop assistant. They are: This is a completely imaginary conversation. ELT Planning Blog at The first thing is to go online and search for a CELTA lesson plan template (this links to probably the best source I have found!). CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 8 Mar 2012 TP No: 4 / Stage 1 Level: Upper Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. Students want to know what they did well/badly on in the final task as well as checking that they have the ‘right’ answers in more controlled practice. Jul 30, 2020 - This is an example of a lesson plan done during a CELTA course. Name: Chiew PangCELTA – Stage Plan: Stages, Aims & Procedure Lesson: TBL: to enable students to tell personal anecdotes betterTime & WHAT will the students do, and HOW? So, I’ve dug out my excellent CELTA handbook (from IH Budapest) and summarised most of the frameworks mentioned. I thought about this lesson recently. Here are some tips for writing your lesson plan on the CELTA: Aims: Think about what you would like your students to achieve by the end of the lesson.Try to focus on “By the end of the lesson, students will be able to …”. Just Google it and you will find them. There are loads of them available online. I did CELTA over 7 years ago and would have appreciated this then :) Materials writing conversations #7: circles. Before we get into the tourism side of things, we need to lay some foundations. In practice, and with more time than you get during a CELTA lesson, certain tasks might be extended or added. CELTA Lesson Plan. Having a contingency plan to avoid teacher talk…prompts around the room to remind her to ‘stop talking’, ‘ask X to tell Y’, also seemed to help her reduce the quantity of her talk. However, based on the conversations I’ve had with PGCEi candidates from my own/previous cohorts, I can say there are three clear areas that set your 60s apart from your 70s. For reading texts, the gist task is often timed. The final task involves writing a speech. will be able . This will help you define what your primary aims and secondary aims are. 1 International House Madrid CELTA Lesson Plan Name Lesson Length Date Level Students Skills aim(s) for the students: By the end of this lesson, students … Language aim(s) for the students: By the end of this lesson, students … Personal aims: Look back at previous tutor feedback to remind yourself of areas to work on. Detailed task – set a task based on detailed comprehension (formats might include gap fills, ordering events, true/false, etc). When I re-read it I thought, ‘actually Pete, it was pretty bad teaching! January: Handed in my notice at British Council. So, the above focuses primarily on reading and listening skills, in practice other skills/systems are integrated. Having said that, sometimes you just can’t turn the work down, especially when it’s a gamechanger for your career. I haven’t come across an announcement from the school itself (now a Twin Language Centre). Lesson Plan Cover Sheet Name: Jay Cederholm Date: 11 Oct Level: Upper Intermediate Lesson type: Writing practice Lesson No. This plan is from my CELTA course which was amazing. They’re gonna need some support. It was International Women’s Day the weekend before, so I thought it was fitting that we looked at one of the most famous, or infamous, women in British history –Boudica! Note: receptive skills are reading and listening, Lead-in – Generate interest in the topic / text. I got a mark of 78 for each of the three modules, which basically means ‘your writing is okay, but your stuff’s not really a contribution to the field or anything; solid but unspectacular’. This plan is from my CELTA course which was amazing. Blog at Customer Code: Creating a Company Customers Love HubSpot. (more…). I don’t know, although I can confidently say it’s not very CELTA. Here’s how the year went…. It will show that you have thoroughly prepared for your lesson. Example of a CELTA lesson plan. I had a request last week from a reader who wanted to know more about lesson frameworks. Just came across it again. CELTA lesson plan. Name: Chiew PangCELTA – Stage Plan: Stages, Aims & Procedure Lesson: TBL: to enable students to tell personal anecdotes betterTime & WHAT will the students do, and HOW? I did CELTA over 7 years ago and would have appreciated this then :) Just came across it again. CELTA Lesson Frameworks. Orientation to text – What do you need to tell the students about the text to prepare them for reading/listening? The differences between a Merit and a Distinction might seem subtle/subjective – things like ‘broad knowledge’ versus ‘broad and detailed knowledge’, or ‘originality’ versus ‘considerable originality’. Topic 3 on the CELTA gave me a solid overview of how to plan a receptive skills lesson, and the basics I learnt from this module still underpin my practice. But I also recommend planning some handouts for your lesson. On our most recent CELTA course in Munich, some of the trainees seemed to have a problem with the stages a lesson should include so I've tried to break down the basic stages for different lesson types. (Aims) Tutor observations & recommendationsInteraction WHAT will the teacher do? Work with a partner. The PPP Teaching Framework is a model to describe the typical stages of language teaching lesson. (This stage will follow the task cycle.) Moreover, all the stages in your lesson plan should lead to achieving lesson aims. I found it quite a useful diagnostic – which students could work well on these independent tasks, who was able to use what they’d explored as supporting evidence for the task… That type of stuff. Classroom management IH IHrachid. Started Module 2 of the PGCEi. Resources these days seem to include more meaning-building tasks, such as those I outlined in this blog post, and those mentioned by Rachael Roberts. No. I don't necessarily include all these stages in every writing lesson, and the emphasis given to each stage may differ according to the genre of the writing and / or the time available. There are loads of them available online. Year 9 Geography. CELTA tip: the language skills assignment. I’m prone to slack/lazy practice. CELTA lesson plan. This will help you define what your primary aims and secondary aims are. that are introduced through the reading or by the teacher. 3 Steps for Preparing CELTA Lesson Plans BEFORE the course 1. (more…). This model works well as it can be used for most isolated grammatical items. What is test-teach-test? I’ve heard that it’s the end of the road for LTC Eastbourne. The plans are suitable for learners of all levels and can be easily adapted by IELTS teachers to suit the needs of students. I’d say an important stage was missing – final feedback! Below is the framework for a writing lesson that was suggested on my CELTA: Lead-in – generate interest, set topic Reading (optional) – provide a model of the text type Language preparation – vocabulary, expressions, etc. Find a template CELTA lesson plan. Let’s look at it, and we will see that we need to write objectives, problems, describe the materials and the procedure. The PPP Teaching framework consist of four main stages: Warm-up, Presentation, Practice and Production and is used to teach speaking and writing lessons. For example, I often add vocabulary, pronunciation and game stages after the detailed task in my classes. There is a variation when we use this framework to teach listening and reading skills when we use pre-while and post the . It’s best to do the activities in order. Here are some short activities I wrote for British Council Video Zone last year. My loose thoughts on a random post-writing, pre-COVID evening…. 3 Steps for Preparing CELTA Lesson Plans BEFORE the course 1. Stages of the lesson plan. Decided to post it now for a few reasons: Cut up each task and stick them around the room. Pre-teach vocabulary – Teach any vocabulary needed for the detailed task. The philosophy behind the test-teach-test is to use some sort of controlled practice to see what students know so when you teach students, you simply teach what they don’t know and not waste time on everything they already know. c) Test-Teach-Test. CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 8 Mar 2012 TP No: 4 / Stage 1 Level: Upper Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. Find a template CELTA lesson plan. What format should I follow when I teach the grammar for a 1 hour pre-intermediate lesson. My general rule is that I never take on writing projects which require over 20 hours a week – that’s when things start to get stressful. Whatever is relevant. I find tasks that develop meaning-building skills are more engaging for my learners, as they are often more personalised, more challenging and give learners more chance to process a text. Teacher talk time . You can use the resources when teaching IELTS speaking lessons to encouraging participation and conversation in the classroom. Main Aim By the end of the lesson the students will be reading and listening for gist, specific information and meaning Subsidiary Aim They were quite fun to write, quick too. I’m only going on contact with staff, past and present. What were you on about? I think I wrote it with someone like NALDIC in mind, but not sure they responded/I sent it. Here are the macro indicators for assessment. They were from a humanities college, they requested lessons in history, psychology, sociology and so on. Other than that, a sound lesson plan for CELTA candidates. Detailed Lesson Plan (ENGLISH, MATH, SCIENCE, FILIPINO) Junnie Salud. I’ve just finished a PGCEi through University of Nottingham. This could be text type, text source, speakers’ accents, etc. I wrote this lesson last year for the anniversary of the first moon landing. The purpose of the lead-in is to introduce the context of the lesson and to get the students interested in what you’re about to teach. TeachingEnglish | Lesson plans © BBC | British Council 2011 Stages of a reading lesson . You could change this – I only used that as it connected with some ‘YL Speaking Challenge’ at my school. SIGNED BY . I don’t just post the good. they are a while back, but only gave one example, Materials writing conversations #7: circles. What to Upload to SlideShare SlideShare. Saved by KEISHA REID-PASCHALL. Holidays, Regional Dishes, Health and … Photo by Startup Stock Photos on In order to decide which stages our lesson should have, we… Test-Teach-Test turns this on its head a little bit. I mean, take this list of things not to do when teaching vocab (shared on twitter by @bwileducate), Now consider this dialogue in my class over the weekend…, I wrote this in 2019. It was a pretty good example of my preferred teaching approach. FOCUS ON THE TOPIC . Deal with the customer’s request appropriately. Stages of a writing lesson. And also what should the next 1 hour trainee follow/teach in their lesson. Students compare their answers together (pairs/groups) first before class feedback. CELTA Lessons: Context & Test-Teach-Test Framwork. (Procedure)S-S Production – oral, To get ss to practice speaking Ss tell their anecdote to … (more…). I think the language skills topic on the CELTA is incredibly useful. Students work through the activities (devices needed), taking notes where relevant, building to the final task. Stage Name WHY are you doing this stage? Balancing writing alongside teaching (and other) commitments isn’t always easy. grammar, vocabulary, phonology What is the meaning of the language? Fully editable – check for spelling mistakes: Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. What stages would their lesson plan … lesson plan: Good points in this lesson: You need to address: Overall comment: Overall, for this stage of the course, this lesson was: TO STANDARD / NOT TO STANDARD. I was pretty clueless too until I took the CELTA and the DELTA where my trainers beat this ESL speaking lesson plan template into my head such that I could basically recite it in my sleep. Example of a CELTA lesson plan 1. Production is the final stage in the PPP ESL lesson plan template, one that can be challenging and rewarding for both you and your students. The first thing is to go online and search for a CELTA lesson plan template (this links to probably the best source I have found!). Last blog post of 2020. There’s a theme to the ideas below – 5 ways to make textbook reading activities come alive! A lead-in is the initial stage of any successful lesson. Spot on, I’d say. If you can’t be bothered and you have more tech available, have it as a doc to work through on Google Classroom (at links instead of QRs maybe). Stage 1: The Lead-in The Lead-in determines the direction of your lesson. In the production stage, teacher talk time is at its lowest—almost nonexistent. Name: Date: Lesson focus: Level: TP No. Students want to know what they did well/badly on in the final task as well as checking that they have the ‘right’ answers in more controlled practice. In this ESL lesson plan stage, students take the ideas and go a bit deeper with them. CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 29 Mar 2012 TP No: 5 / Stage 2 Level: Upper Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. 3.2 Lesson Planning I had a terrible problem with my lesson planning. That means I have to share 5 ideas to even things out! As a kind of aside, if you haven’t taken something like the Celta or other English training course, I highly recommend doing so. Author Emma Jones Posted on 06/12/2019 06/12/2019 Categories CELTA Course, Lesson Planning Tags christmas advert, Christmas lesson plan, EFL Christmas ideas, Ideas for Christmas lessons, John Lewis, John Lewis Christmas Advert 1 Comment on Another stress free, prep. Staging: Write down the different stages of the lesson. free Christmas A Guide to Lesson Planning: Basic Stages Now we come to a slightly different approach. Essentially a speaking lesson can follow the same stages as those of a writing lesson. Author Amanda Momeni Posted on 28/11/2019 29/11/2019 Categories CELTA Course, Lesson Planning, Teaching English, Teaching language Tags CELTA Course, CELTA lesson plan, CELTA planning, CELTA stage names, CELTA stages, CELTA tips 1 Comment on A Guide to Lesson Planning: Basic Stages As someone who rarely uses textbooks, I’m always searching for authentic reading and listening materials to use in class. CAMBRIDGE ESOL CELTA LESSON PLAN Name: Clive Elsmore Date: 29 Mar 2012 TP No: 5 / Stage 2 Level: Upper Intermediate Lesson Focus: Grammar, Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Vocabulary. Lesson Plan Cover Sheet Name: Jay Cederholm Date: 7 Oct Level: Pre-intermediate Lesson type: Grammar clarification & practice Lesson No. Goaded a few people on Twitter, felt guilty, stopped using Twitter. The above is the BASIC framework. This week a colleague at the British Council gave me FIVE different activities for my young learner classes. I’d say an important stage was missing – final feedback! 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