We are dedicated to creating and providing free, high-quality English language learning resources. If you’d prefer to see a list of lesson plan topics, please view the topic list. These exercises help you learn and improve your grammar skills for high-level exams such as university entrance exams, international English language exams. Advanced Vocabulary Quiz. Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. health clubs aren't for you. 4. This section offers reading practice to help you understand long, complex texts about a wide variety of topics, some of which may be unfamiliar. Advanced Prepositions Quiz 6 August 17. Choose the correct option. You are here. Are you an advanced (CEFR level C1) learner of English? Articles a/an/the 5 6. Articles: a , an , the , any , some. Were you stumped by … Used to vs Be used to - Test 03. English level test; Advanced C1. Reading and Use of English sample test. You can take this quiz and then check your answers right away. The gruelling grammar quiz. Indefinite Articles a / an Articles A/An/The Detailed Indefinite Articles - A / An: A/An with Exercise A/An Exercise 2 / A vs An 3 / A vs An 4 Articles A/An/The Exercises: 1. Upper-intermediate & Advanced Level ESL Quizzes Free Upper-Intermediate & advanced self-grading quizzes and exercises for students to practice English grammar and vocabulary on their own. 1. C 2. Use it in class or at home to improve your reading and comprehension or to study for an ESL, EFL, or TEFL test. B 12. B 4. 3. Causatives – Causatives Tests category includes free online quizzes on causatives tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. Next: How Strong Is Your Vocabulary? A / An / The Worksheets 1 2. English Articles for Upper-Intermediate and Advanced Students. For the rules on when a determiner is required, and when no determiner is required, see the Linguapress English Grammar page on Count and non-count nouns. Are you shopping for . Quiz 2: intermediate – advanced. Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence. Articles Test This articles test checks your understanding of a, an, the, and the zero article. Paris is an interesting city. Exercise Complete the sentences with a suitable article. These Test Questions are suitable for UPSC, SSC, CDS, AFCAT, Banking, Combined Graduate Level Exam and other entrance test. I saw an old woman with a dog in the park. Around the world, you'll find 360 million people who speak English as their first language. This second gap fill test contains 25 multiple choice questions on the topics of determiners, articles, quantifiers of English grammar. Check out Free Online Tests English (Articles Test 2) have 20 Multiple Choics Questions designed for Various Entrance Examinations in India. III. Indefinite articles a an. A. I think the show is about starting now. Articles Exercise 4 5. Synonyms ESL Vocabulary Games . If you really want to test your knowledge of the English language, take this fun quiz and see if you can identify the proper spelling of tricky words or if you can identify common grammar mistakes. C. I think the show is about to start now . Use a/an First mention We use a/an when we mention something for the first time.. Click on a quiz below and test yourself! Articles exercises - elementary and intermediate level. Are you shopping for ___ health club to join so you can get in shape? 25 multiple choice questions. A 6. Each test contains 10 questions. Article Diagnostic: identify specific points that need review. The material is intended to be suitable for upper-intermediate and advanced classes. More tests: Used to vs Be used to. QUESTION TIMER: *You will not be able to enter your name on the leaderboard. If you want to rank and comment this quizz, login in or create an account! Share: Please choose one option for each question then click Test Result to obtain your result and level (33 questions) A. A 15. 1. You'll need to study more!. C 3. This is a quiz for students of English as a second language. Share Your Results. Articles Worksheet 6 7. Here is a list of advanced ESL lesson plans on a variety of topics for English conversation class.Note that there are over 40 lesson plans at this level, so be sure to click the ‘older posts‘ link at the bottom of the page to see more. Can you prove that you know the basics and pass this advanced ESL quiz? This is a free all levels English grammar quiz and esl worksheet. Listening sample test. C 10. UsingEnglish.com Sign Up; Log In Grammar & Vocab. Have fun teaching and learning English! B. I have been waiting for ages. wrong club and losing more money than pounds. Comment this Quiz. A 13. Free grammar exercises. B. Writing sample test. C 11. health club to join so you can get in shape? B 5. English Grammar - Articles Test 021 Hard . Each article is used in different situations, Find out with this exercise if you know how to use them correctly. This is a grammar diagnostic page with study links. Advanced C1. Make your high school English teacher or college English professor proud and take this grammar and spelling test! Write the article the in each box whenever it is necessary. It can be used to energize a dull class, to review work that was done or simply as a reward for good classroom work. Intensive grammar review quizzes are a great way for English students to test their knowledge. Shop wisely! Articles—Diagnostic Quiz. All my life... A. I loved going to the movies. Texts include specialised articles, biographies and summaries. Article Use in English Quiz. It is suitable for intermediate and advanced esl learners. March 17, 2016. A. Articles— A Unspecific / Specific (any one vs. a particular one) A – Unspecific One: refer to a noun as "any one is an example of all" Beginning–Intermediate ESL. 1223 The definite article the – Exercise 3; 1229 The definite article the – Exercise 4; 1215 The indefinite article a/an – Exercise 1; 1217 The indefinite article a/an – Exercise 2; 1231 The indefinite article – a, an – Test; 1219 The indefinite article a/an or some – Exercise; 1227 Use of the definite article … 1. You may find out too late that . All of our content is written by our in-house Specialists for people at all stages of their careers. A 8. Articles Test 2 This articles test checks your understanding of a, an, the, and the zero article. Quiz 1: beginning – intermediate. Newer articles or revised articles are listed in the first section below. You won't have heard the news yet. This is one of the quizzes from The Internet TESL Journal's 'Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students'. Next: Name That … They are intended for intermediate ESL learners to improve your test … 2. How to use commas in sentences . Make a note of your answers as you complete the test. This quiz has 10 questions featuring English sentences and you have to fill in the right article. A list of EFL, ESL worksheets each based on a stimulating article that will raise issues worth discussing. a4esl.org Articles: Health Clubs Click the answer button to see the answer. You would have heard the news yet. Tough words and tougher competition. Share: Please choose one option for each question then click Test Result to obtain your result and level (37 questions) A. If you want to learn English grammar or grow your vocabulary then these resources will help you with your studies. C 9. While that seems like a small figure compared to the 7.5 billion people in the world, the number becomes more impressive when you include all the English speakers. B. I think the show is about in start now. 2. After finishing a test, you can review your answers. These tests will help you to learn, review, and refresh your knowledge about Used to vs Be used to in English. a/an, the, no article – grammar chart . You got: % Correct. Need more help with adverbs? ; Write 0 (the figure zero) if no article is possible. No sign-up required. Quiz.biz does not certify the quizzes to be reliable, contact Allthingsgrammar ! A. I have waited for ages. B 16. Explore our wide range of Articles, Quizzes, & Downloadable Resources on Advanced Safeguarding. C. I've loved going to the movies . Level Test Upper Advanced C2. Head to this KS2 guide. In English grammar, articles are the words that are used with nouns to specify grammatical certainty of the noun. This exam covers some of the most important upper-intermediate level English tenses, structure, and functions. YassoSciences. YassoMilkaSciences. Both English learners and ESL teachers can use this online exercise as a revision to check the knowledge of English determiners, articles, quantifiers. Listening answer key. Each worksheet has a a number of exercises highlighting and practising vocabulary and grammar points in the article. Choose the correct option. Article Quiz for Upper Intermediate English Level. You've probably seen or heard these challenging words, but do you know what they mean? Older articles (presented with the older website styling) are listed in the archive section further down this page. Find out your level. There you are! Article Use is Difficult! Advanced English Grammar exercises and tests . See if your level is Advanced or Proficiency Take the preposition quiz to find out! GRAMMAR QUIZ ARTICLES: A, AN, THE ... articles Level Lower Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. 2. The definite article the is the most common determiner used in English. This is a collection of articles written by Fullspate and intended to be interesting to read and equally interesting to discuss. START THE QUIZ *You will not be able to enter your name on the leaderboard . Keep working on your English, review the rules, and you'll understand soon. Used to vs Be used to - Test 01 . All comments (4) 3 0 0 0 0 0. Download full-size image from Pinterest . This is an ESL synonyms vocabulary game requested by Dane, a… This site contains hundreds of online grammar exercises covering nearly all the grammar topics. English Level Test C2, Advanced. Grammar & Vocab. John Fedele / Blend Images / Getty Images Correct article usage is one of the most difficult things to learn in English as there are so many exceptions to the rule. Let's GO. ESL Grammar & Vocabulary Quizzes, one of the best on the web for students of English. Advanced grammar exercises are harder, practice complex skills. What is an adverb? B 7. Each article is used in different situations, Find out with this exercise if you know how to use them correctly. Articles nouns quiz. Level Test Lower Advanced C1. Articles – Articles Tests category includes free online quizzes on articles: a, an, the tests consisting of multiple choice questions with answers. Answer keys: Reading and Use of English answer key. B 14. Used to vs Be used to - Test 02. 0 0. More Games. Home » Skills » Reading. Next: Confusing Words—A Quiz. ; Jobs and descriptions We use a/an to talk about people’s jobs or to say what kind of person or thing something/somebody is.. Paula is a teacher. A / An / The or Nothing 2 3. You could end up choosing . B. I have loved to go to the movies. A / An / The or Nothing 3 4. Test yourself with our free English language quiz about '50 Question Level Test- Advanced'.
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