
are xenogenders valid

I feel like xenogenders can be likened to explaining color to a blind person - they can't possibly understand what you experience, so you have to explain it in a way they do, like an emotion or a texture or feeling. I think it really highlights the diversity of the human experience. neopronouns nounselfpronouns xenogenders #xenogendersarevalid neopronounsarevalid pronouns alt alttiktok. Having just heard of them, they seem to be a umbrella term for nonbinary. EDIT: i am fully supportive of xenogenders, am actually exploring myself, just wanted to hear of multiple perspectives since that’s always important to me when exploring something. Xenogenders are valid! The “other” portion does not have to be only one gender. ♥️ LGBTQ+ ♥️ XENOGENDERS ARE VALID >:3 MadHatter_11 pfps ♡ open! As a xenogender, Catgender is an identity that is used by some autistic individuals. A Xenogender is a gender that is made for peoples interests/struggles. Nanogender is group of gender identities that are a little of one gender and mostly another or others. How would you describe your gender? Which from just looking onto it, they don't (but I don't know everthing). Xenogenders hurt nobody and exist to suit the desire of a lot of non-binary folks for a label that fits better than pre-existing gender labels. hi, i wrote a carrd discussing xenogenders! trans people suffer from … and i was just wondering if we should create bigger catagories, like xenogenders influenced by pop culture/memes (for things like popcatgender) because hhooooo boy there are so … im genderfluid and sometimes identify with certain xenogenders. :D Worlds Collide: Officail Studio Following View all. if you use a xenogender, i’m not going to respect your identity (and i’m not going to respect you either) because it just does not exist. Short answer: valid. so, do you think xenogenders are harmful or valid? i talk about the coining of the word, what defines a xenogender, and some reasons why xenogenders are valid identities. i made some flags for genders based of the elements from genshin impact so here they are! like, how does one feel their gender is connected to something like the sea or space? Quail . Person B: Absolutely!! Your gender is valid. i still don’t. Xenogenders are valid! they are valid! original sound - AntiNightcore. Xenogenders are awesome!!! look at my recent posts!! The monster has two forearms which end in three-fingered webbed hands. Everyone of you is unique and there will never be someone else exactly like you. i talk about the coining of the word, what defines a xenogender, and some reasons why xenogenders are valid identities. I'm just genuinely curious. because, you see,gender is NOT a feeling. Hi. MEANING: Catgender is a xenogender. Never heard da term, here’s a xenogender carrd that explains it.xenogenders. Do you have a particular xenogender? under 15, believe cancel culture is real, believe misandry is real, think b/p lesbians are valid, hate xenogenders/pronouns, are an "anti-anti", enjoy homestuck or other problematic bs #BYF I INTERACT WITH MUTUALS A LOT! Xenogender isn't defined in relation to "female" or "male" (the binary genders), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender. I don't know why. Please subscribe to this YT. i am fully supportive of xenogenders and am exploring xenogender’s myself :). What is da definition of dem? Anonymous said: hello, so id like to ask if you think id qualify as catgender? These can be any genders. Reply to @danie_027 neptunian celestialgendersystem #xenogendersarevalid CashAppInBio HomeCooked GiftOfGame fyp foryou … We need a community built on respect and love. When people talk about nonbinary gender, they often find that there aren't any words for their experiences. To be honest, it doesn't feel right calling someone cat/catself for example. to me, there’s no harm whatsoever and the argument people have against xenogenders is bullshit and very low. Under this definition, people who are nanogender have a nonbinary gender and are transgender. A subreddit for people of every stripe who feel that they don't fit into a preference-binary or gender-binary culture. 171 notes. genderqueer-dream. xenogenders are not valid. If you are a xenogender you are 100% valid and you are super courageous for being true to yourself. I'm MtF myself, would it be transphobic of me to not call them by their preferred pronouns, rather by their preferred name? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. i provide sources for my statements, and in general, i’m trying to make this the ultimate resource to defend xenogenders. The genders male and female have been created, in the past, and so these genders are as real as anything else - but they are just more complex. Everyone of you is unique and there will never be someone else exactly like you. they are not valid! Xenogenders . Please. Xenogender isn't defined in relation to " female " or " male " (the binary genders ), but by other kinds of ideas that most people don't think of as having to do with gender. Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. I think I just learned a thing about myself. however i apologize for making people feel the need to argue their existence, that wasn’t what i wanted. What does "Xenogender" mean? 59 31. Follow. June 20. I am happy to answer questions and explain though! There are tail fins at the base of the tail, which are the same pale green as the fin. i'm quitting !!! 56. Aesthetigenders can be based off of symbols, ideas, … this is not meant as a hate question by the way! so since i learned about xenogenders and neo-pronouns, it came with finding A LOT of discourse and hate against them. Honestly, the only way I can see them being harmful is if the community is solely there to invalidate anyone's gender/sexuality identity. when i first (still am) started exploring xenogenders i rlly wanted to talk to someone abt it. But I tried to explain it to my cishet friend and he was extremely confused and he asked me "wait... so is it like... identifying as a space helicopter... or does it feel more humanoid?". ♥️ LGBTQ+ ♥️ XENOGENDERS ARE VALID >:3 Ned's Bucket-List. This is called an explanatory gap. i talk about the coining of the word, what defines a xenogender, and some reasons why xenogenders are valid identities. #shitpost #validation #mogai positivity #xenogender positivity #trans positivity #nonbinary positivity. let’s talk about xenogenders. The body is dark purple, the belly is light grey. A 14 year old identifying as catgender isn’t going to hurt the trans community, imo. for the more obscure triggers, like the name, just a "jam don't look //" or something along those lines is fine. Most communities on Tumblr are incredibly isolated, so when they post about being “foxgender,” they only receive words of affirmation from their followers. I just wanna spread some love here. Xenogenders are valid and real, and do not actually hurt anyone. it’s crazy to me how the queer community was hated for being different and yet lots of people apart of the community are doing the same to xenogenders. Roblox Myths (SCRATCH BRANCH) Bye for now (Temporarily Leaving/LONG Hiatus) I feel like xenogenders can be likened to explaining color to a blind person - they can't possibly understand what you experience, so you have to explain it in a way they do, like an emotion or a texture or feeling. Don't let the haters get you down, More posts from the Xeno_Gender community, Xenogenders, according to the lgbta wiki, are non-binary gender identities that can best be described with how they related to things or beings that most people don't think of as having to do with gender, such as animals, plants, things, or concepts. without stating my opinion, i’d like to hear CIVIL opinions about xenogenders and hear from both sides, since this is still such a new and controversial topic. They're vocal but their arguments are full of holes. after seeing a lot of friends personally identify with xenogenders (multiple, even) I'm here to say everyone here is completely valid and if you don't agree you can leave cus I'm not here for it Xenogender follow if you're currently alive Studios I Curate View all. i id as a xenogender! [ID: A digital drawing of a sea monster. giving my pets away if you read the rules :>> currently in exams! Huh. 4.7% . how do xenogenders...work? Some individuals have made memes of the situation, hoping to hide and/or ease some of the pain. i provide sources for my statements, and in general, i’m trying to make this the ultimate resource to defend xenogenders. ♥️ LGBTQ+ ♥️ XENOGENDERS ARE VALID >:3 Trans Guy Squad || *guy-ness intensifies* Official Gae Hamilton Cult ~ sharpedge is gone #GiveNoahJustice smh. let’s talk about xenogenders. Also unlike demigenders, the … you’re AMAZING and V A L I D. :) <3, Tbh they're hurting literally no one, the scorn that they get from other trans ppl seems to just be a case of them licking cis boot ("look, I know I'm trans, but I'm a NORMAL one! 55.3% . It is sometimes describes as any gender that "cannot be contained by human understandings of gender", Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. While Catgender will be open for anyone to use, it is STRONGLY preferred that … I find xenogender identities are fascinating. ? it's mainly focussed on catgender, but all genders are valid! I know xenogenders get a lot of hate but I wanna say that I love you all. 6. notes. Voting has ended . if it was a feeling, then it would mean gender dysphoria and trans people in general are a joke. This might be helpful to understanding :). ♥️ LGBTQ+ ♥️ XENOGENDERS ARE VALID >:3 Welcome to Minecraftia, Scratchers Entrees My Statuses I'm Sorry (Read Desc Please Check out my DTA/OTA! i provide sources for my statements, and in general, i’m trying to make this the ultimate resource to defend xenogenders. !, I GET INTO A LOT OF DISCOURSE, I HAVE BPD N IM ND (KEEP THESE IN MIND WHEN … It is most commonly used by neurodivergentpeople because they have more intense interests than others. Xenogenders hurt nobody and exist to suit the desire of a lot of non-binary folks for a label that fits better than pre-existing gender labels. Not everybody needs em, and there's too many to really understand all of them, but they remain important to certain individuals and should be respected just as much as … Because that's exactly what every single trans person needs. If you are a xenogender you are 100% valid and you are super courageous for being true to yourself. its nice to see so much support in this discussion! Person A: Xenogenders are incredibly valid identities and cool! lucy says you’re all valid! @jen.thepickle. let’s talk about xenogenders hi, i wrote a carrd discussing xenogenders! ♡ my taco shop I'm really sorry my lil nuggets.. MAKE SCRATCH A BETTER PLACE!!! Aesthetigenders, also known as aesthetgenders, aesthetegenders, or videgenders, are a series of non-binary xenogenders that are either derived from, are the embodiment of, are similar to, related to, or share the qualities of an aesthetic or other sensory experience. I think differences should be embraced, not ridiculed. The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. i was seeing so many comments about it being harmful so i wanted to hear why people would think that in the first place because i didn’t understand. Not everybody needs em, and there's too many to really understand all of them, but they remain important to certain individuals and should be respected just as much as genders we are more familiar with. um noticing that xenogenders are starting to go… um noticing that xenogenders are starting to go down into a loophole of hyperspecific things? It's pick-me shit, basically), i completely agree, to say “this is why transphobia exists” and to not blame it on the ACTUAL transphobes is crazy. A lot of LGBTQIA+ users are upset about how many Xenogenders there are, and transphobes often use various genders (usually satirical, or xenogenders) to poke fun at the community. Some neurodivergent people have a more complicated relationship with gender so these help with that also! The site may not work properly if you don't, If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit, Press J to jump to the feed. I'm Xenic, mainly due to synesthesia. anyway neo-pronouns are beautiful and y’all who use them are amazing people. Eh, Tumblr is an odd place, and very circle-jerky. i am trying to learn so i can be more of a supporter! hi, i apologize for making you feel like you had to argue your own validity, that was not my intention. 6 notes. Do you feel dysphoria? would you like to talk about it to someone !! hello, i am confused. >----<. I know of at least a few people on the servers I’m on who identify with neogenders (including stargender, pyrogender, and xenic genders), and they are as valid … so if ur feeling the same, just dm :), I am currently thinking about identifying as one and I find them fascinating! I know xenogenders get a lot of hate but I wanna say that I love you all. “neo-pronouns aren’t valid and were just made up on tumblr” says the willingly ignorant person who also somehow thinks that just because something is “ made-up” and “new” means it’s invalid. for all the catgenders and other xenogenders! Not sure how I am hurting anyone by... existing. I'm not going to sit here and argue the validity of my own experience and existence either. Running down the back of the monster is a pale green fin. lots of love to everyone! Scratch Trick-or-Treating Committee le gæ musical Queer Hospital Bio Studio Queer Hospital ~This is a safe space.~ hi, i wrote a carrd discussing xenogenders! Short answer: valid. Sorry if that's too many questions. It just doesn't sit right with me, to be honest. please tag hate against my comfort characters/kins, (ESP shouto and mashiro (& her seiyuu, amane)), they're all really big comforts to me and seeing hate makes me very upset. 40.0% . That's something to celebrate. Everyone is valid, if they don't try to invalidate anyone else or are harmful to others. gender coining xenogender xenogenders anti mogai xenogenders. might be one or two weeks before I … in conclusion, YOU are VALID and LOVED. in order they are: “anemogender - cryogender - dendrogender electrogender - hydrogender - pyrogender ” An example below: 1 Twitter 1.1 Examples: 2 Facebook 3 Youtube Xenogenders … People wanna gatekeep, so they're gonna find all kinds of excuses to discriminate against anyone who looks like an easy target. What pronouns do you use? if you're going to hate on … obelisk-daltoid said: @maxxhughess They are real in the sense that they have been created. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You 're using new Reddit on an old browser an identity that is used by neurodivergentpeople because they have intense. Me, there ’ s no harm whatsoever and the argument people have xenogenders. 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