
9mm bullet weight in grams

The Hornady load functions well despite lowered bullet weight. Of the two guys I know who load 9mm, one is running super high pressure compressed loads through a compensated 2011. The second section of this article contains tips for using bullet weight to your advantage and how to adjust bullet weights to maximize your potential ability to remain on target. This is a credible choice that will serve well for recoil-shy shooters or those using the smallest 9mm handguns. A grain is a unit of mass. I need powder recommedations for 9mm, which is what I'm going to load next. It's an IPSC Power Factor requirement. The heavy bullets are generally 158-grains, but 165-grain bullets can also be had. Lighter and heavier bullets can be had, but they are not common for factory loads. Great LAKES Bullets 9MM .356 115Gr. We use calibrated Ohaus scales to do our calculations out to the hundredth of a gram. Again, for handgun bullets. Specifically, what a bullet weight of say, 115 grain means relative to a bullet weight of 147 grain. 2. and has a muzzle velocity of about 360 m/s. The first section is an explanation of what bullet weight is. For instance, many 115-gr 9mm hollow points will have an SD around 0.13, and 147-gr hollow points will have an SD around 0.16. I still prefer that weight for general use. The heavier bulllets often have a bit less felt recoil as well. The usual bullet weights for 9mm Luger range from 115 to 147 grains. [26] The service pressure P max of the 9mm NATO is rated at 252 MPa (36,500 psi) where CIP rates the 9mm Luger P max somewhat lower at 235 MPa (34,100 psi). A 115gr gives more vel for jhp expansion. Hardly a game-changer. Requirements are cost first (I want cheap) and I need to make 1100FPS with a 115gr bullet. The number one handgun round by a substantial margin, it should come as no surprise that there are also a wide variety of options for 9mm ammo out there. Lead-RN 100CTDiameter: .356 Bullet Weight In GRAINS: 115 Bullet Style: Lead Round Nose Bullets Per Box: 100 Boxes Per … The mass of a “standard” 9mm bullet is subject to some debate. The 9mm was designed around the 124-125gr bullet. What do 158-grain bullets do that a 147-grain bullet … When dealing with large volumes of once fired brass it is much easier to count out the brass by the pound vs. counting out each individual piece of brass. The 9x19mm cartridge, also called 9mm Luger or just 9mm, is one of the most popular and enduring chamberings in the world. I don't want his load data. Standard bullet weight is 7.0 grams (108 gr) to 8.3 grams (128 gr). [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Brass Counts by Weight. The most popular variants are 115 grain, 124 grain, and 147 grain. 9mm NATO can be considered an overpressure variant of 9×19mm Parabellum that is defined by NATO standards . 45 ACP, 10mm, 40 S&W, 9mm, 380 ACP The heavier 147gr jhp offers more bullet mass for greater expansion with penetration. There are 7000 grains in a pound. Velocity averaged 1140 fps. For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avMHE. Why such a heavy bullet? The Hornady Lite 9mm 100-grain loads exhibit good expansion. When it comes to rifle bullets, this topic becomes a whole other kettle of fish. Penetration was 12 inches of water and expansion averaged 0.59 inches. The bullet’s design and its velocity at impact are far more important than caliber—a good 9mm+P hollowpoint works far better than .45 ACP hardball, and the right bullet in 9mm works better than the wrong bullet 100-200 f/s faster in .357. Some Googling says that a 9mm bullet weighs about 8 grams (convenient!)

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