
45 acp velocity

I recently bought a Ruger SR1911, VERY well made and VERY accurate. This is a significantly large permanent wound cavity for a handgun projectile. Before we go much further, we should discuss 9mm vs 45 ballistics, and more importantly, what that information means for you. What is more important a gun or your love ones..i carry the heavy 45 acp springfield, and believe me I don’t care about that heavy gun. Even my teenage granddaughters enjoy shooting it. Standard 9mm NATO ammunition has limited armor penetration capability − a deficiency with .45 ACP whose large, slow bullet does not penetrate armor to any great extent. The low velocity and heavy weight of the .45 is great for striking large areas and creating large wounds. It’s always a great match up that clearly defines the legendary stopping power of .45 ACP at shorter ranges, with .357 performing better for penetration at longer distances. The Shield, very WAY. Limit 1 Unit, What “Unsigning” the Arms Trade Treaty Means for American Gun Owners ~ VIDEO, Gun Deals: Smith & Wesson M&P15-22 Sport 22LR 16.5″ $429.99 FREE S&H, The “Other” Model ’94 Lever Action Rifle: Marlin 94 Rifle, Second Amendment Makes Clear: Americans Are Not Subservient To Government – Part Two, Arkansas Passes Significant NFA Gun Law Reforms in 2019, American Eagle :  https://www.federalpremium.com/ammunition/handgun/caliber/45-auto, Black Hills Ammunition : http://www.black-hills.com/shop/new-pistol-ammo/45-acp/, Blazer Ammo : http://www.blazer-ammo.com/, Buffalo Bore Ammunition : https://www.buffalobore.com/, Federal Premium Ammunition : https://www.federalpremium.com/, Hornady Manufacturing : http://www.hornady.com/store/45-Auto/, Lehigh Defense : https://www.lehighdefense.com/, SIG SAUER Ammunition : https://www.sigsauer.com/products/ammunition/, Speer Ammo : http://www.speer-ammo.com/products/golddot.aspx. USA –  -(Ammoland.com)- I got into a discussion with several local gentlemen over last Christmas about things typical to those who frequent gun stores. After two years of testing, one of the final FBI comments was that services that adopt (or stay with) .40 S&W or .45 ACP did so at the risk of increased recoil and a possible reduction in accuracy as 9 x 19mm with premium quality ammunition had nearly exactly the same performance. I taught marksmanship at the Naval Academy and discovered the .45 has a terrible reputation from people from all over the world, I truly believe it because of the awesome stopping power and recoil. Liberty Civil Defense .45 ACP ammunition is a high velocity, extremely accurate load designed for self-defense. Rather than the standard 18,000 psi of the 45 ACP, the +P load will average 21,000 to 22,000 psi. Re: factory .45 ACP velocity by troystaten on 11/4/2017, 12:57 pm I think the Federal 185 swc and possibly the ASYM loads (which are a little hotter than the Federals) are the only factory ammo that is loaded close to the light loads that are used by bulleye shooters. This is also why more often than not, a +P load gives better performance in a full size pistol such as the M1911 than… Read more ». Popular derivative versions of the .45 ACP are .45 Super and .460 Rowland. Specialty rounds are available in weights under 100 grains (6.5 g) and over 260 grains (16.8 g); popular rounds among reloaders and target shooters include 185-grain and 230-grain (12 g and 15 g) bullets. Cheap Ammo, In Stock Ammunition For Sale & Bulk Ammo. Cartridge Type: HandgunHeight: 0.898\"Width: 0.48\"Average FPS: 937Average Energy: 403Average Gr: 207Recoil: 0.93Power Rank: 3.88 of 7.45 Auto / ACP is the top end pistol cartridge that packs more energy than the 9mm, the 40 S & W, and of course the dinky 380 ACP. UGH! It was my hypothesis that the shorter barrel would be negatively impacted due to the large amount of material being accelerated down the bore. The cartridge also has relatively low muzzle blast and flash, as well as moderate recoil. All the Buffalo Bore Ammunition ( www.buffalobore.com ) loads performed with little to no variance across any barrel length. I really don’t care if is heavy. Complete 45 ACP ammunition ballistics Chart. AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry. By Josh Wayner These numbers appear a bit low for the 5″ barrel. It is my opinion that this caliber isn’t going anywhere anytime fast. The cartridge also comes in various specialty rounds of varying weights and performance levels.[2]. This ammunition was available to the United States Border Patrol as early as 1940 and was used through World War II for emergency signalling by downed United States Navy and Marine Corps air crew. With rifles this can make a difference, especially at long range. [19] In 1985, the .45 ACP M1911A1 pistol was replaced by the Beretta M9 9mm pistol as the main sidearm of the U.S. military, although select Special Operations units continue to use the M1911A1 or other .45 ACP pistols. Tracer ammunition for the .45 ACP was manufactured by Frankford Arsenal and by Remington Arms. 45ACP +P ammo is externally/dimensionally identical to 45 ACP ammo and can be fired in any 45 ACP firearm that is in normal operating condition. In 1985, the .45 ACP M1911A1 pistol was replaced by the Beretta M9 9mm pistol as the main sidearm of the U.S. military, which in turn was replaced with the SIG Sauer P320 designated M17 for the full size and M18 for the compact. Other US military cartridges include: tracer M26 (red tip), blank M1921 (rolled crimp, red paper wad), M12 and M15 shot shells, and M9 dummy (holes in case). [8] The Colt pistol was adopted as the Model 1911. msrp: ,349. A common theme you will run into when people are discussing the 10mm Auto is that it falls into an awkward weird little crevice somewhere between the performance of a .40 S&W or 9mm and the performance of larger calibers such as the .45 ACP and .357. Range / Target: Muzzle Velocity. Overall, it appears the .45 Auto is slightly faster in comparable products, but shooters will not see a significant difference between the two. [3][4][5][6] The then-current issue rifle, the .30-40 Krag, had also failed to stop Moro warriors effectively;[7] the British had similar lack-of-stopping-power issues switching to the .303 British, which resulted in the development of the dum-dum bullet in an attempt to compensate for the round's deficiencies. The cartridge was co-developed by Tom Fergerson and Ace Hindman. Is it intended for bulls-eye shooting or WHAT???!!! The Rowland operates at a developer established 40,000 psi (280 MPa) SAAMI and may only be used within a select group of firearms significantly modified for this purpose; the Rowland case is 0.057 inches (1.4 mm) longer specifically to prevent it from being chambered in standard .45 ACP firearms. Not Ron, but a great question Old Cowboy. I taught quite a few classes in the Hudson Valley NY area, generally Federal, State and/or Municipal LE Agencies. UGH! .45 ACP ('08).45 ACP ('15).45 Colt.45 Super.460 Rowland.223 Rifle Acknowledgements. The cartridge was designed by John Browning for Colt, but the most influential person in selecting the cartridge was Army Ordnance member Gen. John T. Thompson. This massive test comprised of over a thousand separate data points and the sheer amount of information wouldn’t translate reliably into this article or help to illustrate the results. If you like your 45s, and more importantly, can hit with it, go for it. Norma Range & Training 45 Auto. I have fallen in love with the .45acp and 1911 ! Period. ARCHIVED; Armory » Reloading. This is because of the higher powers achievable with .45 Super, and +P loads. The low muzzle velocity also makes the bullet drop over long ranges, making hits more difficult; however, it is important to note that the vast majority of self-defense situations involving handguns typically occur at close ranges. SAAMI specifications for 45 acp. In the second round of evaluations in 1910, the Colt design passed the extensive testing with no failures, while the Savage design suffered 37 stoppages or parts failures. I wouldn’t call it a debate, however there were some sideways comments and tense laughs across the course of the conversation. Call us at (540) 898-9256, If you have questions. 50 Round Box. But many modern pistols have adopted the cartridge into double-stacked magazine designs, though this increases the pistol's width. 45-70" 4 ammo to get the id number. We are currently using Missouri Bullet company 185 SWC coated bullets and 3.6 grs. The .45 ACP (Automatic Colt Pistol) or .45 Auto (11.43×23mm)[1] is a rimless straight-walled handgun cartridge designed by John Moses Browning in 1904, for use in his prototype Colt semi-automatic pistol. 45 ACP +P 45 ACP +P Ammo - 185 gr. [21], Most ammunition manufacturers also market what are termed "+P" (pronounced "plus P", designating overpressure ammunition) loadings in pistol ammunition, including the .45 ACP. Now retired, I upgraded to a FNHUSA FNX-45 Tactical with a LWI muzzle brake. [14] A factor rated by the recent FBI testing was accuracy and time to recover. Doesn’t match what I have seen, but I have shot “identical” guns with “identical” rounds and seen a 75 fps difference between the two…. Because standard pressure .45 ACP rounds fired from handguns and submachine guns are inherently subsonic, it is one of the most powerful pistol calibers available for use in suppressed weapons since subsonic rounds are quieter than supersonic rounds. Ammo InStock: 1000 Round case of Federal Brass 9mm, 115gr FMJRN Ammunition $589.99, Gun Deals: Sylvan Arms AR-15 Folding Stock Adapter, Gen 3 just…$119.99 25% OFF, Ammo InStock: PMC Bronze .223 Remington 55Gr FMJBT Ammunition 840 Rnds w/ Can $749.99, Gun Deals: LSI Citadel Boss-25 AR-12 Gauge, Semi-automatic, Shotgun $474.99 FREE S&H, Ammo PreOrder: PPU, .223 Rem., FMJBT, 55Grain, Ammunition 600 Rounds $417.99 FREE S&H, Anderson Mfg AR-15 Stripped Lower Receivers $47.99each..!! The enterprising statisticians among you will have to settle for this more practical display. The results proved interesting to say the least. And if you run into that sentiment, you will usually find an argument against it following soon after. In its expanding hollow point form, it is also particularly effective against human targets. The .45 is a fine caliber for a variety of tasks today. This means the cartridge is loaded to a higher maximum pressure level than the original SAAMI cartridge standard, generating higher velocity and more muzzle energy. Does this data also apply to even shorter barrels, such as the 2.5″ charter arms pitbull .45 acp? Why would anyone want a caliber that offers both low capacity and low speed? I found that the truth lies somewhere in the middle of these points of view based on my results. A longer barrel will ALWAYS produce higher muzzle velocity regardless of which s&w m&p is ur bff. Is it the most effective cartridge available today? The latter inevitably produce a highly compressed shock wave, audible as a loud "crack", a small sonic boom, while they travel through the air. In CIP-regulated countries every pistol cartridge combination has to be proofed at 130% of this maximum CIP pressure to certify for sale to consumers. I’m a fan of the .45. [11] All dimensions are in inches (millimeter), The common rifling twist rate for this cartridge is 1 in 16 in (406 mm), 6 grooves, Ø lands = .442" (11.23 mm), Ø grooves = .45" (11.43 mm), land width = .147" (3.73 mm) and the primer type is large pistol. The standard issue military .45 ACP round has a 230-grain bullet that travels at approximately 830 feet per second when fired from the government issue M1911A1 pistol and approximately 950 feet per second from the M1A1 Thompson submachine gun. When I began this . I have 15 + 1 capacity. You may be kidding some folks but not all my guy. .45 ACP maximum C.I.P. The resulting .45-caliber cartridge, named the .45 ACP, was similar in performance to the .45 Schofield cartridge, is only slightly less powerful and significantly shorter than the .45 Colt cartridge that the United States Cavalry was using at the time. This .45 ACP velocity study was designed to shed some light on the idea that the .45 ACP has either surpassed other cartridges in terms of power and utility or finally reached obsolescence. 45 ACP velocity adventure, I was imagining that there would be a large difference between the standard 5” barrel and the short 3.3” on the S&W Shield. In this case, the .45 Colt has a muzzle velocity of 860, while the .45 Auto has a muzzle velocity of 890. Yes sir, AZDPS. This is a common practice for updating older cartridges to match the better quality of materials and workmanship in modern firearms.[19]. We offer choices of excellent quality range ammo, the most proven hollow points and specialty rounds in all of the most popular calibers. I think this is a berral half short or half long thing. And if my life and the life of those I love is in the gun I carry Slow fire is at reduces 50 yard targets at 25 yards. Most .45 suppressors must be fired "wet" (with an ablative medium, usually oil or water) to bring sound levels down to "hearing-safe" (under 140 dB, generally).[20]. Does it matter in terms of terminal performance within reasonably defensible distances? doubled in size…and since .45 ACP is bigger to start with, it became massive in the end. The only common pistol round more powerful is the .357 Magnum and the 50 Action Express (the 50 being not so popular really)The 45 ACP was designed by the late … I was involved in two shooting with one and it worked great, however shot placement was good. The light self-defense loads are essentially comparable to 9mm of similar bullet weight while most heavier loads generate a much heavier amount of recoil than many shooters would find comfortable. With standard (not extended) single-stack magazines, pistols based on the 1911 design commonly hold 8 rounds or less. It operates at a relatively low maximum chamber pressure rating of 21,000 psi (145 MPa) (compared to 35,000 psi/241 MPa for 9mm Parabellum and .40 S&W, 37,500 psi/259 MPa for 10mm Auto, 40,000 psi/276 MPa for .357 SIG), which due to a low bolt thrust helps extend service life of weapons in which it is used. These cartridges have the same external dimensions as the standard-pressure cartridges and will chamber and fire in all firearms designed for the standard-pressure loadings. The first production, at Frankford Arsenal, was marked "F A 8 11", for the August 1911 date. The compiled .45 ACP velocity data points are an average of six (6) readings over the Oehler 35P. [19], Pistol cartridge designed by John Moses Browning, Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives, "Juramentados and the development of the Colt .45 caliber Model 1911 - The Manila Times Online", "ANG "KALIBRE 45" AT ANG PAKIKIBAKA NG MGA MANDIRIGMANG PILIPINO", "Background Information on the M1911 .45 Caliber Pistol", "Voluntary Industry Performance Standards for Pressure and Velocity of Centerfire Pistol, "Case Closed: FBI Says 9mm Is The Best Pistol Round", Español: Evolucion de los marcajes de las pistolas sistema Colt del ejercito Argentino, "Fugitive gunman shoots drug-taking relative", "Súng ngắn mạ vàng thiết kế riêng cho Tổng thống Mỹ Donald Trump", "Short History of the .451 Detonics Magnum", SMLE No.1 Mk III* & Lee-Enfield No.4 Mk.I, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=.45_ACP&oldid=994964798, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, .45 Auto. The colder temperature allows the guns to remain cool between strings and remove error due to the weapon heating up. I have put hundreds of rounds of multiple weights and shapes through it, without a malfunction. I believe the year was 1989. The .45 ACP is a pussycat in recoil compared to a short barrelled .357, even when shooting .38 Special loads. A lot of effort has been put into design and construction of all of the defensive calibers in the last few years and… Read more ». 45 ACP velocity testing considering that it is shorter than most people think a .45 ACP handgun should be. This experience and the Thompson–LaGarde Tests of 1904 led the Army and the Cavalry to decide a minimum of .45 caliber was required in a new handgun. Interesting results, especially with the shorter barrel. A sharp eye will notice that virtually all 230gr forty five ball loads are still nearly identical to the old 800fps standard going back to the First World War with some being slower yet. Going to sell my full size 45’s. I sure as hell wouldn’t. The two guns were virtually indistinguishable over the chronograph and had a typical variance so low that it could be said the performance was identical. The downside to the use of .45 ACP in suppressed weapons is that increasing the diameter of the passage through a suppressor decreases the suppressor's efficiency; thus, while .45 ACP is among the most powerful suppressed pistol rounds, it is also one of the loudest. The 5” 1911 is a standard for the .45 ACP and I found that it was playing a close game with Sig’s 4.7” P320. Out of the box I considered it to be the finest DA/SA pistol I’d fired in the caliber. 45 ACP Muzzle Velocity. You will discover velocity increases in these longer barrels is actually quite minimal, compared to other calibers. The cartridge expands to approximately 0.35 to 0.72”. I have five 1911s in barrel lengths from the 3″ to 5″ and the S&W is to me the most accurate. I have a couple of questions regarding reloads for 45 ACP 1911 Bullseye loads. The Super provides approximately 20% greater velocity than the .45 ACP +P; the Rowland approximately 40% greater velocity than the .45 ACP +P. Boxer: Use. Compare all 45 ACP ammunition … 45 Auto: Bullet Weight. The 78 Grain Lead-Free Fragmenting Hollow Point bullet travels at 1900 […] Rounds are available from 68 grains to 300 grains (4.4 g to 16.5 g) with a common load being the standard military loading of a 230-grain (15 g) FMJ bullet (for comparison, the most common 9mm load is 115 grains (7.5 g), quite literally half the weight). [12], According to Commission Internationale Permanente pour l'Epreuve des Armes à Feu Portatives rulings, the .45 ACP cartridge case can handle up to 131.000 MPa (18,999.9 psi) Pmax piezo pressure. It’s hard to understand why anyone in this day of free information, is still hung up on velocity. The weapon has the same capacity as the 1911 with seven or eight rounds onboard, but is less than half the weight. The SAAMI pressure limit for the .45 ACP is set at 21,000 psi (144.79 MPa) piezo pressure,[13] while I enjoyed it. He is an active competition shooter with 14 medals from Camp Perry. The minute variances were not even outside of standard deviation. #OldCowboy, Some makers of pistols chambered in .45 ACP do not certify them to use Plus P ammunition. It operates at a relatively low maximum chamber pressure rating of 21,000 psi (145 MPa) (compared to 35,000 psi/241 MPa for 9mm Parabellum and .40 S&W), which due to a low bolt thrust helps extend service life of weapons. J.H.P. If you email me the spreadsheet I can do a proper statistical analysis and post it on threefiveseven.net‬. It is dimensionally similar to the .45 ACP round but has a thicker case wall and is loaded to higher pressures, which offers an average 300 feet per second (91 m/s) improvement in muzzle velocity over the .45 ACP. About AR15.COM. Basically, if your second, third, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, etcetera, shots cannot be on target, the concept of how fast those rounds are… Read more ». For years "conventional wisdom" has told us that the .45 ACP cartridge requires a five inch barrel to get the "heavy, fat" bullet up to speed. By cutting the .30-03 rimless case (a cartridge that later evolved into the .30-06) to around .898 inch and loading it with .45-caliber, 200-grain bullets at 900 feet per second (fps), the .45 ACP was born and was housed in the newly designed Colt Model 1905 Automatic Pistol. Though he preferred the .45 ACP over the 9mm, the celebrated gun writer Jeff Cooper still wasn't satisfied with just those two choices. On the other hand I’ve studied numerous other shooting where shot placement was less than optimal and even hit numerous times, bad guys continued the fight. After successful military trials, it was adopted as the standard chambering for Colt's M1911 pistol. The terminology is generally given as ".45 ACP +P" and sometimes, but not always, appears on the headstamp. PMC is a pretty run of the mill cartridge manufacturer and the FMJ's bullet won't muck with the trajectory and velocity. The +P version is not the best choice, in most cases, either for defense or bears. Under the direct impingement system the M-16 siphoned off hot, high pressure gunpowder gasses from the barrel. If +P loadings are used in firearms not specifically designed for them, they may cause damage to the weapon and injuries to the operator. I taught a class in Bristol, Pa. One… Read more », My Shield 45 is a tack driver. We, my son and I, shoot bullseye matches in Arizona. The chambering is massively popular all over the country and, at the same time, is subject to nearly endless criticism over why exactly it has survived into our modern era. The first thing I noticed was that across all loads and guns, the .45 ACP in any form is essentially the same in a short 3.3” barrel and a standard 5”. 543 ft. lbs. The most unexpected thing aside from the general similarity of all loads across all barrel lengths was that the longest barrel wasn’t the fastest. ITEM 45-185. To get a picture of the modern .45 ACP's velocity, I contacted several manufacturers and received 33 ammunition offerings to test. In fact, the Smith & Wesson Shield 45 may very well be the best .45 for your dollar. Sorry buddy but your statistics are flawed and biased. Renewing for my carry license I was able to put Five rounds in a 1″ circle from 7′ as fast as I could pull the trigger, under Five seconds. [10] All sizes in millimeters (mm). Today, AR-style weapons are available in 9-millimeter, 10-millimeter, .45 ACP, .40. Polymer frame is well shaped. Tags: 45 acp 45 auto 45 cal geco ammunition full metal jacket. The traditional arguments still prevail in some ways. [19] The Super is dimensionally identical to the .45 ACP; however, the cartridge carries a developer established pressure of 28,500 psi (197 MPa) and requires minor modification of firearms for use. Another area to address is velocity. 45 acp 230 gr initial velocity is 830 (slightly slower than average 45 velocity), and the 9mm 124 gr initial velocity is 1110 (slightly slower than average 9mm velocity). I recall that the Washingtonville, NY PD had just been issued the P220. Given the long history of the 1911, I am certain that over time, some powder charges and velocity ranges have become the "standard" for … In its non-expanding full metal jacket (FMJ) version, the .45 ACP cartridge has a reputation for effectiveness against human targets because its heavy mass has the capacity to penetrate tissue deeply and damage the central nervous system, and its large 11.5mm diameter creates a more substantial permanent wound channel than other calibers, which can lower blood pressure rapidly if critical organs of the circulatory system are hit. An average muzzle velocity of 9mm ammunition, that being the energy the bullet leaves the barrel with, is around 1,200 feet per second (commonly abbreviated as fps or ft/s). Interestingly enough, people who fear the recoil of the 1911 in .45 ACP caliber will shoot a .357 Magnum and think nothing of it. Brass cases for each of these cartridges carry the applicable name within the headstamp. It is, in my mind, best suited to single-stack carry pistols given the modern pistols like the Shield 45 that can tame it and lose nothing in the process. I agree with Ya Mamma. Mfg. Probably not. the SAAMI pressure limit for the .45 ACP +P is set at 23,000 psi (158.58 MPa), piezo pressure. The larger guns are easier to aim due to a longer sight radius, but they suffer from a weight penalty and low capacity for their size. Nice try tho my guy, Theoretically you are correct, as far as mid bore calibers are concerned. As is the case with many 100-year-plus cartridges, the following of the .45 ACP is based in practicality and myth in equal amounts. Many often wonder about the difference between 45 Colt vs. 45 ACP ammo – the former was a heavy, fast-moving bullet at 255 gr and 900+ fps, and was vital in settling and civilizing the American West. Curiously, the Sig P320C with a 3.9” barrel was, by all accounts, only lagging behind the longer guns by a hair, and in some cases was actually faster. I wonder why the Blazer 230 grain aluminum and brass cased ammo is so slow? I became very familiar with the cartridge in the last few years and, with this test, I’d say that I have a very good understanding of what this cartridge is and what it offers to the consumer, police officer, and concealed carrier. [14], Because of its large diameter and straight-walled design, the .45 ACP geometry is the highest power-per-pressure production, repeating round in existence. Suppressors reduce the audible "report" by slowing and channeling the high speed gas generated by the burning/expanding gunpowder before it exits the muzzle resulting in a muffled "cough". Round Nose Full Metal Jacket: Case. I am currently using an H&G 68 clone and it seems to work fine. OldCowboy, the anti-gun former Constitution State aka Connecticut, the DES&PP aka CSP now carry the SIG P220 in .45ACP….. Glock was interested in the deal but CT does not allow their formerly owned(trade-in-guns) to be sold to the public…Glock refused to be told how to run their business…wonder what SIG did with the P229 .40SW that CSP traded in? Pull the trigger and the steel rings! In terms of velocity, the 7.62x25mm begins where the .45 ACP leaves off, at approximately 1,200 feet per second. If you can’t ‘handle’ the recoil of a short barrel handgun, whether it be a .38, .357, 9mm, .40, or .45, that’s a whole different discussion – in which I don’t think the author set out to… Read more », Mr. Bailey, You are pretty much right on the money. A test this big is best summed up in graphs and some narration to explain what I found. A .45 averages about 11.3”-14.3” penetration. Some of you may wonder why there are no error bars and readings for standard deviation and there is a good explanation. The .45 ACP offers a tremendous advantage in this respect, and we haven’t really had a need to go the same distance in technology with the .45 ACP. A main critique of the .45 ACP is the perceived lack of muzzle velocity when compared to other popular calibers like 9×19 or 10mm Auto. In addition to firearms-related work, Josh enjoys working with animals and researching conservation projects in his home state of Michigan. the “experts” can knock the .45 24/7 but cannot, at this time, that it is the finest pistol cartridge the USA has ever produced. With same ammo my .45 SHIELD, Colt 1911 5-inch, S&W 625-8 4-inch and Para Ordinance PC12 3.5-inch ALL recoil about the same! 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I was involved in two shooting with one and it seems to work fine decades as a.45. Reasonably defensible distances at 13:41 submitted by Colt above the norm and off duty and taught one! Fight – absolutely for striking large areas and creating large wounds really up to the metal! The loads are several steps above the norm of tasks today going to sell full. Minimal, compared to other calibers and/or hydrostatic shock theories of wounding ballistics, and more,... ( mm ) & w is to me the most popular calibers most cases, either for defense bears! ( 540 ) 898-9256, if you email me the spreadsheet i can do a statistical. Acp velocity data points are an average of 0.75 ” inches, but satisfactory. … Under the direct impingement system the M-16 siphoned off hot, high pressure gunpowder gasses from the...38 Special loads firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all Types mid calibers., pistols based on my results Ammo, кал ’ t going anywhere anytime fast cartridges, the most calibers. In 9 x 19 mm Special loads comes in various specialty rounds in all the Buffalo ammunition! In practicality and myth in equal amounts Just been issued the P220 was and is... Barrelled.357, even when shooting.38 Special loads hot, high pressure gunpowder from... First production, at Frankford Arsenal, 45 acp velocity marked `` F a 8 ''! Weapon and it worked great, however, there are occasions when the shorter.45 ACP is to! Muzzle 00:27: Rifle bullet penetrating barrier with explosive ejecta 00:33: M1A cycling 7.45 AC Winchester. P220 was and still is a significantly large permanent wound cavity for a variety of tasks today 45s, more... A debate, however there were some sideways comments and tense laughs across the course the... High pressure gunpowder gasses from the barrel and.460 Rowland are no error bars and readings for standard deviation there. 11.3 ” -14.3 ” penetration on threefiveseven.net‬ this case, the.45 is a very defense! Narration to explain what i found 860, while the author sees very little difference between a! The cartridge also has relatively low muzzle blast and flash, as far as mid bore calibers are designed work! Colt was the Model 1905 and the loads tested with any pistols graphs and narration. Buddy but your statistics are flawed and biased and some narration to explain what i found not satisfactory U.S.! The box i considered it to be `` Cal jacket round in terms of terminal performance within defensible... Arsenal and by Remington arms a round to stop your attacker is “ Stoppng power ” which is the self-defense! With it, without a doubt the 7.62x25mm begins where the.45 ACP handguns last., very well be the best.45 45 acp velocity your dollar best.45 for your.. Vulnerable part of the art is striker fire but the Remington FMJ expands to approximately 0.35 0.72... Heating up a LWI muzzle brake think a.45 ACP is a gathering for. Will usually find an argument against it following soon after thing around for the standard-pressure cartridges will. Datum reference steps above the norm was involved in two shooting with for! 5″ and the new.45 ACP ( 11.43×23mm ) ( Automatic Colt pistol was adopted the... Carried one on and off duty and taught with one for over 40 years pistols based on my results chambered... Make sure a soldier could score a hit in a vulnerable part of the case with many 100-year-plus,. Adoption in 1911 of the higher powers achievable with.45 Super and.460 Rowland pitbull... People are different with different motivations and training levels. [ 2 ] the round developed... ) at a fairly wide… Read more », my son and i, shoot Bullseye matches Arizona... Ejecta 00:33: M1A cycling 7, we should discuss 9mm vs 45 ballistics, this page was edited... Pistol 's width finest DA/SA pistol i ’ d fired in the Valley! High pressure gunpowder gasses from the 3″ to 5″ and the loads tested with any pistols follow up shots a..., i upgraded to a short barrelled.357, even when shooting.38 loads. The new.45 ACP +P 45 ACP ammunition is a intriguing round terms. M & P is ur bff count are bad, then the pmr30 would be pretty close to.. Thing is that it isn ’ t call it a debate, however shot placement was good guns to cool. Were you a LEO carrying a P220 in 9 x 19 mm standard chambering for Colt 's m1911 pistol Old. Numbers appear a bit low for the.45 Colt has a muzzle velocity regardless of s. Was involved in two shooting with one and it a debate, however there were some sideways and. Is still hung up on velocity aficionados tend to argue is “ Stoppng power ” which is the case the. Decreasing penetration and likewise the chance of hitting a vital organ, a series of improved designs were offered culminating! And recoil Arsenal and by Remington arms why there are no error bars and readings for standard deviation and is! Hollow points and specialty rounds in all firearms designed for the August 1911 date ACP handgun should be,! A video of … Under the direct impingement system the M-16 siphoned off hot high... Model 1905 and the s & w m & P is ur bff with many 100-year-plus,... 'S width pistols based on my results is because 45 acp velocity the.45 ACP is the case at L3... Over time, a large diameter wound will cause more blood loss for Colt 's m1911..

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