These 3 Ingredient Shortbread Cookies are mostly flour, the third part. In a mixing bowl, cut in shortening until it’s incorporated with the flour. Baking for a shorter time gives you softer biscuits. Condensed milk biscuits are well-known in South-Africa. You also need to roll them out at least 1cm thick so they look like the real deal. Make SURE your oven is HOT!! The possibilities are endless. Self Rising Flour. Ingredients. MAIZE MEAL BISCUITS 180 grams margarine, or butter 180 grams sugar 1 extra large egg 1 t... MELTING MOMENTS Pulse the machine 20-25 times until the butter is incorporated and the mixture is crumbly. They taste great but unable to eat without them crumbling. 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits. The treats are ready in less than 30 minutes! Pumpkin Caramel Tart with Candied Walnuts. 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum-Mor! The aim here is to get cold butter cut into the flour quickly, finely, and efficiently. But your hack is definitely a good one! Unlike the US some of our “cookies” are actually referred to as biscuits here. It is one of South Africa’s favourites and this is a recipe for home-made shortbread. Beat peanut butter, sugar and eggs together. You will love them, butter biscuits, Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits, shortbread cookies, south african biscuits, Beat the butter and sugar until light, creamy and pale in colour. Any ideas what to do with the extra bits? Thank you for your thorough recipe with great tips! Line a baking tray with baking paper and set aside. Put the flour and pieces of butter in the processor, close the lid, and pulse 20-25 times. Sprinkle sugar on tray and shape dough into 15 cm square oblongs. Instructions Preheat oven to 500°F and grease a baking sheet. Stumbled across them on Pinterest and they looked so good had to make ’em right away. Then some butter, the second part. Very Good 4.1/5 (91 ratings) I have a whole list of biscuit or cookie recipes I still want to try. Rework it a little more aggressively, roll it out about half the thickness as biscuits, cut it in wide strips, and use it for dumplings! It is how the real Eet-Sum-Mor is. All other biscuit recipes use one stick of butter for 10 biscuits, while yours only uses half a stick for 8. 3. It’s 55 grams Chris. It’s low fat, tangy, and delicious, sort of like drinkable yogurt. I’m definitely trying it. Lastly a bit of powdered sugar, the one part. Maybe I should consider having a cookie blog. If you want a more firm textured one you bake for longer. Sift dry ingredients together. Some people prefer to roll the dough into logs, refrigerate or freeze and cut them into squares. Your dough should be moist but not wet. Preparation Time: 10 minutes. Includes video tutorial!You won't believe how flaky, buttery, and easy Aunt Bee's 3-Ingredient Buttermilk Biscuits are! Besides the Eet-Sum-Mor you can try making Sugar Cookies, cookies with nuts or coconut. Use a knife to cut the logs into shapes, If you prefer your biscuits a little sweeter you can increase the amount of sugar to 1/3 of a cup, I always stress that you do not add all the flour at once, when making the dough. This technique makes your cookies or biscuits light. No question…just a thank you for all of us (your readers) for letting us know we could be in touch with you if need be. Furthermore, the treat is a perfect alternative for the red lobster recipe for biscuits. Oil also prevents the cookies from spreading. Self rising flour is formulated for perfect rising, with added leavening and salt in just the right proportions. Home » Bread » 3 ingredient biscuits that will change your life, 3 ingredient biscuits that will change your life? Yes, I am crazy I know…Lol! Ingredients 1 kg cake flour (approximately 7 1/3 cups) 1 teaspoon (5 ml) salt 1 1/3 cups (330 ml) Demerara (yellow) sugar 400 gram butter 1 cup (250 ml) golden syrup 1 … Thanks! Crisp, buttery and so delicious. You won't believe how flaky, buttery, and easy Aunt Bee's 3-Ingredient Buttermilk Biscuits are! How do you measure 1/4 cup of cold butter? Delivering gifts promptly with Hamperlicious isn’t a dilemma. Thank you!! Some recipes also calls for the addition of Oil in the recipe. EAT SUM MORE 3 INGREDIENTS BISCUIT. That will work in a pinch, but I’ve come to love the cultured buttermilk you can buy. They’re still delicious, but more dense , similar to Popeyes style. They freeze well, too. Will put the f/p blade & bowl in the freezer then proceed,this what I do with meat grinding attachments for making sausage and burgers to create texture. Ingredients 500g butter. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and bring it together gently with your hands, but don't over work the dough. Pat or roll it out to about 1 1/2 inch inch thick. Happy thanksgiving to all, Yes, right, no twisting the biscuit cutter, thanks Donna Marie . My easy method for making simple, high rise, fluffy biscuits is the best I’ve found. Just wanted to know if you think using regular milk is a possibility or if the buttermilk is essential? You’re gonna love them, and your family’s gonna love you . May 15, 2016 - I found this recipe on-line from the blog of Lizel Salter, author of Recipes from South Africa and here is her description of the recipe: This is a fantastic recipe for shortbread, a speciality of the Scottish. Otherwise, just use whole milk. These biscuits can be described as 'uzo uzwa ienergy' which is 'You will feel the energy' in a South African language. In a bowl cream together the soft butter and sugar with an electric mixer until fluffy. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_form_loading > span { width: 5px; height: 5px; background-color: #5b5b5b; }#mailpoet_form_1{border-radius: 0px;color: #000000;text-align: left;}#mailpoet_form_1 form.mailpoet_form {padding: 20px;}#mailpoet_form_1{width: 100%;}#mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_message {margin: 0; padding: 0 20px;}#mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_paragraph.last {margin-bottom: 0} @media (max-width: 500px) {#mailpoet_form_1 {background-image: none;}} @media (min-width: 500px) {#mailpoet_form_1 .last .mailpoet_paragraph:last-child {margin-bottom: 0}} @media (max-width: 500px) {#mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_form_column:last-child .mailpoet_paragraph:last-child {margin-bottom: 0}} 1 cup icing sugar. Cut out 8 biscuits with a 2 1/2" biscuit cutter, reforming the dough if necessary. Cook Time: 12 - 15 minutes. A baker's dream, you can have perfectly delicious biscuits with just 3 ingredients. Learn how your comment data is processed. I absolutely LOVE this recipe! Cold butter ~ make sure it’s cold, even frozen butter works! It becomes pale in colour. 1/2 C. Fat Free Milk. I REALLY love using a European style butter in this recipe, as the fat content is slightly higher, meaning it will be that much more rich and flavorful. This is a recipe I use often to make different cookies and I love the way it tastes. Weather can affect the moisture content in the flour so sometimes you may need less and other times more. You always insert those unknown secrets that create perfection. How would you store them once baked? Welcome to Tamarind and Thyme, where I share my passion for food, a little healthy, a little indulgent, and a whole lot of spice. Cook's note: Inspired by a popular TikTok recipe, these cookies are quite rich, and quite sweet – although we've reduced the sugar slightly. All the buttermilk I buy is low fat cultured. Can I make these with soy milk (with added vinegar) and margarine? That rising makes the texture light and fluffy. I will never unsubscribe. They should be slightly crispy on the outside and nice and fluffy inside. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_checkbox { } This prevents it from spreading when baking. Put a splash, maybe a couple tsp of vinegar in the measuring cup and fill the rest of the way with regular milk. 2 1/2 C. Plain Fat Free Greek Yogurt. You may require less or more, Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. Did I get this reaction because my butter got to warm or is there something else I should be looking out for on my next try? 1. Ingredients: 3 C. (17 Oz.) Add Stork Bake, mixing in with a fork. My mission? Lay the balls out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper, lightly flattening each one down with a fork. Yum! Hello! I love cookies so much. Cut to thickness and bake for 12 mins. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_divider { } They remind us of our childhood and going for tea at Gran’s house. 1½ tsp (7.5 g) of salt; 1 tsp (6 g) of baking soda; 3/4 cup (180 g) of chilled butter ; 1½ tbs of baking powder ; 1½- 2 tbs (18.75 g) sugar I think I will do great at photographing and posting cookie recipes everyday. Do I need to add more milk to make them a little moister? Baking for a shorter time gives you softer biscuits. About 2 minutes, Add the flour, little bits at a time, until you form a pliable dough. The perfect treat: Classic oat crunchies These buttery, sugary oat biscuits have been a South Africa favourite for years. How easy will that be. The more you beat the butter and sugar the more air is incorporated into the mixture. Love that you add comments which I always read along with other readers questions and comments, very helpful, especially since I’m not a baker. How to Make Biscuits from Scratch. Start with frozen butter. I would add a bit more buttermilk if your dough doesn’t come together. Don’t work your dough too much, just get it together and pat it out nice and thick, about 1 1/2 to 2 inches high. This can happen because measuring flour can be very imprecise. Sift the cake flour South Africa– Blue Sky Publications (Pty) Ltd T/A TheSouthAfrican Number: 2005/028472/07. Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and bring it together gently with your hands, but … OR put another way, what does 1/4 cup of butter weigh? I think either will work. Combine the wet and dry ingredients until thoroughly mixed then roll into balls – approximately 8-10. Turn the mixture onto a lightly floured bench and gently bring it together to form a … Place on a baking sheet, in cast iron skillet, or a biscuit baker, and brush lightly with buttermilk, if desired. I agree I just made these and the dough never got grainy and never really came together b/c not enough b/milk. Really easy and delish. One thing I love about this simple biscuit recipe is that it’s SCALEABLE. If you love to eat, you’ve come to the right place because I dish it up fast and fresh here at TVFGI. Your cool tips for hot biscuits are winners, Sue. I love trying out new ingredients and techniques, reinventing the classics, and hunting down the next great flavor. Roll into balls, place on a tray lined with baking parchment and squish down with a fork. Love the simpleness of this recipe. Also make sure in this case you used self rising flour, or, if not, you need to add fresh baking powder and salt to the recipe. And good news, it takes just minutes of your time. For this 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits I did bake it for longer so the texture was more firm. © 2020 The View From Great Island. Directions: Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. and lightly spray the inside of three 8x8 or 9x9 baking pans with non-stick cooking or baking spray and set aside. A square 5 cm cookie cutter is ideal. Make sure to preheat your oven and give it sufficient time to get up to temperature. 125ml (105 g) castor sugar. Right Sue? Buttermilk ~ I buy cultured buttermilk right in the milk section of the supermarket. I don’t have a food processor, so I shredded the frozen butter. Here are a couple of my own tips : I put EVERYTHING in the freezer for 15-20 min; the bowl , flour/butter mix ( even freezing the box grater! With biscuits there’s always a little play in the ingredient amounts allowing for differences in flour, etc. Thank you. I do rework the dough, but I’m super gentle so they come out great. Preheat oven to 160 degrees Celsius, Bake the cookies for 20 minutes or until the edges start turning brown, Cool on a wire rack and store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks, Copyright © 2020 Tamarind & Thyme | Layout and Design by Absolute Design, If you don't have a square cutter you can roll the dough into 2 logs and refrigerate for an hour. My recipes are never fussy and always exciting ~ there are 1600 and counting on the blog. I think the processor does the best job of getting the butter cut in very finely, without melting it, allowing the biscuits to rise higher, too. 2. Mix butter and icing and add flour. Roll out the dough to about 1cm thickness. Eet-Sum-Mor definitely falls into the category of biscuits and it is a shortbread. A couple of things come to mind…make sure your oven is hot and at the correct temp, if you don’t have a thermometer it might be off, and if it’s too low, the biscuits won’t rise as well. You can also make it with all purpose flour. A fork will … It’s more of a formula than a recipe. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_message { } If you like, brush the hot biscuits immediately with melted butter, and enjoy. The ingredients are evenly distributed in the flour itself. Crisp butter biscuits. It is how the real Eet-Sum-Mor is. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. This easy Southern recipe is made with only 3 common ingredients that you probably have on hand. I used exactly 1 cup and 2 tablespoons. Simple Biscuits - 3 Ingredients 250g butter, softened1/2 cup caster sugar2 cups self-raising flour Cut out square shapes, Place the shapes on the cookie sheet and refrigerate for 30 minutes. Push down each one with a … But as you will know by now I don’t like Oil in my cookies. To get you fired up about good food! Icing sugar for dusting I’ve made your amazing Raspberry Lemon Cake twice now, so when I was searching for a biscuit recipe and came across yours, I knew I could count on your site for an incredible recipe! My son is allergic to dairy. 200g butter or margarine, softened. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_text, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_textarea { width: 200px; } Bake at 180ºC for 10 minutes. Cheers, Sue. This technique makes your cookies or biscuits light. Please leave this field empty Still good, just not my fave. I love the store-bought Eet-Sum-Mor but I think mine is better…haha! .mailpoet_hp_email_label{display:none!important;}#mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_form { } A baker's dream, you can have perfectly delicious biscuits with just 3 ingredients. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_text, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_textarea, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_select, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_date_month, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_date_day, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_date_year, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_date { display: block; } It’s the bits of cold butter hitting the heat of a super hot oven that causes the dough to spring up and rise tall. Place all ingredients into a bowl and combine well. Bake for 10 minutes or until golden and risen. Yes, you heard right, doesn’t that sound easy? I know it’s a big claim, but how about if I told you you can make tall, fluffy, moist biscuits in minutes, and I’ll even throw in a prep ahead tip that makes them crazy convenient. Method Preheat your oven to 180°C and line a 23 cm square baking pan with parchment paper. I store them at room temperature, loosely under foil. Cut your biscuits with a sharp edged cutter and don't twist as you cut. After making this simple 3 Ingredient Biscuits recipe, you'd never want to buy biscuits from the store again! Baking time is also something that affects the texture of biscuits. View fullsize. I don’t keep buttermilk on hand, so I learned this little trick: Regular milk with a little apple cider vinegar. Cut straight up and down. Privacy Policy, 3 ingredient biscuits that will change your life, cold butter, (plus more for brushing, optional), buttermilk, cold (plus more for brushing, optional), Preheat oven to 450F (Give it enough time to get there, you want it hot). Refrigerate for 4 hrs. The box grating results in a coarser texture, it almost reminded me of a light corn muffins texture, and those biscuits had a craggier top. There are no rules to how you shape cookies. Buttery great tasting biscuit plain or dip halfway in choc! The more you beat the butter and sugar the more air is incorporated into the mixture. ), and rolling pin if using that. Roll tablespoon sized balls and place on the tray. Yes, for every cup of flour, you’ll need to add: These were awesome. Why is there less butter? My dough never got grainy and never had visible pieces of butter,after adding the b/milk it was dry barely coming together.I`m new to biscuit making and have some other recipes that call for pretty much the same amounts except double the butter and a little more b/milk.Really want this one to work,thoughts? 60ml (30 g) cornflour. I find it lasts so long I eventually use it up. They freeze really well. Hope you enjoy your stay❤. Remove the contents to a large bowl and stir in the buttermilk just until everything is moistened. It is about personal preference and what works for you. That means you can enjoy these simple biscuits any time you want. And for those of you who do not use … If only cookie season could last a whole year, that would be enough time to post all my recipes. Put the flour and cold butter in a food processor. These biscuits can be eaten after a hard day of work or when you seriously … It should be at least 425 – 450F before you slide your biscuits in. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_form_loading { width: 30px; text-align: center; line-height: normal; } The View from Great Island is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. Here we beat until it is light and creamy, at least 2 minutes of beating. So I tried again and it worked well this time. Your job isn’t done once you’ve mixed up the batter, you still have a few things to keep in mind…. Ingredients: 1 cup peanut butter 1 cup caster sugar 1 egg Method: Preheat oven to 180°C. It’s such a shame the whole world isn’t on the same system, it would make recipe sharing so much easier . Can I use all purpose flour instead of self-rising flour? 2ml salt. What could be better than that? I am a little clumsy so I prefer to cut them with a cutter. Happy Thanksgiving. Hi, I would just like to ask, is this supposed to be crispy on upper and bottom parts but soft like a bread in the middle? So I tried again and it worked well this time. These are delicious and so easy!! The dough is crazy easy…like I said only 3 ingredients: butter, sugar, and flour. Thank you for sharing your love and passion for cooking. For this 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits I did bake it for longer so the texture was more firm. Thanks.. I'm Lorraine. These are one of those cookie recipes you can use to make a few different cookies. Tea time treats have never been this good. There are certain Biscuits/Cookies that need refrigeration. Top south african butter biscuits recipes and other great tasting recipes with a healthy slant from Self rising flour also makes the process of biscuit making so quick and easy, just the way it should be! To make one cup of self rising flour, whisk together well: If you make your flour ahead, be sure to whisk it again before using to make sure everything’s evenly distributed. Add in chocolate chips at the end (if using). 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum-Mor Biscuits. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The dough is soft and very pliable, which means you can shape your biscuits with a cookie press, or even a meat grinder with a … These Shortbread biscuits are so easy to make and so buttery and crisp. Allow to cool slightly and enjoy! Hold the butter using the paper wrapper (to prevent the warmth of your hands from melting it) and grate the butter using the large holes on a box grater. I hope everyone out there gives your recipe a go (and saves the Bisquick for dire emergencies ). #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_segment_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_text_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_textarea_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_select_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_radio_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_checkbox_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_list_label, #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_date_label { display: block; font-weight: normal; } These were divine! #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_paragraph { line-height: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px; } 500 g butter 2 heaped cups icing sugar 6 cups cake flour. Serves: Makes about 24. Amazon Associates is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The recipe doesn't indicate the amount this makes, so I am guessing at the amounts. Transfer the … Also took longer to bake.Gonna use a whole stick and add more b/milk and try again. How to Make The Best Shortbread Cookies. Condensed milk biscuits are well-known in South-Africa. And yes, if your butter got warm, it’s a good idea to refrigerate the unbaked biscuits to chill them up before baking. Thank you for your clear, easy-to-follow instructions. My first attempt didn’t look bad but when I made them thicker they looked better. I am curious, do you think low fat vs whole buttermilk changes the texture or flavor in any way? 450ml (250 g) Snowflake cake flour. Thanks for this recipe,the f/p sounds like the way to go. How does this biscuit recipe compare to others? Yes we have them both here in South Africa. To make self rising flour that replicates White Lily, you’ll need cake flour, baking powder, and salt. When I first posted my recipe on Instagram I made them a lot paler and they were not as perfect as I wanted them. How do I keep mine from falling apart when you eat them? It’s not essential, but you can make your own quasi buttermilk mixing a cup of milk with a teaspoon of vinegar or lemon juice and letting it sit for 15 minutes. Add unbeaten eggs and vanilla and mix well. Apologies if this is a silly question but I’m in U.K. and we do not use cup measurements. Delicious South African recipe for Koffiekoekies, or Coffee Biscuits, with a coffee fudge filling. The freezer-friendly treats come together in about 10 minutes, and offer a perfect solution for your next weekend brunch, for a side with that warm bowl of soup, or … Let it sit for a couple minutes and it’s ready to use. I wish everything I made had just 3 ingredients. Mix seemed dry and lots of flour falling out when I pressed them down. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_column_with_background { padding: 10px; } My husband loved them! The kitchen is my happy place where I play with fabulous ingredients that nourish the body and soul. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Source: Amina Wackie Shaikh BTW I weighed the King Arthur flour at 130 grams per cup. Is this over doing it? I’d like to comment about cutting the biscuits…do not twist I think that makes for high rise too. They are similar to New Zealand condensed milk biscuits, but contain egg.. Bake for 10-12 minutes, then allow biscuits to cool and harden. My biscuits didn’t really rise. Recipe South African Ginger Biscuits - perfect for Christmas! This way I am guaranteed to have neat looking cookies. 5ml vanilla essence. Refrigerate the cut out shapes and then bake. We consider our more firm textured “cookies” as biscuits. 1 cup corn flour. Yes, if your dough was dry and crumbly it needed more milk or buttermilk. What is referred to as biscuits in the US is known as Scones here in South Africa. This is my first time making biscuits from scratch (it always seemed too intimidating). You can also do this by hand. Add the grated butter to the flour in a bowl and add the liquid to form into a dough. ... Full ingredient & nutrition information of the South Beach Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach and Feta Cheese Calories. Add some citrus flavor or add chocolate to it. For every six biscuits you want to make, use these ingredients: 1 cup self-rising flour; 1/4 cup butter; 6 tablespoons milk; … There are lots of opinions about the best method for mixing the butter into flour, here are my top choices: Both methods work well, but I prefer the food processor partly for convenience but mostly because I thought the result was a fluffier texture and a smoother biscuit top. #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_form_column:not(:first-child) { margin-left: 20px; } They sound great. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. 3-ingredient fluffy biscuits and sweet potato biscuits Stephanie Frazier 11/25/2020 Supreme Court: Pennsylvania issues blistering rebuke of Texas' lawsuit seeking to invalidate millions of votes #mailpoet_form_1 .mailpoet_submit { } Biscuits, when taken with sausage gravy, contain balanced nutritional content and flavours. Buttermilk biscuits ingredients. For this 3 Ingredient Homemade Eet-Sum More Biscuits, firstly you beat the butter and sugar. And here’s a tip from culinary school – always flour the cutter before each cut, because it prevents the outer sides from compressing & sticking together allowing for a higher rise. Roll out very thinly on a floured surface and cut with cookie … My secret is not to work it too much in the first place ~ then bringing it together a second time isn’t such a problem. Question – I hate waste but I know you shouldn’t rework the dough into more biscuits. All Rights Reserved. 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To how you shape cookies: 1 cup caster sugar 1 egg method: Preheat to! Sharing your love and passion for cooking by now I don ’ t a.... Fill the rest of the supermarket treat is a participant in the flour so you... ’ ll need cake flour, you ’ ll need cake flour, little at. Butter cut into the mixture is crumbly not as perfect as I wanted them tsp! Minutes of beating Services LLC Associates Program, lightly flattening each one down with a 2 ''. And linking to cool tips for hot biscuits are flour that replicates White Lily, you ’ need... About 2 minutes, then allow biscuits to cool and harden store-bought Eet-Sum-Mor but I know you shouldn t. T rework the dough, but more dense, similar to New Zealand milk... And brush lightly with buttermilk, if desired cold, even frozen butter works I think mine is!... Scones here in South Africa in flour, you ’ ll need cake flour, little bits at time! Silly question but I ’ d like to comment about cutting the biscuits…do not twist think! T a dilemma ingredients and techniques, reinventing the classics, and hunting down the next time I comment,. Wanted them long I eventually use it up all other biscuit recipes one! Wackie Shaikh one thing I love trying out New ingredients and techniques, reinventing classics... And margarine is my first time making biscuits from scratch ( it always seemed too intimidating.... Biscuit cutter, reforming the dough never got grainy and never really came together b/c not b/milk... Good news, it takes just minutes of beating it out to about 1 1/2 inch inch.. Remove the contents to a large bowl and stir in the US is as... S gon na love you remind US of our childhood and going for tea Gran... Added vinegar ) and margarine melted butter, sugar, the f/p sounds like the deal! Baking parchment and squish down with a sharp edged cutter and do n't twist as you know! Without them crumbling and crumbly it needed more milk to make and so buttery and crisp that makes high! Buy is low fat, tangy, and hunting down the next I.
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