
243 vs 308

With proper shot placement, this round still has the energy and the velocity to make a clean kill. Just because of the nature of these two cartridges, there is some difference between the bullet weights of these two rounds that we have no control over. You can easily use this to take shots at 300+ yards. Within 200 yards, both of these cartridges can be nail drivers given their trajectory at these ranges. In this graph, we take a look at our ten rounds and see how they compare and if the same trend continues from what we saw in the previous graph. When we expand our sample size, we still see that the .308 Win rounds carry quite a bit more kinetic energy downrange than the .243 Win rounds, though we do see the difference shrink by a few hundred ft.lbs than what we saw in the graph above. For hunting purposes, this shouldn’t have as much an impact on your decision making since responsible hunters are not taking shots at this distance with these cartridges. the only advantage I see is that the.308 is a veyr efficient, mild cartridge. Have a look at .308 Win vs 30-06 Springfield and points out the differences between the two. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. At the end of the day, we think the best round is the one you are confident in and the one that has brought you success consistently. For the .243, you’re looking more at an average price of $30 for a box of 20 rounds. The .308 kicks like a mule compared to the .243. And while the .243 might appear to be a clear-cut winner there is more that you have to consider depending on what you are doing. We did see a slight advantage in the ballistic coefficients of the .308 rounds. (20.9 at 700 yards and 28.6 at 1000 yards). About Us | Write For Us | Advertise| Terms and Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer Policy And FTC Affiliate Disclosure |. Just as there is a noticeable difference between the recoil of the two calibers, there is also a significant difference when it comes to the energy that they produce. Where the .308 has gained a strong and loyal following is in the hunting community. The following ammunition cartridge ballistics information and chart can be used to approximately compare .243 Winchester vs .30-06 Springfield ammo rounds. Like the kinetic energy, we see a significant difference in the momentum between these two cartridges. To get an idea of how well these two cartridges can penetrate a target, we will look at the sectional densities (SD) of the same rounds we have been using for comparison in this article. Especially if it is hunting, where stopping power is as critical and is the subject of our next section. Very helpful. We see that there is less than an inch of difference in bullet drop between these two rounds out to the 350-yard mark. And there is no overlap between these two cartridges. In the ballistics section, we will focus on the differences in velocity, ballistic coefficients, and trajectory. The most reliable AR large frame I've ever had was a DPMS in 243. Many citizens also wield .308 tactical rifles for long range home and property defense as well. The .243 ammunition is cheaper than the .308, and it’s flat trajectory and high speeds make it a fun and affordable round to use on the range. We still see the same trend here, with the .243 rounds showing several inches less bullet drop than the .308 Win rounds. These are not the sole factors involved in stopping power. Best 9mm Ammo 2019 [Self-Defense & Target], 6.5 Creedmoor vs .243 Win – Cartridge Comparison, Best .40 S&W Ammo: Self Defense & Target Practice. We were curious about this as well and had to go back in and double check. All of the .308 rounds are generating more than 20ft.lbs of energy which is considered enough to influence the shot if you are not experienced with the round. The fact that the .243 is essentially a necked down .308 means that the bullets are smaller and less wide. This will only be the case if you are using a heavy bullet with a rifle with a slow twist rate. All of the .308 rounds still have higher SDs, but their sectional densities are only around 1-3 hundredths more. I think you would be much happier using the tried and true 308. The ballistic coefficient is not everything when it comes to having a true flying bullet. In fact, there are very few big game animals in the world that cannot be comfortably brought down with a .308. We calculated the momentum of the selected rounds and graphed those numbers from the muzzle out to 500 yards (Graph 10). The reason is that both have the same mass, and we are assuming similar velocities, but the force that is generated behind bullet B is localized to a smaller surface area than bullet A. Besides those differences, these two cartridges have very similar case dimensions such as the base diameter, case length, overall length, and the case capacity. Both of these cartridges are very popular whitetail cartridges, among other medium sized game, and in these scenarios, the majority of shots are coming at ranges up to 300 yards. Re: .308 vs .243 Mensaje por guidoi » Lun May 03, 2010 8:04 am Desde el punto de vista legal con el 243 ya estas muuy limitado a caza menor o varmint, si quiero hacer varmint me compro un 223 o un 22-250 . On the other hand, the .243 rounds come in between 8 and 12ft.lbs of energy. So, let’s take a look at our ten rounds and see how the kinetic energy differs between these two cartridges (Graph 8). The .308 Winchester was introduced by Winchester in 1952. Hopefully, this begins to give us an uncluttered look at how the trajectories of these two cartridges compare (Graph 5). Jun 10, 2008 #1 i know that both the 243 and the 308 are used in long range target shooting. Overall, the price of these cartridges is not very different. Please note, the following information reflects the estimated average ballistics for each caliber and does not pertain to … You can see the stark contrast between the .223 and .308 cartridges in the photos below. And we would expect this trend given the similarities in velocity between the rounds, barring the two lightweight .243 rounds, and the increased bullet weights of the .308 rounds. Similarly, the 308 Winchester is regarded as a decided improvement over the 30-30, since it throws the same.308 caliber bullets, but much faster. Therefore, we have some sleek choices at our disposal. I have one rifle in .223 and two in .308 The .243 has an average bullet drop at 500 yards of 38 inches while the .308 has an average of 50 inches. For a cartridge comparison such as the .243 vs .308, potential users want to see which has a flatter trajectory, meaning it shows less bullet drop. They provide you with greater range and power over either a .223 or .243 while also having the ability to conduct tactical reloads thanks to detachable magazines. The 308 is essentially a shortened version of the 30-06 Springfield cartridge used by the U.S. Military from 1906 through the late 1950s. Learn the history of 243 ammo and visit us at https://ammo.com/rifle/243-ammo to get the best discount 243 ammo online. I've been saving up for a .260 CTR, but I'm thinking that at this price ($460) I should jump on a … NY White Tail Deer: .243 vs .270 vs .308 vs 30-06 05-13-2016, 02:36 PM I'm trying to buy my first deer gun and I thought I was set on .308, but now I'm not positive. the best deer rifle. For the .308 Win, we like the Nosler Ballistic Tip 165gr. Nov 25, 2006 #21 . Both of these cartridges are fairly prevalent on the market. While hunting, being able to have confidence that your bullet will reach the target and still have enough force to make a clean and quick harvest does a lot for confidence. If you could only own one over the other, chances are good you would find more practical use for the .308 round, simply because it’s a longer distance shooting round and can be used to hunt almost anything in North America. Often, the ballistic coefficient is given more attention with long range shooters, but we think it can be important for hunters as well. For a round to take to the range, we like the 58gr Hornady Superformance Varmint V-Max. And we are aware that there are a lot of other options that are on the market and there is a good chance that a round you use and has served you well might not be present. 243 VS 308 Discussion in 'Guns & Ammo' started by gunsmoke71, Nov 24, 2006. Like at the 200-yard mark, the lightweight .243 rounds are nearly five inches flatter than the next closest round. It is lightweight and might be more influenced by drag and wind drift if you are looking at shots at 500+ yards. But at the same time, the difference in SD between a .308 and a heavy .243 is very minimal, which suggests that their penetration would be roughly the same, with a slight edge going to the .308. Around 20 deer total and And that’s not to say the .243 Win is not a lethal round for game, but the numbers show that the .308 Win is much better suited when tackling larger game and the majority of hunters would agree with us. Thanks for your time spent on this article. vs. .243 Win. My opinion, .308. We were looking at nearly double the recoil energy of the .308 compared to some .243 rounds. Originally posted by Osagehunter For shots taken at extended ranges, a higher BC often means fewer adjustments will have to be made to get the bullet on target. On the other hand, the heavier and larger The.243 Winchester is simply the.308 Winchester necked down to hold.243″ diameter bullets. And while we are confident that this result is indicative of how much recoil energy will be produced by any selection of factory loads available, we still want to look at the recoil data from our larger data set. These rounds have been on the market for over 50 years, and there is no reason why they won’t continue to be a mainstay in small firearm ammunition. There are .243 rounds that maintain supersonic speed through the 1,000 yard mark and there are .308 rounds that fall below supersonic speeds closer to the 700 yard mark. The 308 will recoil less than a 30-06, but not 30% less. The latter two are ways to determine how well a round will penetrate. 243 rules for that. Since 2001, we have provided the latest in gun rights news, tech reviews and product information. There are always trade offs when trying to decide between two cartridges or even just two different rounds. (150 Sp at 2900).481 +2.6" +2.0" 3"@138: 287.270 WSM (130 Sp at 3206).416 +2.4" +2.4" 3"@150: 311.270 WSM (150 Sp at 3150).481 +2.5" +2.4" 3"@150: 311.270 Wby. 90-100 grain bullets. And we realize that most of you are already aware of what we are about to say, but trajectory is far from the only performance spec that needs to be considered when thinking about a cartridge you are wanting to use. The .243 is a light and high-velocity cartridge that is one of the best for varmint and predator hunting. At these two markers, we see right around 20 to 30 inches separating the two cartridges. The higher the ballistic coefficient, the less drag, and influence this resistance will have on the traveling bullet. For any major retailer, they are going to have both .243 and .308 rounds in stock and usually have a variety of options for both cartridges. Without question, the .243 produces much less felt recoil than the .308. The averages all support this though the .308 closes the difference as the rounds move downrange. The most noticeable difference is in the neck diameter where the .308 is much wider to fit the larger caliber bullet. One of the biggest reasons for this is how quickly the 55gr .243 rounds bleed off velocity. (Graph 2). Just like the smaller sample size, the .308 Win rounds generate nearly 25 more lbs/ft.s from the muzzle to 17 more out at 500 yards. The bullet drop on this round is second to none when it comes to .243 factory loads. There is quite a wide range for both of these cartridges. Momentum is tied in with sectional density because of the idea of resistance. In this article, we will cover and compare the .243 Winchester and .308 Winchester rounds. Also, keep in mind that some of these rounds might have less or more powder when used in reality, so the recoil energy may vary a little. Now why compare the .308 to the much smaller .243? What Could Be Improved and Why The .243 does pack some punch, and the eye relief on this scope might not be doing you any favors. And while newer and flashier rounds have come onto the scene, some of the top shooters in the world still load a .243 and they win with that cartridge consistently. You just have to have experience shooting these different rounds of the two cartridges to get a feel of what is too much recoil for you to shoot comfortably. We may earn a commission when you purchase through one of our links. Let’s look at the bullet momentum averages when more rounds are added into the equation. 223 vs 308 Ballistics Notwithstanding the significant advantage the.308 Winchester has in case capacity, the.223 Remington has a big advantage in muzzle velocity and trajectory because it shoots considerably smaller and lighter bullets. While we are selecting a variety of rounds with a good range of bullet weights and designs, it’s only scratching the surface. Let’s increase the number of rounds we are comparing and see if this trend continues. 43. There is the issue of recoil, which we talk a little more about shortly, but we want to focus on the ballistics. Of course, you’re also dealing with a lot more recoil, as we saw earlier. Before we look at specific ranges with the short and long-range trajectory, we want to step back and just look at two rounds, one from each cartridge type, that are similar in bullet weight, BC, and bullet design. Where ballistic calculators are used we kept as many variables the same between rounds of the same cartridge. The .308 is extremely popular, and you can tell based on the sheer amount of ammunition and type of ammunition that is available. Gun News Daily is the longest running gun news website in the US. Any data set that you work with is going to have outliers and the .243 Win rounds do have several of those. The differences in velocity between these rounds depends on the individual round. Get our PDF with 13 pistol & rifle targets (worth $48) including expert instructions for FREE! It doesn’t matter what you are using a rifle for or what cartridge you are using. As you can probably guess just by looking at the chart, the two rounds with the lowest bullet momentum are the 55 and 58gr rounds. Meanwhile the poor little 243 Winchester, which is the 308 Winchester case necked down to accept 243-caliber bullets, is suspect. 308 Federal Vital-Shok Ballistic Tip 150gr, 308 Federal Gold Medal Sierra Matchking 175gr, 243 Hornady Superformance Varmint V-Max 58gr, 243 Federal Vital-Shok Nosler Ballistic Tip 95gr, Federal Gold Medal Sierra MatchKing 175gr, Federal Gold Medal Sierra MatchKing 168gr, Hornady American Whitetail SP InterLock 150gr, Federal Vital-Shok Nosler Ballistic Tip 95gr, Winchester Power Max Bonded Protected HP 100gr. We compiled the velocities of the ten rounds from the manufacture and have graphed them here (Graph 3). While this cartridge has decent range, it just loses too much energy to take larger game at far distances unless it’s the perfect shot, and even then it might just result in a wounded animal. At the muzzle, the .308 rounds have bullet energies above 2,500ft.lbs, and all remain between 1,000 and 1,400ft.lbs at the 500-yard mark. glennasher1 Well-Known Member. both are able to shoot 1000 yds, but which one is the better caliber and why? For the heavier bullets that the .308 uses, it’s going to need a little more force to get those bullets at the speed needed for proper terminal ballistics The .243 is also longer than the .308 and cannot handle as high an internal vs. .30-06 Springfield Three of the most revered deer-hunting rounds in a head-to-head-to-head comparison By Ron Spomer This round is affordable which is an important consideration when you plan burning through quite a few out on the range. The .308 is often described as a great short range cartridge for whitetail and other larger game. For most medium size game, 1,000ft.lbs of energy is the recommended amount, and this increases the larger the animal gets. You have to love the depth and variables involved with this topic. A 20" barrel really cuts it's balls off, in the high 2700's with 105 Amax. Once you move out to longer ranges, the .243 showed a slight advantage over the .308 with a less pronounced bullet drop. It might not be a competition round, but it is fun to mess around with while on the range with friends. Let’s take a look at the short range numbers when we add more rounds, especially with the .243 Win rounds with heavier bullet weights. Nov 24, 2006 Pulaski County. It can accept bullet weights from fifty up to one hundred grains. Now, there was a much greater advantage to the lightweight .243 rounds, but if they will not be suitable for certain applications, there were .308 rounds that were very similar to the heavier .243 rounds. From there, we can discuss the applications for each cartridge and under which situations they will be better suited. Discussion Starter • #1 • Feb 6, 2014. Unabhängige Urteile durch Außenstehende geben ein … The .308 is a larger and heavier round than the .243 2. The .243 rounds have the flattest performing rounds with the 55 and 58gr bullets. Each rifle tends to have its own small differences in its profile, and this means some small differences in the ballistic output. When we look at these two cartridges, there is some about 70 yards difference in the average limit. When you buy through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. That being said, you would likely rather want a .308 if you were planning on going deer hunting at unusually long distances. We’ll start with recoil. The 20-degree shoulder of the parent is maintained, and the 2.045-inch case launches a 100-grain bullet at a muzzle velocity of right around 3000 fps. While we think it has a large role in making difficult shots easier, don’t make the error of thinking that if a bullet has a high BC, it is going to do all the work for you or replace experience and skill. Sectional density is derived from SD along with velocity and bullet type all factor into penetration, and we will discuss how it all ties together in the application section. The honest truth is, accuracy is often more linked to the firearm, the optics, and the user’s ability. We have also extended this comparison out with a 700 and 1000 yard marker. There are good reasons why the .243 remains at the top of the heap; it is nothing more and nothing less than the .308 Winchester necked down to hold .243-inch diameter bullets. While the .243 Win rounds have an average that is only about 3 one hundredths behind the .308 Win rounds, this is quite a bit for sectional density. 6.5 creedmoor with 107 or 123 is not far beyond 243 with 108s. After all, they’re not really even in the same class. We hope that this article has provided a more detailed comparison between the two cartridges and given you a much stronger foundation to base your decision on. In this article, we will be taking a look at two very popular cartridges in the US and the world, the .243 Win and .308 Win. Jun 10, 2008 #2 Regardless of the difference, every round shows less than 5 inches of bullet drop at the 200-yard mark. But for hunting larger game such as elk, the .243 would be far too light and the .308 is better suited for the role. Slightly flatter trajectory at typical hunting ranges 600 rounds but the.243 and it! Excellent option for medium to larger game of experience with firearms, the ballistics section, we see that lightweight! Model 88 rifles for long range home and property defense as well is no debate this... Qualities of the two cartridges compare ( Graph 4 ) is less than a 30-06, but it a. 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