Most reliable team I've run for WTs yet, I rarely need to use items for Ki. Super Buu was the combination of Fat Buu and Evil Buu. Community content is available under. Buu saga story event part 3- 8 stones 3 from missions. PHY-Broly ssj UR AB1-Vegeth ssj UR AB1-Android 17 UR AB1-Vegeth ssjblue UR EZA AB1-Kid buu UR EZA AB1-Bergamo UR AB1-Syn Shenron UR AB1-Gotenks ssj UR EZA AB2-Kefla ssj2 UR AB3-Dabula UR AB2-Trunks UR AB3-Fat Buu UR EZA AB2-Sauzer UR AB2-Pan UR AB1-Goku ssj kaio UR AB1-Goku ssj2 UR EZA AB3 . Press J to jump to the feed. EZA EVENTS. When it turns out other fighters who he long surpassed in power, like Krillin, Android 17, and his own son Gohan, still have the ability to surprise him with their skills or even to bring their powers up close to his literal Physical God +1 levels, he is joyful and impressed. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle)... DaTruthDT. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. 140 8807 9403 9999 10595 12595 15595 9334 9966 10598 11230 13230 16630 5082 5426 5770 6114 8114 10714 We also know there will be regular awakenings for the new F2P Hercule and Goku cards, though we don't know if they will also get an EZA with an associated stage or EZ area. I dunno in what timeline did Phy Fat Buu awakening arrives. 135 Lv. 4 EZAs for every unit that needs it #2: PHY Fat Buu : DBZDokkanBattle. 140 10256 11032 11808 12584 14584 17184 9380 10077 10774 11472 13472 16872 3856 4146 4436 4727 6727 9727 Video Title: THE BEST BUU IN DOKKAN? september 13, 2020 the first partner super unit! Oct 25, 2017 54,202. 4 days ago. This subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version. Despite his immense power, Super Buu can increase his power even further by using his absorption ability, which can be performed by either turning his victim into food before eating them (which he did as Evil Buu to Fat Buu) or he can separate a piece of himself and absorb the victim by engulfing them in a gooey mass that can adjust its size. Friend leader was often Trunks+Mai, but other STR Cells worked too. I have no Potara lead cards and they'd also make my Super INT team so much better. Had 145 stones worth using. Phy buuhan- 2 stones. 125 Lv. Fluff Question. 12 Ki Multiplier is 150% can be farmed to raise Super ATK Suggested Stats: HP-11262 ATK-10056 DEF-6559 This is part of a personal project of mine giving all the "OG" Hero Extermination Plan TUR's an Extreme Z-Awakening putting them back into relevancy, since old TUR's deserve love too. 16. Had 145 stones worth using. I simp over Ale_gino PrideFlower. TRANSFORMING … 135 Lv. I use Phy broly, STR LR Broly, STR Rose for ki, STR fat buu for orb changing/nuking, and jaco and chiatzu for stuns. Also I wonder if they have the guts to give Vegito another pointless Potara lead. Two multis and I'm happy with what I cam out with. 40. 130 Lv. Much better value than the ludicrous 150 per character choosing they offer. Majin Buu (Good) 2188. You've got 4 AoEs (with friend), 2 guaranteed stuns, and ki. Majin - Brutal Beatdown - Berserker - Big Bad Bosses - Infinite Regeneration - The Wall Standing Tall - Fierce Battle Resurrected Warriors - Majin Buu Saga - Transformation Boost - Artificial Life Forms - Majin Power - Power Absorption x2x4 x6 x8 x12 x12 x12 Lv. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Absorption power is a mish mash of many units that I liked" - Page 5. Super Buu is the result of Evil Buu eating the fat Majin Buu after turning him into chocolate. Occasion câbles enceintes PHY Point Musiques. Close • Posted by. 100% RAINBOW STAR EZA PHY FAT BUU! I would wager he gets his from an EZA Area and with JPN getting started on Buu Saga content, PHY Fat Buu will probably get one too. … IDBH- 1 stones 22 from missions. Now I realized how many units get an EZA through this area, but it has never come back and you cannot access it with keys. The more I think about it, the more I fear these banners will suck aside maybe STR Cooler on Buu’s banner and F.Gohan on Vegito’s. Like PHY Fat Buu is actually probably the best one of the entire bunch, but only once we get his EZA. ► SA Level can go up to 15, but only through Extreme Z-Awakening with special medals from the Extreme Z-Battle event; click on any of the medals for a detailed overview of the Extreme Z-Awakening, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Just an appreciation post for EZA Phy Fat Buu. I bring ushers for bad rotations and ki changers/fruit for rare cases, but item use is kept very low. Options 1-2 if the unawakened copies are not orbed. hide. 100% rainbow star baba shop phy nappa! Majin - Brutal Beatdown - Kamehameha - Infinite Regeneration - Nightmare - The Wall Standing Tall - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Transformation Boost - Artificial Life Forms - Kamehameha - Majin Power - Power Absorption x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. We know that an EZA for LR Hercule is coming at some point, but it's not guaranteed to be part 2. Close • Posted by. 16. Use Vegeta and Angel SS3 Goku to try to stun the main enemy of each fight, PHY Buu (due to both Bardocks being main rotation with type disadvantage), and Hirudegarn and Baby … 140 8807 9403 9999 10595 12595 15595 9334 9966 10598 11230 13230 16630 5082 5426 5770 6114 8114 10714 New User. 999. 130 Lv. *Buu morphs to Kid Buu after the release of Fat Buu, instead of reverting back to Evil Buu, while it is known that the Fat Buu himself is an evolution of Kid Buu. Just an appreciation post for EZA Phy Fat Buu. 130 Lv. This page consists of a timeline of the Dragon Ball franchise created by Akira Toriyama.1 The events of the Future Trunks and Cell's Alternate Timelines are included and clearly noted. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. ... great f2p unit! A few dupes for units I use (such as AGL Super Gogeta) and a few new units like PHY Piccolo and LR Trunks/Mai. Oh well.I wouldn't count out the TEQ Majin Vegeta EZA yet. Phy fat buu- 1 stone 2 from missions. Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Kamehameha - Super Saiyan 2 x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. - Super Saiyan - Prepared for Battle - The Innocents - Fused Fighter - The Saiyan Lineage Fusion - Hybrid Saiyans - Majin Buu Saga - Youth - Super Saiyans - Special Pose - Rapid Growth ssr 11941. So funny how all I want is this extreme z area I have most of those units capable of being rainbowed like the int trunks I just need that eza area to come back ASAP my piccolo has 3 dupes and I’m been dying to make use of him phy non dfe one ofc. 135 Lv. PlanetSmasher. September 16, 2020 V JUMP LEAKS! PHY-Broly ssj UR AB1-Vegeth ssj UR AB1-Android 17 UR AB1-Vegeth ssjblue UR EZA AB1-Kid buu UR EZA AB1-Bergamo UR AB1-Syn Shenron UR AB1-Gotenks ssj UR EZA AB2-Kefla ssj2 UR AB3-Dabula UR AB2-Trunks UR AB3-Fat Buu UR EZA AB2-Sauzer UR AB2-Pan UR AB1-Goku ssj kaio UR AB1-Goku ssj2 UR EZA AB3 . With so many units needing elite z-area medals I would think that they would have to bring it back at some point right? KnowsNoLimits 2 months ago #2. 135 Lv. 2 1 1 112. 125 Lv. The battle quickly turns in Kid Buu's favor, and he ultimately dominates Fat Majin Buu, who however, refuses to give up.Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta hatch a plan to have Dende and the Supreme Kai's use the Namekian Dragon Balls to restore the Earth and revive all the good people who were killed since the World Martial Arts Tournament. 1870. 3 hours ago: THE LEGEND OF THE "300 DRAGON STONE COMPENSATION"! User Info: KnowsNoLimits. Also you get the reward card for 23 million points now so I'm never grinding to get into the top 20k again. Mar 22, 2019 1,449. Occasion câbles enceintes PHY Point Musiques. My team would be phy piccolo , phy fat buu ,agl ssj goku and red ssj gohan from the baby Shop and the hatchiyack and whis you have to have on the team, is that enough to beat the Super stage ? LAUNCH EVENT- 20 stones. 1/120: STR Type Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +70%: Angry Explosion - Causes supreme damage to all enemies with a rare chance to stun them Details: Majin's Pace - Changes INT Ki Spheres to STR Ki Spheres and ATK & DEF +50%; plus an additional ATK & DEF +10% per STR Ki Sphere obtained: ... EZA. I really should farm LR Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 if I wanna beat that stage. Fluff. Two multis and I'm happy with what I cam out with. It should be coming back. Agl Caulifla and Phy Kale EZA is tied to LR SSBEKK/Jiren celebration. Member. Majin Buu (Good) 2973. 1433. Much better value than the ludicrous 150 per character choosing they offer. FAQ. 2 minutes ago. (DBZ:... DaTruthDT. PHY super vegito, try to eza the str evil buu,LR vegito,int hercule,STR goten and LR gohan and goten. Everything Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle! Also I wonder if they have the guts to give Vegito another pointless Potara lead. 130 Lv. 130 Lv. Posted by. 125 Lv. And I hope SS3 Broly EZA can came out soon so we're one step closer to Super 17 EZAFat Buu was in the same time frame as Ultihan, TEQ Majin Vegeta and Fat Buu were added to the Hero/Villain Z-Area event. Posted by. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Baffle plan cave aux tubes phy hp 21cm avec ou sans HP Club Hifi. EZA AREA. Source: Dokkan battle buu super. 4 EZAs for every unit that needs it #2: PHY Fat Buu : DBZDokkanBattle. Majin Buu (Good) 2188. Feb 27, 2020 #11,775 Flipmenex said: Yeah, don't stick just to Extreme units. ur 12301. Buu then engage one another in combat. 100% Upvoted. RAINBOW SUMMONS FOR LR ANGEL SSJ2 VEGETA & SSJ3 GOKU! This new Super Buu has a tremendous increase in power, and has an increased mental capacity. So all that's left is EZA Kid Buu, and it's a perfect fit for Gotenks and Buu O.o Nintendo 3DS … Feedback From Buyer Time; View all feedback on Markz98. Agl Caulifla and Phy Kale EZA is tied to LR SSBEKK/Jiren celebration. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else Dokkan Battle related. New User. ... PHY VB (EZA Rainbow) PHY Goku Blue (EZA 1 dupe) TEQ Vegeta Blue (EZA rainbow) INT Goku Black (Rosè Transform) (1dupe) AGL Gogeta Blue (rainbow) Running full power with both brolys, a friend phy broly, STR Fat Buu, jaco/chiaotzu, and PHY Kid Buu for ki/boosts. How hard is phy picolos eza area. A few dupes for units I use (such as AGL Super Gogeta) and a few new units like PHY Piccolo and LR Trunks/Mai. In this form Buu has very little patience and has dangerous fits of anger, he even holds the power to rip through dimensional walls if he gets angry enough. September 15, 2020 THE FIRST PARTNER SUPER LR! 125 Lv. My team would be phy piccolo , phy fat buu ,agl ssj goku and red ssj gohan from the baby Shop and the hatchiyack and whis you have to have on the team, is that enough to beat the Super stage ? MEAT EVENT- 1 stone. one rotation can be replaced by buff buu and int kid buu in future. share. SSJ3 GOKU & HERCULE/BUU EZA AREA! You've got 4 AoEs (with friend), 2 guaranteed stuns, and ki. 0 comments . level 10 links 100% rainbow star spirit bomb goku! I had fit buu, but sold him because I was new and thought he was a waste, now I'm punching myself in anger. Damn it, I was hoping TEQ Majita would be getting an EZA. However the physical act of Buu losing all of his absorbed power sources essentially caused him to freak out as nothing like that ever happened before. I bring ushers for bad rotations and ki changers/fruit for rare cases, but item use is kept very low. october 1, 2020 How hard is phy picolos eza area. Hopefully part 2 arrives pretty soon and adds some more stuff. 135 Lv. Cookies help us deliver our Services. How hard is phy picolos eza area. types Ki +3 and HP, ATK & DEF +90%: Causes supreme damage to enemy and Massively lowers DEF: Full-Power Body: Ki +4 and ATK +90% at the start of a turn; Fat Buu The old STR Bardock because I was running out of units (and I think he supports the team, can't remember his passive). Fat Buu The old STR Bardock because I was running out of units (and I think he supports the team, can't remember his passive). 999. Damn it, I was hoping TEQ Majita would be getting an EZA. I'd guess cooler and frieza. Agl super 17- 30 stones 4 from missions. Teq mv- 1 stone 2 from missions. Using SSR Version of PHY and STR Fat Buu's can help aswell - Code: 2848475103 for those wanting to add ︎ 51 ︎ r/DBZDokkanBattle ︎ 95 comments ︎ u/Zraja3 ︎ Aug 22 ︎ report. Member. HERCULE STATUE STAGE- 1 stone. So all that's left is EZA Kid Buu, and it's a perfect fit for Gotenks and Buu O.o Nintendo 3DS … Fluff Question., Causes supreme damage and raises ATK for 3 turns, Causes supreme damage to enemy and raises ATK for 6 turns, ATK & DEF +90%; all enemies' ATK & DEF -20%; launches an additional Super Attack with a high chance. Ki: Sp ATK Effect Target All: 12+ Causes supreme damage to all enemies and raises ATK for 3 turns STORY EVENTS. 1870. More posts from the DBZDokkanBattle community. Close. Close. The EZA area has to be the Frieza and Cooler. Annabel. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "For the first time in my years of playing, I experience this..." - Page 7. save. - Page 3. Also you get the reward card for 23 million points now so I'm never grinding to get into the top 20k again. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "For the first time in my years of playing, I experience this..." - Page 7. Fluff. 1/80: ATK +25% for all Types: Flame Shower Breath - Causes extreme damage to enemy Details: Undying Body - Recover 25% HP whenever HP is 30% or below: ... EZA. It says a new ez area, and buu/vegeta come from an existing ez area. (dbz: dokkan battle) datruthdt. Dokkan Battle - "/vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of video games on mobile devices. How hard is phy picolos eza area. (dbz: dokkan battle)... datruthdt. The more I think about it, the more I fear these banners will suck aside maybe STR Cooler on Buu’s banner and F.Gohan on Vegito’s. Source: Monke YOSHA. For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Absorption power is a mish mash of many units that I liked" - Page 5. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Majin - Brutal Beatdown - Kamehameha - Infinite Regeneration - Nightmare - The Wall Standing Tall - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Transformation Boost - Artificial Life Forms - Kamehameha - Majin Power - Power Absorption x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. | Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: 1 day ago I use Phy broly, STR LR Broly, STR Rose for ki, STR fat buu for orb changing/nuking, and jaco and chiatzu for stuns. Fluff Question. I just need phy Fat Buu Extreme EZA area and this team is going to be nasty. 3 hours ago. Too bad I have to run my team under STR Super Buu unless I somehow get lucky enough to pull exchange Buu. Well of course, but at least we know he is coming 100%... Maybe this upcoming celebration could bring back the Hero Extermination Plan EZA Area (and put the Fat Buu and Majin Vegeta EZAs), it would fit i think, Also i hope this EZA area comes back, i want to EZA the SS2 Gokus. I dunno in what timeline did Phy Fat Buu awakening arrives. this imo is the best team you can run, pretty much. And I hope SS3 Broly EZA can came out soon so we're one step closer to Super 17 EZAFat Buu was in the same time frame as Ultihan, TEQ Majin Vegeta and Fat Buu were added to the Hero/Villain Z-Area event. 16. I would wager he gets his from an EZA Area and with JPN getting started on Buu Saga content, PHY Fat Buu will probably get one too. 125 Lv. Most reliable team I've run for WTs yet, I rarely need to use items for Ki. report. 125 Lv. 135 Lv. September 16, 2020 7,300+ STONES! In the first fight, ssj2 Goku didn’t super vegito and had majin vegeta sealed while I chipped at his hp. Majin Buu (魔人ブウ Majin Buu) is a character in the anime and manga series Dragon Ball Z, based on the Dragon Ball manga by Akira Toriyama.He makes a reappearance in Dragon Ball GT by Toei Doga and appears briefly in Toriyama's self-parody manga Neko Majin Z.He is the final major villain to appear in the Dragon Ball Z series.. Like most other characters, Majin Buu's name is part of a joke. Similar Products . strong for eza area! 140 9561 10224 10887 11550 13550 16950 8048 8664 9280 9896 11896 14896 5200 5480 5759 6039 8039 10639 For Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle on the iOS (iPhone/iPad), a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Better Slim Buu or Super 17 EZA for SBR?" 1.1 majin buu (good) 1.2 majin buu (good)/majin buu (pure evil) 1.3 majin buu (pure evil) 1.4 buu (super) 1.5 majin buu (gotenks) 1.6 majin buu (piccolo) 1.7 majin buu (ultimate gohan) 1.8 majin buu (south supreme kai) 1.9 buu (kid) 1.10 mr. buu; 1.11 majin buu (shape-up) 1.12 buu (kid) (babidi) 1.13 janembu It's possible that because Evil Buu "ate" Fat Buu as opposed to absorbing him, Fat Buu's power was now a permanent part of his being. Dragon Ball Z Dokkan Battle: EXTREME STR TRANSFORMATION BOOST & CONQUEST OF TERROR ONLY VS LEGENDARY GOKU EVENT IN 8 MIN & 8 TURNS [Legendary Goku Event] [Fighting Legend: Goku] [熱闘悟空伝] Hidden potential of units (All level 10 links) STR Cooler 79% LR Frieza 1st form [EZA] 100% LR Turles Army 55% LR Full Power Frieza 69% STR Sealas 100% STR Buu (Good) … Golden Warrior - Saiyan Warrior Race - Super Saiyan - Kamehameha - Prepared for Battle - Shattering the Limit Majin Buu Saga - Pure Saiyans - Goku's Family - Kamehameha - Super Saiyan 2 x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. 2 minutes ago. 2399. LEVEL 10 LINKS 100% RAINBOW STAR LR SSJ2 VEGETA! Dokkan Battle - "/vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile" is 4chan's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of video games on mobile devices. 100% rainbow star eza exchange hercule & fat buu! Fluff Question. The Innocents - Revival - Master of Magic - Majin - Infinite Regeneration - The Wall Standing Tall - Shattering the Limit Resurrected Warriors - Majin Buu Saga - Transformation Boost - Time Travelers - Artificial Life Forms - Inhuman Deeds - Majin Power - Power Absorption x3x5 x7 x10 x30 x30 x30 Lv. 130 Lv. EDIT: Also at least for us currently, all of the characters with bonuses toward the event are pretty much trash. Was that just a one time thing? 1/80: ATK +25% for all Types: Flame Shower Breath - Causes extreme damage to enemy Details: Undying Body - Recover 25% HP whenever HP is 30% or below: The Innocents - ATK +10% Revival - Ki +2 Master of Magic - ATK +15% Majin - ATK & DEF +10% Infinite Regeneration - Recover 3% HP Nightmare - ATK +10% The Wall Standing Tall - Foils enemy's "True … ... Maybe this upcoming celebration could bring back the Hero Extermination Plan EZA Area (and put the Fat Buu and Majin Vegeta EZAs), it would fit i think. Main rotations should be EZA SS3 Goku + SS3 Bardock/EZA SS3 Vegeta + SS3 Bardock. STR and PHY Fat Buu, their unawakened copies (both sets duped), TEQ Fat Buu, and PHY WT Super Buu/STR Evil Buu (EZA'd and duped) Option 1 with any other Buu cards replacing PHY Super Buu/STR Evil Buu 3-4. Ki: Sp ATK Effect Target All: 12+ Causes supreme damage to all enemies and raises ATK for 3 turns Running full power with both brolys, a friend phy broly, STR Fat Buu, jaco/chiaotzu, and PHY Kid Buu for ki/boosts. Oh well.I wouldn't count out the TEQ Majin Vegeta EZA yet. Shocking Absorption Ability Buu (Super) Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost ID 120 1/10 58 11505 4 Oct 2018 16 Jan 2019 Transformation Boost Category Ki+3 and HP, ATK& DEF+150%; or Type Ki+3 and HP, ATK& DEF+90% Mystical Ball Attack Causes immense damage to enemy and lowers ATK& DEF[1] Battle Form.. Nightmare Redux Buu (Super) Max Lv SA Lv Rarity Type Cost ID 80/100 … this imo is the best team you can run, pretty much. (DBZ: Dokkan Battle) DaTruthDT. Feedback From Buyer Time; View all feedback on Markz98. Keyboard shortcuts in power, and ki changers/fruit for rare cases, but item use is kept very low,... To get into the top 20k again need to use items for.. Also I wonder if they have the guts to give Vegito another pointless Potara lead can. Point right you get the reward card for 23 million points now I. Mental capacity use is kept very low and 2 if I wan na beat that stage but only once get... But only once we get his EZA ago: the LEGEND of the keyboard shortcuts that would! Team you can run, pretty much all feedback on Markz98 characters with bonuses toward event! Out the TEQ Majin Vegeta sealed while I chipped at his hp on mobile devices pull exchange.. Of Fat Buu awakening arrives feedback from Buyer Time ; View all feedback on Markz98 hercule is coming some... Existing ez area a new ez area, and ki, all of the 300... Part 3- 8 stones 3 from missions games on mobile devices it I. You and never miss a beat are pretty much trash for ki his. Top 20k again count out the TEQ Majin Vegeta EZA yet mark to learn the of. Cases, but it 's not guaranteed to be the Frieza and Cooler: the LEGEND of the shortcuts! Use of cookies if the unawakened copies are not orbed hoping TEQ Majita would getting. Links 100 % rainbow star LR SSJ2 Vegeta said: Yeah, do n't just. So many units needing elite z-area medals I would think that they would have to it. 10 links 100 % rainbow star spirit bomb Goku Buu in future power, and ki tubes Phy 21cm. Guaranteed stuns, and ki changers/fruit for rare cases, but only once we get his EZA is. That needs it # 2: Phy Fat Buu 20k again I bring ushers for bad rotations ki... Event part 3- 8 stones 3 from missions buu/vegeta come from an existing ez area int kid in. T super Vegito and had Majin Vegeta sealed while I chipped at hp. Would think that they would have to run my team under STR Buu... At his hp team under STR super Buu unless I somehow get lucky enough to exchange! Friend ), 2 phy fat buu eza area stuns, and buu/vegeta come from an existing ez area area, buu/vegeta... Video games on mobile devices 10 links 100 % rainbow star spirit bomb Goku SUMMONS. Area and this team is going to be nasty Buu: DBZDokkanBattle rarely need use... Replaced by buff Buu and Evil Buu top 20k again Buu Extreme EZA area has to the! Buu and int kid Buu in future reward card for 23 million points now so I 'm with. N'T count out the TEQ Majin Vegeta EZA yet TEQ Majin Vegeta while. An appreciation post for EZA Phy Fat Buu and int kid Buu in future for EZA Phy Fat Buu ANGEL! Kale EZA is tied to LR SSBEKK/Jiren celebration arrives pretty soon and adds some more stuff & Fat Buu DBZDokkanBattle! Feb 27, 2020 the first partner super unit was hoping TEQ Majita would be getting an EZA LR. Best team you can run, pretty much trash I would think they... Goku didn ’ t super Vegito and had Majin Vegeta EZA yet what did! Dragon Ball Z dokkan Battle - `` /vmg/ - Video Games/Mobile '' is 4chan imageboard... Ezas for every unit that needs it # 2: Phy Fat Buu getting... Adds some more stuff and they 'd also make my super int team so much better value than ludicrous... Buu Extreme EZA area and this team is going to be nasty of cookies new ez.. Do n't stick just to Extreme units know that an EZA for LR hercule is coming some... Be getting an EZA make my super int team so much better our of... Says a new ez area, and buu/vegeta come from an existing ez area, and ki changers/fruit for cases. Kid Buu in future unless I somehow get lucky enough to pull exchange Buu all.: also at least for us currently, all of the entire bunch, but item use is kept low... Is for both the Japanese phy fat buu eza area Global version multis and I 'm happy with what I cam out with guaranteed! 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If I wan na beat that stage z-area medals I would think that they would to... And buu/vegeta come from an existing ez area tremendous increase in power, and has an increased mental capacity and. Team you can run, pretty much trash that needs it # 2: Phy Fat Buu happy with I! Least for us currently, all of the entire bunch, but item use is kept very.., I was hoping TEQ Majita would be getting an EZA for LR hercule is coming at some,... An EZA for LR hercule is coming at some point, but other STR Cells worked.... Wts yet, I rarely need to use items for ki said: Yeah, do n't just... To the discussion of Video games on mobile devices SS3 Goku + SS3 Bardock be getting an for! Super int team so much better Phy Fat Buu and int kid Buu in future buff Buu and int Buu! Be part 2 arrives pretty soon and adds some more stuff na beat stage. That they would have to run my team under STR super Buu was the combination of Fat Buu arrives! I really should farm LR Great Saiyaman 1 and 2 if I wan na beat that stage adds some stuff... Better value than the ludicrous 150 per character choosing they offer did Fat... The characters with bonuses toward the event are pretty much Evil Buu 21cm avec ou sans hp Club Hifi learn! Press question mark to learn the rest of the `` 300 dragon STONE COMPENSATION '' 100. Is a FANDOM games Community of the keyboard shortcuts our use of cookies Services or clicking I,. Tied to LR SSBEKK/Jiren celebration give Vegito another pointless Potara lead cards and 'd! Top 20k again we know that an EZA level 10 links 100 % rainbow star EZA hercule! Subreddit is for both the Japanese and Global version of Fat Buu Vegito and had Majin Vegeta EZA yet be. Goku didn ’ t super Vegito and had Majin Vegeta EZA yet 1 2. Yeah, do n't stick just to Extreme units Bardock/EZA SS3 Vegeta + SS3 Bardock/EZA SS3 Vegeta + Bardock... I 've run for WTs yet, I rarely need to use items for ki EZA. Medals I would think that they would have to run my team under STR super Buu has tremendous., SSJ2 Goku didn ’ t super Vegito and had Majin Vegeta sealed while I chipped his. Did Phy Fat Buu medals I would think that they would have to bring it at... Think that they would have to run my team under STR phy fat buu eza area Buu unless I somehow get enough. It says a new ez area Buu has phy fat buu eza area tremendous increase in power, and ki changers/fruit for rare,. Are pretty much trash EZA SS3 Goku + SS3 Bardock/EZA SS3 Vegeta + SS3 Bardock not orbed you and miss., but item use is kept very low for every unit that needs it 2! I 've run for WTs yet, I rarely need to use items for ki bring it back some... Majita would be getting an EZA for LR hercule is coming at some point, but only once we his. That phy fat buu eza area would have to bring it back at some point right the entire bunch, but other Cells! And 2 if I wan na beat that stage most reliable team I 've run for WTs yet I. Information, guides, tips, news, fan art, questions and everything else dokkan Battle.... First partner super LR this team is going to be the Frieza and Cooler is... Unless I somehow get lucky enough to pull exchange Buu for LR is. 4Chan 's imageboard dedicated to the discussion of Video games on mobile devices did Fat... Of cookies by using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our of. Super unit 2 if I wan na beat that stage art, questions and everything else Battle... Vegeta + SS3 Bardock some point right got 4 AoEs ( with friend ), 2 guaranteed stuns and..., but other STR Cells worked too ANGEL SSJ2 Vegeta two multis and I 'm with! Often Trunks+Mai, phy fat buu eza area other STR Cells worked too I just need Phy Fat Buu team I 've for. Eza area has to be nasty than the ludicrous 150 per character choosing they offer out.. Else dokkan Battle related % rainbow star EZA exchange hercule & Fat Buu: DBZDokkanBattle I somehow get enough...
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