Nantes is a thriving modern city with old-world flair, and is home to four campuses: Atlantic Campus, City Campus Nantes, SciencesCom Campus Nantes and ExecEd Campus Nantes. Audencia Nantes negotiated partnerships with several banks so you can benefit from loans with preferred rates. Find out about the selection criteria through the basic selection criteria heading in admissions and finance. Alumni. Audencia Business School is a top Grande École and business school in France and in Europe, and is one of the only 1% of business schools in the world accredited by the Association of MBAs (AMBA), European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS), and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). These scholarships are for students pursuing studies at Audencia SciencesCom. Download the documentation. Audenica Business School International Relations Management is responsible for centralizing mobility scholarship applications. There are no administration fees in all these banks. Audencia Business School. L'école de management Audencia Business School de Nantes regroupe des Masters, Mastères, MBA ainsi que des formations continues à destination des étudiants et professionnels. Message You are hereby informed that your personal information provided in this form is processed by Audencia Business Shool, acting as data controller, and are used by the school’s marketing, promotional and communications services. Audencia 7e du classement Eduniversal 2021 ! In accordance with the terms and conditions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR") and Act No. L'école de management Audencia Business School de Nantes regroupe des Masters, Mastères, MBA ainsi que des formations continues à destination des étudiants et professionnels. Application fee: €100; Costs such as visa fees, CVEC, complementary health insurance, transportation, accommodation and meals are to be paid directly by the student. Find out more at your Post Office. In accordance with the terms and conditions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR") and Act No. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Audencia Nantes, spécialiste en management. Des rencontres, forum, webinar pour découvrir des secteurs d'activités, des entreprises, des métiers. Contact us. Avis sur les masters de Audencia Business School. En poursuivant votre navigation sur ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour vous proposer des services et offres adaptés à vos centres d'intérêt. Join more than 24,000 Audencia Business School alumni working across the globe. See the Ranking 2019: MSc. Also, the Audencia Business School offers many financial aids to the students to assist them with their financials. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Audencia Nantes, spécialiste en management. See the Ranking 2019 The institute is among the limited 1 percent business schools in the world to have triple accreditations. 25,000+ Student Reviews, Fees, Programs & Courses | 8 Route de la Jonelière | Founded in Nantes in 1900, Audencia – from the Latin audientia, meaning “listening”, and audacia, meaning “daring” – was first accredited by EQUIS in 1998 Vous êtes informés que vos informations personnelles renseignées dans ce formulaire sont traitées par Audencia, agissant en qualité de responsable de traitement, et sont destinées aux services marketing, promotion et communication de l'école . Découvrez nos Lives et Focus On Campus Channel ! Vous êtes informés que vos informations personnelles renseignées dans ce formulaire sont traitées par Audencia, agissant en qualité de responsable de traitement, et sont destinées aux services marketing, promotion et communication de l'école . Supply Chain and Purchasing Management. avis, note et commentaires sur leurs masters Laboratoire de Recherche Audencia Business School | Faculté & Recherche €50 worth of online vouchers for establishing 3 direct debits. Audencia et l'IFA vous convient à leurs webinars, RETOUR SUR LE SÉMINAIRE RSE BPI UNIVERSITÉ X AUDENCIA. Tuition: Contact the SABS admissions office for tuition fee details Eligibility: 4-year bachelor’s degree ; Proficiency in English; Programme . Pour plus d’informations, nous vous invitons à consulter notre Politique de confidentialité. SALON VIRTUEL L'ETUDIANT - PAYS DE LA LOIRE, Salon virtuel L'Etudiant - PAYS DE LA LOIRE. See the Ranking 2019: Master in European and International Business Management (EIBM) Audencia Business School. Audencia Business School. Scholarships may be granted by the Regional Council, by the city hall of where you were born as well as by your parents’ pension fund. Audencia SciencesCom can act as guarantor under conditions. for students from other universities: registration fee €500 per module on site / 400€ per module online + €50 administrative fee (non refundable) Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Audencia Nantes, spécialiste en management. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Audencia Nantes, spécialiste en management. Check 8 courses of Audencia Business School. Audencia Business School Founded in 1900, Audencia is among the best European business schools. Audencia SciencesCom negotiated partnerships with several banks so you can benefit from loans with preferred rates. Master Grande Ecole – Admission sur titre, Audencia est réaccréditée EQUIS et AMBA pour la période maximale de 5 ans, Audencia Executive Education décroche la certification Qualiopi de Bureau Veritas, Cap sur l'année 2021, avec les nouveautés du programme Grande Ecole. L'école de management Audencia Business School de Nantes regroupe des Masters, Mastères, MBA ainsi que des formations continues à destination des étudiants et professionnels. Master's degree entrance: 2nd year : 7900€ or apprenticeship. Audencia fait partie du cercle très fermé des écoles bénéficiant de la triple accréditation EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA pour la durée maximale de 5 ans, gage de son engagement pour un enseignement d’excellence. All of our master’s and MBA programs are taught in English, and include programs such as the Full-Time MBA, International Master in Management, and MSc in Management-Engineering. Audencia Alumni includes 200+ communities in cities such as London, New York and Shanghai. The company that hosts the apprentice pays part of the tuition directly to Audencia SciencesCom. Higher education scholarships are managed by the French state. Our short MBA courses allow you to develop yourskills in one of four innovative, flexible concentrations at a top European institution. Audencia Nantes vous présente sa faculté de recherche consacrée aux domaines du commerce, du management, de la communication, ou de la finance. Alumni. accompany certain university exchange programs in the European framework. Audencia SciencesCom are allocated based on social criteria, after reviewing the application, by the Audencia SciencesCom Scholarship Committee. Ecole Supérieure de Commerce Audencia Nantes, spécialiste en management. Audencia fait partie du cercle très fermé des écoles bénéficiant de la triple accréditation EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA pour la durée maximale de 5 ans, gage de son engagement pour un enseignement d’excellence. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended (the French "Data Protection Act"), you have the right to access, rectify and, where applicable, delete your data, as well as the right to object to processing for a legitimate reason or to restrict it by sending an e-mail to the DPO at Audencia SciencesCom offers a discount on tuition fees for students who have taken out a loan from a partner bank, and pay all their tuition fees in September. Il n'y a pas d'évènements à venir pour les dates sélectionnées, VOUS ÊTES EN ACTIVITÉ/CADRE AVEC EXPÉRIENCE. Open to Master’s Degree students, this course allows you to finance your education while alternating between theoretical training and in-company professional experience. Audencia Business School. AUDENCIA (Business School) présente son établissement et ses formations en commerce, management, marketing et gestion, ainsi que ses cursus à l'international sur Audencia International study abroad programs | Audencia By continuing your visit, you accept the use of cookies to offer services and offers tailored to your interests. Other costs linked to school fees. All internships of the Audencia SciencesCom program are subject to a stipend. The institute is a non-profit making association and was established in the year 1900 under the supervision of the chamber of commerce. For information, below are the Audencia specific banking offers (excluding insurance). Audencia Business School avis, découvrez tous les avis et note sur les masters de Audencia Business School. Why Audencia Business School? Poursuite de l'aventure Social cup avec le Créathon Géant ! * Subject to acceptance by La Banque Postale. Conformément aux termes et conditions du Règlement (UE) 2016/679 du 27 avril 2016 (dit « RGPD ») et de la Loi n°78-17 du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée (dite « Loi informatique et libertés »), vous bénéficiez d’un droit d’accès, de rectification et, le cas échéant, d’un droit à la portabilité et à l’effacement de vos données, ainsi que d’un droit d’opposition au traitement pour un motif légitime ou à sa limitation en vous adressant par courriel au DPO à l’adresse [email protected]. Retrouve ses points forts, ses accréditations Audencia Business School is one of the leading business school in France. L'école de management Audencia Business School de Nantes regroupe des Masters, Mastères, MBA ainsi que des formations continues à destination des étudiants et professionnels. 2nd year : 7750€ or apprenticeship. Tuition fees for the program are €31,500 (US$34,956). You are hereby informed that your personal information provided in this form is processed by Audencia Business Shool, acting as data controller, and are used by the school’s marketing, promotional and communications services. Applications must be made through prior registration on the CROUS website of the academy in which you study between January and April for the start of the school year in September at Audencia SciencesCom. With some establishments, loans may be granted without requiring a guarantee. Découvrez l'œuvre finale des 120 ans d'Audencia ! See the Ranking 2019: MS Stratégies marketing à l’ère digitale. At Audencia Business School, our students come from all over the world with 102 nationalities represented on our campuses. Regularly ranked in the world’s upper tier by The Financial Times, Audencia is accredited by EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA. Découvre le classement de Audencia dans notre palmarès 2021 des meilleurs Écoles de Commerce. You are hereby informed that your personal information provided in this form is processed by Audencia Business Shool, acting as data controller, and are used by the school’s marketing, promotional and communications services. La fondation Audencia contribue au développement de l’École en France, à l’international et permet aux futures générations d’étudiants d’accéder à des formations d’excellence. Contact : Arnaud MORICEMail : arnaud.morice@cic.frBranch: 17 route de Paris - NantesTel : 02 28 08 84 31Rate : 0,90 % within the limit of 30 000 euros, Contact : Fabienne DESMARIE ou Magalie GARÇONTel : 02 40 40 09 34Mail : Branch : Nantes Rond Point de Rennes Rate : 1%Date of validity : May 1 to October 31 2016Maximum amount : 50 000 €Duration : from 24 to 84 monthsMaximum grace period : 60 months, Contacts : Aurélie DELOGE / Julien BROSSAULT / Aurélien CHARRIER, Mail :, Agence : Nantes Universités - 86 rue de la Bourgeonnière - 44300 Nantes, Tél : 02 51 83 69 61 - 02 51 83 69 62 – 02 51 83 69 63, Taux Prêt Etudes : 0,80% HA jusqu’à 50 000 euros sur 108 mois (différé compris), Contact : Emilie Querrec ou Benoit ChaigneTel : 02 72 96 15 03Mail : ou benoit.chaigne@bpatl.frBranch : 15, route de la Jonelière – NantesRate : 0,8 %, Contact : Jonathan RENAUDMail : jonathan.renaud@socgen.comBranch : 31, Bd Michelet – NantesTel : 02 40 74 47 48Rate : within the limit of 120 000 euros + Back to school offer €1,500 at 0 %, Contact : Charlene FRINMail : Branch : 50 otages – NantesTel : 02 51 25 06 34Rate : 0,75 %, Contact : Cécile DUCOIN, Conseiller Clientèlececile.ducoin@labanquepostale.frPoste Office : 2 Place de Bretagne - BP 73813 44038 NANTES CEDEX 1Tel : 02 51 82 57 19Rate : Privileged fixed APR at 1% until 10/31/16 for an amount borrowed from €1,000 to €35,000 from 12 months to 108 months, grace period included. Find list of all courses of Audencia Business School (France), their fee structure along with course duration & eligibility at Shiksha. Withdrawals and payments free of charge abroad with the Mozaic card, €50 offer for home, car or health insurance policy, Formule du Compte* (Account Package) with an account, international bank card, payment protection loss/theft insurance + access to online banking, €0 the first year for 16-25 year olds for any subscription from 02/02 to 12/31/2016. It is therefore part of the small number of schools worldwide who hold this ’triple crown’ accreditation. 3rd year : 7750€ or apprenticeship. By continuing your visit, you accept the use of cookies to offer services and offers tailored to your interests. For more information, we invite you to consult our Privacy Policy. Audencia SciencesCom benefits from financial support from companies and regional authorities who cover a significant proportion of the overall cost. Contact us. Audencia Alumni, our alumni association, gives you direct access to this worldwide network of opportunities and resources. Students registered on the program benefit from free online preparation courses through Audencia’s partners at The Economist. Train to be a leader for positive change with study at Audencia Business School. You are hereby informed that your personal information provided in this form is processed by Audencia Business Shool, acting as data controller, and are used by the school’s marketing, promotional and communications services. It is Applications are to be submitted in May and relates to Bachelor’s Degree students for a scholarship in 1st Year Master’s Degree course, and students in 1st Year Master’s Degree course for a scholarship in 2nd Year Master’s Degree course. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, as amended (the … Furthermore, over 2,000 of our alumni have become CEOs. Some of the scholarships offered are the Arts Excellence Scholarship, the Executive Leaders Fellowship, and the Food for Thought Scholarship. In accordance with the terms and conditions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (the "GDPR") and Act No. Audencia is one of France’s elite Grande École higher education institutions, with campuses in Nantes, Paris and Beijing. Audencia is also BSIS labelled. Similarly, prospective students can find out about scholarships available here. With some establishments, loans may be granted without requiring a guarantee for French students. City where the main campus is located Nantes Number of students 5300 Percentage or number of international students 1800 Type and level of qualifications awarded Master in Management - Master of Science (MSc) - International Masters - … Audencia s’appuie sur un corps professoral de plus de 130 enseignants-chercheurs permanents, dont la moitié sont des étrangers provenant de plus de 25 pays. For Audencia’s 2019 intake, 96 percent of students received average scholarships of €15,326 (US$17,008). Internships are a required part of the curriculum. Carte Bancaire Visa 1er à 1€/an pendant 4 ans – découvert sans frais, Assurance des moyens de paiement à 1€ la 1ère année, Des solutions pour vos séjours à l’étranger, Crédit « Avance rentrée » 500 € à 1000 € sans intérêt et sans frais de dossier, Prime 100 € pour ouverture d’un compte actif (mini 2 mois d’activité soit 8 opérations/mois enregistrées, voir conditions en agence), Loan without parental guarantee under certain conditions (subscribed with the LMDE (Student Social Security Organization)), Banking services are reimbursed the 1st year + €40 offered for LMDE subscribers, within the limit of 120 000 euros + Back to school offer €1,500 at 0 %, €50 offered upon opening the account or insurance offered for the 1st year (within the limit of €76), €30 upon opening a Livret Jeune (savings account for people aged between 12 and 25) or Livret A (savings account) or Livret BFM (savings account + loan option) (for eligible parties), Offer “Jazz” Visa Premier credit card at €1/yr for 4 years, 3 months offered on the international “jazz” option (SG commission exemption on withdrawals and payment made abroad), €80 will be offered upon opening the account or house insurance at €1 + €50 at each anniversary, “Esprit Libre” service free of charge for 4 years, Free withdrawals abroad with Global Alliance and up to €100 refund on withdrawal fees and payments abroad, Health coverage offered for internships abroad,, The possible duration is a 5-year grace period followed by a 5-year repayment period, Any withdrawals and payments by bank card will be free of charge in France and abroad, €50 will be offered on each anniversary year. Visit Student Life to learn more. They are awarded on social criteria. Founded in 1900, at Audencia Business School, we’re recognized worldwide for our education and research specializations in both fields of business and management. Le Réseau comprend plus de 27 000 diplômés, 5 000 étudiants répartis dans les différents programmes d’Audencia Business School, et est constitué de 200 communautés. Tuition fees for the Audencia SciencesCom program are: The tuition fee amount is the responsibility of the student and is part of the training cost. Tuition fees for the Audencia SciencesCom program are: Bachelor's degree entrance : 1st year : 7000€. Mobility scholarships for the Pays de la Loire Regional Council (ENVOLEO scholarships) help you finance your study period abroad. Audencia fait partie du cercle très fermé des écoles bénéficiant de la triple accréditation EQUIS, AACSB et AMBA pour la durée maximale de 5 ans, gage de son engagement pour un enseignement d’excellence. L'école de management Audencia Business School de Nantes regroupe des Masters, Mastères, MBA ainsi que des formations continues à destination des étudiants et professionnels. Audencia Business School Type of institution Higher education institutionManagement Education, Audencia is and teaching on practical management issues. In addition to its educational value, apprenticeships allow you to become an employee of the company and be paid a salary (around 67 to 90% of the minimum wage) for the duration of the 28 month contract. There are no additional fees or requirements for students. Find out everything you need to know about studying at undergraduate level at Audencia Business School including entry requirements, tuition fees, and how to apply if you’re an international student. The institution budget for the same year is 55 million Euros, in which 50% of the research projects are self-financed. European Union international mobility scholarships (Erasmus, Socrates, etc.) Audencia Foundation contributes to the School's development in France and abroad and offers financial assistance to students in need.
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