
reflection about educational technology 1

As stated in the course outline, the main focus of this course is on the educational uses of Information and Communication Technology; allowing for the balancing of learning theories and educational technology applications. We’ve had the technology to enable working from home for years, but there was not much incentive to implement it very widely. Reflection 1 Reflection 1. The learners are not the only beneficiary of educational technology. Its power lies in being able to help you develop your understanding of the way you learn, the subjects you are studying and to define your longer-term goals. Using this technology it is possible for us to teach the mute and the deaf students. Reflection lesson 1(A Review of Educational Technology 1) A Review of Educational Technology 1 The Educational technology 1 (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use the educational technology tools ranging from traditional to modern educational media. Edtech 504: Week 1 Reflection I am really excited to be taking this course as I am looking forward to learning more about the theoretical foundations of educational technology and to form a better understanding of the fundamental theories behind the concept. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. What do you value in education and technology? It explained the roles of technology to today’s education system, its influences to students, teachers, parents, etc. Reflection in Education. Reflection #1 I'll admit, when I signed up for C & I 579 (Educational Technologies), I was scared! Reflection also involves drawing forth cognitive and emotional … The addition of this valuable tool, technology, into our education system is a slow process. The first is a philosophical and educational level. For us to be knowledgeable enough about the terms in the subject educational technology this module tackles about the basic concepts that will help our foundation to be more firm and will be conducive for our learning. Technology is everywhere and now more than not, you will see at least one student using technology for educational purposed. Rosalyn S. Udarbe -BSED-III Educational Technology 2 Reflection 1: Discuss the disparity in educational technology advancement in schools of industrialized First World country (such as the U.S., England, Japan, Singapore, Australia) and a developing country, namely the Philippines. Educational Technology has not only taught me the importance of technology in the classroom, I’ve also learned about new technology tools and how to evaluate their effectiveness. My most basic skills involve the use of PowerPoint and the Internet in the classroom among others. 18 Thursday Sep 2014. For today’s class, Dr. Rosseni asked us to form a group and think about a … Today I learned there are many ways the school can monitor the students outside of campus. :) So, for our first week of Educational Technology's class, Dr. Rosseni discussed roughly about the course. In Module 2, we tackled about the theories, principles and pedagogies in educational technology. As I continue to reflect I have come to realization that the advantages of using technology in the classroom are many both inside and outside the basic classroom. Our modern day today has been exposed to technology thus it is becoming a huge part of our daily life activities. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. It’s a testament to the commitment and flexibility of companies and education (REFLECTION/REACTION) Lesson-1 ( MEANING OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ) Educational technology may have various meaning, but one thing is for sure, it helps the learners to gain more knowledge about the subject matter, and to make the learning much more easier and enjoy. :) Living in town where there are well-preserved houses dating back to the Spanish period,Pila Laguna.Currently studying at Laguna State Polytechnic University. I’ve also learned about blended learning and… LESSON 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1 REFLECTION June 23, 2014 Uncategorized stalirongan Discuss the disparity in educational technology advancement in schools of industrialized First World country (such as The U.S., England, Japan, Singapore, Australia) and a developing country, namely the Philippines. week 1 reflection for ge2153 educational technology Video ~ September 14, 2014 January 18, 2015 ~ hynihshm As you can see above, it is a one minute introduction video about me that I made specially for this subject. This technology is now changing our way of life. The Educational Technology 1 showed the 4 phases of application of educational technology in teaching and learning namely: (a) setting of learning objectives (b) designing specific learning experiences (c) evaluating the effectiveness of the learning experiences the learning objectives and (d) revision as needed of the whole teaching-learning process, or elements of it, for further … So, as … Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Using technology as supplementary teaching device in the instruction is a priority in most schools today. Popular topics. This course is based on the notion that it is imperative that teachers provide opportunities for students to engage in authentic learning experiences within and beyond the walls of the classroom. When students and teachers routinely reflect they will be able to easily describe: 1. what is intended to be learnt 2. where they have got to 3. the learning process 4. where they will go next 5. the learning culture in the classroo… It enables assessment of the "why" and "how" of the learning, and what needs to be done as a result. Reflection 1: Educational Technology. There are many different types of technology that can be used in the classroom: •Smart Boards are used instead of the white boards or chalk boards. This course is the continuation of Computer in Education subject. Reflection has become a buzzword in the educational profession. I have created this wordpress website for my Educational Technology class. Assalamualaikum and hey there everyone! Posted on January 28, 2014 by Jordan Kalish Standard. The Smart Board combines a simple dry erase board with computer and video equipment that allows teachers and students to write on it, show films, log on to the Internet and create and save multimedia presentations and assignments. I think technology has an important place for all learners in education and teachers should implement it into the classroom. (Effects of Technology). You can change your ad preferences anytime. Additionally, she provides professional development and hands-on workshops for … In this lesson we are going to talk about basic digital ethics. REFLECTION: See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. It makes our work easier. Information Technology. Higher education is one of the main criterion for employers when considering a job candidate. Technology can play a powerful role in supporting student reflection. I think it would be impossible to fit everything you need to know about technology for education into this class obviously. Reflections on Education, Technology and Learning. We now know that critical thinking skills is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by observation, experiences, reflection, and reasoning. When technology comes into play, the roles of students and teachers will change. Self-Reflection 1. Reflection 1 on Educational Technology 07 Feb. View this document on Scribd. She referred to the course proforma and showed us her blog that contains our seniors' previous work, so that we could refer to them to complete our assignments throughout this class. As a teacher, completing this course has paved the way for greater success in delivering my lessons. First I will continue to use technology to empower my students. For example, students can create their own websites/blogs from scratch, which allows them to be creative while they will design it from its conception to completion. This course has also taught me the skills and concepts needed to plan effective lessons that cater for all my students despite their different learning styles. The Educational Technology course is designed to prepare teachers for all different grade levels with skills, concepts and understanding among other skills to integrate technology in their lessons to enhance learning as well as to make learning more effective. Based on my experience as a former learner of educational technology 1 (ET-1) our instructor let us did the different hands-on activities such as web based; quiz maker and many more, which would help us on our future. We are now in the digital age where information is at out finger tips. ... Suzy Brooks is the Director of Instructional Technology for Mashpee Public Schools in Massachusetts. 1) What did you learn in today’s class that you may apply in your life as a: a) Learner: I learnt about the evolution of computers which are pre-microcomputer era, microcomputer era,mobile technologies and Internet era. While it is important for teachers to understand that they cannot become completely dependent upon technology as a means to enhance their own teaching strategies, when technology is integrated into a teacher’s instructional calendar it can be a tremendous benefit to students in the classroom. Besides, technology also helps in a good extent to bring information to the students. Educational technology 1 fittingly refined the distinction between educational technology and other concepts such as instructional technology, educational media and audiovisual aids. This is my first post for our first class of this subject.. Posted on June 20, 2014 by rochellemaenavales When it comes to educational technology advancement, the First World country schools are so fortunate compared to the developing country, Philippines. Now, those same programs used for simple tasks are capable of so much more. 1. By using technology in this fashion, students can become more engaged in instruction and achieve a more substantive learning experience. Therefore, Educational Technology is actually teaching or learning using technologies that has been develop to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. For example, instead of merely creating a PowerPoint presentation, teachers can use video games, before used only for children’s entertainment, now can be learning tools instead with a proper introduction. Is this technology helps students, peoples, and our life?… The European Education Area Removing barriers to learning and improving access to quality education by 2025.; ET Monitor The monitor is Commission's flagship annual publication on education and training in the EU. Reflection technology: boon or bane? Reflection is a process of exploring and examining ourselves, our perspectives, attributes, experiences and actions / interactions. Lesson 1 is a review about educational technology 1. Reflection Educational Technology like computer is a big help to many of us. Reflection involves linking a current experience to previous learnings (a process called scaffolding). Reflection is also enhanced, however, when we ponder our learning with others. Technology in the classroom will help to increase the students’ interest in learning. However, to reach a good understanding on the use of technology, it is necessary to receive instruction. As a teacher, I must create the kind of environment for my students so that they will be able to develop and reach their personal learning goals as they become lifelong learners. Lesson 1 Review on Educational Technology 1. Each perspective has distinctly impacted educational technology. I'm okay with a basic computer and using Word, but all the extra technology is where I start to panic a little. The use of a teaching platform using technology in educational environments provide chat rooms, emails, message boards or voice recording which facilitate the communication between the student and the instructor. And what now, if we knew about technology what’s the next step? My reflection about educational technology 1. It also reminds about the dangers of technology to human as stipulated that it highly depends on use. Assalamualaikum and hi everyone. It helps us gain insight and see how to move forward. It can help to promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, both … I’ve learned about the ISTE standards and how to meet them through doing blogs and projects that coincide with the standards. Its meaning, however, frequently remains vague. Educational Technology 2: Lesson 1, Reflection 1, 2 and 3. Reflective thinking involves actively monitoring, evaluating, and modifying one's thinking and comparing it to both expert models and peers. Since communication is the primary goal inside and outside the classroom, these tools are very useful to maintain contact with the students when developing communication skills. Hi!This is Abby. Reflection 1: Educational Technology. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Motivation and changes of attitude arise when efficiently employed. A Reflection on Educational Technology 2 (Lesson 1-12) The Educational Technology 1 course made the learners be aware of the technology used in education such as instructional technology, educational media and audio-visual aids that helps the teacher to give a more effective and interesting learning. 1. Educational Technology Reflection 1. I thought that this subject is quite same with the subject of Computer in Education that we take last semester. As stated in the course outline, the main focus of this course is on the educational uses of Information and Communication Technology; allowing for the balancing of learning … REFLECTION 1 ( GE2153 EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ) 24th/2/12 ~ FiRsT CLaSs, ... Learning that Dr.Rosseni is one of our lecturers for this Educational Technology course adds even more excitement. ... Self-reflection tool for schools (SELFIE) - Duration: 2:19. By the way,let me thank everyone for visiting my blog.Kamsahamnida! With the completion of my Master of Arts in Educational Technology, I want to extend the learning in three major areas. Reflection – Week 1 To be honest, when I first heard or saw about Education Technology (EdTech), I was thinking that it would be more or less like the subject that we took early semester (Computer in Education) during our first year; We learned about the use of computers or technology … 9/22/2016 Educational Technology 1: Lesson 1: MEANING OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2 Higit Pa Susunod na Blog» Bumuo ng Blog Mag­sign in Educational Technology 1 Tuesday, August … Educational Technology Traditional and Modern - Duration: 5:33. joyce anne rollo Recommended for you. Abstract. In addition, this access to information can be free to students, by utilizing resources such as Wikipedia in a responsible fashion. In the state of California, a school district has decided to try Geo Listening. The Young Entrepreneurship Leadership Launchpad (YELL) Venture Challenge – 2 day finals were held on May 1st and 2nd, 2015. Reflecting on experiences encourages insight and complex learning. Reflection Week 1. Upon completing this course it was very challenging at first given the fact that I was learning new tools in technology, but with determination and perseverance I was able to be successful at gaining the knowledge and skills I needed to create these tools. Self Reflection 1 Smart boards serv e a great purpose for makin g th e sub jects fun and interesting for kids. In the class, on the other hand, I have experienced that the use of technology, when efficiently applied, can bring variety rising motivation and attention in the students and may change attitudes towards learning. There, in Instructional technology, teachers find a quick help and accurate educational-media instruction. This blog is all about my reflection in educational technology 2.I hope you guys will learn something from this. My friends say I am still in the dark ages with technology as well … This special issue emphasises digital Innovations in teacher education considering the societal and curricular relevance of technology-enhanced learning (TEL), especially in the field of teacher education within a scientific and practical context which solicits original (research) papers framing pedagogic and didactic considerations, applicative scenarios or taxonomies in the field of technology-enhanced … The first chapter talks about a review or short discussion of Educational Technology 1,the learner as oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings into societies through ideological propaganda,pornography,financial fraud and other exploitative use of … … Technology has variety of scope hence focuses more to teaching and learning process. Technology nowadays is very useful, not only in the office but also in the… The idea of ‘Bildung’, conceived as the formation of an autonomous personality, becomes a central category for instruction about technology. Reflection 1: Introduction To Educational Technology Published September 16, 2013 by norzahidah. The students will benefit from the use of technology in the classroom because it is a learning tool. There are opportunities for students to practice and use educational media and equipment in a cooperative learning environment and in various micro-teaching situations. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Summary and Reflection for Educational Technology 2 Lesson 1: A Review of Educational Technology 1 The Educational Technology 1 course smooth the way for the learners to become aware, appreciative and equipped to use educational technologies tools. Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. Questions: What is the purpose of educational technology or technology in education? My previous experience was on Blogspot.com. Reflection technology: boon or bane? Specifically this is focused on introducing, reinforcing, supplementing and extending the knowledge and skills to learners so that they can become exemplary users of educational technology. It begins as one single idea of how to use technology in education. Is it educational technology is our future> why do we need to study educational technology? The course treats fundamentals of planning, design, and production of instructional multimedia tools. Technology will be a great asset in my classroom, as a motivational aid and a teaching tool to help students succeed. December 9, 2013 by orthj. Educational technology Portfolio Reflections Sunday, 26 April 2015. Being well-educated has become a norm in American society. This lesson is a review of educational technology 1. ; Funding opportunities Get essential information on the wide range of funding opportunities the EU provides for training and education. Reflection #1 Reflection: Taking this course has really opened my eyes up to what is taking place in educational technology. The use of presentation tools such as PowerPoint or helps to fulfill this goal. When students use technology as a resource or form of communication they are no longer passive thinkers. This course had given me more knowledge of the various tools that I was not aware of such as creating my own websites/blogs, doing quizzes online, creating rubrics, podcasts, and interactive presentations among others that I can now proudly say I can master. Posted on June 1, 2015 by cbstewart17. What is the state of educational technology in the Philippines and as a future educator, what are you going to do about it? Technology has variety of scope hence focuses more to teaching and learning process. Tags: EDTECH 504, educational technology, thoughts Self Reflection 1. The Educational Technology (ET-1) course has truly paved the way for the learner to become aware, appreciative and equipped for the educational technology tools ranging from the traditional to modern educational media. Completing this course has afforded me with a wealth of knowledge on the various tools I can use in the classroom to create meaningful learning but first I must commend my lecturer Mrs. Michele Mcfarlane for a job well done on providing me with the experience and knowledge needed to complete this course. So, this blog is created to share my weekly reflection of Educational Technology class. I knew that the use of technology was rising within the schools however I had no idea of how quickly it was being implemented. It serves as an indicator that helps people to form opinions about each other, and the presence or absence of higher education often impacts the life of a person significantly (Horowitz 345). The Educational Technology course is designed to prepare teachers for all different grade levels with skills, concepts and understanding among other skills to integrate technology in their lessons to enhance learning as well as to make learning more effective. LESSON 1: A REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1. My reflection about educational technology 1. EDTECH Reflection/Reaction; EDTECH Concept Map (REFLECTION/REACTION) Lesson-1 ( MEANING OF EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ) Educational technology may have various meaning, but one thing is for sure, it helps the learners to gain more knowledge about the subject matter, and to make the learning much more easier and enjoy. This week we defined our definition of educational technology and reflected on follow… Our modern day today has been exposed to technology thus it is becoming a huge part of our daily life activities. ET-1 serves as foundation for better understanding of what the subject is about. Furthermore, it is necessary to rethink its use, apply accurate methods, and design new possibilities that better reach the goal of the class, inside and outside the educational room. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Related . We had learned that subject in semester 1. Posted by cjorgensen3 on February 7, 2012 in Other . We are now in EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 2, as if, yesterday, we were just studying the EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY 1, huh! In ET-1, the learner was also oriented towards averting the dangers of dehumanization which technology brings … Workshops for … Reflections on education, changing how, when and where students learn, empowering. 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