Grip it hard in your fist and go absolutely berserk -stab, slash, and cleave meat off the guy as savagely and violently as possible. The fact is, guns are not for everyone. I feel like pepper spray is the best to get away from a single attacker and something like an expandable baton being the best for ending a … Not all of these knives are legal though :(. Clever Girl Straight Edge Knife. Believe it or not, but knives are by far one of the most misunderstood, and in the right hands, potentially the most devastating weapon for both good guys and especially bad guys alike. The best knife for self-defense is going to be a knife that was designed for defense purposes. policy on knives, as well as your duty loadout, and I'll be happy to tell you whatever you want to know in private. You are, of course, free to do so. This type of knife is known as the Fairburn, named for its inventor, Bruce Fairburn, who came up with the design while serving in China. Think of the the major arteries, neck and wrist. Using bad techniques can result in you inflicting serious injuries to yourself. I've seen it said time and time again that knives are bad for self defense, even more so if you don't have knife training. This is my opinion, and I know many will disagree. I tried this once, although I didn't realize there was a knife until the fight already started. Does that mean people shouldn't consider adding a blade to their defense system? level 2 LuckyD93 And the scarier the knife, the better. But educate yourself, get training, and check your own motivations carefully if you decide to do so. Accessibility is key for the best self defense knife to carry and, if you can’t draw your knife fast enough, you will be vulnerable to your attacker. It’s coated in black to … Its long length lends it to self-defense as well as tactical purposes. You CAN get in a knife slash or stab if you are quick enough, but if the dog gets in on you you are in trouble. He’s used that knowledge to create a few knives for Spyderco, including the P’Kal. That doesn't make them bad, and we shouldn't be afraid to acknowledge that fact in order to improve the image of knives in general. The Benchmade Griptilian is another mid-size knife that expresses reliability in virtually every cutting tasks. There are training programs available with trainer knives so you can learn real tactics. If you’ve ever cut peppers then rubbed your eye, you know why this can be debilitating. Period. Much like a handgun, this knife is designed for one thing: self-defense. Blade Style: Trailing-Point. Nope. I’m definitely biased on this one, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Benchmade also has their Lifesharp service which allows you (Free of charge) to ship your knife to them to be cleaned, oiled, adjusted, and sharpened. Long jackets are great for concealment, but can be a problem when you need quick access to your knife. I witnessed someone stab himself in the femoral artery during a fight. People have a right to self-defense, and they have a right to carry weapons to do so (including knives). I'm not talking about knife dueling here, I'm talking about a dedicated, hidden blade that can be deployed quickly and ruthlessly to possibly give you the chance to escape a violent assault. Check Prices on Amazon. History of the Balisong In fact, American foundries are producing some of the best blade steels on the market and, certain American knife manufacturers have purposely chosen to meet the demands of military and police personnel as well as civilians who have a specific need for a high-quality folding knife for every-day-carry and/or self-defense. A quick stab-twist-pull cut above the knee even with a 3 inch blade will keep a person from standing, much less running after you. When it comes to using a knife for self defense, lets say in this instance a 3 inch pocket knife how would you go about it? Its design and build make it perfect for self defense. Physically the hand can't close. After you killed the man go to prison for murder and expect to stay there for the rest of your life. Knife > size advantage. So, instead of just screaming "just say no!" The Combat Troodon is a very tactical OTF or out-the-front knife. If it is possible, carry a dedicated fixed blade for your defensive knife and a pocket folder as your utility knife. I do believe that offense is your best defense in a knife encounter. Microtech starts this list of the best self-defense knives strong with a knife used by John Wick in Chapter II. If you searching to evaluate Best Knife To Carry For Self Defense Reddit And Best Pens Foor Self Defense price. That is an inborn, natural human right which no group or government has the right to take away. Blink and squint your eyes A LOT. As we discussed earlier, the range you are operating in has a lot to do with your approach to defending an attack. If you stab go for the chest / lung area. 99 How should you hold the knife, in what defensive position, and what should you aim for? Do your research. This is the best knife I’ve ever had my hands on, and it’s the perfect model for not only self-defense but just about any other purpose you need a knife for. Also known as Every Day Carry (EDC) knives, they can be hidden inside a pocket or in a pair of boots or concealed in a belt buckle, without anyone noticing. These are in no specific order, and vary in styles and sizes, but are all top axes in their fighting axe catagories: As with another piece we made about the Karambit, in this article we delve briefly into the history of the famed folding knife and ask, is the Balisong a knife you can use for defending yourself when SHTF? The term “pocket knife,” especially in this day and age, is exceedingly expansive.It can mean anything from a simple, utilitarian, Boy Scout-friendly Swiss Army Knife to an ultra-high-end Damascus steel and titanium cutting tool that’s more of a showpiece than a utilitarian blade. One of the best non-lethal self defense tools out there is a canister of pepper spray. Yet another knife designed by someone with a background in self-defense and martial arts is the Spyderco P’Kal. Your fingers can easily slip on to the blade during a fight and with the adrenaline dump, you may not notice that your fingers are barely attached to your hand. A cut across the bicep will keep the arm from extending. Just scare the absolute piss out of the person you are up against. What are you defending against, what other equipment or skills do you have? Even a person who can't feel any pain will be immobilized at that point. Hereâs the copy/paste: If you are at all considering carrying a knife for self-defense, then I urge you to consider the following: A knife is not an ideal tool for self-defense as it requires being within grappling distance to use, requires training to retain it during a fight, and training to use it without injuring yourself. Absolutely. Bye, thumb! You mention ending the fight the quickest. Take the time to learn how and where to strike helps very much. Best Automatic Knives We’ve Checked Manufacturers have done an excellent job of finding ways of making modern switchblades that slip through the loopholes in the laws, but even so, you can find yourself in a mess of legal trouble if you are caught carrying, buying, selling, importing, handling, or looking too closely at an automatic knife. Spyderco Roadie. Any knife you carry for defense must have a guard or a deep choil. Absolutely. RUNNER UP. Self-defense is a serious topic. For some, a knife offers all the self-defense they need. If that is not possible, consider a mechanism more robust than a spring liner as it is possible to accidentally deactivate it during a fight. From the times of the Vikings, people have been using axes and hatchets as a form of self defense as well as to do battle. What's more, I'd be willing to bet that a high percentage of people who adamantly discourage knives for defense, secretly believe that it doesn't apply to them, and do in fact think of their knife as a back-up weapon. Now, as for the efficacy of knives as defensive weapons, well that is a very complex subject with a lot of variables. Please pm me a description of your dept. Escrima, Arnis or Kali are hands down the best knife fighting practices available at this time. Get training. The Karambit is a knife style designed expressly for fighting and generally regarded as one of the best knives for self defense. Cookies help us deliver our Services. So here goes. Because, well, you don’t even want to imagine that. Cold Steel Recon 1 features an impressive 4 … Used the wrong way, maybe even just carrying it wrong way, could possibly land you in prison. They are expensive. If it was so easy to defend against a dog attack, it would not be a fact that there are many,many thousands of people that have to go to the emergency room each year. The protection of one's person or property against some injury attempted by another. I'm a knifemaker and a paramedic. If you are at all considering carrying a knife for self-defense, then I urge you to consider the following: A knife is not an ideal tool for self-defense as it requires being within grappling distance to use, requires training to retain it during a fight, and training to use it without injuring yourself. Without physical and mental preparation, weapon carry (of any sort) is always a risky proposition. The Aftermath of Self-Defense – What to Do & What NOT to Do. If I am in mid and close range, the most popular distances when it comes to knife fights, I need to use my checking hand to stop the assailant’s momentum. or "fighting knives are bad, m'kay", let's be intellectually honest about the realities of knives as weapons. For a knife that small, the best way would be to cut tendons or ligaments and physically stop your opponent. What are the laws regarding knives and self-defence in your area? I have my umbrella and I am ready for the onslaught of downvotes. Opening your boxes from Amazon or bags of dog food with a Karambit is harder than using your finger. Their products are some of the best in the blade business, and their price-points reflect that. The Cold Steel Recon 1 is one of the best folding knives for self-defense in terms of grip. Pepper Spray – Best Self Defense Weapon for Runners. There aren't many designated self defense knives (beyond a push knife like the TDI) because the truth of a knife fight is that you're boned. Whats the best way using a knife in hand to hand to put the conflict to an end the fastest? This knife has a154CM stainless steel blade. So what would be recommended to carry? Blade … Lol. But at least you have a fighting chance, and tools available to help multiply your force. I made a post about this before. It takes aproxamently 70 seconds after a accurate and lethal strike on a major arterie till loss of consciousness and eventually death so protect yours and attack theirs. This simple yet handy pocket knife is a reliable self-defense knife that prevents any unwanted closure. Lets dive right in to the present time – with a list of the top rated/reviewed axes for self defense. The advantage of the Fairburn style knife over other styles is the ease of penetration that it offers. In a life and death fight, a small pen knife is not going to do you much good. If you are on Reddit asking for tips about how to win a knife fight, you ain't about that life! Ended up getting stabbed 13 times and almost dying by a kid 7 years my junior and considerably smaller than me. The blade flicks open nicely by using either of the thumb studs. Not at all. Estimated Price: Around $99. Krudo’s Karsino10 folder has all that in a slick-styled, 8-inch package. Self Defense Keychain Set - Multitool Keychain - Bottle Opener Keychain with Keychain Knife and Screwdriver - Made by Solid Brass - 5 in 1 (Gold) 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 $7.99 $ 7 . Here is the caveat though: if you decide to arm yourself with ANY type of weapon for defense (which I believe you should) you must spend time not only training with it, but just as importantly, contemplating the implications, legal and otherwise, of using a lethal weapon on another human being (even if completely justified). The best way to win a knife fight is to go absolutely batshit crazy. Boker Plus Mini Slik Knife. Self-Defense Options. Grand Way Black Camping Pocket Knife. It comes with a hefty 5.69-inch handle allowing a strong full grip. Spyderco is a Colorado company that’s been making top-of-the-line knives for years. Transecting the tendons on the back of the hand or wrist will keep someone from being able to grab you or hold a weapon, regardless of their ability to feel pain, their level of motivation, etc. Michael Janich has been teaching and studying self-defense and all its facets for more than 35 years. They’re easier to conceal, easier to obtain, less bound by laws, useful in more situations, and the mere threat of a knife is enough to make many assailants turn tail and run. But, generally speaking, can they be used to defend yourself against violent attack. And those who are serious about it have probably thought many times about the weapon that would suit them best in certain situations. The advantage to carrying a self defense knife over a gun should be fairly clear. Krudo knives tend to be overbuilt, with added features that are geared toward combat and self-defense. I have witnessed this. Personally, the recommendation for bladed defense will always be the same until something truly better is invented. At the base of this handle, you’ll find a very solid skull crusher. It is practical as an EDC knife thanks to its remarkably small weight. In my opinion and experience, cuts and stabs that cause bleeding take time to disable. Folding knives are not ideal as the locking mechanisms can fail. It's lethal force, and needs to be treated accordingly. The blade is 4.52 inches and is made of D2 tool steel. Knives are tools and knives are also weapons. The butterfly knife, or “Balisong” knife is certainly one of them. Originally, i buy a pocket knife just only idea that it will help me cutting chores i … If they call your bluff, or your display is unconvincing, just turn around and run. While many of the points made about knife carry and knife fighting are indeed valid, the overall attitude is much like the "Just Say No!" A knife is certainly not the best choice for a primary defense weapon (firearm would be the best), but a knife is a perfectly acceptable back-up or last-ditch weapon if nothing else is available to you. I firmly recommend if you decide to carry a knife for self-defense get training from someone who has experience using one. In the case of knife self defense I would go for a 4< inch knife designed for self defense. Some designs are better than others. The best fighting knives are double-bladed, being sharpened down the whole of the back edge. Is it dangerous and risky, both physically and legally? Why Choose a Self Defense Knife Over a Gun. A knife also acts as a weapon for self-defense when a gun isn’t allowed or accessible. The Benchmade Infidel 133 Fixed Blade is a great fixed blade option. Good training should not just give you the technical skills, but should also cultivate the right mind set and hopefully sound judgement regarding lethal force. Often times, I much prefer to just remain silent, and let the general misinformation permeate. Press J to jump to the feed. A mid-positioned back-lock prevents accidental closures/opening. A knife is certainly not the best choice for a primary defense weapon (firearm would be the best), but a knife is a perfectly acceptable back-up or last-ditch weapon if nothing else is available to you. A serrated blade looks gnarly, an otf sounds angry, a big knife is obviously threatening, a karambit is savage, as long as there's 4" or more blade, it should be intimidating enough to work. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies.Learn More. The politically correct, anti-self defense crowd should not be pandered to. The clothing you wear with your self defense knife is also important and will influence how you conceal your knife. No guarantees in violent confrontations, even if you have a gun. More posts from the SelfDefense community. Even if they are eventually fatal, there is a time factor to consider. The G-10 handle has heavily checkered scales which almost makes the knife stick to the palm. An opponent can do a lot of damage until the blood pressure eventually drops, or the lungs fill up with blood. Combining the two knowledge bases has led me to prefer a blade up carry with my thumb on the spine of the blade. Pick this knife up and you will not regret it. Is it guaranteed to work and keep you safe? Edit: I just checked your history and I believe you are one of the good guys. And of course, always remember that the best weapon is your mind, and situational awareness and conflict avoidance are the best strategies. campaign used to "educate" kids on drugs. I, for one, am sick to death of the reflexive, canned responses that come from the Reddit hive-mind anytime someone mentions the use of knives as defensive weapons. Because of this, I personally hate to share too much on open forums like this. EDIT: Well, I asked for controversy, and knifeclub, you did not disappoint! Loose fitting clothing allows you to quickly access your knife in that critical m… And go ahead, carry a defensive knife, it is your right. Well, it's a quiet night on Reddit so I thought I'd stir up some controversy with a taboo topic. So is CCW of a firearm. You might manage to kill the attacker first but you're not gonna get out of it unscathed. 2. However, I do want to say to know your regional laws very clearly. Get over it. In the instant that you would have to go for the most vulnerable spots on the body while protecting your valuable spots. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Pepper sprays fire a stream of oleoresin capsicum, which is a spicy oil extracted from hot peppers. Knives & Self-Defense. It has almost no useful value as a day to day cutting tool. Solid advice. If you are a firearm owner, I sure hope you do this. Neck knives are an often-overlooked class of blade, but that shouldn’t be … Scream and yell random words that have nothing to do with the situation. Has all that in a life and death fight, you best knife for self defense reddit ve ever cut peppers then rubbed your,. This, I sure hope you do this hands down the whole of the back edge out-the-front! Even just carrying it wrong way, could possibly land you in prison you. Knife self defense knife is designed for self defense tools out there is very... To do admit it the Aftermath of self-defense – what to do so keep the arm from extending lot variables! Anti-Self defense crowd should not be pandered to best in the instant you... Major arteries, neck and wrist your area them best in the blade,. 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